Збірка англомовних пісень “Have Fun with Singing” з розробками практичних завдань та методичними рекомендаціями

Про матеріал

Збірник англійських пісень «Have Fun with Singing» (Наталія Подзерка, Олена Кашеварова, Юлія Тонконог) складається з двох розділів: пісні для використання на початковому(Songs for Primary School) та середньому(Songs for Senior School) етапах навчання англійської мови.

Мета збірника – практичне оволодіння англійською мовою за допомогою пісенного матеріалу. Пісні, запропоновані у збірнику, можна використовувати з метою кращого закріплення граматичного матеріалу, розширення лексичного запасу, активізації вмінь та навичок усного мовлення і читання, як фонетичну зарядку, фізкультхвилинку, або просто для ігри, задоволення чи релаксації.

Ми пропонуємо наступну методику роботи з піснею на уроці, яка включає такі етапи:

1. Підготовчий етап (Pre-Listening Activity) – створення іншомовної атмосфери, кратка розповідь про співака або історію виникнення пісні, первинне прослуховування пісні.

2. Робота з текстом пісні (While-Listening Activity) – викладач пропонує різноманітні завдання для опрацювання тексту пісні, виходячи з мети уроку. Пропонується багаторазове прослуховування, що сприяє як засвоєнню лексики, так і мелодії.

3. Етап формування та вдосконалення мовленнєвих вмінь і навичок (Post-Listening Activity) – після обговорення і виконання певних завдань, виконується серія комунікативних вправ, що базується на мовному матеріалі пісні.

Автори збірника переконані, що використання пісенного матеріалу в процесі навчання іноземної мови є ефективним методом розвитку сприйняття мовлення на слух, удосконалення англійської вимови, активізації граматичних конструкцій, а також це чудовий засіб кращого засвоєння та поповнення лексичного запасу учнів. Пісня стимулює монологічне та діалогічне мовлення, сприяє розвитку як підготовленого, так і спонтанного мовлення. Крім того, пісні створюють сприятливий психологічний клімат, знижують психологічне навантаження, підтримують інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови, сприяють формуванню комунікативної та соціокультурної компетентності.

Даний збірник призначений для вчителів англійської мови та учнів загальноосвітніх шкіл.

Перегляд файлу

Методичний кабінет

Артемівської міської ради

Донецької області





Збірка англомовних пісень

“Have Fun with Singing”

з розробками практичних завдань

та методичними рекомендаціями









Збірник англійських пісень «Have Fun with Singing»  (Наталія Подзерка, Олена Кашеварова, Юлія Тонконог) складається з двох розділів: пісні для використання на початковому(Songs for Primary School) та середньому(Songs for Senior School) етапах навчання англійської мови.

Мета збірника – практичне оволодіння англійською мовою за допомогою пісенного матеріалу. Пісні, запропоновані у збірнику, можна використовувати з метою кращого закріплення граматичного матеріалу, розширення лексичного запасу, активізації вмінь та навичок усного мовлення і читання, як фонетичну зарядку, фізкультхвилинку, або просто для ігри, задоволення чи релаксації.

Ми пропонуємо наступну методику роботи з піснею на уроці, яка включає такі етапи:

1. Підготовчий етап (Pre-Listening Activity) – створення іншомовної атмосфери, кратка розповідь про співака або історію виникнення пісні, первинне прослуховування пісні.

2. Робота з текстом пісні (While-Listening Activity) – викладач пропонує різноманітні завдання для опрацювання тексту пісні, виходячи з мети уроку. Пропонується багаторазове прослуховування, що сприяє як засвоєнню лексики, так і мелодії.

3. Етап формування та вдосконалення мовленнєвих вмінь і навичок (Post-Listening Activity) – після обговорення і виконання певних завдань, виконується серія комунікативних вправ, що базується на мовному матеріалі пісні.

Автори збірника переконані, що використання пісенного матеріалу в процесі навчання іноземної мови є ефективним методом розвитку сприйняття мовлення на слух,  удосконалення англійської вимови, активізації граматичних конструкцій, а також це чудовий засіб кращого засвоєння та поповнення лексичного запасу учнів. Пісня стимулює монологічне та діалогічне мовлення, сприяє розвитку як підготовленого, так і спонтанного мовлення. Крім того, пісні створюють сприятливий психологічний клімат, знижують психологічне навантаження, підтримують інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови, сприяють формуванню комунікативної та соціокультурної компетентності.

Даний збірник призначений для вчителів англійської мови та учнів загальноосвітніх шкіл.


I. Introduction.


II. Songs for Primary School.


    1. Old MacDonald Had a Farm.

    2. Old MacDonald Had a Zoo.

    3. Five little ducks.

    4. The Wheels on the Bus.

    5. Three little kittens.

    6. How are you?

    7. Bingo.

    8. I bought a pretty cat.

    9. The Hockey-Pokey Song.

    10.  Welcome to Duloc.


III. Songs for Senior School.


            1. Last Christmas

            2. Yesterday (The Beatles)

            3. Mama ( sung by Kelly family)

            4. Show Must Go On      (Queen)

            5. Bob Marley - Dont Worry, Be Happy

            6.  Hakuna Matata

      7. Jack and Jill

      8.The Earth Song (sung by Michael Jackson)

            9. London Bridge Is Falling Down  

            10. My Bonnie

            11. Happy New Year














Old MacDonald had a farm

Old MacDonald had a farm


And on his farm he had a duck


With a quack-quack here

And a quack-quack there

Here quack, there quack

Everywhere quack-quack.


Old MacDonald had a farm


And on his farm he had a dog


With a woof-woof here

And a woof-woof there

Here woof, there woof

Everywhere woof-woof.


 Old MacDonald had a farm


And on his farm he had a cat


With a meow-meow here

And a meow-meow there

Here meow, there meow

Everywhere meow-meow.


Old MacDonald had a farm


And on his farm he had a cow


With a moo-moo here

And a moo-moo there

Here moo, there moo

Everywhere moo-moo.


Old MacDonald had a farm


And on his farm he had a sheep


With a baa-baa here

And a baa-baa there

Here baa, there baa

Everywhere baa-baa.




 Children usually love domestic animals and will enjoy doing the funny noises.

Pre-teach or revise names of various domestic animals using pictures:


  1. Ask children to pronounce the  names of the animals after you:

Duck,   dog,   cat,   cow,  sheep.


  1. Ask  children what animals make these sounds:

Quack,  woof,  meow,  moo,  baa.


  1. Playing game: Here are some cards.  The cards have pictures of domestic animals. Other cards have the names of these animals in English .The last cards have the sounds of these animals. You have to try and match the words to the pictures and the sounds.





























  1.     You can make up new verses about animals you like with appropriate noises.
  2.     After the two sung verses you can hear just the instrumental and children can sing their new verses along to this background music.


  1.     Create large cards for all the children with the following word or letter written on them (it doesn’t matter if two, three or more children have the same  card– get them sitting together and helping each other).Children sit in a circle and listen to the song, when they hear the word from their card they either jump up with it or hold it up (this activity encourages them to listen carefully and pick out individual words – and it’s fun).


For example:



















    Create a farm – children choose their favourite  animal and draw a picture of it in the farm. Put all the pictures together to create a farm. Older children can also write some information about their animal under the picture.











Old Macdonald Had a Zoo.


