Матеріали до підручника On Screen 2

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On Screen 2 матеріали із підручника для вивчення англійської мови: тексти, вправи, тести
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  Jobs & places of work

 1 Label the pictures with the correct job.









 1 s _ c _ _ t _ _ _

 2 l _ w _ _ _

 3 p _ _ _ _ _  o _ _ _ _ _ r

 4 g _ _ d _ _ er










 5 c _ o _

 6 f _ _ m _ _

 7 a _ c _ _ n _ _ _ _

 8 t _ _ _  g _ _ d _



 2 Match the jobs (1-5) to the places of work (A-E).


waiter A school

nurse  B office

teacher     C theatre

actor     D restaurant

accountant      E hospital



  Character adjectives

 3 Underline the correct item.

 1 Karen has very good manners; she is patient/ polite.

 2 Damien is quite unsociable/unimaginative; he doesn't like talking to people.

 3 Natasha always does the right thing; she’s very hard-working/responsible.

 4 Malcolm is too lazy/impatient to tidy his room; it's always a mess.

 5 Our neighbours are always very sociable/ friendly towards us.

 6 Erin always does what she says; she’s a very reliable/careful friend.



  Free-time activities

 4 Complete the table.

   swimming   a concert   out with friends   chores   basketball   the guitar   shopping   tennis 
 a sleepover   the theatre   aerobics   puzzles


do ...

play ...

go ...

go to ...










  Daily routine

 5 Match the columns to form phrases and then write them under the correct picture.


 do A bed

surf  B up

make     C TV

go to     D home

catch      E breakfast

get F homework

have        G the bed

watch        H the Net

go back        I the bus to school










 b ...............................

 c ...............................

 d ...............................

 e ...............................









 f ...............................

 g ...............................

 h ...............................

 i ...............................

General Revision

 6 Fill in: gain, make, gather, lead, live, deserve, form, survive.


 1 Superheroes have got a secret identity and ..................... double lives.

 2 Mike's grandparents ..................... alone in the country.

 3 We need to ..................... progress on this project by the end of the day.

 4 I usually ..................... an opinion about other people very quickly.

 5 At the animal training centre we learn how to ..................... the animals’ trust.

 6 You ..................... to feel proud after passing all your exams.

 7 Can you all ..................... around, please? I have got something to say.

 8 It's very difficult to ..................... in the outback without food or water.



 7 Choose the correct item.


 1 You can borrow books from a(n) ........... .

  A library  B office  C school


 2 My mum is a(n) ...........; she keeps records of money for her company.

   A secretary  B accountant  C lawyer


 3 We are going to the ........... tonight. There’s a really good play on.

   A theatre  B cinema  C concert


 4 A farmer works ........... looking after animals and crops.

  A indoors  B outdoors  C outback


 5 There are lots of things you can do to make a good first ........... in an interview.

  A contact  B opinion  C impression


 6 It’s important for superheroes to keep their real identity a ........... .

   A mistake  B peace  C secret


 7 Kevin is a(n) ........... at the riding school. He teaches classes on Saturdays.

  A instructor B agent  C clerk


 8 Regular ..........., like swimming or cycling, is good for you.

  A training  B sports  C exercise


  Phrasal Verbs

 8 Fill in: on, out, up, around, together.















  Present simple

 9 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple.


(you/enjoy) going shopping at the weekends?

 2 Sue
(go) to her ice-skating lesson at 7pm every Tuesday.

 3 I
(watch) TV in the evenings.

 4 The children
(not/live) near school.

 5 Dave
(not/like) playing computer games.

(Jeff/get up) early on Saturdays?



  Present continuous

10 Form questions and answer them using the present continuous.


 1 Mum/watch TV/at the moment? – send an email




 2 Pete/do homework/now? - have a shower




 3 Joe and Andy/play football/right now? - tennis



 4 Yvonne/go to the cinema/tonight? - go to a concert




 5 Neil and Jennifer/do their chores? – surf the Net




 6 Gillian/tidy her room? - eat dinner





  Present simple vs present continuous

11 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.


 1 What time
(you/fly) tomorrow?

 2 Carrie
(study) in the library at the moment.

 3 This homework is really difficult. I
................................. (need) help to finish it.

 4 What
(David/look) for?

 5 I
(play) tennis every evening.

 6 Dad
(not/drive) to work in the morning; he
................................. (walk) instead.

 7 Today, we
(meet) our new teacher at school.

 8 My brother
(watch) football on TV every Sunday.

  Adverbs of frequency

12 Fill in: usually, often, never, hardly ever, always, sometimes in the correct gap in the sentences.


 1 I ....................... get up ....................... early on Saturdays. (75%)

 2 Paul ....................... is ....................... late for work. (25%)

 3 I ....................... listen ....................... to pop music. (0%)

 4 We ....................... stay up ....................... late. (5%)

 5 She ....................... hangs out ....................... with friends at the weekend. (50%)

 6 They ....................... are ....................... friendly to new people. (100%)



Everyday English

13 Replace the underlined phrases (1-5) with phrases from the list.





 A: Hi, Grace. Are you busy this weekend?

