Методична розробка уроку для учнів 7 класу на тему: Домогосподарювання. Пекельна кухня (Doing Chores. Hell’s Kitchen)

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Методична розробка уроку  для учнів 7 класу на тему:

Домогосподарювання. Пекельна кухня (Doing Chores. Hell’s Kitchen)


                                                           Вчителя англійської мови                                              Платоненко О.С.


Тема: Домогосподарювання. Пекельна кухня (Hell’s Kitchen).

Цілі: освітні: розширювати загальний світогляд школярів шляхом ознайомлення з технологією приготування окремих страв;

практичні: удосконалювати лексичні навички, а також навички читання, аудіювання, говоріння учнів у монологічній та діалогічній формах;; продовжувати роботу  в парах та групах; 

розвиваючі: розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів, навички роботи в групі,  формувати комунікативну й інформаційну компетенції учнів, сприяти розвитку мислення, пам’яті та уваги школярів; 

виховні: підвищувати прагнення до вивчення англійської мови, до творчого втілення ідей, формувати кулінарні здібності та розуміння необхідності виконувати хатні обов’язки.

Тип уроку: комбінований, нетрадиційний – з елементами кулінарного шоу.

Обладнання: телевізор, DVD програвач, відеоматеріали: уривок навчального відео “Dinner for two”, пісня “Helping hands”, роздруківки правил безпеки,; інгредієнти для приготування бутерброду, чаю, електричний чайник, тостер.

Хід уроку:

І. Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення

1.                  Greetings.  Good morning children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down please.

Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s start our work. How are you, Stas?


2.                  Aim. Well, today we’re having the last lesson of the topic “Doing Chores”. We’re going to know about your home duties, watch the video, listen and read some interesting information about one of your favourite dish, check your knowledge about “place setting” and of course you show how you can cook some dishes. 

3.                  Warming-up.  Yesterday I had a very hard day. I had a lot of housework. I cooked, I washed the dishes, cleaned the rooms, went shopping and ironed. My daughter and son helped me, but I was very tired. And what about you? What did you do yesterday? I’d like to know…

-   Do you help your parents about the house?

-   What do you always do? What do you never do?

-   What do you like doing about the house?

-   Whose hobby is eating? - Who likes cooking?

I’ve guessed about your answers, that’s why I divided you on 2 teams-“Blue” (boys) and “Red” (girls) and let’s start “Devil’s Kitchen”.


II. Основна частина уроку The competition.

Task 1. “Brainstorm” 

You’ll have just 1 minute to “Brainstorm” and write on your pieces of papers as many English words related to household chores and food as you can. Then in turn one from the team writes the word on the blackboard. Once a word has been written on the board another team may not use it. The team with the most words wins and gives some points.

Task 2. “Food and Countries”

With which country do you associate the following food and drink? – I think…

1) Pudding

a) Brazil

2) Borsch

b) Japan

3) Hot dogs

c) Ukraine

4) Coffee

d) Italy

5) Gazpacho

e) Turkey

6) Sushi

f) England

7) Pasta

g) India

8) Chicken curry

h) France

9) Kebabs

i) the USA

    10) Champagne

j) Spain


 Key: 1f, 2c, 3i, 4a, 5j, 6b, 7d, 8g, 9e, 10h.

Do you like Ukrainian food? Is it healthy or unhealthy?

Do you like American food? Is it healthy or unhealthy?


Task 3. Listening/Reading “Pizza”

Pizza has a long history. The ancient Greeks first had an idea of putting vegetables on large flat pieces of bread and pizza ovens have been found in the ruins of Roman cities. But for centuries one important ingredient was missing – the first tomatoes were brought to Europe only in the 16th century from South America. 

In the 19th century Rafael Esposito, a baker from Italy, began to sell the first modern pizzas. He was asked to bake a special pizza for a visit by the Italian King and the Queen in 1889, and so the first pizza Margarita was created and named after the Queen.

          Pizza became a favorite dish in Italy, but only after the Second World War, when thousands of American soldiers went home from Europe, pizza really became an international dish. Soon there were pizzerias all over the USA and around the world. Today the Americans eat over 10 kilograms of pizza a year and the world’s largest pizza (measuring 30 meters across) was baked not in Italy, but in Havana.

Do the task.  True or false?

1.   In Greece people put vegetables on flat pieces of bread._____ (T)

2.   The pizza oven have been found in the South America. ______(F)

3.The important ingredient in the pizza was tomato paste.______(F)

4.   First tomatoes were brought to Europe only in the 16th century.______(T)

5.   The first modern pizzas began to sell in the 19th century._________(T)

6.   Margarita is the name of the Queen._________(F)

7.   Pizza became a favorite dish in Italy after the First World War._______(F)

8.   The world’s largest pizza was baked not in Italy________(T)

9.   The world’s largest pizza measured 13 meters across________(F)


Task 4. Listening “Dinner for Two” Answer the questions:

1)    What did David want to prepare?

a)     Italian chicken         

b)    American chicken

c)     Thai chicken;

2)    What was wrong with chicken?

a)     need more salt

b)    need more chilli

c)     need more paper;

3)    Who put chilli into the chicken?

a)     Helen       b) Mett     c) David    d) Jane 4) Who is a fantastic cook? 

a) Jane     b) Mett     c) David    d) Helen

5) What was the main course?

a) Thai chicken    b) pasta with onions     c) “Paspa alla Julia” 6) Was it delicious for Julia?

a) yes     b) no      c) so/so Key: 1c, 2b,  3abc, 4a, 5c, 6a.