Old MacDonald had a zoo

E - I – E – I – O

And in his zoo he had a puma

E - I – E – I – O

With a grrr grrr here and a grrr grrr there

Here a grrr, there a grrr

Everywhere grrr, grrr,

Old MacDonald had a zoo

E - I – E – I – O

Old MacDonald had a zoo

E - I – E – I – O

And in his zoo he had a parrot

E - I – E – I – O

With a squawk, squawk here and a squawk, squawk there

Here a squawk, there a squawk

Everywhere squawk, squawk

Old MacDonald had a zoo

E - I – E – I – O





          This is a nice variation on Old MacDonald had a farm. Children usually love wild animals and will enjoy doing the funny noises.

Pre-teach or revise names of various wild animals using pictures:

1. Ask the children to pronounce the names of the animals after you.

2. Ask  the children about the sounds these animals make.

3. Check that children understand the word ‘zoo’.

4.  Playing game: Here are some cards.  The cards have pictures of wild animals. Other cards have the names of these animals in English .The last cards have the sounds of these animals. You have to try and match the words, the pictures and the sounds.




1.You can make up new verses about animals they like with appropriate noises – after the two sung verses you can hear just the instrumental and children can sing their new verses along to this background music.

2. Create large cards for all the children with the following word or letter written on them (it doesn’t matter if two, three or more children have the same card– get them sitting together and helping each other).Children sit in a circle and listen to the song, when they hear the word on their card they either jump up with it or hold it up (this activity encourages them to listen carefully and pick out individual words – and it’s fun).

For example:


















      Create a Zoo display – children choose their favourite zoo animal and draw a picture of it in the zoo. Put all the pictures together to create a zoo. Older children can also write some information about their animal under the picturе
















     "Five Little Ducks" is one of the most popular and classic Rebus Rhymes.  Touch, play, and interact with your little ones while listening to the song and enjoying the colorful illustrations! 

Five little ducks

Five little ducks

Went out one day

Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

But only four little ducks came back.


0016-012-1.-2.-3.-4.-5.jpgFour little ducks

Went out one day

Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

But only three little ducks came back.


Three little ducks

Went out one day

Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

But only two little ducks came back.

0012-012-1.-2.jpgTwo little ducks

Went out one day

Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

But only one little duck came back.


                                                One little duck

                                              Went out one day

0004-003-Soschitaj-ka-poskorej-skolko-vstretilos-druzej.jpg  Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

But none of the five little ducks came back.


Sad mother duck

Went out one day

                                                  Over the hill and far away

                                                The sad mother duck said

                                                   "Quack, quack, quack."

                                              And all of the five little ducks came back.






1. Ask children to count from one to five.

2. Let`s count ducks. Say after me:

One duck, two ducks, three ducks, four ducks, five ducks.

3.  Say after me:

Hill                                                           Горб

Far away                                                  Далеко

Come back                                               Повертатись

One day                                                    Одного разу

Sad mother duck                                      Сумна мама качка

None of                                                    Ніхто






1.Listen to the song again and write three forms of the verbs you met in the text.







2. Make up sentences and translate:

1) five, little, All, ducks, the, came, of, back.

2) of, None, the, little, came, ducks, five, back.

3) quack-quack, duck, Mother, said.

4) day, ducks, went, Five, little, one , out.

5) day, went, one, out, ducks, Four, little.









  1. Answer the questions:                     

1. Who went out one day?

2. What did mother duck say?

3. How many ducks cаme back?

4. Where did little ducks go for a walk?

5. All of the five little ducks came back, didn`t they?

6. There were six little ducks, weren`t they?





1.Complete the sentences:


1. Five little ducks went out one day … .

2. Mother duck said … .

3. Four little ducks went out one day … .

4. Only two little ducks …  back.

5. …  mother duck went out one day

6. And all of the five little ducks ….



2. Look at the 1st verse. The words are typed without spaces between them. Separate them:












The wheels on the bus go round and round

Round and round

All around the town.


The people on the bus go up and down

Up and down

All around the town.


The driver in the bus says tickets please

Tickets please

All around the town.


The doors on the bus go open and shut

Open and shut.

All around the town.


The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish

swish, swish, swish

All around the town


The horn on the bus go beep, beep, beep

beep, beep, beep

All around the town.








1. Say after me:

Wheels,  people,  driver,  doors,  wipers,  horn.


2. Name the pictures (учитель показує малюнки):




3.Look at the pictures and do the actions.

4. Help Jim to put the following words into the proper boxes:

Round, beep, driver, town, wipers, wheels, people,











1. Match the pairs:


1. Wheels                             a) beep

2. People                              b) round

3. Driver                               c) open

4. Doors                               d) tickets, please

5. Wipers                             e) up and down           

6. Horn                                 f) swish


2.  Say if the sentences are true or false:

1. The wheels on the bus go round and round.

2. The driver in the bus says open and shut.

3. The wipers on the bus go beep, beep, beep.

4. The horn on the bus go beep, beep, beep.

5. The doors on the bus go open and shut.

6. The driver on the bus says tickets, please.




1.Listen to the song again and put the verses into the correct order :



The people on the bus go up and down

Up and down

All around the town.

The doors on the bus go open and shut

Open and shut.

All around the town.

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Round and round

All around the town.

The horn on the bus go beep, beep, beep

beep, beep, beep

All around the town.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish

swish, swish, swish

All around the town




Three little kittens


Three little kittens,

They lost their mittens,
And they began to cry,
Oh, mother, dear,
We sadly fear,
That we have lost our mittens.


threekittens.gifWhat! Lost your mittens,
You naughty kittens,
Then you shall have no pie.                
Meow, meow,
Then you shall have no pie.


Three little kittens,
They found their mittens,
And they began to cry,
Oh, mother, dear,
See here, see here,
  For we have found our mittens.


Could join your mittens,
You silly kittens,
Then you shall have some pie.
Meow, meow,
Oh, let us have some pie.


Three little kittens,
Put on their mittens,
And soon ate up their pie.
Oh, mother, dear,
We greatly fear,
That we have soiled our mittens.


What! Soiled your mittens
You naughty kittens,

                                   And they began to sigh.
                                           Meow, meow,
                                     And they began to sigh.




Three little kittens,
They washed their mittens,

And hung them out to dry.
Oh, mother, dear,
Do you not hear,
That we have washed our mittens?


What! Washed your mittens?
Then you're good kittens!
But I smell a rat close by.
Meow, meow.

We smell a rat close by.


























a) Say these verbs after me:


Lost, began, found, put on, ate up, soiled, to sigh, hung, washed, hear, smell,join.


b) Can you divide these verbs into two columns – regular and irregular?











c) Match the verbs with their translation:



Smell                                             Почали

join                                                вдягнули

hear                                               забруднили

washed                                          чути

hung                                              випрали

lost                                                відчувати запах

began                                             повішали

found                                             з’їли

put on                                             знайшли

ate up                                             зітхнути

soiled                                             повісили

to sigh                                            поєднати


d) Use your dictionary to write down three forms of the Irregular verbs.








  1. Practicing Vocabulary using Past Simple and Present Perfect:


      a)Answer the questions using the verbs:


           What did three kittens do?

            Sample of  answers:

  • They lost their mittens.
  • They found their mittens.
  • They put on their mittens.
  • They ate up their pie.
  • 1234449450_319.jpgThey began to sigh.


- What have three kittens done?

            Sample of answers:

- have lost their mittens

- have found their mittens

- have soiled their mittens

- have washed their mittens


  • How did mother call her kittens?

            Sample of answers:

- You naughty kittens.

- You silly kittens.

