Моє ессе. А тобі подобається писати листи?

Про матеріал

Заняття спрямоване продовжувати підготовку учнів до екзамену після ( класу та ЗНО з англійської мови, має різні форми роботи (самостійна та групова)

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Моє ессе. А тобі подобається писати листи?

Мета: продовжувати формувати навички письма, усного мовлення та читання,  розвивати культуру спілкування та мовленнєву реакцію учнів,  виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Тип уроку: засвоєння нових знань

Хід уроку:

-Good afternoon, children. I`m glad to see all of you in this classroom. Let`s start our English lesson.

Актуалізація почуттєвого досвіду й опорних знань учнів.

This snowy and frosty winter I want to write down a letter to my best friend, because

Can you tell me, what is letter?

 What do we write  in letters?

 What for do people write the letters? 

Мотивація навчальної діяльності школярів.

The 9th grade is very important period because you have exams. You`ll pass English exam too. Writing letter/article/email `ll be the third part of your test. So, I am sure, it is very useful for you to know how to write letter or essay. Are you agree with me?(Student`s answers)

Повідомлення теми, мети, завдань уроку.

The topic of our lesson is “Do you like to write the letters?” Write down the topic please

How do you think, what plans do we have for this lesson?

Today we`ll speak about structure of the letter, get the phrases, what can help us to write it, make a plan of the letter and  finally try to write the letter. Are you ready for all of this?

Сприйняття й первинне усвідомлення учнями нового матеріалу.

I`d like to start our job from the meaning the word “letter”

A letter is one person's written message to another person. How do you think what it can be about?(Student`s ideas)

And today we are going to speak about informal letter. Who is the person you write the letter to?

So lets read about the structure of the informal letters/

1) address, date (right corner)

2)Greetings (Dear…, Hello, What`s up, How are you?)

2)Reason (Why do we write the letter)

3)  Body I want to tell you about…(You write you want)

4) closing / end See you soon.

5)signature (Best wishes…)

Осмислення об'єктивних зв'язків і відносин у досліджуваному матеріалі й розкриття внутрішньої сутності досліджуваних явищ.

Now I want to show you real letter from American pen-friend. When I was a student like you I had English teacher from the USA. It was very interesting to have lesson with Miss Evey. Her name is Kathryn. And after that we wrote letters to each other. And I want you look at it. You have some minutes.

Can you see something strange or interesting foe you? Do you like it? Do you want to have real English pen-friend?

I want to propose to write down one letter in a group using the situation: Before you start, also you can see letters in your book on page

1)You want to describe your school

1) address, date (right corner)

2)Greetings (-Dear (name)…, -Hello, What`s up, Hi  -How are you?)

2)Reason (Last letter you wrote me about your school. It is very interesting. And now I want to….)

3)  Body I want to tell you about…( My school is (big/little). There are (2,3.4) floors, It has ….classrooms.  We have classrooms for English, Math…  And we have sports ground for …Also we have teacher`s and headmaster`s office. We can eat delicious dishes in school canteen.  Some children are from other villages, so they live in dormitory.There are many flowers and …. In my school.)

4) closing / end (See you soon. I hope you are doing well. I am looking forward to seeing you. I can't wait to see you soon.  I can't wait to hear from you.)

5)signature (Best wishes Ann, Best regards,Ann, Lots of love, Ann Love, Ann)

Well, now we read our letters.

Groups read their letters

Підведення підсумків уроку.

Every English learner must know it. What is this? Yes, alphabet. Let`s using the alphabet tell about our lesson to each other,

Повідомлення домашнього завдання. 
Your home task will be to write a short letter.




22 вересня 2018
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