Лялькова вистава "The Little Round Bun"

Про матеріал
Постановка лялькової вистави "The Little Round Bun" сприяє естетичному розвитку учнів, формуванню артистичних навичок, умінь перевтілюватися, розвиває сценічні та творчі здібності учнів, збагачує досвід дітей новими думками, почуттями, враженнями, дає можливість школярам ознайомитися з питаннями драматургії, сприяє саморозвитку і самореалізації учнів.
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          The Little Round Bun.

Pupil 1: Once upon a time there lived an old woman and an old man. They were very   poor. And they were often very   hungry. One day the old man said,

The old man: If you scrape the flour – bin, and if you sweep the barn, you will have enough flour for a round bun!

The old woman: OK. I’ll make a little round bun, bake it and put it the window – sill to cool.

The Round Bun lay on the window – sill a little and then rolled slowly – from the window onto the bench, from the bench onto the porch, from the porch into the yard, through the gate on and on. So he rolled the road and saw a Rabbit.

The Rabbit: Hello, Round Bun, I think I shall eat you up.

The Little Round Bun: Please, don’t eat me, Brother Rabbit, I shall sing you a song.

I am a Little Round Bun,

Scraped from the flour – bin,

I was swept from the barn,

Baked and cooled on the sill.

I have run away from Grandpa,

I have run away from Grandma,

I’ll run away from you!

Certainly, I will.

Pupil 1: And off he rolled down the road and the Rabbit saw him no more. So he rolled and saw a Wolf.

The Wolf: Hello, Round Bun, I think I shall eat you up.

The Little Round Bun: Please, don’t eat me, Brother Wolf, I shall sing you a song.

I am a Little Round Bun,

Scraped from the flour – bin,

I was swept from the barn,

Baked and cooled on the sill.

I have run away from Grandpa,

I have run away from Grandma,

I have run away from Rabbit,

And I’ll run away from you!

Certainly, I will!

Pupil 2: And off he rolled down the road and the Wolf saw him no more. So he rolled and saw a Bear.

The Bear: Hello, Round Bun, I shall think I shall eat you up.

The Little Round Bun: Please, don’t eat me, I shall sing you a song.

I am a Little Round Bun,

Scraped from the flour – bin,

I was swept from the barn,

Baked and cooled on the sill.

I have run away from Grandma,

I have run away from Grandpa,

I have run away  from Rabbit,

And I’ll run away from you!

Certainly, I will!

Pupil 2: And off he rolled down the road and the Bear saw him no more. So he rolled and saw a Fox.

The Fox: Where are you going, Round Bun?

The Little Round Bun: Down the road.

The Fox: Sing a song to me, please.

Pupil 1: And the Round Bun began to sing.

The Little Round Bun: I am a Little Round Bun,

Scraped from the flour – bin,

I was swept from the barn,

Baked and cooled on the sill.

I have run away from Grandpa,

I have run away from Grandma,

I have run away from Rabbit,

I have run away from Wolf,

I have run away from Bear,

And I’ll run away from you!

Certainly, I will!

The Fox: Oh, the song is so beautiful, but I can’t hear you well. Sit on my nose, Round Bun, and sing again, a bit louder this time, please.

Animals: No, no, it’s a bad fox!

Pupil 1: the Round Bun jumped onto the Fox’s nose and sang his song again. Suddenly the old man and the old woman came out of the wood. The Fox got scared and quickly ran away. And the Round Bun was very happy to see them again.

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Англійська мова, Сценарії
26 квітня 2020
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