- You're good kittens!



1.     Listen to the song and fill in the gaps:

                                       Three little ______,

They lost their _____,

And they began to cry,

Oh, ____, dear,

We sadly fear,

That we have ____our mittens.


What! Lost your mittens,

You naughty kittens,

Then you shall ____ no pie.

Meow, meow,

Then you shall have no ___.


Three little kittens,

They ____ their mittens,

And they began to ____,

Oh, mother, dear,

See here, ___ here,

For we have found our mittens.


Could ____ your mittens,

You silly kittens,

Then you shall have _____ pie.

Meow, meow,

Oh, ___ us have some pie.


Three little kittens,

____ on their mittens,

And soon ___ up their pie.

Oh, mother, dear,

We greatly fear,

That we have ____ our mittens.


What! Soiled your mittens

You naughty kittens,

And ____ began to sigh.

Meow, meow,

And they began to sigh.


Three little kittens,

They washed their mittens,

And hung them out to ____.

Oh, mother, dear,

Do you not _____,

That we have washed our mittens?


What! Washed your mittens?

Then you're ____ kittens!

But I smell a rat close by.

Meow, meow,

We smell a ___ close by.


2. Read the text of the song in roles.


3. Put these sentences in order according to the text of the song:


a)  Kittens have soiled their mittens.

b) Kittens have found their mittens.

                                      c) They ate up their pie.

                                      d) They put on their mittens.

                                      e) Kittens have lost their mittens.

  f) Kittens have washed their mittens.

                                      g) They began to sigh.



"How are you?"

                          by Richard Graham.


E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\uu.gifHello, how are you?

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm cold,

I'm sad


Hello, how are you? - 4

E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\hm.gifI'm happy

I'm great

I'm good

I'm OK

Hello, how are you? - 4









1) Explain children the meaning of the words hungry, tired, cold, sad, great, good, ok  using the translations of these words.

 2) Ask them to read the words after you and then one by one.


3) Propose them to match the pairs:


1. I'm hungry                     a) я щасливий

2. I'm OK                           b) мені сумно

3. I'm tired                         c) мені холодно

4. I'm good                        d) мені добре

5. I'm great                        e) я голодний

6. I'm happy                      f) у мене все в порядку

7. I'm sad                           g) я чудово почуваюсь

8. I'm cold                         h) я втомлений



1. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps:

Hello, how are … ?  - 4

I'm hungry,


I'm    ,

I'm …

… , how are you? – 4


I'm great



Hello, how are you? – 4





1.Look at the pictures and say as in example:

      I am…

1.               2.

3.    4.


2. Now tell us about you. 

     How are you?

    Give an answer and ask your friends.











There was a farmer had a dog,

E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\rain.jpgAnd Bingo was his name-o.

B-I-N-G-O!- 3

And Bingo was his name-o!


There was a farmer had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.

(Clap)-I-N-G-O!- 3

And Bingo was his name-o!


There was a farmer had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.

(Clap, clap)-N-G-O!- 3

And Bingo was his name-o!


There was a farmer had a dog,

 And Bingo was his name-o.

E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\IMG_4.jpg(Clap, clap, clap)-G-O!-3

And Bingo was his name-o!


There was a farmer had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.

(Clap, clap, clap, clap)-O!-3

And Bingo was his name-o!


There was a farmer had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.

(Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)-3

And Bingo was his name-o!












  1. Let`s memorize.


  1. Pronounce the letters of the alphabet together.


  1. I shall show you the cards with the letters and your task is to pronounce them.


  1.  Now name the letter and its sound it.



1. Listen to the song and put the sentences in correct order:


a) B-I-N-G-O!- 3

b) And Bingo was his name-o!

c) And Bingo was his name-o.

d) There was a farmer had a dog,


E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\IMG_4598.jpg2. Fill in the missing words or letters:

There  … a farmer had a … ,

  Bingo was …  name-o.

…-I-N-…-O!- 3

And Bingo was his … -o!



  1. Translate the sentences:


  1.  Фермер мав собаку;
  2.  У хлопчика була книга;
  3. У дівчинки було кошеня»
  4.  У мами була нова сукня.



E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\IMG_7230.jpgI bought a pretty cat

I bought a pretty cat

My cat pleased me

I fed my cat under that old tree

My cat says ‘Fiddle-I-fee!’



I bought a pretty duck

My duck pleased me

I fed my duck under that old tree

My duck says quack, quack

My cat says Fiddle–I–fee!



I bought a pretty goose

My goose pleased me

I fed my goose under that old tree

My goose says gaggle, gaggle

E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\IMG_3513.jpgMy duck says quack, quack

My cat says Fiddle–I–fee!



I bought a pretty hen

My hen pleased me

I fed my hen under that old tree

My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack

My goose says gaggle, gaggle

My duck says quack, quack

My cat says Fiddle–I–fee!



E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\IMG_3598.jpgI bought a pretty pig

My pig pleased me

I fed my pig under that old tree

  My pig says oink, oink,

My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack

My goose says gaggle, gaggle

My duck says quack, quack

My cat says Fiddle–I–fee!


E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\IMG_3578.jpgI bought a pretty cow

My cow pleased me

I fed my cow under that old tree

My cow says moo, moo

My pig says oink, oink


My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack

My goose says gaggle, gaggle

My duck says quack, quack

My cat says Fiddle–I–fee!



I bought a pretty horse

My horse pleased me

E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\zebra_2.jpgI fed my horse under that old tree

My horse says neigh, neigh

My cow says moo, moo

My pig says oink, oink


  My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack

My goose says gaggle, gaggle

My duck says quack, quack

My cat says Fiddle–I–fee!












  1. I want you to learn the names of   some domestic animals.

Let`s look at the picture and name the animals.

1.                      2

3. E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\img_19106457_104_1.jpg                      4.E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\рыжик.jpg             5.  E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\va4ybxeecl5ludg1lps9x316pz6z7aj2.jpg 6 7. E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\кек.jpeg  


Do you know what noises all these animals make?



Match the pairs:


  1. A cat           a) neigh, neigh  [nei]
  2. A duck        b) oink,oink  [oink]
  3. A goose      c) gaggle, gaggle  [g   gl]
  4. A hen          d) moo, moo  [mu:]
  5. A pig            e) shimmy shark  [   imi     a:k ]
  6. A cow           f) quack, quack [kwa:k]
  7. A horse        g) meow, meow  [miau]


    Try to imitate animal noises with the help of the game. Imagine that you are a cat ( a cow,…)




1. Do you like the song? Why?


2. Translate the sentences:


1. Я купив гарненького кота ( каченя, курку, гуску, корову, порося, коня).

2. Я годував кота ( каченя, …).

3. Моє каченя (кіт,…) каже кря-кря ( мяу-мяу,…).















( It’s time for the hokey pokey, here we go!)


You put your head  in,  you put your head out,

You put your head in and you wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

You do the hokey pokey spin around , clap, clap, clap, clap.

You put your  ears in,  you put your ears out,

You put your head ears in and you wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

You do the hokey pokey spin around , clap, clap, clap, clap.

You do the hokey pokey, hands up, hands down

Do the hokey pokey, hands in front and hands behind

Jump in, jump out, jump in and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

You do the hokey pokey spin around , clap, clap, clap.


(OK! Now your hands!)


Put your hands in, put your hands out,

Put your hands in and wiggle….

Do the hokey pokey spin around , clap, clap, clap, clap.

