Розробка містить різноманітні види роботи (настільна гра, робота з лексичними одиницями, задання на розвиток навиків говоріння). Весь роздатковий матеріал можна знайти у кінці розробки.
План- конспект
відкритого уроку з англійської мови
у 7-В класі
з теми
« Мій улюблений рецепт»
Вчитель англійської мови
Шевчук А. М.
Тема уроку: Мій улюблений рецепт
Learning Outcomes:
Розвиваюча мета:
Навчальна мета:
Виховна мета:
Visuals and Equipment:
Who: Class/Individuals Skills: Speaking/Reading Time: 5 min.
T: Hello everyone! I am really glad to see you all. Today we are going to continue our topic “Food”. So let’s play your favourite game.
II. Follow-up:
Activity 1: Home Task Check.
Who: Individuals Skills: Reading Time: 8 min.
T: It’s quite natural that every person has his/her own considerations on good eating habits. Let’s listen to your points of view.
(Students had to complete the following sentence:
I want have good eating habits so that……..
in order to…..
so as not to……)
Students read out their answers one by one.
T: However, to have good results in this you have to eat home-made food regularly. Do you agree? For this you have to learn to cook yourself. So let’s start with new vocabulary on
I have a little problem. I wanted to print the topic of our lesson on the computer but forgot to change the alphabet from to English. Can you rewrite it?
Oh yes, you are right. So, my dear cooks, let’s get to know how we prepare food. So who will be the first to complete the table (ex. 4 p.76).
Activity 2: VOCABULARY WORK: kitchen object+cooking verbs (Matching, guessing)
Who: Pairs Skills: Speaking/Reading Time: 10 min.
Activity 4: Gap filling:
Who: Individuals Skills: Reading/Writing Time: 7 min.
Students read the text and complete it with necessary words.
Activity 5: Ready Steady Cook!
Who: Class Skills: speaking Time: 10 min.
Each student has a recipe card (HO). Teacher mixes the utensils cards.
The object of the activity is to collect 4 utensils cards needed for the recipe. They read their recipe, work out what 4 utensils they need, and go around the class asking other students if they can give them what they need: “ I need a grater. Have you got one?”. To make the activity harder: “I need … for …ing”.
Our lesson is almost over. Did you enjoy it? What new things have you learned today? And we had a really nice competition today. The pupils who were active today get marks, too.