"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". Конспекти уроків.

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Конспекти уроків для 8-го класу за темою "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Irland". Конспекти містять завдання для розвитку комунікативних здібностей учнів.
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Lesson 1

Theme:          The Sea Trip  To Great Britain


-to learn new vocabulary concerning the topic;

-to develop student’s  ability to read effectively;

-to develop speaking skills;

-to enrich student’s knowledge on the topic;


Supplies: sheets of paper with a new vocabulary , cards, maps,  hand out ”Match the Pairs”,  Hidden Words”, “Odd One Out”, “Key-facts”

Type of the lesson: presentation  of a new vocabulary


I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting.

Good afternoon! How are you getting on?



 The topic of our  today’s lesson is “ The Geografical position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

By the end of the lesson you should be able to recognize and understand new words and word combinations in the text,   to read and understand the gist and details despite the natural difficulties.


Warming up

Geography quiz.

 Would you like to check your knowledge of geography and answer the quiz.

Use the World map if you want.

Geography Quiz

  1. Which island is the largest in the world?
  2. Which river is the longest in the world?
  3. Which ocean is the biggest?
  4. What lake is the deepest in the world?
  5. What is the resemblance between Kyiv, Ottawa and London?
  6. Black, Red, White, Yellow — what word (not “colour”) can be added to each of these to put them all in the same group?
  7. Is the UK an European country?

(Yes, it is. It lies in the northwest of Europe).

a climate

a compass

a continent

an island

a strait

a zero


to occupy

to separate

to surround

to be situated

to be washed
















c). Some words  are hidden among the letters. Find them and then read them aloud.


Dfehclimateuokh islandkitcfewstraitjhrdmildvtokgoccupybgemseparatenhu


d). Odd one out

Warm, mild, hot, cosy

To be proud, to be washed, to be situated, to be separated

 A river, a lake, a pool, a strait

e).   Match the following words with their meanings.

climate continent island



territory population  inhabitant


-the official line that separates two countries;

-one of the people who live in a particular place;

- a large mass of land surrounded by sea;

- the typical weather conditions in a particular area;

-a narrow passage of water between two areas of

land, usually connecting two seas ;

-a particular part of a country, town etc;

-the number of people living in a particular area,


- a piece of land completely surrounded by water;

- the land of a particular type or the land that is

owned or controlled by a particular state;


2. Reading


Pre-reading activities.


a) Read and pronounce the geographical names correctly:


 Ben Nevis— a name of the mountain in Scotland

 Loch Lomond— a name of the lake in Scotland

 the Gulf Stream— a warm current which flows from

the Gulf of Mexico towards Europe

 Wales — one of the countries of Great Britain

Northern Ireland — one of the countries of Great Britain

 Thames  — a river London stands on


b) Exercise 4 page 109


Read the article

 Geography and Climate


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on islands. Northern Ireland occupies the northern part of Ireland. It is situated of the separate island. Great Britain consists of three parts. Their names are England, Scotland and Wales. Scotland is situated in the north of Great Britain Wales — in the southwest, and England — in the southeast.

Great Britain is surrounded by seas on all sides and is separated from the continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The rivers in Great Britain are not long, but many of them are deep. The capital of Great Britain, London, is situated on the Thames River. There are many mountains in the north of England and in Scotland, but they are not very high. The highest mountain in  Great Britain is Ben Nevis. There are many lakes in Scotland. The most beautiful is Loch Lomond. There are many countries which are connected with Great Britain by sea.

Thanks to the Gulf Stream the climate of Great Britain is mild. The weather is  often foggy and rainy. Summer is not very hot and winter is not very cold. Winter temperature seldom falls below zero.



 While – reading activities.

    a) Write down the Key-facts about the UK


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


  • Official name:
  • Countries making up Great Britain:
  • 4 parts making up the UK:
  • Highest mountain:
  • Longest river:
  • Capital:
  • Climate:

 Post-reading activities.

a). Listen to the following geographical names from teacher's voice. Read them together with the translation. Find them on the map.


Northern Ireland

England, Scotland, Wales, the North Sea,  the English Channel, London,  the Thames River, Ben Nevis, Loch Lomond, the Gulf Stream


b). Put down on the map all geographical names mentioned in the text. Indicate the names of the islands and parts of the country, oceans and seas, mountains and rivers.


c). Look at the map of the UK and answer the question.


I. What is an island?

2. Is United Kingdom situated on an island on a continent?

  1. What territory does Northern Ireland occupy?
  2. How many parts does Great Britain consist of?
  3. What are their names?
  4. Where are they situated?
  5. What is Great Britain surrounded by?
  6. What can you say about the rivers in Great Britain?
  7. Where are the mountains situated?

10.What do you know about London?

11.What do we say about a climate of a country where winters are not very cold and summers are not very hot?