You do the hokey pokey, hands up, hands down

Do the hokey pokey, hands in front and hands behind


(OK! Last verse)


Put your knees in, put your knees out,

Put your knees in and wiggle….

Do the hokey pokey spin around , clap, clap, clap, clap.


(Ok, now sit down)


Put your feet in, put your feet out, put your feet in and wiggle…

You do the hokey pokey stand up , clap, clap, clap, clap.

You do the hokey pokey, hands up, hands down

Do the hokey pokey, hands in front and hands behind

You do the hokey pokey, hands up, hands down

Do the hokey pokey, ‘cause that’s what its all about!


(All right!  Great job! That was fun!!!)




   1. Look at the pictures and learn some new words.

Say after me, please:




















2. Let`s learn some verbs which we can meet in the song.


3. Say after me and do the actions (if you can):


  1.  Put in (out)
  2. Clap
  3. Wiggle                                        
  4. Jump in (out)
  5. Spin around
  6. Sit down                                  
  7. Stand up
  8. Do                              








  1.  Listen to the song and do the actions (after me):



2. Try to sing the 1st (2,3…) verse with me





  1. Listen to me carefully and show me parts of your body:


hands, head, feet, knees, ears, shoulders.


  1. Let`s try another variant of the song:


                        «The Hokey Pokey»

                      (Okay, boys and girls! Ready? Okay!)

                      you put your right hand in,

                      you put your right hand out,

                      you put your right hand in and you shake it all about

                      you do the hokey pokey and

                      turn yourself around

                      that's what it's all about!


[continue in this manner for the following body parts]


Left hand, right foot, left foot, right elbow, left elbow, right knee,


left knee, right shoulder, left shoulder, whole self, back side.










Welcome To Duloc


             Welcome to Duloc

           Such a perfect town

Here we have some rules let us lay them down

Don't make waves

Stay in line

And we'll get along fine

Duloc is a perfect place

Please keep off of the grass

Shine your shoes

Wipe your...face

Duloc is

Duloc is

Duloc is a perfect place







Have you seen the cartoon ‘’Shrek’’? Who were the main heroes?

Today we shall learn the song “Welcome to Duloc!”

First of all we should learn some new phrases to understand the song.

a)Let`s translate them:     

  1.     To have rules
  2.     To lay down
  3.     To make waves
  4.     To stay in line
  5.     To get along
  6.     To keep off
  7.     To shine shoes
  8.     Wipe face

b) Say after me, please:

c) Match the pairs:

1. висловлювати (думку)                         а)Wipe face

2. викликати неприємності                      b) To  have rules

3. триматися подалі                                  c) To get along

4. мати правила                                         d) To keep off

5. ладнати з                                               e) To shine shoes

6. витирати                                                f) To lay down

7. дотримуватись правил                         g) To make waves

8. чистити взуття                                      h) To stay in line






Listen to the song carefully and write down:


a) the adjectives from the text;

b) the verbs; 

c) the nouns.


Fill in the table:






























  1. Listen to the song again and put the sentences into the correct order:


  1. Please, keep off of the grass
  2. We have some rules
  3. Wipe your...face
  4. Welcome to Duloc
  5. Shine your shoes
  6. Don't make waves
  7. Stay in line
  8. Duloc is a perfect place
  9.  We'll get along fine       





  1. Let`s sing a song together, using the text.


2. Answer the question, please:


 Which rules are there in Duloc?









Last Christmas is one of the most popular Christmas songs of the 1980s. Given below are the lyrics of the song, which has been sung by George Michael.


Last Christmas


Refrain - twice

Last Christmas I gave you my heart

But the very next day you gave it away

This year to save me from tears

I'll give it to someone special.


Once bitten and twice shy

I  keep my distance but you still catch my eye

Tell me baby, do you recognize me?

Well it's been a year it doesn't surprise me

(Happy Christmas!)

I  wrapped it up and sent it

With a note saying, "I love you" I meant it

Now I know what a fool I've been

But if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again.

Refrain - twice


A crowded room, friends with tired eyes

I'm hiding from you and your soul of ice

My God I thought you were someone to rely on

Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on.

A face of a lover with a fire in his heart

A man undercover but you tore me apart

Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again.

Refrain - twice

A face of a lover with a fire in his heart

A man undercover but you tore me apart

Maybe next year

I'll give it to someone

I'll give it to someone special.
















1.Study the following vocabulary:


the very next day – вже наступного дня

to save – зберегти

to bite (bit, bitten) – кусати

shy – сором’язливий

Once bitten and twice shyтут: Тепер я буду обережним (більше цього не зроблю)

to catch one’s eye – привертати увагу

to recognize –  впізнавати

to wrap up – загортати

to mean (mean, meant) – мати на увазі

to fool smb.-обдурити

a crowd – натовп

tired – втомлений

a soul – душа

to rely on – довіритись

a man undercover тут: супермен, секретний агент

to tear (tore, torn) apart – розірвати на шматки







  1. Find the synonyms for the words and expressions in the song:


a) to prevent -  ________________

b) to attract  attention - ____________

c) to trust - ____________

d) a superman - ____________

e) true - _______________

f) to remember - _______________


  1. Answer the questions:


1. When did this story take place?

2. What happened to the main character?

3. What did he sent to his girl?

4.  Did the girl really love him?

5. Whom does the man want to give his heart to this year?



3.Listen to the song again and fill in the gaps (1-20):


                                                           LAST CHRISTMAS


 Refrain - twice

Last Christmas I gave you my __1__

But the very next _2__ you gave it __3_

This year to _4__ me from tears

I'll give it to someone _5__.


Once bitten and twice _6__

I  keep my distance but you still catch my _7__

Tell me _8__, do you recognize me?

Well it's been a year it doesn't _9__ me

(Happy Christmas!)

I  wrapped it up and _10__it

With a note saying, "I love you" I __11_ it

Now I know what a fool I've been

But if you kissed me now I know you'd _12__me again.

Refrain - twice


A crowded room, friends with tired _13__

I'm hiding from you and your soul of __14_

My God I thought you were someone to _15__ on

Me? I guess I was a shoulder to _16__ on.

A face of a lover with a fire in his __17_

A man _18__ but you tore me __19_

Now I've found a real _20__ you'll never fool me again.







                                  (The Beatles)


Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away

Now it looks as though they’re here to stay

Oh, I believe in yesterday.


Suddenly, I’m not half the man I used to be,

There’s a shadow hanging over me.

Oh, yesterday came suddenly.


Why she had to go I don’t know she wouldn’t say.

I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.


Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.

Now I need a place to hide away.

Oh, I believe in yesterday.







Listen to the text about John Lennon, a singer of the group “The Beatles”.

 Complete the information.


 John Lennon was one of the most famous musicians of the 20-th century. He was born on October, 9, 1940 in Liverpool, England. It was war time and John’s second name was Winston because of prime-minister Winston Churchill.

 When John was 5 his father went away. A little boy went to live with Aunt Mimi and Uncle George, but he often saw his mother. She taught him how to play his first instrument, a banjo.

 Then when John was 17, his mother died in a road accident. John later wrote songs about her.

 John was very intelligent, but he didn’t like school. He failed his school exams in 1957 he went to college to study art. He was a very clever artist and always enjoyed drawing and painting. When he was at school he started a band called “The Quarry Men”. Then one day in 1957 he met a boy called Paul McCartney and Paul joined the band. They later met George Harrison and Ringo Starr and became the world famous band The Beatles. 

