Modal verbs for permission and obligation

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Modal verbs for permission and obligation. це пояснення граматичного матеріалу Модальні дієслова .Відео урок для учнів 8 х класів.допоможе їм удосконалити свої навики .

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

MODAL VERBS for obligation and permission. Grammar explanation Do you know how to use modal verbs to talk about permission and obligation?

Номер слайду 2

MODAL VERBS for Obligation. We use have to, must and  need to to express obligation. There is a slight difference between the way we use them.have tohave to shows us that the obligation comes from outside the speaker. It’s necessary because of a rule or law.- She has to work very long hours.- My brother has to wear a suit to work.mustmust expresses a strong obligation or necessity. It often shows us that the obligation comes from the speaker - I must talk to her right now. - He must remember to have a shave before the conference call tonight.

Номер слайду 3

MODAL VERBS for Obligationneed to need to is used when saying that someone should do something or has to do something - He often needs to do overtime. - She needs to get up early tomorrow because the meeting will start at 8 a.m. - He needs to see a doctor straightaway. - Dolphins need to eat considerable quantities of food. - You need to let me know by Monday if you want to take part in the conference.

Номер слайду 4

Lack of Obligation OR NECESSITYdon’t have to/doesn’t have to do something. We use don’t have to to show that there is no obligation. You can do something if you want to but it's not compulsory. -You don't have to wear a tie in our office but some people like to dress more formally. -You don't have to go to the bank to do a transfer. You can do it online. -You don't have to come with me, honestly. I'll be fine!

Номер слайду 5

Lack of Obligation OR NECESSITYWe use  needn't and don't need to to give permission to someone not to do somethingdon’t need to / needn’t-You don’t need to wear a tie at the party.- You need’t come to the office. You can work from home.- You don’t need to write the essay again.-You don't need to do that right away.

Номер слайду 6

PERMISSIONwe often use can to ask for and give permission. To say what is allowed, we also use can - Journalist can work flexible hours - Can I sit here? - You can use my car if you like. - Can I make a suggestion?

Номер слайду 7

Can’t/ mustn’t. To say what is not allowed, we use - can’t - I can’t leave the office during office hours. - You can't take photos in the museum. They're really strict about it. - Sorry, we can't sell knives to under-18s. we use must not to talk about what is not permitted mustn’t -You mustn’t check your private email at work. - Visitors must not park in the staff car park. - People must not make noise after 11 p.m.

Номер слайду 8

exercises Have to or Can- Do you have to wear a uniform?- Can you call your teachers by their first name?- Can you use your mobile phone in class?- Do you have to take tests in each subject at the end of the term?- Do you have to change classrooms for each lessons?- Can you leave school before you are eighteen?

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