Матеріали до уроку англійської мови у 8 класі з теми "Work in a Team"

Про матеріал

Подана презентація містить завдання, які допоможуть учителю опрацювати текст для читання, інтерактивні вправи для вивчення і практичного закріплення вживання минулого тривалого часу.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Work in a Team 4

Номер слайду 2

New vocabulary: once or twice a week to lock (to unlock) the door to turn on (to turn off) to switch on (to switch off) to fix (repair, mend) things to push to meet the school council school outings skipping classes anti-bulling strategies один раз або двічі на тиждень замикати (відкривати) двері вмикати (вимикати) вентилі /крани вмикати (вимикати) світло ремонтувати речі штовхати, підштовхувати збирати шкільну раду шкільні поїздки пропуск уроків дії по запобіганню правопорушенням

Номер слайду 3

Reading. Ex.3, p.82-831) ex.3a, p.81 – read and translate the statements2) ex.3b,p.82 – read and translate the text and insert the sentences in a proper place3) Answer the questions What does Mrs Jones do at school?What does Mr Jenkins do at school?What are Mr Goldring’s duties?What is Miss Havilland and what are her duties?What is Mr Rogers? What does he do at school?4) ex.4, p.83 – match the parts of word-combinations5) ex.5, p.83 – choose the correct answer

Номер слайду 4

Match the parts of word-combinations: To teach. To design. To fix. To unlock To repair To talk about School To borrow the Skipping Twice classes students’ problems the front door the books Maths outings programmes a month taps broken chairs

Номер слайду 5

Translate into English: Я можу назвати школу своїм «другим домом». Я проводжу у школі більшість мого часу. Ми маємо 6 або 7 уроків на день. Потім ми можемо зайнятися спортом, музикою, малюванням у різних позашкільних гуртках. Я вважаю, що наші учителі терплячі, суворі, але справедливі. Але наші вчителі хочуть, щоб ми стали гарними, розумними і відповідальними людьми. Хлопці і дівчата навчаються у школі разом.

Номер слайду 6

The Past Continuous Tense. Підмет + 𝑤𝑎𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 +дієслово. I ______ painting a picture at 7 p.m. My friend ______ reading a book from 5 to 7 p.m. Dan and Polly _____ doing their homework the whole evening yesterday. We _____ playing the guitar at noon yesterday. It ____ raining all day long yesterday. (not)ingwaswaswerewerewas

Номер слайду 7

Choose the correct variant: My father _______________ too quickly and he had an accident.were drivingwas drivewas drivingdriving 2. Scott's students _______________ some extensive reading when the fire alarm rang.were doingwas doingdoingwere do

Номер слайду 8

3. _______________ last night when I called?a) Was you workingb) Were you work c) Were you workingd) Did you working4. Katie _______________ her speciality yesterday when the food caught on fire.were cookingcookingwas cookingwas cook5. I _______________ on the test but the professor thought that I was. wasn't cheating weren't cheating was not cheating not cheating

Номер слайду 9

I _______________ TV when you called. was watching was watch watching were watching_______________ Prof. Kane's class yesterday when he was talking about the exam? Do you taking Were you take Were you taking Was you taking. I _______________ studying in the U. S. next year, but I realized that I needed to help my father with his new company first. considering was consider were considering was considering

Номер слайду 10

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences in the AFFIRMATIVE or the NEGATIVE. Use the Past Continuous. My grandad _______________ (SIT) on an armchair. I ____________________(DO) his homework.was sittingwas not doing

Номер слайду 11

The reporter _______________ (STAND) in front of the building. Martha _______________ (CHAT) on the Internet.was standingwas chatting

Номер слайду 12

Diana _________________ (WEAR) a red dress. Peter ____________________ (SWIM).was not wearingwas swimming

Номер слайду 13

John __________________ (RIDE) a horse. The tourists ____________________ (FLY) on a big aeroplane.was not ridingwere flying

Номер слайду 14

Write the words in brackets in the correct forms in English using Past Continuous Tense.1. He _____ all day yesterday. (rest)2. We _____ through the window when mother came in. (look)3. They ______ a newspaper when I entered. (read)4. I ______ to her but she. didn't hear me. (speak)5. I didn't go for a walk because it _____. (rain)6. When you telephoned I _____ my room. (sweep)7. They _____ with John's wife when I came in. (talk)8. While we _____ we heard a shot. (play)9. She _____ along the embankment when I met her yesterday. (walk)10. We _____ home when, it started to snow. (go)11. I _____ very hard when he called. (study)12. She _____ when his friend arrived. (sleep)13. They _____ to the lecture when the light went off. (listen)14. She still _____ when we returned home. (work)15. When he _____ his garden he found a silver coin. (dig)

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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 січня 2018
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