 John got married twice. His first wife was called Cynthia. His son Julian was born in 1963. Later when The Beatles were very famous John met a Japanese artist called Yoko Ono. They got married in 1969. Their son Sean was born on John’s 35-th birthday. John and Yoko lived in New York.

 One terrible day in 1980 a man called Mark Chapman killed John outside his house.  


Complete the information.

born: 1_____________

age when his father left:  2________________

went to live with: 3______________

age when his mother died: 4________________

subject at college: 5 __________  

year he met Paul McCartney: 6 ______________

lived with Yoko Ono in: 7___________  

year he died:  8________  





1. Listen to the song  “Yesterday” and  find the words which sound the same as:

1) day

2) me

3) no


 2.Find antonyms for the words in the song:


- today - __________

- difficult - ___________

- to keep silence - ___________

- daylight - _____________

- right - _________

- there - __________

- to leave - ___________

- to find - __________





Identify the separate words and sentences:


  1. yesterdayallmytroublesseemedsofarawaynowitlooksasthoughtheyreheretostayohIbelieveinyesterday.


  1. suddenlyimnothalfthemaniusedtobetheresashadowhangingovermeohyesterdaycamesuddenly.


  1. whyshehadtogoidontknowshewouldntsayisaidsomethingwrongnowilongforyesterday.


  1. yesterdaylovewassuchaneasygametoplaynowineedaplacetohideawayohibelieveinyesterday.


         2. Give the literary translation of the song


















Mama (sung by Kelly family)



Why did you have to die?

When I was only at the age of five

So suddenly you've gone

And I was left with answers hard to find.


Now I think of your 'cause I'm in hunger for your warmth

That no one can replace

And I know that there I go

You are always by my side

I just want to let you know.



Mama oh I miss you sometimes

Mama can you hear me when I cry

Mama oh I miss you sometimes

Mama can you hear me when I cry for you


Your spirit never dies

And all your words I treasure in my heart

You left me with a smile.

But my cheeks aren't always dry from all the tears

Now I think of you 'cause I'm in hunger for your warmth

That no one can replace

And I know that where I go

You're always by my side

                      I just want to let you know.





1. Read the text about the group. Try to guess the meaning of the bald words.

The history of the Kelly Family must be one of the most unusual band

biographies there is. In 1966, dancer Barbara Ann and her husband Daniel Jerome Kelly leave the USA with the four children Danny, Caroline, Paul and Kathy and settle southern Spain. The children begin singing and dancing to folk music with their parents there. Because they enjoy making music, they start appearing at birthday parties, weddings. The father gives up the business and starts singing with children.

  Mother Barbara gives the children ballet lessons at home, and they take music lessons. Under the name of “Kelly Kids”, the family make their Spanish television debut in 1975 and go on tour through Spain.

Once when they were sightseeing in Italy the Kellys' minibus was robbed, leaving only their instruments and passports. Seriously short of money now, the family starts singing on the street. Passers-by stop in amazement and the collecting-basket keeps filling up with money. At the end of the first day, Dan tells his children: "Kids, our life has changed!" They go on from Italy to Austria, Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands. Not long after that, they sign their first record contract. They get their first Number 1 hit in Holland and Belgium in 1980.

The Kelly children's mother falls ill with breast cancer in 1981. The family returns to Pamplona, Spain. A year later she dies Kellys take her last wish, "Keep on singing", as a promise.

In 1998 they buy their first house in Amsterdam. In 1990: Father Dan is paralyzed down his right side The Kelly children go on tour alone for the first time. Thanks to his iron discipline, their father gets back on his feet, and for the first time since his illness, he appears with his kids in 1994 in front of 16,000 people on the stage of the Westfalenhalle in Dortmund.

The family fills all Europe's football stadiums and makes its biggest live appearance in Vienna before the audience of 250,000.

Meanwhile, the Kellys are known on other continents, in countries such as China, South Africa and the USA.

There are 9 brothers in the group. They play lots of musical instruments: keyboards, accordion, guitars, mandolin, harp, drums, harmonica, and percussion. They have 16 video albums and 15 CD albums. The youngest of the brothers is Angelo. He is 17. All the songs are written, composed, performed and produced by the Kelly family.



2.Answer the questions to the text:


1.Why does the history of the Kelly family have the most unusual biography?

2.What kind of music did they start to sing in Spain?

3.What lessons did their mum give them at home?

4.What lessons did they take?

5.Why did their family have to sing in the streets in Italy?

6.What did they promise their mum when she died?

7.What happened to their father?

8.What is special about the group?

9.How old is the youngest of the brothers?

10. What was their biggest appearance?

11. How many brothers are there in the group?



2. Think of yourself and your family. Answer the questions:


Who are the dearest people for you in your life?

How do you get on with your mum?

What words could you use to describe your mum?

Is she always by your side?

Do you miss her when you go on holidays without her?

Do you ever cry for her? Did you use to when you were a small kid?

What kind of problems do you have when your mum is not beside you?





1. Listen to the song and feel in the gaps:


Why did you ______ die?

When I was ______ at the age of five

So suddenly you've gone

And I was left with _______ hard to find.


Now I ______ of your 'cause I'm in hunger for your warmth

That no one can replace

And I know that there I go

You are _______ by my side

I just want to let you know.



Mama oh I ____ you sometimes

Mama can you hear me when I cry

Mama oh I miss you sometimes

Mama can you hear me when I cry for you

Your spirit never dies

And all your words I treasure in my _____

You left me with a smile.

But my cheeks aren't always ____ from all the tears

Now I think of you 'cause I'm in hunger for your warmth

That no one can _____

And I know that where I go

You're always by my side

I just want to let you _______



2. Find the synonyms for the words and expressions in the song:




next to me

keep inside  

tell you

take your place  

feel sad because someone is not with you   

the part of the person that exists after death



Post - Listening:


1. Write some sentences to describe how the singer feels:


1. How old was the singer when his mum died?

2.What was he left with?

3.What is he in hunger for?

4.Can anyone replace his mum?

5.What does he want to let her know?

6.Where does the singer treasure his words?

7.How did his mum leave him?

8.Why aren't his cheeks always dry?


2. Compare your writing with the partner. Refer to the song if you have problems.



                     Show Must Go On      (Queen)


I. Empty spaces. What are we living for?

Abandoned places, I guess we know the score

On and on. Does anybody know what we are looking for?

Another hero. Another mindless crime

Behind the curtain. In the pantomime hold the line.

Does anybody want to take it anymore?


The show must go on- (2 times)

Inside my heart is breaking

My make-up may be flaking, but my smile still stays on


II. Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance

Another heartache, another failed romance

On and on. Does anybody know what we are living for?

I guess I'm learning, I must be warmer now

I'll soon be turning round the corner now

Outside the dawn is breaking but inside, in the dark

I'm aching to be free.


The show must go on- (2 times)

Inside my heart is breaking

My make-up may be flaking,

But my smile still stays on


III. My soul is painted, like the wings of butterflies

Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die

I can fly, my friends

The show must go on (yeah)

The show must go on

I'll face it with a grin

I'm never giving in

On with the show

Ooh, I'll top the bill, I'll overkill

I have to find the will to carry on

(On with the show)The show must go on

(go on, go on, go on...)



