Позакласний захід з англійської мови "The land of fairy-tales"

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Позакласний захід з англійської мови "The land of fairy-tales"для учнів 1, 3, 8 класів у рамках проведення тижня англійської мови. Сценарій заходу складається з трьох казок : "Kolobok" (ляльковий театр), "Cinderella" та "Wooden house".

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Тема: « The land of fairy-tales»

Мета: формувати навички правильної вимови звуків англійської мови, інтонування речень, збагачувати словниковий запас учнів,

сприяти розвитку творчої фантазії та здібностей учнів , акторської майстерності, заохочувати пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови, виховувати почуття прекрасного, повагу до культур та традицій інших народів, вміння соціального спілкування.

Presenter:  Good morning dear guests!

We are very glad to see you at our royal palace.

Today is an unusual day! It is the princess’s birthday!

The party should begin at ___. But now it is ___.

What happened? I`ll try to find out it from the king, (Підходить до короля) 

What`s the matter? Why didn`t you begin the party?

King: My daughter is very ill. She can not laugh. Today she has a birthday and I invited  fairy-tales to make her laugh.

Presenter: So, welcome to « The land of fairy-tales».

Hope you will have a wonderful time together with our little actors and singers.

Let’s invite the pupils of the 8-th form with their fairy-tale « Cinderella».


Cinderella. Hello. I’m Cinderella. I’ve got a stepmother and two sisters. They don’t love me. They say, “Do this and that”. And I do all the jobs!

Sister1. Mummy! I’m so happy! The Prince wants to have a ball.

Sister2. Yes, he wants to have a big ball! And we can go there.

Step - mother. Very good, my daughters. I want to see the Queen and her son.

Sister1. Oh, I want to meet the Prince, too. I want to dance with him. And you?

Sister2. Yes, of course! I like the Prince so much. And I love to dance!

Cinderella. Can I go with you?

Step - mother. What? Do you really want to go to the ball? Funny girl!

You can’t go there.

Sister1. You haven’t got a good dress.

Sister2. And you haven’t got nice shoes.

Cinderella. Mummy, sisters, please! I want to go to the ball so much.

Step - mother. If you want really to go to the ball you must clean our home, cook dinner, wash the floor an dishes, water flowers.

Step - mother and sisters. Ha - ha - ha! You can’t go with us, bye!

Cinderella. My step - mother and sisters are so happy! But I ….

Fairy. You are so sad, Cinderella. I can help you.

Cinderella. Who’s that?

Fairy. This is me, Fairy.

Cinderella. What can you do, dear Fairy?

Fairy. Look, Cinderella!

Cinderella. Oh, this is magic! I have got a nice dress and fine shoes. Thank you so much!

Fairy. You are welcome. You can go to the ball and dance. But at twelve you won’t have your fine dress and nice shoes. Good bye.

Cinderella. Good bye! Thank you!

Sister1. Look, mother this is prince! He is very handsome.

Sister2. Oh, I would like to dance with him.

 Prince. Hello, Princess. Nice to meet you.

Cinderella. Hello. Nice to meet you, too.

Prince. Let’s dance with me, Cinderella.

Cinderella. Oh, I like to dance very much.

Cinderella. Oh, it’s twelve! I’m sorry, dear Prince! Good bye.

Prince. No, please! Where are you? What’s your name?

Prince. This is her shoe. It can help me.

Sister1. Sister, do you remember the girl who danced with the Prince yesterday?

Sister2. Of course, I remember her, she was very beautiful! Mother, do you know her name?

Mother. No, I don’t know her name, I don’t know who she is.

Mother. Who is there?

Prince. Hello! I have got a shoe. Can you try it on, please?

Step - mother and sisters. Yes, of course!

Prince. No, it’s not your shoe. It’s very small.

Cinderella. Please, can I try it on?

Prince. Yes, of course you may.

 Prince. Oh, you are my Princess! I am happy!

Princess: It is very interesting. But I want one more fairy-tale!

