Методична розробка уроку " Shopping"

Про матеріал
Цілі: - систематизувати лексичний і граматичний матеріал з теми; розвивати навички читання, аудіювання, монологічного і діалогічного мовлення; узагальнити і систематизувати матеріал з теми . - Розширити ерудицію учнів,поглибити знання з теми «Consumer society »; формувати комунікативну, полікультурну і соціокультурну компетенції. -Розвивати культуру спілкування в ситуаціях; розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, інтелектуальні, пізнавальні та творчі здібності учнів.
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Урок англійської мови, 9 клас

Тема: Consumer Society

Цілі:  Практичні: систематизувати лексичний і граматичний матеріал теми; розвивати навички читання, аудіювання, монологічного і діалогічного мовлення; узагальнити і систематизувати матеріал з теми .

Освітня:    Розширити ерудицію учнів,   поглибити знання з теми « Consumer society »; формувати комунікативну, полікультурну і соціокультурну компетенції.

 Розвиваюча: Розвивати культуру спілкування  в ситуаціях, вміння працювати в групах; розвивати  мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, інтелектуальні, пізнавальні та творчі здібності учнів.

 Виховна: Виховувати культуру спілкування в практичному використанні мови;  виховувати почуття поваги, ввічливості при спілкуванні.

Тип уроку: Комбінований урок

Методи: проблемна ситуація, мозковий штурм, бесіда-дискусія.

Обладнання: Підручник, ноутбук,  картки, роздатковий матеріал.  



  1. Greeting.

-  Hello! Glad to see you. I hope you are fine.

- We hope you are, too.

 II. Aims. Здогадатися про тему уроку по проблемному завданню; ознайомлення учнів з цілями і завданнями.

  • Usually two or more people take part in this process.
  • We do it in a special place.
  • We do it very often.
  • Usually women like to do it, men don't like.
  • We can’t do it without money.
  • What is it?

Pupils: - Shopping!

The topic for the discussion today is  the same that it was during the last period of time - “Consumer society”. It is very important and up-to-date in our life, so by the end of the lesson you should be able to talk about pros & cons of tomorrow’s world, shopping in your family, to talk with a shop-assistant and learn how to behave  when doing shopping, to understand and reply appropriately. All the suggested activities will increase your ability to speak appropriate English in any situation. To your surprise you’ll receive money for your activity knowledge. Then, you’ll change them for а mark. 


 If you only didn’t make mistakes in using Fut. Cont. and Fut. Perf .Cont.

 I wish you were more attentive during Listening.

 I wish you not to make mistakes in pronunciation.

 Don’t be afraid to be mistaken. Be afraid to repeat the same mistakes again.

 You should…


  • Do you like shopping?
  • What kinds of shops do you like?
  • How many shops are there in your area?
  • Who does the shopping in your family?
  • How often do you go shopping?
  • Do you prefer to go shopping on weekdays or at the weekends?
  • When did you last go shopping?


 2. Brainstorming 1: I’d like you to look at the blackboard and say what pictures don’t correspond to the topic of our lesson.

Р: Picture # 3 doesn’t correspond to the subject of our lesson because it deals with…

( Pupils look at the pictures on the blackboard and say what pictures don’t correspond to the topic of the lesson, take away them from the blackboard and so they leave only those pictures that are connected with the topic of the lesson. They turn them upside and read the phrase:

                                    Shopping: to be or not to be?



3. Brainstorming 2:  To answer this questions let’s remember - What kinds of shops do you know?  (Two pupils – teacher’s assistants are choosing cards with the names of the shops from the words on the bottom of the blackboard and sticking them on the blackboard).









( Baker’s, supermarket, dairy, grocer’s, greengrocer’s, butcher’s, fishmonger’s, bookstore, stationer’s, sport goods, haberdashery, electric appliances shop, furniture shop, household items, ironmonger’s, hardware store, jewelry store, footwear, cosmetic shop, chemist’s, optician’s, boutique, men’s wear, newsagent’s, department store, confectionery, market, toy store, florist’s, supermarket, shopping centre, shopping ma).

 Teacher. Do you want to go to the shopping mall to do shopping?

  • Of course, we do.
  • OK! You’ll do it if  I’m sure you know the names of the shops and what we can buy there. So, you’ll have some tests. Are you ready? Let’s start.


4. Group work. Test 1. Listening

Listen to the text and agree or disagree with me using your signal cards: agree – green, disagree –  red .