1. Read about the famous rock band “Queen” and do the tasks:


     “Queen” is a British rock band formed in London in 1971 and one of the most commercially successful musical acts of all time. The group originally consisted of Freddie Mercury, (lead vocals), Brian May (lead guitar, vocals), John Deacon (bass guitar), and Roger Taylor (drums, vocals). “Queen” enjoyed success in the UK during the early 1970s.  The band has released a total of 18 number one albums, 18 number one singles, and 10 number one DVDs worldwide making them one of the world's best-selling music artists. They have been honoured with seven Ivor Novello awards and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001. Queen became one of the most popular bands in the world in the mid-'70s; in England, they remained second only to the Beatles in popularity and collectability in the '90s. One of the most popular “Queen`s” hits is “Show must go on”. This song has become an autobiographical story of  Mercury`s life. In 1991 Mercury died of bronchopneumonia. 


2. Answer the questions:

1. When and where was the band formed?

2. Name the members of the band.

3. When did “Queen” enjoy success in the UK?

4. What is one of the most popular “Queen`s” hits?

5. When did Mercury die?





  1. Listen to the song “Show must go on”. Try to explain the meaning of the following phrases:


a) My soul is painted, like the wings of butterflies

b) My make-up may be flaking,

But my smile still stays on

c) I guess I'm learning, I must be warmer now

d) The show must go on





  1. Say, what questions the author raises in his song. Can you answer these questions?


  2.  Match these adjectives to the proper words from the song:

Empty                       soul

abandoned                places

mindless                   spaces 

failed                        I must be

warmer                     crime

free                           to be

painted                      romance


3. Find the synonyms for the words and expressions in the song:

To keep on going

To seek

To become older

To study

To remain

To think

A performance

To realize


       Bob Marley - Don’t Worry, Be Happy


Here's a little song I wrote,

You might want to sing it note for note,

Don't worry, be happy

In every life we have some trouble,

When you worry you make it double

Don't worry, be happy- 5


Ain’t got no place to lay your head,

Somebody came and took your bed,

Don't worry, be happy               

The landlord say your rent is late,

He may have to litigate,

Don’t worry (small laugh) be happy,

(look at me I`m happy,)

Don't worry, be happy

(I give you my phone number,

when your worried, call me,

I make you happy)

Don't worry, be happy


Ain’t got no cash, ain’t got no style,

Ain’t got no gal to make you smile

But don't worry, be happy

Coz when you worry, your face will frown,

And that will bring everybody down,

So don't worry, be happy

E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\big-047.gifDon't worry, be happy now...


( 1st verse)

don't worry, don't worry, don't do it,

be happy, put a smile on your face,

don't bring everybody down like this

don't worry, it will soon pass whatever it is,

Do not worry ,be happy, I am not worry ,I am happy



  1. Let`s remember the translations of some words in the song:
  1. A note – нота
  2. Trouble- клопіт
  3. Double- подвійний, подвоюватися
  4. E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\big-024.gifLandlord - землевласник
  5. Rent - рента                                           
  6. Gal=girl
  7. Frown -похмурий
  8. Bring down – збити з пантелику.
  9. Litigate - судитися


  1. Unscramble the words:

Netr, gla, londllard, ubledo, udletro, rowfn.




1.Listen to the song (1st verse)  and fill in the missing words:


Here's a … … І wrote,

you might want    it note for note,

don't  … , be …

in every life we … … trouble,

when you worry … … it double

  worry, …  happy


2. Listen to the 2-nd and the 3-rd verse and give  the English equivalents to the following word-combinations:

  1. E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\big-062.gifПрилягти відпочити
  2. Змусити всміхатися
  3. Кишенькові гроші
  4. Зайняти ліжко
  5. Обличчя стає похмурим                      
  6. Землевласник говорить, що …
  7. Зіб`є кожного з пантелику

3. Find the verbs in the text and say if they are regular or irregular. Give three forms of irregular verbs.



  1. Answer the questions to the song:


  1.  Do you think this song is optimistic or pessimistic?
  2. When does our trouble become double?
  3. What does the landlord say?
  4.  How does your appearance change when you worry?

















                         Hakuna Matata

[Timon:] Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase

[Pumba:] Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze

[Timon:] It means no worries

 For the rest of your days

[Both:] It's our problem-free   Philosophy

[Timon:] Hakuna Matata!                                   

[Spoken section over background]

 [Timon:] Why, when he was a young warthog...

[Pumba: Italian counter-tenor range]

When I was a young warthoooog!

[Timon: Speaking, cleaning ear ] Very nice.

[Pumba:] Thanks!

[Timon: Singing ] He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal He could clear the savannah after every meal

 [Pumba:] I'm a sensitive soul, though

I seem thick-skinned

 And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind. And oh, the shame

[Timon:] He was ashamed! Thoughta changin' my name Oh, what's in a name? And I got downhearted. How did you feel? Everytime that I...

 [Timon: Speaking ] Pumba! Not in front of the kids!

[Pumba:Speaking ] Oh... sorry.

 [Pumba and Timon:] Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna

Matata! Ain't no passing craze

 [Simba:] It means no worries  For the rest of your days

[Timon:] Yeah, sing it, kid!

Its our problem-free[Pumba:] Philosophy                                          



1. Look at the title of the song and at the pictures. Guess the song of what cartoon we are going to discuss. Who are the main characters of the cartoon?


1. Listen to the 1st part of the song (refrain) and say if you heard such phrases:

  1. Hakuna Matata- what a wonderful phrase!
  2. For the rest of  my days
  3. When I was a young warthoooog!
  4. Hakuna Matata - it means no worries
  5. Hakuna Matata - It's our problem-free 


  1. Listen to the dialogue ( part 2), using some translations:
  1. Warthog- африканський кабан
  2. lacked a certain appeal- бракувало привабливості
  3. thick-skinned- товстошкірий, непробивний
  4. sensitive soul – чутливий дух
  5. E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\kiss2.gifto be ashamed- бути осоромленим               
  6. downhearted – пригнічений
  7. stand downwind – розуміти когось


  1. Complete the sentences according to the text:
  1. When I was a ….  Warthog
  2. He …  his … lacked a certain appeal
  3. I'm a …  soul, though I seem thick-… .
  4. My …  never …  downwind.
  5. I … downhearted.




  1. Fill in the words (in front of, ashamed, warthog, downwind, downhearted):
  1. E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\kiss2.gifNot … … the kids!!!!
  2. I was … .
  3. My friends  never stood … .         
  4. He was … .
  5. When I was a young  … .


  1. Give the translations of the previous sentences.

                              Jack and Jill


Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down and broke his crown

And Jill came tumbling after.

Then up Jack got and home did trot

As fast as he could caper;

He went to bed and  plastered to his head

With vinegar and brown paper.

Jill came in and she did grin

To see Jack's paper plaster;

Mother vexed did whip her next

For causing Jack's disaster.








  1. Look at the title of the song and say who are the main characters of this song?


  1. There are some word-combinations in the text which you don’t know . Let`s try to guess their meanings:
  1. To fetch a pail of water          a) сердитися, дратуватися
  2. To come tumbling                   b) стрибати
  3. To do trot                                c) принести відро води
  4. To caper                                  d) летіти соколом, швидко
  5. To do grin                               e) скотитися сторчака (рос. – кувырком)
  6. To vex                                    f) усміхатися, шкірити зуби
  7. To do whip                             g) відхльостати, побити


  1. Let’s play a game: a) I want you to be my echo. So say the word-combinations after me, please.  b) Now we are Sasha`s ( Andrew`s, …`s) echo.