 Why do we say that Great Britain has a very good geographical position?

  1.    Which countries are connected with Great Britain by sea?
  2.    What makes the climate of Great Britain mild?
  3.    What can you say about the climate of Great Britain?

III. Finishing the lesson

Summarizing. What topic did we discuss at the lesson? What task was difficult/ boring?

What task did you like most?

Homework. WB. Ex. 1 p. 34


I hope that our today's lesson was both useful and interesting for you.

Lesson 2

Theme:                  Present Perfect Passive




-to  practice to use of Present Perfect Passive;

-to  develop grammar skills;

-to  teach pupils to love English

Supplies: sheets of paper with the tasks, cards, hand out “Jigsaw sentences”

Type of the lesson: grammar lesson


I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting.

T: Good morning! How are you getting on?

Ps: We are very well!


Today we’ll get to know new grammar material Present Perfect Passive.

Warming up


Game “ Jigsaw sentences”

Give a set of jigsaw sentences to each pair or group of four pupils. Ask pupils to make up 3 sentences, read and translate them after that. Which group will be the first one to make up the sentences.

Jigsaw sentences: ( the card are mixed)


The United Kingdom of Great Britain

on islands

is situated

and Northern Ireland



There are

many countries

by sea

Great Britain

which are connected with





is mild

 Great Britain

the climate of

is mild

to the Gulf Stream

II. The main part of the lesson

1. Presenting and practicing Grammar


The Active sentences focus on what the person (subject) does, did, or will do.

The passive sentences focus on the object of the action:

My Granny bought vitamins for me. (Active Voice.)

Vitamins were bought for me. (Passive Voice.)

We use the Passive Voice if we don't know, don't care or don't want to say

 who (or what) did the action. The Passive Voice focuses on processes rather than

 on people.

We form the Passive Voice by means of the verb to be and the third form (Past Participle)

of the main verb.

Changing from Active into Passive

• The object of the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence.

The active verb changes into a passive form.

The subject of the active sentences becomes the agent.


The agent is not mentioned when:

-it is unknown;

-it is unimportant;

-it is obvious from the context.

Present Perfect Passive Voice

To be + V3




They have been visited

They have not  been visited

It has been    built

It has not  been    built




Have the museums been visited by many friends the other days?

Has it been built yet?

Yes, they have./ No, they haven’t( have not).


Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t( has not).





When the person or thing that has done the action isn’t important, or when we don’t know who has done it.

Coffee has been grown in Brazil.

Exercise on Passive Voice - Present Perfect

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice

  1. Kerrie has paid the bill. – The bill has been paid by Kerrie.
  2. I have eaten a hamburger. -
  3. We have cycled five miles.
  4. I have opened the present.
  5. They have not read the book.
  6. You have not sent the parcel.
  7. We have not agreed to this issue.
  8. They have not caught the thieves.
  9. Has she phoned him?
  10. Have they noticed us?

Write passive sentences in Present Perfect.

  1. the postcard / send – The postcard has been sent.
  2. the pencils / count
  3. the door / close
  4. the beds / make
  5. the mail / write
  6. the trees / plant
  7. the money / spend
  8. the room / book / not
  9. the rent / pay / not
  10. the people / inform / not

Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Present Perfect Simple.

  1.                          The car (steal)  - The car has been stolen.
  2.                          I (bake) _____________            a cake.
  3.                          My friends (buy) __________ a house.
  4.                          The cup (put) ______________ on the table.
  5.                          Trees (plant) ______________ in the street.
  6.                          The boy (fall / not) ____________- off his bike.
  7.                          I (bite / not) __________ by a snake.
  8.                          He (step) _____________ on my toe.
  9.                          We (walk) ______________ all the way home.
  10.                      She (pick up / not) _______________-- by a friend.

Show the Passive Voice in the text

The Canterville Ghost

Chapter I

When the American, Mr Otis, bought Canterville Castle, everyone told him that this was very foolish, as the place was haunted. But Mr Otis answered, “I come from a modern country, where we have everything that money can buy. And if there were such a thing as a ghost in Europe, we would have it at home in one of our museums.”

A few weeks later, on a lovely July evening, Mr Otis, his wife and their children, Washington, Virginia and the twins, went down to their new home. When they entered the avenue of Canterville Castle, the sky suddenly became dark and a spooky stillness was in the air.

Mrs Umney, the housekeeper, led them into the library of the castle, where they sat down and began to look around. Suddenly, Mrs Otis saw a red stain on the floor just by the fireplace and said to Mrs Umney, “I am afraid something has been spilt there.”

“Yes, madam,” said the old housekeeper in a low voice, “blood has been spilt on that spot.”

“How terrible,” said Mrs Otis; “I don't want any blood-stains in my sitting-room. It must be removed at once.”