  1. Department stores are large stores which are popular both with the local residents and tourists.
  2. The fishmonger’s is the place where you can buy fish and seafood.
  3. The newsagent’s is the place where you can buy  milk, cottage cheese and butter.
  4. The hairdresser’s is the place where we buy vegetables and fruit..
  5. I can buy a loaf of bread and rolls at the bakery.
  6. We can buy medicine at the chemist’s.
  7. In Great Britain people use dollars and cents doing shopping.
  8. In Ukraine people use pounds and pence doing shopping.
  9. Those people who buy things are customers.
  10. Those people  who sell things are shop-assistants.

Key: 1 + ; 2 + ; 3 – ; 4 – ; 5 + ; 6 + ; 7 – ; 8 – ; 9 + ; 10 + .


  Group work. Test 2. Where do you buy the following things? Answer the  questions using flash cards on your desks and the  structures:  .

                               We buy … at the….       To buy … we go to the … .

                                                  They sell … at the …

  Group1 – apples, tomatoes, melons; smoked meat, ham, sausage; a sofa, a table, a chair; trousers, a shirt; a pen, a ruler, a note book; tea, coffee.

          Group2   milk, butter, sour cream; fish, crabs; a newspaper, a magazine; a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a microwave oven, a refrigerator; bread, rolls; ice cream, a bar of chocolate, sweets;                                    

          Group3   a football, a fishing-rod;  a skirt, tights, a dress;  cream, shampoo, a lipstick;  shoes, boots; a rose, a tulip, a pink; a toy-bear, a doll, a machine-toy.                                                       

(One group is answering, the two others are showing their signal cards: green -  if they agree with the answer and red - if  they disagree. Groups are answering one by one; pupils are answering showing their cards to others: P1 → P2  … →    P6.)

 Group work. Test 3. Take your cards and write down where you would go to in order to buy or to do the following things. Choose from the words on the right.  Read and say using the following familiar structure:

                 We buy … at the… .                  To buy … we go to the … .

          ( Group 1 – 1- 8; Group2 – 9 -16; Group3 – 17- 24)

1) to buy medicine, make-up                                       a) baker's

2) to buy fish, crabs                                                     b) chemist's

       3) to buy potatoes, bananas, onions, apples                 c) bookshop

4) to buy a pair of shoes, boots                                    d) jewelry department

5) to buy a new pair of glasses                                     e) hardware store

6) to buy meat, sausages                                               f) butcher's

7) to buy milk, sour cream, curds                                 g) grocer’s

8) to buy tea, sugar, salt                                                h) haberdashery

9) to buy a loaf of bread, cakes, rolls                            i) greengrocer's

10) to buy pens, felt-pens, notebooks                            j) stationer's

11) to buy stamps, envelopes                                         k) sport goods

12) to buy an arm-chair, a sofa, a bookshelf                  1) footwear

13) to buy a ring, a watch, a necklace                            m) fishmonger's

14) to buy a hammer, nails, a screwdriver                     n) ironmonger's

15) to buy a volleyball, a fishing-rod                             o) boutique

16) to buy a newspaper, a magazine                               p) men's wear

17) to buy a battery, a hair dryer, an electric shaver       q) cosmetic shop

18) to buy a compact disk player, a word processor system    r) optician's

19) to buy a raincoat, a skirt, tights, a dress                    s) furniture shop

20) to buy cream, deodorant, shampoo, lipstick              t) household items

21) to buy a city map, a guidebook, a dictionary             u) dairy

22) to buy trousers, a suit, a pullover, a T-shirt               v) post-office

23) to buy a belt, buttons, needles, a handbag                 w) newsagent's

24) to buy an iron, a dish washer, a vacuum cleaner         x) electric appliances shop         

Key: 1b, 2m, 3i, 4l, 5r, 6f, 7u, 8g, 9a, 10j,11v,12s, 13d, 14n, 15k, 16w, 17x, 18e, 19o, 20q, 21c, 22p, 23h, 24t.

5. Check on Homework

Project Work of the 1-st group

Commentator.  (In the box ) You are watching the first national channel. News from the center of our town. (Pictures) A new shopping mall was opened today at 9 o’clock in the morning. We are talking with the manager of the shopping mall.

Manager. (Take a microphone). There are many different stores  in our mall. You can buy everything you want here. Besides, you can have lunch, dinner or rest in our cafeteria, make your hair at our hairdresser’s or receive a parcel at the post-office. There is a free parking lot in front of the shopping center and private security guards. Welcome to our shopping mall! Only today we offer many products at special prices! Buy now, don’t put it for tomorrow. You are welcome!

Project Work of the 2-nd group

Video. If you think this describes the Grand Canal, Venice, you may be right, but this isn’t Venice in Italy. It’s Venice in Las Vegas!