Task 5. “Can you cook?” You have some ingredients on the slide. Write the instructions  how to make mushroom soup and frying fish with cheese.

Task 6. Checking homework. “I Like It. My favourite recipe”. 

What’s your favourite food or dish? (T→P1→P2→P3) Project works on a board and presentations “Vegetable Salad” and “Fruit Ice-cream”.

Task 7. “Place Setting” What is this? What is for? – We use…for eating/ cutting/ drinking/ spreading…

Try to make no noise when eating.

Never read when you eat.

Do not eat off the knife. Take small pieces.

Don’t talk with your mouth full.

Don’t make faces or noises to show that you don’t like the dish.

Don’t forget to say “Thank you”.

Keep yourself tidy.


Task 8. “Can you cook yourselves?” Let’s show how you can cook toasts, tea. But first let’s remember the rules of using the electrical devices safety.

-Don’t touch your electric devices when your hands are wet.

-Don’t leave any of them to switch on.

-Don’t go out while you are cooking.

-Don’t forget to switch off the electric devices after the cooking. -And of course, wash your hands before you start cooking.

Well and now let’s start. Today Masha makes the toasts; John makes a cup of tea. 1) If you want to make a toast you should:

-         Take some slices of white bread;

-         Put them into the toaster;

-         Wait for 1 or 2 minutes;

-         Spread some butter on the toast;

-         Slice a tomato;

-         Put sliced on tomato a toast; - The toast is ready!

2) If you want to make a cup of tea you should:

-         Take an electric kettle and some water;

-         Pour some water into the kettle; 

-         Boil these water;

-         Take a teabag; 

-         Put a teabag into the cup;

-         Pour boiled water into the cup; - Wait 1 minute;

-         Add some sugar.

-         And your tea is ready! Enjoy your tea!

III Заключна частина

1.     Summarizing: T: And now, let’s sum up our work. What have we done today? Did you like our lesson? What did you like most of all?

2.     Marks. Thank you for your good work. Your marks for homework and work during the lesson are very high.

3.     Home task: Your homework is ex. 4 p.73.





Додаток 1.

Task 1. “Brainstorm” 

 You’ll have just 1 minute to write on your pieces of papers as many English words related to household chores and food as you can.




Task 2. “Food and Countries” I think…In my opinion… Task 3 True or false?

1.   In Greece people put vegetables on flat pieces of bread._____ 

2.   The pizza oven have been found in the South America. ______

3.The important ingredient in the pizza was tomato paste.______

4.   First tomatoes were brought to Europe only in the 16th century.______

5.   The first modern pizzas began to sell in the 19th century._________

6.   Margarita is the name of the Queen._________

7.   Pizza became a favorite dish in Italy after the First World War._______

8.   The world’s largest pizza was baked not in Italy________

9.   The world’s largest pizza measured 13 meters across________


Task 4. Listening “Dinner for Two” Answer the questions:

7)    What did David want to prepare?

d)    Italian chicken         

e)     American chicken

f)      Thai chicken;

8)    What was wrong with chicken?

d)    need more salt        b)need more chilli     c)need more paper; 9) Who put chilli into the chicken?

b) Helen       b) Mett     c) David 10) Who is a fantastic cook? 

b) Jane b) Mett     c) David

        11)         What was the main course?

b) Thai chicken    b) pasta with onions     c) “Paspa alla Julia”

b) Was it delicious for Julia?      a)yes     b) no      c) so/so


Task 5. “Can you cook?” You have some ingredients on the slide. Write the instructions  how to make mushroom soup  (frying fish with cheese).


___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Task 6. Checking homework. “I Like It. My favourite recipe”.

What’s your favourite food or dish? (T→P1→P2→P3) Project works on a board and presentations “Vegetable Salad” and “Fruit Ice-cream”.

Task 7. “Place Setting” What is this? What is for? 

We use…….for eating/ cutting/ drinking/ spreading…..

Ex. We use fish spoon for eating fish.

Task 8. “Can you cook yourselves?”  The rules of using the electrical devices:

 -Don’t touch your electric devices when your hands are wet.

-Don’t leave any of them to switch on.

-Don’t go out while you are cooking.

-Don’t forget to switch off the electric devices after the cooking. -And of course, wash your hands before you start cooking.


If you want to make a toast you should: 

If you want to make a cup of tea you should: 

-          Take some slices of white bread;

-          Put them into the toaster;

-          Wait for 1 or 2 minutes;

-          Spread some butter on the toast;

-          Slice a tomato;

-          Put sliced on tomato a toast; -       The toast is ready!


Take an electric kettle and some water;

Pour some water into the kettle; 

Boil these water;

Take a teabag; 

Put a teabag into the cup;

Pour boiled water into the cup; Wait 1 minute;

Add some sugar.

And your tea is ready! Enjoy your tea!






До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 червня 2019
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