The old woman smiled and answered, “It is the blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville, who was murdered on that spot by her husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. Sir Simon disappeared seven years later. His body has never been found, but his ghost still haunts the Castle. The blood-stain is a tourist attraction now and it cannot be removed.”

“That is all nonsense,” said Washington, the eldest son of the Otis family, “stain remover will clean it up in no time,” and he took a bottle of stain remover out of his pocket and cleaned the spot. But as soon as the blood-stain had disappeared, a terrible flash of lightning lit up the room and a fearful peal of thunder made the whole building shake.



Game ”What's been changed?”

Present perfect passive group speaking activity


    Divide the pupils  in two (more or less) equal groups: A and B.

Write up on the board and tell the pupils  that this activity is called "What's been changed?"

Tell the pupils to memorize the position and state of everything in the room (allow 2 minutes).

Tell the pupils that group A is going to leave the room for 5 minutes, and during that time group B will change things in the room. When the pupils in group A come back, they will have to identify what's been changed.



Each pupil in group A  who uses the target structure to identify a change gets 1 point.

If the pupil identifies an actual change, they get an additional 1 point.

Points are not awarded to pupils  who don't use the target structure correctly, on the other hand

any  other  pupil  who catches an error and corrects it gets the point. This encourages

attentiveness  and greater participation by all the pupils.

The pupil  with the most points after the time limit / all changes have been identified wins.


In any case, the  dialogue  should go something like this:

Pupil  A1: "A-ha! The lights have been switched off.

Pupil B: "That's right. They've been switched off." (pupil A1 = 2 points)

Pupil  A2: "And you moved the dictionary."

Pupil  A1: "No, you're supposed to say the dictionary has been moved.'"

Pupil  B: "No, it hasn't been moved." (pupil A2 = 0 pt, pupil A1 = 1 pt)

Use these clues:

switch on / off + the lights / television

move + table / chair / rubbish bin or wastebasket / clothes ...

open / close + the window / cabinet or cupboard / book / box

wipe or erase + the board

write / draw + on the board

unplug / plug in + the television / cassette or DVD player

put away + pens / pencils / notebooks / books...

turn over + notebooks / books

III. Finishing the lesson

Summarizing. What have we done at the lessons? What grammar have we learnt at the lesson today? What difficulties did you have? Have you got any difficulties with the Present Perfect Passive?

Homework. WB. Ex. 1-3 p.34 - 35



Lesson 3

Theme:          The Geography and Climate of Ukraine


  • to activate pupils’ speaking skills through various creative activities,
  •  to revise vocabulary which concerns the theme, to practise reading,speaking.

-     to develop student’s  ability to read effectively;

      -      to develop pupils’ creative imagination, logical thinking, memory.

Supplies: cards, map, hand out” Key-facts”,

Type of the lesson: speaking lesson



I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting.

Good afternoon! How are you getting on?



 The topic of our  today’s lesson is “The Geography and Climate of Ukraine ”.

By the end of the lesson you should be able to recognize and understand new words and word combinations in the text,   to read and understand the gist and details despite the natural difficulties, to talk about the geographical position and climate of Ukraine.


Warming up.

Do you the main geographical terms?

Let’s check your knowledge.

Say what it is:

The most important town in a country... (capital)

A large town... (city)

A rounded and raised landform, not as high as mountain... (hill)

Low ground between hills... (valley)

A body of land surrounded by water, smaller than a continent... (island)

A big piece of water with land around it... (lake)

A large stream of water that flows across the land... (river)

The body of salt water covering nearly three fourths of the Earth's surface... (ocean)

The weather that a place has... (coast)

II. The main part of the lesson

1. Reading

Pre-reading activities.

a) Problem solving.

T: What do you think?

Look at the map of the country and answer the questions:

Is the geographical position of our country suitable for the development of its relations with foreign countries and its industrial development?

6) Pronunciation drill.

Read and pronounce the geographical names correctly:




the Autonomous Republic of Crimea








 Read the text on page 115 exercises 1.

While-reading activities.


    Write down the Key-facts about Ukraine



  • Official name:
  • Area:
  • Extension:
  • Borders on:
  • Population:
  • Main  river:
  • Capital:
  • Climate:

Post-reading activities.

a).  Complete the sentences. 

    I.Ukraine covers an area of... 

  1. Its territory stretches for... 
  2. Our country borders on ... 
  3. Ukraine is washed by ... 
  4. The two mountainous areas are ... 
  5. The main rivers are ... 
  6. The climate is ... 
  7. The flora of Ukraine is ... 
  8. The fauna (animal life) is ... 
  9. The population of Ukraine is ... 



2. Speaking


a).  Role-play the situation in pairs. You are in one of British schools. The British teacher of Geography wants his/her pupils to know more about Ukraine. Answer his/her questions.             