 B: No, why?

 A: I’m going cycling on Saturday. 1) Do you want to come?

 B: 2) I don’t think so. I don’t really like cycling. 3) Let’s go horse riding instead?

 A: 4) That sounds great and we can have a picnic while we are there.

 B: Great. 5) I really enjoy picnics.



14 Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).




Susan Marks has got a very important job. She is a zoo keeper. She works at a zoo in Texas. There are over 3,500 animals to look after so she works as part of a big team! Susan gets up at 6:00 am and starts work an hour later. Her first task in the morning is to check that the animals are happy and healthy. Her next job is to clean where the animals sleep and give them fresh water. After this, she feeds the animals! The rhinos eat lots of carrots and apples and special biscuits that give them the vitamins they need.

Susan's favourite part of the day is when she gets to play with the animals. Right now she is helping to train a female tiger. Spending time with the tiger helps Susan gain her trust. It's hard work but the tiger is making progress.

At 5:00 pm when the zoo closes, Susan finishes work but her walk on the wild side starts all over again the next day!

 1 Susan works alone. .......

 2 She begins her job at 7:00 am. .......

 3 Her first job is to give food to the animals. .......

 4 The rhinos only eat fruit. .......

 5 The tiger is improving with Susan’s help. .......


15 You are going to hear five recordings about people's everyday lives. For each question (1-5), choose the right answer (A, B or C).


 1 What job is the woman describing?


  A  B  C








 2 Where is Fabio from?


  A  B  C








 3 What sport is Jenny going to do later?


  A  B  C








 4 Where is Arthur going on Friday?


  A  B  C








 5 Eddie is calling Brian

  A to cancel his trip. B to arrange a meal. C to get information.


16 Read the rubric, then write your email.


Write an email to a new efriend, Miriam (50-100 words). In your email:

  present yourself.

describe a typical weekday for you.

say what you prefer doing at the weekends.




Pairwork Activities Student A

Work with Student B. Ask questions to find out about a job for a gardener. Then answer students B's questions about the advert for a cook.

































 what/working hours?

 what/qualities/look for?




Pairwork Activities Student B

Work with Student A. Answer Student A’s questions about the job advert for a gardener. Then ask student A questions about a job as a cook.


















On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

We are looking for someone with two or more years experience who is hard-working
and reliable and likes to work outdoors.

Please apply online at




















Portfolio Activities

Name: …………………………………………………     Date: ……………………….     Class: ...................


Which free-time activities does your friend like doing? Choose a friend, ask them about the activities in the table and mark their answers on the table. Then write a short report with your findings.








Hardly ever



go ice-skating









play computer games









do puzzles









go to the cinema









play the guitar









go shopping









play football











In their free time, my friend always ........................................................


They usually ........................................................................

...................................................................... and they often .............................................................................


They sometimes .....................................................................

.................................................................. but they hardly ever .............................................................................


and they never ......................................................................



Students play against each other in groups of three to four, using a dice and counters. Students roll the dice and move their counters the same number of squares as the dice shows. Students have to correctly answer the question, complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets, choose the correct word, fill in the correct word or put the words in the correct order on the square their counter lands on. If a wrong answer is given, the student loses their turn. The first student to reach FINISH wins.



 1 Sarah ………... (not/like) jogging.

 2 I teach people how to swim. What am I?

 3 Becky is …………;
she doesn’t make mistakes.

 4 They …………. (watch) TV at the moment.








 6 Where does a doctor work?



 12 What time ……… (you/ get up) on weekdays?

 11 I drive people where they want to go. What am I?


 10 Where does a teacher work?

 9 Ella is ……….. ;
she doesn’t mind


 8 ………….
(Ken/do) his chores at the moment?

 7 Miranda likes to hang out/ up with her friends.












 14 is/Rob/ never/late.


 15 They catch the bus to school on/at 8:00 am.


 17 We ………….. (play) tennis tonight.

 18 Where does a secretary work?


 19 Ruth ……… (not/work) on Mondays.






 20 Gordon is ………; he makes really beautiful things.


 25 always/a/ has/shower/ Toby/in the morning.

 24 My dad …...……. (teach) me how to fish right now.

 23 I arrange holidays for people.
What am I?


 21 usually/ goes/Ali/to bed at 10:30 pm.



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29 травня 2020
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