Матеріали для закріплення теми "Health Serviсe in Ukraine"

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Матеріали можна використовувати для закріплення знань, умінь і навичок здобувачів освіти по темі "Health Serviсe in Ukraine"

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 In Ukraine medical help is available in hospitals, polyclinics, and also in medical centers in such places as factories and schools.

 Health service is based on local therapeutics as they are the first who diagnose. Some certain district is appointed to a polyclinic and this district is divided into several areas. Each area is appointed to certain therapeutics. All the people who live in that area visit their appointed doctor. Average number of people, visiting their doctor every day, is 20-25, but when there is an epidemic of cold, this number is 50-60 people a day. There is some tendency which is nowadays widely discussed, that a person him- or herself can choose the doctor he or she wants to visit. A person can call his local therapeutics so that the doctor will come and see his patient. The therapeutics examines a patient, assigns some treatment, prescribes some medicines and gives a medical certificate.

 In a hospital there is also a therapeutic department, where pneumonia, bronchitis or asthma are treated. There also exists a wide network of ambulance service in Ukraine. It was founded in Kharkiv in 1905.

 Nowadays there are a lot of fee-paying clinics where one can get any kind of medical help. Many of them are specialized: dentist offices, optical centers, etc.

 There also exist some medical associations in Ukraine, such as Ukrainian Diabetes Association. About 1 million people in Ukraine suffer from this disease. There people can get medical help or medicines free of charge.


EXERCISE 1.  Answer the questions:

1. Where do you have medical help in Ukraine?

2. What is health service based on in Ukraine?

3. What does therapeutics usually do when he visits a patient?

4. When was ambulance service founded in Ukraine?

5. Is there a private treatment in Ukraine?

EXERSICE 2. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

Certain; tendency; fee-paying; to suffer; an epidemic of cold; a medical certificate; a lot of fee-paying clinics; a medical certificate; optical centers; pneumonia; a wide network of ambulance service.

EXERCISE 3. Read the text and write down the missing words:

 If you have got a cold or (1)… you have to stay in bed and send for the doctor. He will come along and feel your (2)…, take your temperature, sound your (3)… .

 He will (4) … a diet for you; give you a prescription what medicine can bring down your temperature, which kinds of pills or tablets you have to use. If you have infectious (5) … you will be isolated from the other members of your (6) …, or you will be taken to the hospital at once.

 If you have (7) … you have to go to the dentist’s. The dentist will (8) … your sick tooth. You must follow all the instructions of the doctor if you want to be well soon.

Words: Prescribe, pulse, lungs, examine, sore throat, disease, toothache, family.

2 лютого 2023
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