  1. Complete the sentences:


  1. Jack fell down               a) did whip her next
  2. And Jill came                b) and  plastered to his head
  3. Then up Jack got           c) and broke his crown
  4. He went to bed              d) tumbling after.
  5. Jill came in                    e) and home did trot
  6. E:\Леночка\ВСЯКО-РАЗНО\картинки\mee.gifMother vexed                f) and she did grin





2. Listen to the song carefully for several times. Place the words which contain such sounds in the columns:



          [ i ] 

         [ e ]

         [ o ]

         [ ei ]

































  1. Translate the sentences:


  1. Він побив свого брата, тому що хлопець не приніс відро води.
  2. Діти швидко бігли, тому вони й скотилися сторчака з горба.
  3. Мама була розсерджена, а діти лише посміхалися.










The Earth Song (sung by Michael Jackson)


1. What about sunrise, what about rain

What about all the things that you said we were to gain

What about killing fields, is there a time

What about all the things that you said was yours and mine

Did you ever stop to notice all the blood we've shed before

Did you ever stop to notice this crying Earth, these weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaaah Uuuuuuuuuuh


2. What have we done to the world, look what we've done

What about all the peace that you pledge your only son

What about flowering fields, is there a time

What about all the dreams that you said was yours and mine

Did you ever stop to notice all the children dead from war

Did you ever stop to notice this crying Earth, these weeping shores

Aaaaaaaaaah Uuuuuuuuuuh


3. I used to dream, I used to glance beyond the stars

Now I don't know where we are although I know we've drifted far

Aaaaaaaaaah Uuuuuuuuuuh


a)Hey, what about yesterday (what about us)

What about the seas (what about us)

The heavens are falling down (what about us)

I can't even breathe (what about us)

What about Africans (what about us)

I ain't even you (what about us)

What about nature's worth (ooh ooh)

It's our planet's womb (what about us)


b)What about animals (what about it)

We've turned kingdoms to dust (what about us)

What about elephants (what about us)

Have we lost their trust (what about us)

What about crying whales (what about us)

We're ravaging the seas (what about us)

What about forest trails (ooh ooh)

Burnt despite our pleas (what about us)


c)What about the holy land (what about it)

Torn apart by creed (what about us)

What about the common man (what about us)

Can't we set him free (what about us)

What about children dying (what about us)

Can't you hear them cry (what about us)

Where did we go wrong (ooh ooh)

Someone tell me why (what about us)


d)What about babies born (what about it)

What about the days (what about us)

What about all their joy (what about us)

What about the man (what about us)

What about the crying man (what about us)

What about Abraham (what about us)

What about death again (ooh ooh)

You don't give a damn








The song is long and it would be better to work with its parts.




      Look at these words and remember their translations:

1.to gain – отримати користь;

2.to notice- помічати;

3.to shed- проливати;

4.weeping- плачучий, ридаючий

5.shore- берег


  1. Match the word-combinations and their translations:


  1. what about                 a) ти коли-небудь…
  2. we were to gain         в) що до…
  3. yours and mine          с) ми вже пролили
  4. did you ever               d) твій і мій
  5. we've shed before       е) ми повинні отримувати





  1. Listen to the 1-st verse and fill in the gaps:


.… about sunrise, what about …

What about …  the things that you said we were …

What about … fields, is there a …

What … all the things that you said was … and mine

Did you ever … to notice all the blood we've shed …

Did you … stop to notice this crying Earth, these … shores?




2. Were these word -combinations mentioned during the song? Put “+” or “-”

1.What about sunrise?

2.Stop to notice all the blood.

3.What about animals?

  4.This crying Earth.

  5.What about all the dreams?


PART 2 (2-nd VERSE)



  1. Let`s refresh the Present Perfect Tense.  What are the auxiliary verbs of the Present Perfect?


  1. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:



  1. What have we done to the world?
  2. Look what we've done.
  3. Have you ever noticed all the blood we've shed before?




      1. Match the parts of the sentences:


  1. What have we done                a) that you said was

 to the world                               yours and mine

  1. What about all the                  b) that you pledge your

peace                                          only son

  1. What about flowering            c) look what we've done


  1. What about all the dreams     d) is there a time



PART 3 (3-rd VERSE)



1. In the 3-rd verse you can see the construction “used to”:

Використовується для опису дій, звичок або стану, що були у минулому, але більше не відбуваються.


    E.g.     1. I used to drive to work but now I take the bus.

           2. She used to have really long hair but she’s had it all  cut off.

    3. I didn’t use to like him but now I do.


2. Find “used to”-constructions in the text.

3. Let`s translate some new words:


 - beyond- удалину;

 - to glance- поглянути;

          - although- хоча;

 -  to drift- рухатися.



Listen to the song and fill in the words: although, beyond, dream, drifted far


I used to … , I used to glance the stars.

Now I don't know where we are I know we've    ... .




1. I want to divide you into 4 teams. There are 4 parts of the text ( a, b, c, d). The task of each team is to read and translate their own part.



London Bridge Is Falling Down  


London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down,

           My fair lady.


Build it up with silver and gold,

Silver and gold, silver and gold.

Build it up with silver and gold,

My fair lady.


Gold and silver I have none,

I have none, I have none.

Gold and silver I have none,

My fair lady.


 Build it up with needles and pins,

Needles and pins, needles and pins.

Build it up with needles and pins,

My fair lady.



Pins and needles bend and break,

Bend and break, bend and break.

Pins and needles bend and break,

My fair lady.


Build it up with wood and clay,

                                Wood and clay, wood and clay.

                                Build it up with wood and clay,

             My fair lady.


Wood and clay will wash away,

Wash away, wash away.

Wood and clay will wash away,

My fair lady.


Build it up with stone so strong,

Stone so strong, stone so strong.

Build it up with stone so strong,

My fair lady.

Stone so strong will last so long,

Last so long, last so long.

Stone so strong will last so long,

My fair lady. 


1. Say after me:

Bridge, fell, fair, build up with it, stick , stone, wood, clay, wash away, iron, steel, bend, bow.


2. Choose the right variant:

I have none

А) у мене немає   В) у мене є   С) у мене є багато

Bend and break

А) погнеться та зламається  В) зламається  С) загубиться

Wash away

A) розмиватися   В) будуватися  С) ламатися

Stone so strong

А) дерево міцне  В) камінь такий міцний С) маленький камінь

Last so strong

А) прослужити  мало часу  В) зламатися  С) прослужити  довго


3.Help Jim to put the following words into the proper boxes:


    Stone, falling, build, silver, gold, pins, long, strong.












1.Match the pairs:

1. London Bridge                        a) I have none

2. Silver and gold                        b) last so long

3. Needles and pin                       c) is falling down           

4. Wood and clay                         d) bend and break

5. Stone                                        e) wash away


2. Find the synonyms for the words and expressions in the song:

1. Falling down                         ________________

2. build                                      ________________

3. have none                              ________________

4. break                                     ________________

5. wash away                            ________________

6. strong                                    ________________


3. Say if the sentences are true or false:

1. London Bridge is falling down.

2. Silver and gold will wash away.

3. Needles and pins will last so long.

4. Stone so strong.

5. Wood and clay will wash away.

6. Stone so strong will last so strong.



1. Listen to the song again and fill in missing words:

London Bridge is falling down


London Bridge is … ,

… , … .

London Bridge is … ,

My fair lady.

Build it up with silver and gold,

Silver and gold, Silver and gold.

Build it up with silver and gold,

My fair lady.


Gold and silver I …,

I …, I … .

Gold and silver I … ,

My fair lady.

