Методична розробка "Team building games in a primary school"

Про матеріал
Ігри, для використання на уроках англійської мови, спрямовані на формування компетентностей для життя в 21 столітті в учнів початкової школи
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Promoting 21st century skills

Team building games


Task 1: Make a list of team-building games you can use with your primary learners and give short description of their rules and procedure. Specify which 21st century skills they are aimed to develop.



Rules / description

21st century skills


Onion Rings

  • students make 2 circles
  • students in the inner circle face outwards;
  • students in the outer circle should face inwards
  • each student in the inner circle should be facing a student in the outer circle
  • students in the inner circle ask questions; those in the outer circle – answer
  • teacher gives signals when to pass the sheets of paper with questions (clockwise or anticlockwise)
  • communication
  • collaboration
  • creativity



Movable game  What I show

  • students make a circle
  • student A (a leader) is in the centre
  • student A draws school supplies in the air
  • student B or students in the class guess what object is it
  • as soon as the student B guesses he touches it and becomes a leader


  • collaboration
  • creativity
  • imagination



Make a comic or detective story

  • students write short simple captions or speech/thought bubbles to the pictures
  • play the story
  • collaboration
  • creativity
  • imagination
  • leadership
  • personal development
  • problem solving



String toss

  • teacher has a ball of thread and questions
  • the student holds a ball and answers the  question
  • then throws the ball to another student holding the thread
  • finally all are connected by the thread


  • collaboration
  • citizenship



Task 2: Give the instruction. Keep in mind the golden rule of instructions “KISS” (keep it short and simple).

Name of the game: Moving song (minute of free movement)

Critical thinking and problem solving                                               


  • watch the video
  • sing a song with a movie and do actions according to the song
  • or according to the movie (may say the action: run, jump, go, listen, see, sing, play, open etc.)


До підручника
Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
17 січня 2021
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