"Mass Media.Television"

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Конспект уроку англійської мови у 9 класі на тему "Засоби масової інформації.Телебачення"
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Aims and objectives:

  •          to revise and enrich pupils’ vocabulary on the topic “Mass Media”;
  •          to develop listening skills of pupils through methods of interactive activities;
  •          to practise listening, speaking and reading on the topic;
  •          to develop culture of communication;
  •          to do grammar exercises (relative Clauses)
  •          to cultivate love for the Motherland.

Equipment: an interactive board; handouts (pictures, cards with words, texts, big sheets of paper, glue).



                          The motto of the lesson:




                                                      Newton Minnow (an American  lawyer) 



  1.                   Introduction

1.Organization moment. Greetings.


T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. I think you are all fine and I hope you will be very active and energetic during our lesson. I am sure our guests are here to encourage you and enjoy our company. Let’s greet them. Sit down, please. And let’s start.

2.Warming up




3.Phonetic drill


Read a special / ∫ / - story:

  The question was whether Sean and Sheila should spend our vacation in Sheffield or at the seashore. Sean favoured the seashore  where he could fish, watch the ships and splash around the water. Sheila was anxious to do some shopping and wished to go to Sheffield. After some discussion  Sean and Sheila compromised by spending a short time in Sheffield and a short time at the shore.

4.Check hometask

(діти обмінюються зошитами та перевіряють домашн завдання)


  1.              Main part.


  1. Introduction of the topic and the aims of the lesson.

Хмара слів

T. Children look and choose  theme of our lesson

P: We can get information about weather, news, famous people from radio, television, Internet.

T: You are right. So, today we’ll have a lesson devoted to Mass Media and television. During the lesson you will:

  •          revise and enrich your vocabulary on the topic: “Mass Media”;
  •          work in pairs and in groups over the kinds of Mass Media and different kinds of TV programmes;
  •          watch the video and do some tasks;


  So, what can we tell about Mass Media?

People have always wanted to be well-informed in current events. They used to read books, newspapers and magazines. The world was changing rapidly. Mass Media has become a very important part of our life. We all have already become listeners, readers, viewers long time ago. We get information we need while we are reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on the radio. If you want to relax, you can just switch on any FM station and enjoy music or you switch on your TV set, choose one of the music channels and have fun. Now you can hardly imagine that just more than 30 years ago there were no FM radio in our country, no satellite television and Internet at all. And we may assert that Mass Media is in control of most spheres in the life of society.


  2. Brain-storming. Work in groups.

T: Name the words the Mass Media must have. ( Pupils’ answers) Let’s divide these words into the following categories:







Let’s unite into four teams of four pupils. I’ll give you the cards with the names of the categories and a list of words which are associated with these categories. Your task is to match the words with the appropriate category. (You’ve got     minutes).



T: Read your work. You are right.


3. Developing of listening and speaking skills.

T: Now, let’s speak about one of the parts of Mass Media – Television. What is this word associated with?

Pair work.

T: You are right. And now I’ll give you the stripes of paper. On some of them you will find the description of TV programmes, on others – the names of TV programmes are written. Look at the descriptions, read them and the person who has the name of this programme will read it.


        Description                                         TV Programme

Watching this programme                   This is the sport news.

You may find out about box-

ing from Kyiv, swimming

from Sidney and football

from Liverpool.


        Description                                           TV Programme

Some funny stories from                       This is the animated cartoon.

Disneyland with Donald Duck.   


        Description                                           TV Programme

You can take a TV course on                 This is the educational pro-                                                            

history, political economy,                     gramme.

management and on many

other subjects.


        Description                                            TV Programme

We can see it between and                      This is the advertisement.

during the programmes. It                       (commercial).

attracts all viewers by dif-

ferent goods: medicine, elec-

tronic equipment, householding

goods, perfumes and others.


         Description                                               TV Programme

Tomorrow’s weather.                               This is the weather forecast.


         Description                                               TV Programme

 A long interview with a                          This is the chat (talk) show.

famous person.


         Description                                               TV Programme

The latest events in the world                  This is the music programme.

of music, the fresh information

about popular Ukrainian and

foreign singers, this week’s

top ten.


         Description                                               TV Programme

In this programme they tell                      This is the news programme.

you what has happened today.


         Description                                               TV Programme

A serious film or television                      This is the documentary.

Programme that gives facts

about something.


 T: Well done. I see you know different TV Programmes and can easily recognize them.


4. Developing of the listening skills.

 Watching the video-trailer to the film “Pan”.


T: And now, we’ve got a very interesting task.

 You are going to watch a video trailer to the film “Pan” by Warner Brothers.

    I’ll give you the tasks on the sheets of paper. Here are tests. Look through the task attentively. What words don’t you understand?

    Let’s watch the trailer for the first time. Your task is to watch and to do the test. Choose the right letter from each sentence. (Watching to the trailer).

   Watch the trailer for the second time and check your answers. Exchange the papers with your neighbour and look at the answers on the screen. At the bottom of the sheets of paper you’ve got the criteria of the mark. Count your mistakes and put the mark for the work. Exchange your papers again and raise your hand who has got “12”. Excellent. And now - those who made only one mistake. Well… So I see you can listen and understand the English speech well.