  1. Where is Ukraine situated?
  2. What can you say about its geographical position?
  3. Which countries does it border on?
  4. What seas is Ukraine washed by?
  5. What part of Ukraine is occupied by the mountains?
  6. Is Ukraine visited by tourists? 
  7. What are the tops of high mountains usually covered with?
  8. What nationalities is your country inhabited with?
  9. Which sea is the southern part of Ukraine washed by?

10. What languages are spoken in Ukraine?


b). Work in pairs and make up a dialogue between a travel agent and a customer, who wants to visit the country and wants to know something about it. Use the facts from the text.



c). Here are some facts about the weather in Ukraine.


 Which do you think are the most important for a visitor to know? Why do you think so?

In general the country's climate moderate-continental, subtropical only in the southern part of the Crimea. The differences in climate are caused  by many factors: landscape, distance to and oceans... The climate varies not only from the north to the south, but from the northwest to the southwest as the warm air masses are moving from northwestern part of Atlantic Ocean.

The average  temperature in Ukraine varies between +5; +7 °C in the and+11;+13°C inthe south.

The coldest month is January with a record low of-42 °C. The warmest month is July with a record high of +40 °C. Rain and snow ranges from about 76 cm a year in the north to about 23 cm in the south. The highest rainfall is in Carpathian and Crimean mountains.



Organize a discussion on the following questions.

What practical advice would you give to a visitor about the weather in  Ukraine?

What clothes should they bring in summer? In winter?


III. Finishing the lesson

Summarizing. What have we done at the lessons?  Is it geographical position of our country suitable for the development of its relations with foreign countries?

Homework. Ex. 6 -pp. 118-119




Lesson 4

Theme: The UK


  • to activate pupils’reading skills, trying to get the main information from the text:
  • to speak about the UK;
  • to use new vocabulary in the sentences:
  • to review the previous material;

      -     to develop pupils’ logical thinking, memory

    - to broden pupils’ knowledge about the UK

Supplies: cards, map, hand out” "Rearrange the words", “ True or False.”

Type of the lesson: reading lesson



I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting.

-  How do you do!

-  How do you do!



 The topic of our  today’s lesson is “The UK”.

By the end of the lesson you should be able to apply knowledge of the words and expressions for this topic in a new situation, to talk about the UK.


Warming up.

Game "Rearrange the words"


Write the following words on the blackboard:


inhabitant, climate, cafe, people, exhibition, the British, mountain, hotel, church,

Ukrainians, valley, theatre, avenue, lake, Scottish , forest, .

Explain to pupils that each word belongs to one of the three distinct categories.

Their task is to work out what the three categories are, and to rearrange the words

into three groups.

Ask them to work in pairs.

The first pair to finish is the winner.


For example:


Geographical features: climate, mountain, valley, lake, forest.


II. The main part of the lesson

  1. Reading

Exercise 1, page 120-121

Pre-reading activities

a). Is United Kingdom situated on an island or on a continent?

What territory does Northern Ireland occupy?

How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

What are their names?

b) Look at the new words on page 120 and repeat after me.


Read the text on page 120 exercises 1.

While-reading activities.

  1. complete the sentences:


The symbol of England is …

The symbol of  Wales is …


Post-reading activities.

  1. True or False. Correct the false sentence.

The most famous lake is called Nessie.

Edinnburgh is the capital of Wales.

Edinburgh has a huge festival every summer.

A red rose is the symbol of England.

Rugby is a national sports in Wales.

Welsh is studied at school.

b).WB. Ex.1-2, p. 36

Rank the following kinds of geographical relief of the earth surface according to their height over the sea level. Start with the highest.










Match the names of the countries with some notes about them.

1. Northern Ireland

2. England

3. Wales

4. Scotland


a) The popular musical instrument in this country is harp. People are fond of rugby. Road signs are usually in native language and in English.


b) This is the most mountainous area in Great Britain. The country is popular with campers and climbers. A huge festival of music and literature takes place here every year.


c) This is the part of a separate island. Saint Patrick is a patron of it. Bagpipes and fiddles are considered as traditional music instruments in this country.



d) You can find lots of plains and meadows here. Gardening is very popular among the population. People are proud of its language because it is spread out over the whole UK.


Read the sentences and tick E (England), S (Scotland), W (Wales), NI ( Northern Ireland). There is more than one  answer  possible.


1. In this country people are crazy about gardening.

2. In this country you may see different shades and tones of green.

3. In this country men wear skirts called the kilts.

4. You can see a red dragon on the flag of this country.

5. In this country rugby is the national sport.

6. The symbol of this country is a red rose.

7. The most famous symbol of this country is the shamrock.

8. In this country there are many lakes called the lochs.

9. People who live in these countries don't like it when they called English.

10. These people are especially proud of their language.



Fill in the words from the 'New Vocabulary'.

