Lesson Plan for the 7th grade "I wish ..."

Про матеріал

Lesson Plan for the 7th grade "I wish ..." is aimed to develop students' skills in reading for gist and reading for detail. It consists of the lesson plan itself, the coursebook page, the gist-reading activity, the detailed reading activity and the power point presentation to pre-teach the vocabulary.

Перегляд файлу

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Get on nerves

Номер слайду 2

Get upset

Номер слайду 3

Look up to

Номер слайду 4

Lose your temper

Номер слайду 5

Count your blessings

Номер слайду 6

Don’t get me wrong

Номер слайду 7

Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9

Номер слайду 10

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

Перегляд файлу

Lesson Plan

Information about the class


There are 14 students in the class aged 12 to 13. I’ve been teaching these students for 2 years. They are well behaved. Most of the students are hard-working. They usually finish the task first. These students understand listening and reading well. Their written English is mostly accurate.

Some students of this class are quiet but they still try hard to study English. They do writing tasks quite well. They are good at reading and listening. However, they are not very confident to speak English. Few students have problems with their listening. They find understanding listening texts difficult. They are not very confident when speaking. They make a lot of mistakes doing written tasks.



Lesson aim(s)


Students will practise reading for gist and detail.

They will practise ‘wish’ to talk about a present situation that you want to be different





All of us teach multiple level classes. Students have various temperaments, inclinations, interests and abilities. So it is essential to aid differentiation by providing different tasks to support weaker students and offer extension activities for stronger ones. Students can do various activities at their own level of ability.




Language analysis (for lessons which include teaching vocabulary and grammar)





I wish + Past Simple





get me wrong

get on nerves


get upset


count your blessings


look up to


lose temper

We use wish to say that we regret something, that something is not as we would like it to be.


misunderstand me


bother or annoy


become unhappy or worried


be thankful


respect or admire


get angry






/get mi rɒŋ/


/get ɒn nɜːvz/


/get ʌpˈset/


/kaʊnt jə ˈbles.ɪŋ/


/lʊk ʌp tə/


/luːz ‘tempə/


Materials (referenced)

Coursebook (In Touch 3, Longman), flashcards, handouts, Power Point Presentation




Students are expected to be familiar with vocabulary on the topic ‘Family relationship’.

They have already learnt Conditional II and I wish +Past Simple




Anticipated difficulties



Students might use the wrong form of ‘wish + past simple’. They may use Present simple after ‘wish’



Show the form on the board and give examples.


Some students might be quiet and shy



Use a pair /group work.



Students might try to understand every word while reading for gist


Explain that the students have to read the whole text, though not necessarily very thoroughly, in order to do gist activities. The idea is for students to get an overview of the text, which can help them when they return to the text to find more detailed information.



Board Plan

Пов’язане зображення


         I wish I were an only child


                                              I wish + Past Simple

get on my nerves                                I wish I had a brother

get upset                                             I wish I could fly

count your blessings

look up to                                                                                                Error correction

lose temper

get me wrong                                                                                          Homework







Stage aim





Get students interested in the lesson

I ask students to read the title of the text and guess what it means. As a clue I put a picture on the board (I use a cartoon on p.49). It means that what other people have always looks attractive so you wish you had it. Students try to predict as much as possible about the text before reading.



2 mins

Elicit grammar

To provide a context through which to teach grammar

I tell students about relationships with my sister, show a picture and write a sentence on the board. I ask if any students ever have problems with their brothers or sisters.

T - Ss

2 mins

Pre-teach vocabulary

To help learners understand the text

I show students PPT with new words and explain them. I write new words on the board and practise pronunciation. I ask CCQs to check students’ understanding of the vocabulary.

T - Ss

7 mins

Gist -reading activity

To help learners get a general idea of the text


I put students into groups using ClassDojo. (I’ve grouped them before. But students think that it is random). Students of the first and second groups match the headings to the corresponding paragraphs.Students of the third and fourth groups put events in correct chronological order as they appear in the text. I set a time limit of 2 minutes. I ask ICQs. Students read the text silently and do the tasks



5 mins


To check students’ general comprehension

First students check their answers in pairs. Then I check the answers with the whole class



2 mins

Detailed reading activity

To help learners understand more of the text

I explain students that they are going to read the text one more time. I encourage students to read the text in detail. Stronger students answer the questions in a written form and weaker students complete the sentences. I monitor them and help them focus their reading.


7 mins


To check more detailed comprehension

I conduct whole class feedback.


2 mins

Grammar revision

To revise grammar and to prepare students for post-reading activity

I show a model sentence of I wish + Past Simple on the board and ask students to find examples in the text. They do ex. 5b, p49 in the coursebook.


6 mins

Post-reading activity

To get learners to speak or to write

Students work individually. I set a time limit of 5 mins. Stronger students write sentences with “I wish…”.Weaker students fill in the blanks with the most appropriate verbs. I monitor students, help them if it is necessary, take notes of mistakes. Students check each other’s answers. Then I check the answers with the whole class.




9 mins

Whole-class feedback

Error correction

To give useful feedback that helps students improve and give then confidence


I tell the class what students did well and give them some advice on how to improve. I write on the board good examples and bad examples of the language. Students correct themselves.


T -Ss

2 mins


To provide further consolidation

I tell students to write at least 10 sentences with “I wish I …..”





Перегляд файлу





Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate verbs.

did    met     had        lived       were       spoke         got     were    spent    



  1. I wish I __________ a millionaire.
  2. I wish I __________ a fast car.
  3. I wish I __________ English.
  4. I wish I __________ in a big house.
  5. I wish I __________ holidays in Italy.
  6. I wish I __________ an only child.
  7. I wish I __________ a famous person.
  8. I wish I __________ good marks.
  9. I wish I __________ homework.
Перегляд файлу

Read the text again and complete the sentences

  1. If I were an only child ……
  2. I wish I had a brother ……
  3. But if you lived with …….
  4. If I were you……
  5. Sarah doesn’t have ……..



Read the text again and complete the sentences

  1. If I were an only child ……
  2. I wish I had a brother ……
  3. But if you lived with …….
  4. If I were you……
  5. Sarah doesn’t have ……..



Read the text again and complete the sentences

  1. If I were an only child ……
  2. I wish I had a brother ……
  3. But if you lived with …….
  4. If I were you……
  5. Sarah doesn’t have ……..



Read the text again and complete the sentences

  1. If I were an only child ……
  2. I wish I had a brother ……
  3. But if you lived with …….
  4. If I were you……
  5. Sarah doesn’t have ……..


Перегляд файлу

Match the headings to the corresponding paragraphs

  1. Older brother worries about marks at school
  2. Feeling lonely in a small family
  3. Advice for a quieter place to study
  4. Problems with younger brothers
  5. Accepting advice

1.                 2.                3.                 4.            5.






Put events in the correct chronological order as they appear in the text

  1. If you lived with them, you wouldn’t be able to study.
  2. Brothers get on my nerves
  3. I’ll talk to my parents
  4. If I were you, I wouldn’t lose my temper
  5. I wish I had good marks at school


1.                 2.                3.                 4.            5.


Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Планування
18 лютого 2018
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