5.Work in groups. Developing of the reading and writing skills.


  T: Now you have got a text “Television Programmes”. Your task is to read the text, to understand it and answer 6 questions after the text. Then you have to underline the sentences with the Relative Clause and tell what words connect two parts of the sentences. (You’ve got …min).

                    TELEVISION PROGRAMMES

  Let’s look at the television guide now and see what programmes we can watch today. I see that at 9:30 a.m. on the channel “One plus One” I may see a programme called “Tom and Jerry”. This is an American cartoon about a mouse and a cat that have many problems and funny situations. Next at 10:30 I see on the channel “Inter” they’re showing an American film called “Hard Nut”. This is a very popular action film about a police officer. The main star in the film is Bruce Willis. At noon I turn on the TV. On the local Kharkiv channel they’re showing a special programme about festivals in the city. I see that at 1:30 on the “1+1” channel they will be showing a programme called “The BBC Wildlife Show”. Today the programme will be discussing animals that live in a savanna in Africa. Next I see that we may watch a soap opera called “Roxolana”. It is about a very young, clever and beautiful Ukrainian girl who was taken to the Turkey. She was in the Turkish sultan’s harem and fought for her life and happiness. The main star of the film is Olha Sumska. Finally I see that in the evening if you are interested in what is happening in Ukraine and in the world you may watch the local evening news which is on at 8 o’clock on “Inter”. Also if you want to learn about sports news you may watch “Inter Sports” at 8:30. So those are some of the interesting programmes which you can see on television today.


                                 Answer the questions.

  1.     What kind of programme is “Tom and Jerry”?
  2.     What kind of film is “Hard Nut”?
  3.     Who is the star in the film?
  4.     When can you watch a programme about festivals in Kharkiv?
  5.     On what channel can you watch the “BBC Wildlife Show”?
  6.     What may you watch at 8 o’clock on “Inter”?

T: Read the text for the second time and find and underline the sentences with the Relative Clause. (You’ve got…min).

     Let’s check your task. What your answers for the questions? Read the sentences with the Relative Clause. What words connect two parts of the sentences in Relative Clause?

    Well done. I see you’ve got good reading and writing skills.




  1.              Final part.Summarising.

T: Our lesson is coming to the end. We have discussed some aspects of the theme. Did we find a golden mean? We tried to do it. So, use all advantages that the Mass Media offers us but don’t forget about real life.


Ex 2,3 p 98-99


  1.     Did you enjoy our lesson today?
  2.     Have you changed your mind about the place of the television in your life?
  3.     Do you think the television influences your life?
  4.     What are advantages and disadvantages of television?


  •          1.Television
  •          2. (2 adjectives)
  •          3.(3 verbs)
  •          4. Short sentence
  •          5.synonym


I’d like to thank everyone for the active participation. You worked hard. All of you have got a mark for the listening comprehension task. But I’d like to admit the pupils who worked the best today at the lesson….

  Stand up, please. The lesson is over. Good-bye!


































        Description                                         TV Programme

Watching this programme                  

You may find out about box-

ing from Kyiv, swimming

from Sidney and football

from Liverpool.


        Description                                           TV Programme

Some funny stories from                       .

Disneyland with Donald Duck.   


        Description                                           TV Programme

You can take a TV course on                                                                             

history, political economy,     .

management and on many

other subjects.


        Description                                            TV Programme

We can see it between and                     

during the programmes. It                      

attracts all viewers by dif-

ferent goods: medicine, elec-

tronic equipment, householding

goods, perfumes and others.


         Description                                               TV Programme

Tomorrow’s weather.                              


         Description                                               TV Programme

 A long interview with a                         

famous person.


         Description                                               TV Programme

The latest events in the world                 

of music, the fresh information

about popular Ukrainian and

foreign singers, this week’s

top ten.


         Description                                               TV Programme

In this programme they tell                     

you what has happened today.


         Description                                               TV Programme

A serious film or television                     

Programme that gives facts

about something.


























                    TELEVISION PROGRAMMES

  Let’s look at the television guide now and see what programmes we can watch today. I see that at 9:30 a.m. on the channel “One plus One” I may see a programme called “Tom and Jerry”. This is an American cartoon about a mouse and a cat that have many problems and funny situations. Next at 10:30 I see on the channel “Inter” they’re showing an American film called “Hard Nut”. This is a very popular action film about a police officer. The main star in the film is Bruce Willis. At noon I turn on the TV. On the local Kharkiv channel they’re showing a special programme about festivals in the city. I see that at 1:30 on the “1+1” channel they will be showing a programme called “The BBC Wildlife Show”. Today the programme will be discussing animals that live in a savanna in Africa. Next I see that we may watch a soap opera called “Roxolana”. It is about a very young, clever and beautiful Ukrainian girl who was taken to the Turkey. She was in the Turkish sultan’s harem and fought for her life and happiness. The main star of the film is Olha Sumska. Finally I see that in the evening if you are interested in what is happening in Ukraine and in the world you may watch the local evening news which is on at 8 o’clock on “Inter”. Also if you want to learn about sports news you may watch “Inter Sports” at 8:30. So those are some of the interesting programmes which you can see on television today.