Build it up with …,

…, … .

Build it up with …,

My fair lady.

  bend and break,

Bend and break, Bend and break.

  bend and break,

My fair lady.

Build it up with wood and clay,

Wood and clay, Wood and clay.

Build it up with wood and clay,

My fair lady.

Wood and clay will …,

…, ….

Wood and clay will …,

My fair lady.


Build it up with … so strong,

… so strong, … so strong.

Build it up with … so strong,

My fair lady.


… so strong will last so long,

Last so long, Last so long.

… so strong will …,

My fair lady.








  My Bonnie

  My Bonnie  lies over the ocean,

My Bonnie lies over the sea

            My Bonnie lies over the ocean,

            Oh bring back my Bonnie to me.


Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me:

                               Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my Bonnie to me.


Last night as I lay on my pillow,

Last night as I lay on my bed,

Last night as I lay on my pillow,

I dreamed that my Bonnie was dead.


The winds have blown over the ocean,

The winds have blown over the sea,

The winds have blown over the ocean,

And brought back my Bonnie to me.


My Bonnie lies over the ocean,

My Bonnie lies over the sea

My Bonnie lies over the ocean,

oh bring back my Bonnie to me.



  1. Say after me:

Bring - приносити,

 Pillow- подушка,

 Over- через,

 Ocean - океан,

 Wind- вітер,

 Blow- дути.



  1. Listen to the song and give the short answers to the questions:     


1234449450_319.jpg1. Who lives over the ocean?

2. Who lives over the sea?

3. Who lays on the pillow?

4. Who dreamed that Bonnie was dead?

5. Where did Bonnie lie?

6. What did the singer of the song dream of ?



1. Arrange the words in pairs of antonyms:

1. night                                                   a) river                                                                                                                          

2. lay                                                      b) day

3. die                                                      c) stand

4. ocean                                                 d) take

5. bring back                                          e) live


 2. Write three forms of irregular verbs to the first column and regular verbs to the second one:

Irregular verbs

Regular verbs















1. Listen to the song again and fill in the missing words:

My Bonnie … over the ocean,

                                             My Bonnie lies over …

My Bonnie … over the ocean,

O bring back my Bonnie to me.


… back, bring …, O bring back my Bonnie to me, to me:

Bring …, bring back, O bring back my Bonnie to me.


Last night as I lay .. my pillow,

Last night as I … on my bed,

Last night as I … on my …,

I dreamed that my Bonnie was ….



The winds have blown over the …,

The … have blown over the sea,

The … have blown over the …,

And … back my Bonnie to me.



My Bonnie … over the ocean,

My Bonnie lies over the …

My Bonnie lies over the ocean,

O bring back my … to me.









“Happy New Year”

No more champagne

And the fireworks are through

Here we are, me and you

Feeling lost and feeling blue

It's the end of the party

And the morning seems so grey

So unlike yesterday

Now's the time for us to say...


Happy New year

Happy New year

May we all have a vision now and then

Of a world where every neighbour is a friend

Happy New year

Happy New year

May we all have our hopes, our will to try

If we don't we might as well lay down and die

You and I


Sometimes I see

How the brave new world arrives

And I see how it thrives

In the ashes of our lives

Oh yes, man is a fool

And he thinks he'll be okay

Dragging on, feet of clay

Never knowing he's astray

Keeps on going anyway...



Seems to me now

That the dreams we had before

Are all dead, nothing more

Than confetti on the floor

It's the end of a decade

In another ten years time

Who can say what we'll find

What lies waiting down the line

In the end of eighty-nine...




abbaa3.jpgall in ones abba.jpg1.Read about a Swedish pop music group and do the task:

 ABBA was a Swedish pop music group formed in Stockholm in 1972. They became one of the most commercially successful acts in the history of popular music, and they topped the charts worldwide from 1972 to 1982. ABBA was also the first pop group from a non English-speaking country to enjoy consistent success in the charts of English-speaking countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.  They called themselves Björn & Benny, Agnetha & Anni-Frid.(ABBA),  an acronym of their first names. ABBA was also the name of a Swedish canned fish company, which luckily agreed to lending their name to a pop group. The Eurovision Song Contest on April 6, 1974 turned out to be most famous moment in ABBA history, when the group won the international juries over with ‘Waterloo’.  One of the most famous hits is the song  “ Happy New Year”


2. Answer the questions:

1. Abba was an English pop music group, wasn`t it?

2. Where was the group formed in?

3. Why did they call themselves “ABBA”?

4. What contest did they win on April 6, 1974?

5. What were the most famous hits of the group?







1. Say after me:

Firework                                             феєрверк                             

Feeling                                                почуття

Vision                                                 ілюзія

Neighbour                                           сусід

Hopes                                                  сподівання

Lay down                                            лягти

Thrive                                                  процвітати, досягати успіху                              Ashe                                                    зола, попіл                                 

Dragging on                                         тягнутись,

Astray                                                  заблукати, збитись зі шляху    


2. There are some international words in this song.

   Can you guess their meaning: champagne, confetti, decade.


3. Match the pairs:

1. No more                                             a) New Year

2. fireworks                                             b) of a party

3. the end                                                c) a hope

4. Happy                                                 d) champagne

 5. confetti                                              e) are through

6. to have                                                f) on the floor          


4. Make up sentences and translate them:

1. the, seems, grey, And, so, morning.

2. for, say, It`s, us, time, to.

3. have, a all, We, vision.

4. we, all, are, have, dreams, before, dead, The.

5. It`s, end, of, the, decade, a.   




1. Listen to the song again and answer the questions:

1. What is this song about?

2. What does the singer feel?

3. What does he dream about?

4. How do you understand the phrase “feeling lost and feeling blue”?


Post - Listening:

1. Fill in the gaps:


No more …

And the …  are through                             

Here we are, me and you

Feeling lost and feeling …

It's the end of the party

And the morning seems so grey

So unlike …

Now's the …  for us to say...


Happy New …

Happy New …

May we all have a … now and then

Of a world where every neighbour is a friend


Happy …


May we all have our …, our will to try

If we don't we might as well lay down and die

You and I


  I see

How the brave new world arrives

And I see how it …

In the … of our lives

Oh yes, man is a fool

And he thinks he'll be okay

Dragging on, feet of clay

Never knowing he's …

Keeps on going anyway...



Seems to me now                                     

That the … we had before

Are all dead, nothing more

Than … on the floor

It's the end of a …

In another ten years time

Who can say what we'll find

What lies waiting down the line

In the end of eighty-nine...



1. Іноземні мови №2/2009р. «Використання пісенного текстового матеріалу на уроках англійської мови».

2. English №36 (84)/2001р. «Пісенний, поетичний та фольклорний матеріал на уроці англійської мови»

3. Англійська мова та література №12(58)/2004р. «Вивчення іноземної  мови через пісню та музику»

4. Мініна М.Л. «Методика застосування автентичної англійської пісні»

5. Internet Resources


Відомості про авторів



        Подзерка Наталя Василівна,

        вчитель англійської мови,

        спеціаліст І категорії,

        ЗОШ №13 м. Соледар.




G:\Photo-0053 (1)ю.jpg

        Тонконог Юлія Миколаївна,

        вчитель англійської мови,

        спеціаліст ІІ категорії,

        ЗОШ №13 м. Соледар.





        Кашеварова Олена Віталіївна,

        вчитель англійської мови,

        спеціаліст ІІ категорії,

        ЗОШ №13 м. Соледар.






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