This shopping mall is something out of this world! There is a hotel built like an ancient Egyptian Pyramid, a casino completed with Eiffel Tower, and the Grand Canal Shops – an enormous 46, 000 square metres shopping mall. It’s one of the most popular indoor malls in the world.

As you enter the mall, look up and you’ll see some amazing ceiling art. Everything in the mall mirrors the floating city, canals, bridges. You can even take a ride on a gondola.

As you stroll past the shops, you can find everything from exclusive fashion boutiques to a marketplace that sells souvenirs of Venice like carnival masks and costumes. You can stop for a cappuccino while you’ll be serenaded by the violins of street musicians. There’s also a juggler, an opera trio and a collection of marble statues. But actually they are alive and pose by the doors of boutiques.

Without a doubt, all of this should inspire you to take a trip to the real Venice one day…

Project Work of the 3-rd group

Our group has created our own mall. We tried to make it as unusual as possible.

Our mall is an Amazon Rainforest mall. There are lots of  beautiful plants and trees and birds such as parrots and macaws that live in the treetops and fly around freely. It is warm and sunny all the time. There are cafes and restaurants and shops in the jungle. There is a huge adventure playground for children to play on and a rock climbing wall. Some of the money that the shops make, goes to save the real rainforests.

6. Crossword.

Teacher (summarizing). Well done! I see you are ready to go to the shopping mall. Your mother asked you to go shopping  and left the shopping list. Read it doing the sums. The cards are on the blackboard and on the desks. So, what  did your mother ask you to buy?

  1. pea – ea + ot + ato + es                  (potatoes)
  2. tea – ea + om + at + oes                 (tomatoes)
  3. but – ut +ana + net – et + as           (bananas)
  4. brown – own + ear – r + d              ( bread)
  5. sa + user – er +ages – s                  ( sausage )
  6. soap – oap + uga + red – ed           (sugar)
  7. cream – ream + ur + deep – eep     (curd)
  8. pig – ig + zip – ip – za                    (pizza)

Check yourself with the list written on the blackboard.

 7. Situational dialogue .

Teacher. I’m not sure  that the department store is open  now, so we’ll call there to find out. Do it, please. (Exercise 1 (1), page 118)

Pupil: Hello!

Operator: Macy’s, may I help you?

Pupil: Yes, please. Are you open now? How late are you open tonight?

Operator: The shopping mall  works from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. without a break for dinner or days off.

Pupil: Thank you very much.

Operator: You are welcome.

Teacher. Are you ready? It takes some minutes to get to the shopping mall if we take a trolley-bus. Let’ go!  Be carefully  in the street with traffic, your money and check the things you are going to buy. OK?

8. Work in pairs. Complete the conversation and act it out. (Exercise 2, page 118)

Jane: Hi, Ann! You look wonderful today! Where _______you_______(to buy) your new T-shirt and this pair of jeans?

A n n: In Colin's boutique.

Jane: Where______(to be) it?

Ann: Oh, dear. I know where it is, but I don't________(to remember) the address. It is not far from Theatralna Metro Station. You_______ (to go) straight ahead along Bohdan Khmelnytsky Street, and it's on the right. You_____(not, to have to) go far.

Jane: Thank you. I think I'll find it. How much_______(to be) the things you bought?

A n n: I don't remember the exact price of the T-shirt, but the jeans _____ (to be)

120 hrn. The style is more important for me than price. And the price is quite important for my mum. She usually _______(to pay) for the purchase.

J a n e: I like both the style and the price. I'll ask my mum to visit the boutique this afternoon.

9. Relaxation. Radio song. Listen to the radio (by the pupils)


On a wagon bound for market

There’s a calf with a mournful eye.

High above him there’s a swallow

Winging swiftly through the sky.


How the winds are laughing

They laugh with all their might,

Laugh and laugh the whole day through

And half the summer night.

Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna,

Donna, Donna, Donna, Don.

Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna,

Donna, Donna, Donna, Don.


“Stop complaining”, said the farmer

Who told you a calf to be?

Why don’t you have wings to fly with

Like the swallow so proud and free?


Calves are easily bound and slaughtered

Never knowing the reason why,

But who ever treasures freedom

Like the swallow  has learned to fly.


10. Group work. Organize a store and make up dialogues. “At the store”.

 (Check on Homework).

Group1 – At the bookstore.

