Матеріали до уроку "Gadgets"

Про матеріал

Ідеї для проектів орієнтовані на навчальний зміст і структуру підручника New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate. Використання матеріалів сприятиме розвитку творчих здібностей учнів, практичному застосуванню отриманих навичок та вмінь, посиленню учнівської мотивації до вивчення предмету, дозволить учителю урізноманітнити навчальні види робіт.

Зміст архіву
Перегляд файлу

MODULE 8. Insert the words from the topical vocabulary to make a headline of the topic




Перегляд файлу



Predictions: WII and GOING TO


Directions: Give your opinions about how you will learn in the future (using WILL)


Where will you learn? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What subjects will you study? ___________________________________________________________________________________________

What subjects won’t you study? _________________________________________________________________________________________

How will you learn? (teachers, books, computers) ________________________________________________________________________


What age will you start/finish school?____________________________________________________________________________________

What will universities be like? ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Directions: Guess what the people are going to do


Peter is entering the bank.- He’s going to get some money.

Anna is entering the Sports Centre. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Jane is entering the restaurant. _________________________________________________________________________________________

Tom is entering the library. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Sue is entering the hospital. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Dan is entering the church. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Jacob is entering the train station. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Janet and Pete are entering the post office. ______________________________________________________________________________

Julie is entering the park. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Bob and Helen are entering the coffee house. ____________________________________________________________________________

Перегляд файлу

Musical kids electric toothbrush, soft brush ideal for kids, stylish design and convenient. (Model:WY839-G)

Directions: Persuade to buy the toothbrush

Перегляд файлу

Directions: You bought a new TV, which broke down two days later. Write a letter of complaint.

  • Give a reason of your letter.
  • Write where and when you bought the TV.
  • Describe the problem.
  • Suggest some compensation.





2 липня 2018
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