Матеріали до уроку англійської мови за темою "Health"

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Матеріали до уроку англійської мови за темою "Health" Сподіваюсь, що кожен вчитель у даній розробці знайде для себе щось нове та корисне!
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The state large chemist's shops as a rule have two departments. They are the hand department and prescription one. The medicines are kept in drug cabinets. It is important to store all medicines properly, because heat or moisture may cause the medicine to break down. At the chemist's shop we can buy tablets (lozenges), capsules, ointments, drops, syrups, suppositories, powders, topical solutions, creams, gels, and drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections.


If you use an over-the-counter (non-prescription) medicine, follow the directions on the label. Every medicine has instruction for using where the indications, contraindications, dosage, side effects, expiration date and others are indicated.


Before a patient leaves the chemist's shop with a medicine, the pharmacist must be certain that he/she has the right medication, correct dose, and directions for use. The pharmacist also has to provide information about how the drug works and side effects and ensure that there are no contraindications to the medicine and no harmful drug-drug, drug-food, or drug-disease interactions. The pharmacist is usually the last healthcare professional to have contact with patients before they receive their medicines. He/She is the final step in a system of checks and balances designed to ensure that medicines are used safely and effectively. So, before you use any medicine, the pharmacist and the doctor have to know:







Answer the questions

  1. Why is it important to store all medicines properly at the chemist’s shop?
  2. What kind of drugs we usually administered orally/ intravenous/ intramuscular/ subcuteneous/ rectal/ applying on the skin?
  3. What do you need to do before starting administ drugs?
  4. What are the pharmacist main responsibilities?
  5. Why is the role of pharmacist so important?
  6. What questions must a pharmacist ask a customer?
  7. What is the difference between over-the-counter and prescription medicine?






 Complete the following sentences with the given words:


1. Doctors write a _ for medicine which chemists or pharmacists make up.

(a) certification;  b)  prescription; c) receipt; d) recipe).


2.  A chemist always puts a _   on a bottle of medicine.

(a) label; b) receipt; c) program; d) ticket).


3. All medicines should be _ out of reach of children.

(a) stored; b) taken; c) kept; d) held).


4. It’s time to take another _ of medicine.

(a) cup; b) dose; c) drink; d) spoon).


5.  The medicine he takes can only _ the pain.

(a) heal; b) remedy; c) relieve; d) solve).






 Translate into English:


Зберігати медикаменти відповідним чином; рецептурний відділ;  безрецептурний відділ; спричиняти небажаний ефект; мати алергію до медикаментів; внутрішньовенна ін’єкція; внутрішньом’язова ін’єкція; ефективно застосувати медикаменти; вказувати відповідне дозування; побічний ефект;  медпрацівники;  розчин для місцевого застосування;  забезпечити відповідною інформацією.


Arrange the words with opposite meaning into the pairs:



Harmful, indication, artificial feeding, final, correct, born, state-owned, breast feeding, incorrect, harmless, unborn, contraindication, private, primary.

21 листопада 2022
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