Презентація "Конституція США".

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Презентація для 10 класу по темі "Across State Systems". Додатковий матеріал до уроку, що зображує політичну систему США та найвідоміших політичних діячів Америки.
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Номер слайду 2

After the war for independence, the most important disagreement was how to govern the new country. Some people wanted the nation to be a loose organization of states. They believed that citizens in each state should govern themselves. Others wanted a powerful national government to solve the problems of the new country. Each state had to give up some of its power so that the nation could be stronger.

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Articles of Confederation (1781-1788)There was no president. National Congress (a lawmaking body) consisted of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress was given authority to declare war, to establish an army and navy, to issue and borrow money. The Articles gave most power to the states. A law could be passed only if nine of the thirteen states voted for it.

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Articles of Confederation did not work well in practice. The states had too much power: They often acted like separate nations. Each state could coin its own money, arm its own soldiers and build its own navy. One of the biggest problems concerned foreign policy: Like any nation, the US needed to make treaties with foreign countries, but in 1785 most European nations did not respect American power.

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Constitutional Convention. In spring 1787 the states sent their 55 representatives to Philadelphia in order to take part in the Constitutional Convention and to write a new plan of government. This group included: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison.

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The project of the constitution was composed by James Madison.

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The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.

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On July 16, 1787 the plan of the new American government was completed. It created the House of Representatives and the Senate. Divided the political power among the three branches of government: The legislative branch. The executive branch. The judicial branch

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Under the new constitution the American nation would grow strong and united. George Washington was easily elected as the first US president. Cabinet of advisers consisted of 4 members: Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton Henry Knox Edmund Randolph

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Who was Abraham Lincoln? He was the 16th US president (1861 to 1865 )He is considered one of the three greatest US presidents Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (February 12th) was a holiday for many years throughout the country.

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Political Beliefs At that time, there was slavery in most of the southern US states, but not in the northern states. Lincoln opposed slavery. He believed the US (also called the “Union”) should stay one country.

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The Civil War Lincoln was determined to end slavery and keep the country together. In one of his speeches, he said: "Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the Nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came."

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The End of the War The North won the war in 1865. Slavery became illegal. The US remained one whole country. A few days later, President Lincoln and his wife went to see a play. While watching the play, he was shot and killed. He was the first US president to be assassinated.

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Lincoln Memorial The Lincoln Memorial in Washington

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Money. Lincoln’s profile is on the penny. On the back side is the Lincoln Memorial. His picture is also on the $5 bill.

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