1. When you speak about the ... of a place you mean its hills, rivers, forests

and so on.

 2.... is a large area of land with very few trees on it.

  1. ... is a field which has grass and flowers growing in it.
  2. ... is a long and narrow1 piece of land between hills.
  3. People who live in their own house, usually put a ... around it and a small yard in front of it.
  4. ... are low-lying lands.
  5. ... are lands in the mountains.



Ask and answer in pairs.

  1. What would you like to see in Scotland? Why?
  2. What was Helen impressed by in England?
  3. What parts of England did she visit? What did she see there?
  4. What do the holiday makers like in Wales?
  5. What can anyone see in Wales?
  6. What was Maxym surprised with?


III. Finishing the lesson

Summarizing. What have we done at the lessons? What is the most beautiful part of England for you? Why?

Homework. Ex. 4 p.121







Lesson 5

Theme: British Cities


  • To check the pupils’ skills of listening and understanding the English speech;
  •  to develop pupils’ memory;
  • - to teach pupils to work in pairs, groups:
  • To teach pupils to collect information and make the conclusions.

Supplies: cards, map, pictures

Type of the lesson: listening  lesson



I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting.

-  How do you do!

-  How do you do!



The topic of our  today’s lesson is “British Cities”.

By the end of the lesson you should be able to give your own points of view on the topic, to talk about the British cities.

  Warming up.


What words do you associate with topic of our lesson? Do you remember the names of main cities features?

Let’s make up “Mind Map” according to our topic.


Large squares                                                Galleries                                             Theatres





Old churches


Town Features



Long avenues                                                                         

                                                                 Large squares

                                                                                                                Ancient cathedrals



Make up as many sentences as you can to describe a modern town or city.

II. The main part of the lesson

  1. Listening “ Britain and the British”

Pre-listening activities

a) Before listening learn to read and pronounce the names of some British cities. Find them on the map.









b) Listen to the lecture about the population of Great Britain and try to remember the nationalities of the inhabitants who live in parts of the country.







While-listening activity

Listen to the text and fill in the table.





Great Britain


The British













English, Welsh

Northern Ireland



English, Irish



Post – Listening Activities.

Listen about the population of Great Britain again  and complete the sentences choosing right answers.


  1. More than _______ million people live in Britain.


a) 65   b) 46   c) 56


2. ... are the biggest industrial cities in the centre of England


a) Manchester and Leeds

 b) Liverpool and Manchester

c) Leeds and Birmingham


3) Many sailors and fishermen live in Liverpool, ....

a) Plymouth and Portsmouth

b) Sheffield and Portsmouth

c) Portsmouth and London



4. ... is the birthplace of   famous Shakespeare.

  1. Bristol
  2. Manchester
  3. Stratford-upon-Avon


  1.   In some parts of... and Wales people speak other languages besides  English.
  2.   a) England  b) Scotland  c) Britain
  3. Everyone in the UK speaks English ....

a) clearly

 b) in the same way
c) differently

 Use the table you have copied and name the capitals of:

-England     -Northern Ireland   -Scotland    -Great Britain    -Wales

 What country has the same capital as Great Britain on the whole?


  1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the people, the language and the capitals of each part of  Great Britain 

Work in pairs

Each group get a card with a task.

The task is to put sentences about one of the British cities in the right logical order.




Card 1.


Просмотреть картинку полностью



The University of Manchester founded in1880 is famous for its studies.

With its large suburb Salford Manchester has a population of nearly one million.

Manchester is the centre of the cotton industry.

Manchester has few ancient buildings, but few English cities have better parks of which there are over fifty.The largest of them is Heaton Park. Manchester is rich in libraries and schools.





Card 2.


It is a centre of the iron industry.

The district around  Birmingham is known as the Black Country.

It is a land of factories and mines. Steam-engine, motor-cars, railway carriages, bicycles  are manufactured in the factories of the Black Country.

In the heart of England about 112 miles north-west of London is Birmingham.

Birmingham is a city with population of over one million.


Card 3.



This was the port from which many ships sailed in Elizabeth's reign.

Bristol is divided into two parts.

Bristol is not a very large port.

The University building has a very high tower from the top of which you can see College Green, many churches and  Park  Street.

The eighteenth century stone houses climb up the hills past the beautiful and little-known cathedral to the second part of Bris­tol. It has a wooden eighteenth century theatre untouched since those days.

One of them is the port on the Avon with narrow streets, old churches and houses.

Bristol has a college named College Green, the University, the art gallery and some museums.

This part is more modern and it has many fine houses built of pink stone and many wonderful monuments and churches.





Card 4.




