Motivating Students: strategies to get even the laziest student interested in learning

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Motivating Students: strategies to get even the laziest student interested in learning. Uman School №14

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First, we’re going to get in groups. I will give you a card. Find your group based on that card.

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Get to know your group. Take a few minutes to get to know each other. What is your name?What school do you teach at?How long have you been teaching?What’s your favorite thing about being a teacher?

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How to Motivate Students to Learn

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Motivation. It’s 6 a.m. and your alarm is buzzing through the pillow. It’s cold and dark outside, and the last thing you want to do is wake up and get ready to teach. What motivates you to get out of bed on mornings like this?

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What motivates YOU every day?In your group make a list of things that motivate you personally and as a teacher.

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Situation in the classroom. You are students in an English classroom. Right now, we are studying food. Listen to the teacher and try to answer the questions.

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In your groups. Discuss the last activity. How did the teacher fail to motivate her students?How can she improve?

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Your favorite teacher. Think about a teacher you had when you were in primary or secondary school or at university who inspired you. How did this teacher motivate you to learn? Why was he/she so effective in teaching? Discuss in your groups.

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Motivation Motivation is one of the most important aspects of learning and yet it’s often overlooked. The assumption seems to be that students don’t really want to be in the classroom studying English and there’s no way to change that.“But can I do anything about it?” Yes you can!

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two types of motivation Intrinsic Motivation This is simply doing something because it’s personally rewarding. For example, you might play a sport because you enjoy it. Extrinsic Motivation This is when external factors are required to motivate you towards doing something. For example, you might play a sport to win a trophy.

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Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Here’s the downside: intrinsic motivation is much more useful when learning and makes teaching easier. Extrinsic motivation can be a very useful tool, especially to encourage students to do something they have absolutely no interest in whatsoever. The focus should be on using the students’ intrinsic motivations—their real motivations—to help them to learn..

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In your groups. Discuss what you think motivates your students both intrinsically and extrinsically. What is something you do in your lessons to motivate students to learn? Do you have an activity or lesson that students love?

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Motivating Students to Learn. Use this knowledge when building your lessons. If you know one class loves pop songs, then use pop songs as a warm up. If another class is really energetic, channel that energy into activities where they get to move around. As students get older, they are not always motivated by grammar and studying, but they do want to learn English to read comic books, watch movies or follow a soccer game, and you can work with this.

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Motivational strategies: Don’t yell, encourage. We all have that one class (or classes). It’s a few noisy students or maybe even the majority of the class. They constantly talk and never want to work and their constant indifference or downright refusal to work would make anyone agitated. You can feel yourself getting angry and before you know it, you’re yelling until your throat hurts. The students settle down, but only for a short time. They will continue to be noisy later on in the lesson or the next lesson. What can we do?Take 5 seconds. Talk to the students after the lesson. Connect with students and cultivate relationships. Offer encouragement!

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Quick tips on motivational strategies. Positive learning environment. A space students want to be in, that is open and encouraging. Pair or group work. Seating arrangements. Connecting to students (in and out of the classroom)Students will be more motivated by a teacher they feel connected to and trust

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Quick tips on motivational strategies. Student-centered lessons via games and interactive activities. Positive feedback. Give frequent, early, positive feedback to support students so they can believe in themselves. Give students some authority in the classroom. Students will be more motivated if they have a voice

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Ideas to Motivate Students. Younger Students. Games. A Fun Video. Songs. Creative Coupons. Class Awards. Positive Feedback

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Ideas to Motivate Students Older Students A homework pass. Extra points they can add to a low mark Drop the lowest mark Listening to music Extra free time. Positive note to parents. Games/movies based on students’ participation

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Motivating Ourselves.

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A message from Kid president

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Any questions?

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ДЯКУЮ ЗА УВАГА! Uman School №14