  • What can I do for you?
  • I am looking for books by J. Rowling. Have you got any books by this famous English author?
  • Of course. But what books by J. Rowling are you looking for?
  • Harry Potter.
  • I’m sorry but we have only the first two parts.  Shall I show you?
  • Do, please.
  • Here you are. Do you want anything else?
  • No, thank you. What’s the price of it?
  • 20 pounds for each one, please. Pay at the cash desk, please.

Group2 – At the toy store. 

  • Good morning!
  • Good morning! What can I do for you?
  • I’m looking for a present for my little sister for her birthday.
  • May I help you?
  • Yes, certainly.
  • How old is your sister? And what kind of toys does she prefer – puzzles, dolls, soft toys?
  • She is 4 and she likes toys, especially animals.
  • Then take a monkey-toy. Look here. It’s funny and the price is not high.
  • Oh, I agree with you. I like it. How much does it cost?
  • 5 pounds. Anything else?
  • No, thank you.
  • Pay at the cash-desk, please. Happy birthday to your sister!
  • Thanks, good-bye!

Group3 – At the greengrocer’s.

  • Good afternoon! Can I help you?
  • Good afternoon! I’d like to buy two apples. Are they fresh?
  • Yes, of course. They are fresh, ripe and tasty. Would you like anything else?
  • How much do the apples cost?
  • Two pounds per kilo.
  • Could you give me an orange?
  • Yes, certainly.
  • And two bananas, please. How much are they?
  • 5 pounds per kilo. Here you are. Is it all?
  • Yes, thank you. How much is it all together?
  • That’s 5pounds.
  • Can I pay with my credit card?
  • Yes, certainly. Can you sing here, please.
  • Thank you, good-bye!
  • Good-bye!

At the cash desk.

     -    5 pounds, please.

  • Take your change.
  • Thank you.
  • You are welcome.


  • Any problems, ma’am?
  • No, thank you. Everything is O.K.
  • You are welcome.


11. Interviewing.


  1. Excuse me, please, Daria Levandovska, the first national channel. May I ask you some questions?
  2. What did you buy?
  3. Where did you buy it?
  4. Why did you buy it?
  5. Do you like to go shopping?
  6. Who goes shopping in your family?
  7. Do you like a new  shopping mall?
  8. Your wishes to our customers.


      -   I was at the bookstore.

  • I bought books, two parts of Harry Potter by J. Rowling.
  • I’m fond of reading. It’s my hobby.
  • I saw a film about Harry, and I liked it very much. I know that Harry was very smart,  intelligent, honest, curious, lively and cheerful.  He studiedt to become

     a wizard. He fought against evil  and got a victory. He was always careful and    

     noticed everything that was happening around him. He got on well with all his


  • OK! Read books! Love books! Novels, stories, science fiction, poems, fairy tales, fables, legends, myths or encyclopedias! Books are our friends! They teach us, help us to solve the problems you are faced with.


  • I bought a toy at the toy store because of my little sister. She will be 5 at Easter. She likes soft toys very much, so I want to give her a present for her birthday.
  • She is smart and full of questions. She can play a ball and draw. I love my sister very much, so I think she’ll be satisfied.
  • Of course I like the toy store very much. It’s great! There are different kinds of toys – for babies, for juniors and boys and girls of 12-14.
  • Teach your little sister or brother to love the world around us. Be kind, helpful and sociable!


  • I visited the greengrocer’s. I like to do shopping. I do it with pleasure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  • I bought some apples, an orange and a banana because there are lots of vitamins in fruit. Besides I like these fruit very much. They are tasty!
  • Eat fruit and vegetables! It makes your body strong and healthy. They have got a lot of vitamins which are necessary for your eyes, skin, bones, hair and other parts of your body. Eat the right food! Remember the proverb “Good health is above wealth”.


  • I like to do shopping in the shopping mall because the prices in the shopping centre are quite reasonable. Malls have become popular because people like to shop and to do things in one place. People feel safe in supermarkets because there are even police stations and private security guards there.

Interviewer. People like malls because these are places where people’s dreams come true.

         It  was  Daria Levandovska with her own report  for the first channel.

V. Summarizing.

  • What do you have to remember while going shopping?
  • To be carefully ( according to the traffic, money,  things or food you need to buy).
  • Draw your mood or emotions on the cards on your desks and stick it on the blackboard in our Customer’s Service Area.  
  • Thank you for your preparations for the lesson. Your marks are according to the course of money the following…

VI. Homework. Exercise 1, page 122; Exercise 2, page 123

                          (Answer the questions on the text in written).




Self-evaluation ( pupils speak about their work and achievements during the lesson ):

I was satisfied with my work…

I think I‘ve tried with my problem…



Stepanenko Lina
3 березня 2021
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