Presenter: Let’s see the play «Rolling Roll» prepared by the pupils of the 3-d form.

2. «Rolling Roll»

There lived an old man and his wife. The old man said one day:

(Old man) - Granny, bake a roll, please!

(Old woman) - But we have no flour!

She swept and scraped up two handfuls of flour.

She mixed the pastry with sour cream and rolled out a roll, fried it in butter… …and put it on the window sill to cool down.

The roll got fed up of sitting on the sill…

and rolled away…

As he was rolling down the path a hare approached it and said:

 I am happy, I am glad.
I am round, I am fat.
I am funny, I am big.
I can run and jump and hip.

Bun: Who are you?

I am a hare.
I am grey.
I am hungry.
I want to eat you.

No, no, no!
I can run away from you!

Tilly – Billy - Tilly – hop, 
Tilly - Billy - Tilly – hop,
Tilly - Billy - hip – hop - hop.
I am, I am Kolobok!

Bun: Who are you?

I am a wolf.
I am grey.
I am hungry.
I want to eat you.

No, no, no!
I can run away from you!

Tilly - Billy - Tilly - hop, 
Tilly - Billy - Tilly - hop,
Tilly - Billy - hip - hop - hop.
I am, I am Kolobok!

Bun: Who are you?

I am a bear.
I am brown.
I am hungry.
I want to eat you.

No, no, no!
I can run away from you!

Tilly - Billy - Tilly - hop, 
Tilly - Billy - Tilly - hop,
Tilly – Billy - hip - hop - hop.
I am, I am Kolobok!

Who are you?
Fox: I am a fox.
I am orange.
I am hungry.

No, no, no!
I can run away from you!

I don’t  want to eat you!
Lets be friends!

Tilly - Billy - Tilly - hop, 
Tilly - Billy - Tilly - hop,
Tilly - Billy - hip – hop - hop.
I am, I am Kolobok!

The more we get together, be happier we” ll be

For your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends.

The more we get together the happier we” ll be !

 Presenter:  Did you like the fairy-tale?

Princess:Of, course, I did. But I am a little bit tired of plays and fairy-tales.

How do you like the idea of listening to a song?

Presenter: That’s great! By the way, Sophia Mashtalir has prepared a beautiful song « Smile».

Would you like to listen to it!

Princess: Certainly. Let’s invite her  to the stage.

3. Song « Smile»

Princess: Such a lovely song! I liked it.

Presenter: And now one more fairy-tale «Wooden House» prepared by the pupils of the 1-st form.

4.«Wooden House»
Возле леса – Wooden House,
Мимо шла малышка Mouse.
Mouse: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house? Nobody. I can live in the house.
Frog: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I am a Mouse. I live in the house. Who are you and what can you do?
Frog: I am a Frog. I can swim and jump.

Mouse: Very good. Come in.
Hare: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?
Hare: I am a Hare. I have a big family.
I have a mother
I have a father
I have a sister
I have a brother.
Mouse: Very good. Come in
Cock: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Hare: I am a Hare.
Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?
Cock: I am a Cock. I like a clock: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.
Mouse: Very good. Come in.
Как проснутся все вокруг,
Cock – спортсмен уж тут как тут!
Всех зовет он на зарядку,
Звери вышли на полянку.
( song Head and shoulders,)
Bear: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Hare: I am a Hare.
Cock: I am a Cock.
Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?
Bear: I am a Bear. Look at my flowers – they have many colours: red, yellow, white, blue, orange, pink.

Mouse: Very good. Come in.
Дружно Friends- друзья живут,
И друг друга берегут!
Каждый день встречают вместе,
Исполняя эту песню!
(Hockey- pockey)
Princess:Oh, I am happy. I can smile. Thank you!

Presenter: Unfortunately, time flies quickly and our show is coming to the end.

We want to thank all the pupils for their wonderful presentations, our teachers for the party and all the guests for visiting our show.

Our land of fairy-tales is over.

Thank you for your attention. Goodbye!


Тривалість заходу -40 хв.( приблизно)


18 лютого 2018
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