The first place we went to was Shakespeare's birthplace—a small house with small rooms in the centre of Strat­ford. We saw the very room where Shakespeare was born. Lots of people who had visited the house had written their names on the walls. It seemed a wrong thing to do—although among the names were Walter Scott, Dickens.

Stratford is a very interesting town, right in the centre of Eng­land. It is nice to think that Shakespeare was born right in the heart of England and in the midst of the country that is so typi­cally English.

There are no mountains or deep valleys near Strat­ford; there's nothing of the grand scenery that we have in Scot­land, but there are beautiful woods, green fields, a quiet gentle river—the winding Avon—and lovely houses, black and white with thatched roofs.













Solve the crossword.








5. E


















































































  1. One of the biggest port.
  2. one of the biggest industries city
  1. the birthplace of William Shakespeare
  2. the capital of Scotland


6. the capital of the Northern Ireland




  1.  the capital of Great Britain


3. the capital of Wales


III. Finishing the lesson

Summary of today’s work at the lesson.

Homework. Ex.3 p.124















Lesson 6

Theme: The USA


  • To check the pupils’ skills of listening and understanding the English speech;
  •  to develop pupils’ memory;
  • - to teach pupils to work in pairs, groups:
  • To teach pupils to collect information and make the conclusions.

Supplies: cards, map, pictures

Type of the lesson: listening  lesson


I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting.

-  How do you do!

-  How do you do!



The topic of our  today’s lesson is “The USA”.

By the end of the lesson you should be able activize the geographical terms learned at the previous lessons to understand the gist and details of the text for listening and to express your attitude to its  contents.


Warming up.

Play the game “ Who will make up more sentences?”, using the words and expressions given below:


To be situated, to be washed , to surround, a climate, to occupy,in the north, in the west, in the eastan ocean, a strait,  to border on….


II. The main part of the lesson

At the previous lessons we’ve spoken about the UK. But today  we’ll speak about the USA.

1. Listening

Pre-listening activities.

a) Problem Solving.

What do you think?

Look at the map of the USA and answer the question;

Is the geographical position of the USA suitable for the development of its relations with foreign countries?

b) Listen to the following geographical names:


The Atlantic Ocean

The Pacific  Ocean

The Artic Ocean

The Appalachian Mountains

The Rocky Mountains

The Mississippi….

Find them on the map of the USA.

c) Listen, then read the article and match its seven paragraphs to the topics from a) to g) noted after the text.


(1) The United States of America is a name of the country com­posed of 50 states joined in a federal republic, and its citizens are known as "Americans'.

In the north the US is bordered by Canada, and in the south it borders on Mexico. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the East and by the Pacific Ocean in the West.

(2) Hawaii, which became the 50th state in 1959, is situated in the Pacific Ocean halfway between the west-coast states and the Far East.

Alaska is separated from Russia by only about 50 miles across the Bering Strait.

(3) The main part of the United States consists of several physical divisions, including highland and lowland regions. Major highlands are the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the Rocky Mountains in the west. The Rocky Mountains extend from Mexico to Canada. The mountains are crossed by streams which flow through deep canyons and fall into the Pacific Ocean. The largest among them are the Colorado and the Columbia rivers.

These rivers are unsuitable for navigation, but they serve as an immense source of electric power.

- The central lowland between the two main mountain ranges makes up the basin of the Mississippi River. Its main tributaries are the Missouri and the Ohio Rivers. The Mississippi together with the Missouri form the longest river in the world (7,300 km).

The northern part of the USA embraces the region of the five  Great  Lakes (Lake

Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario), which are connected by natural channels cut by  rapids. The greatest of these rapids is the Niagara Falls.

4. Crossed by mountain ranges from north to south, the country unprotected from cold winds from the north and from warm wind from the south. This causes great temperature fluctuations. On the  whole, USA has a continental climate.

5. The country is rich in coal, oil, iron and minerals,which form a  solid base for the development of American industry. The US economy is highly developed. In fact, the United States is leading countries in the world economy.

6.The people of the United States are a mixture of many different nationalities. The United States is often called a big melting pot of countries. In a melting pot, different metals are melted together make a new metal. The United States is like a melting pot for people. In the past , people  from many different European countries came to the  US and made one country out of many. In one city you can find people  whose parents or great-grandparents came from China,  Africa, Southeast Asia  and many European countries. These different people brought a wonderful mixture of customs and  traditions to their new land. The German brought Christmas trees, the Irish - St. Patrick's Day celebrations, the Scots — Halloween.

7. The red-white-and-blue flag of the United States is  known as 'Old Glory' or the 'Stars and Stripes'. Red stands for courage, white for purity  and blue for justice.13 stripes represent the first original American colonies, which were united into one country. The stars in the flag, white on the deep blue background, represent the number of states making up the United States. Today it has 50 each state, and 13 stripes, one for each of the original states.

