Лялькова вистава "Little house in the wood"

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Постановка лялькової вистави "Little house in the wood" cтворює сприятливі умови для розвитку індивідуальних здібностей учнів,розвиває творчі драматичні здібності школярів та талановитість, розвиває мовну культуру, пізнавальний інтерес учнів, дає можливість усім дітям розвивати і задовольняти естетичні потреби і посильно проявляти себе в мистецтві
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Characters: a Mouse, a Frog, a Cock, a Hare, a Hedgehog, a Fox.

Mouse. Hello! I’m the mouse, this is my house. It’s very nice, but I am not happy, because I have no friends. (Singing)

               My Mickey is over the ocean,

                   My Mickey is over the sea,

                   My Mickey is over the ocean,

                   Oh, bring back my Mickey to me.

                   Bring back, bring back.

                   Oh winds, you’ve blown over the ocean,

                   Oh winds, you’ve blown over the sea,

                   Oh winds, you’ve blown over the ocean,

                   Oh bring back my Mickey to me.

Oh, somebody’s coming!

Frog. Croak, croak, hello! Who are you?

Mouse. Hello! I’m the Mouse. And who are you? What can you do?

Frog. I’m the Frog. I can sing, I can dance and everybody likes me. (Singing.)

                   The sun is so shining and birds’ re singing their songs,

                   You won’t be able to find  us, you’ll fail in it, of course.

                    But near the river you’ll see green funny frog,

                   And anyone will sing its joyful song with pleasure:

                    Croak, croak, croak ,croak!

 Mouse. It was nice!

 Frog. Thanks! May I live with you, dear Mouse?

Mouse. Yes, you may, be my friend!

      They are dancing.

Frog. Oh, somebody’s coming!

Cock. Cock – a – doodle – doo! How do you do? Who are you?

Mouse. I’m the mouse.

Frog. And I’m the Frog. And who are you? What can you do?

Cock. I’m the Cock. I can sing in the morning and fight. (Singing)

   Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o

   And on that farm he had some cocks, e-i-e-i-o

   Cock- a – doodle – doo here, Cock – a – doodle – doo there ,

   Every morning, every evening. Cock – a – doodle – doo there.

Mouse, Frog (together). It was fine!

Cock. May I live with you?

Mouse. Yes, you may. We need a protector.

Frog. But don’t wake us up early!

Mouse. Please, don’t wake us up early! Be our friend!

Cock. Oh, no! Don’t worry about that! I’ll be your friend!

Mouse, Frog (together). Come in, please!

  They are dancing.

Frog. Oh, somebody’s coming!

Hare. How do you do? Who are you?

Mouse. I’m the mouse.

Frog. I’m the Frog.

Cock. I’m the Cock. And who are you? What can you do?

Hare. I’m the Hare. I can sing, I can dance, and I can jump. I’m not afraid of anybody! (Singing).

        I am not afraid, I am not afraid,

       Of the evil Fox, and the brown Wolf.

       I’ll  catch them in net, ‘twill be very bad,

       Everybody will tremble without move!

 Mouse. It was good!          

Hare. May I live with you, and be your friend?

Mouse, Frog, Cock (together). Yes, you may! Come in, please!

They are dancing.

Mouse. Oh, somebody’s coming!

Hedgehog. How do you do? Who are you?

Mouse. I’m the Mouse.

Frog. I’m the Frog.

Cock. I’m the Cock.

Hare. I’m the Hare. And who are you? What can you do?

Hedgehog. I’m the Hedgehog. I’m industrious and kind. I can sing, I can dance, and everybody likes me. (Singing).

    In the little wood I lived for a long time.

    But it was a pity I had no, I had no, I had no good and honest friends.

   Then I decided so – to find a real friends,

   And believe that I find them without fail and they’ll be best,

   Oh, ye, oh, ye, oh, ye.

Mouse. It was good!

Frog, Cock, Hare (together). Good for you!

Hedgehog. May I live with you? I want to be your friend.

Mouse. Yes, you may!

Frog. Yes, you may!

Cock. Yes, you may!

Cock. But, please, don’t prick us.

Hedgehog. Oh, no, don’t worry about that!

All. Come in, please!

They are dancing.

Mouse. Oh, somebody’s coming!

Fox. I’m your friend, the Fox! I am so poor, I have no house. (Singing).

   What can I say, what can I say?

    There are a lot of people

    Who want to drive me far away

    As a poor little kitten.

    But first of all,

    But first of all,

    You stop and think a little –

    To hurt a red and pretty fox

    Is really forbidden.

    Isn’t my song beautiful?

    So may I live with you?

All. No, no, you are bad; you want to eat us up! Go away!!! (Singing.)

     We are friends, we are friends.

     We’ve really defense,

     We live in a house,

     We are…

Mouse. Little mouse.

Frog. Jumping frog.

Cock. Singing cock.

 Hare. Quick grey hare.

Hedgehog. Hedgehog.

All. We are not afraid of fox,

We are not afraid of fox!

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Англійська мова, Сценарії
26 квітня 2020
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