 Everyone can be greatly surprised by the fact how Americans

honour and treat their flag. In American schools  the day begins with the ceremony of raising the flag.






While –Listening Activity

Write down the Key-facts about the USA

The United States of America

Key- facts









Post-Listening Activities

a) Listen, then read the article and match its seven paragraphs to the topics from a) to g) noted after the text.

  1. the landscape
  2. the flag
  3. the geographical
  4. the mineral resources
  5. the smallest and the biggest states
  6. the climate
  7. the people


b) Say if the statements are true or false.

1. Hawaii  is the smallest state of the USA.

2. The Colorado and the Columbia rivers flow through the Rocky Mountains.

3. The Missouri and the Ohio rivers are the tributaries of the Columbia river.

4. There  are five lakes in the northern part of the USA, which embrace the area  known as the Region of Great Lakes.

5. The people of the USA are known as Germans, Irish and Scots.  

6. “Stars and Stripes” is another name of American money.

7.There were 12 original states which gave birth to the USA.

8. The USA  is composed of 50 states today.   

c) Arrange the words in pairs of antonyms. Write them down into your notebook.



Long cold




To separate


To take a source


Mild climate

To flow into



Continental climate






To join










d) Arrange the words in pairs of synonyms.




To compose

To separate

To flow into

A range





To make up

To divede

To fall into

A chain













  1.       Do the exercise 2 on page 38 in your workbook.

Fill in the following chart ranking the countries in the columns.


Number them 1,2,3 beginning with the biggest. The first is done for you.



The UK










Density of population




Border length












Length of rivers




III. Finishing the lesson

Summary of today’s work at the lesson.

Homework. Ex.8 p.130







Lesson 7


Theme: English-Speaking Countries


      -    to provide opportunities for developing speaking skills based on the topic;

  • to develop pupils’ memory;
  • to teach pupils to collect information and make the conclusions;
  • to teach pupils to respect our native country and the countries the language we are learning;

Supplies: cards, map, pictures

Type of the lesson: speaking lesson



I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting.

-  How do you do!

-  How do you do!


The topic of our  today’s lesson is “English-Speaking Countries”.  By the end of the lesson we’ll be able to speak about English-Speaking countries.



Warming up.


Match the names of the English-speaking with their flags.


The UK




New Zealand





Зображення:Flag of Canada.svg                                Зображення:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg                             Зображення:Flag of New Zealand.svg



Зображення:Flag of the United States.svg                                   Зображення:Flag of Australia.svg


II. The main part of the lesson

  1. Look at the map of the world and say what countries The UK  ( the USA, Canada,Australia, New Zealand) borders on.


Work in group. Each group get the map of one of the  English –speaking countries.


Look at the maps and find out the facts and fill in the table. After that it is necessary to represent the country.


The full name of the country


The total area




Capital city


Large cities




The highest peak






Use  the map of the world and read the paragraphs below. Try to guess what English-speaking country each of the following paragraphs tells about.

1. It is not a large country. It is situated in Europe. It is much smaller than France or Norway. It consists of four ports, but English is the national language in all the parts of this country.

2. This country lies in the middle of the North American continent. Its area is over 9 million square kilometres. The country consists of 50 states. Its national emblem is the bald eagle. The flag is called 'The Stars and Stripes'.

3. This country is a very large country. Its territory is about 10 million square kilometres, people speak    English and French there.

  4. This country is called the 'upside down country'. The hottest summer month is  January and the    coldest winter month is June, it lies in the southern hemisphere.

5. This country is situated in the southern hemisphere. When it is midnig in Great Britain, it is midday of the next day in this country. Many peo came to live here at the end of the 16th century.




You are going to read a magazine article about people in Britain. Six sentences have been removed. Choose which sentences (A-G) fit into  the gaps (1-6). There is one extra sentence you do not need to use.

A. A red dragon is probably the oldest symbol of Wales.

B. They like to speak Welsh, to sing songs in Welsh and when you travel you can see road signs in Welsh all over Wales.

C.Green is one of the symbols of Ireland and everybody wears green on St. Patrick's Day, the Irish national holiday.

 D.The English are also famous for their love of animals.

 E. People from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland are not English.

F. Traditional tartan skirts are called kilts and many Scotts them - women and men!

G. Every country in the UK has got its own symbol.


People in Britain

The symbol of England is a red rose, and English people are crazy about gardening.


A lot of families have pets. English football is famous, of course, but there is another national sport too, cricket. English people like to talk about the weather.



Scotland is very famous for its beautiful scenery and the lakes called Lochs. An important symbol of Scotland is a special kind of material called tartan.

Another Scottish symbol is the thistle. People in Scotland play very unusual musical instruments called bagpipes.


Another symbol of Wales is a vegetable called the leek. People wear them on their coats on St. David's Day, the Welsh national holiday, although some people wear another symbol of Wales - the daffodil. Welsh people are famous for their singing and their musical festivals. Rugby is their national sport.

The  most famous symbol of Ireland is the shamrock. In Ireland you may  see different  shades and tones of green.


The Irish are famous for their playing, singing and dancing. People in Britain are reserved and conservative. They have kept their traditions alive for centuries.

Everyone who was born in Britain is British. People from England are the English.

5. _________________________________________________________

 They are the Scottish or the Scotts; the Welsh and the Irish. People from Scotland and Wales don't like it when they are called the English.

Everyone in Britain speaks English. But in some parts of Scotland and Wales people speak different languages as well. The Welsh are especially proud of their language.


Everyone in the UK speaks English but they all speak it differently.

III. Finishing the lesson

Summary of today’s work at the lesson.


Project Work.

Teacher of English: And now you’ve got the last task. I’ll divide you into three groups. Imagine a situation I am a  tourist. I want to visit any English-speaking country. The groups will persuade me to visit  one of the best English-speaking countries.



Lesson 8

Theme: Knowledge is  power


       - to generalize and broaden pupils’ knowledge about English-speaking countries;

       -    to develop pupils’ speaking skills in monologue dialogue speech;

       - to develop pupils’ outlook;

       - to teach pupils to collect information and make the conclusions;

Supplies: cards, maps, pictures

Type of the lesson: speaking lesson



I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting.

2.     Aim.

The aim of today’s lesson is to sum up the results of working on the topic. We have to listen to participants of the project.

  1. Warming up.

- And now look at the blackboard. Here you can see proverbs. Your task will be match the English proverbs with their Ukrainian equivalents.


Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. (Arabian)

To know what’s what.

To know everything is to know nothing.

Knowledge is better than money in the bank. (English)

Knowledge is light, ignorance a cloud.


No living man all things can.

Live and learn.

Знати, що і як.

Вчення-світ, невчення-тьма.

Вік живи-вік учись.

Знання- це скарб, навчання-ключ до нього.

Знати все значить нічого не знати.

Жодна людина не вміє усього.


And now read one by one.

Thank you and now match the proverbs. Who knows? Rise your hand.  Go to the black board.


Read some statements which will help you to discuss how important knowledge is and answer the questions below.


What do people do if they do not know something important needed for their  work or profession? As a rule, they try to get more knowledge about it. They try to learn and understand what they do not know and try to use it in practical life. We need knowledge to be more useful for our society.

There is one English proverb that describes the main idea for today discussio, 'Knowledge is power'. This proverb means that the more a man knows, the greater power he has. Knowledge has given man his great power.

You may think that one cannot know everything. It is correct, of course, but everybody must always try to increase his or her knowledge. You get knowledge at school, from books, magazines, radio and TV programmes, the Internet…

Knowledge of history helps us to understand the past, the present and the future. If your knowledge of other school subjects is good, it will help you in your future life.


1. What does the proverb 'Knowledge is power' mean?

2. Where do you get knowledge?

3. When do people try to get more knowledge?

4. Why do we need knowledge?


II. The main part of the lesson

Last lesson I suggested  you  to participate in the project. Your task was to imagine a situation I was a  tourist. I wanted to visit any English-speaking country. The groups would persuade me to visit  one of the best English-speaking countries.”

Introducing the project

The first project  group


British Flag


"England" is sometimes, wrongly, used in reference to the whole United Kingdom, the entire island of Great Britain (or simply Britain), or indeed the British Isles. This is not only incorrect but can cause offence to people from other parts of the UK. (Nationality of the British people).

England is part of the United Kingdom, along with Scotland and Wales.

Great Britain, the United Kingdom and the British Isles do not mean the same thing. Great Britain is very often, but incorrectly, used as a synonym for the sovereign state properly known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom is made up of 
1. England: The Capital is London.
2. Scotland: The Capital is Edinburgh.
3. Wales: The Capital is Cardiff.
4. Northern Ireland: The Capital is Belfast.


Some more facts of England:

Population: 58 million people.

Geographic size: 130,422 square kilometers or 50,356 square miles.

Capital: London.

Major cities and population: London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester and Nottingham.


British Castle

England has a rich history going back hundreds of years. England still maintains a monarchy, with the Queen of England.

You can still see traditional England in much of London, and other cities.

British countryside


Much of England is rolling hills with occasional small fields or flatland.




England has many areas of historical interest. The Queen and the Royal Family are a well known international symbol of England. The Buckingham Palace and the changing of the guards are two popular tourist attractions.




Other attractions include the London Bridge, Big Ben and the Saint Paul Cathedral.


Tower Bridge


The Tower Bridge is another popular landmark.

England's traditional industries include iron and steel production, coal mining and textiles. Other industries include automobile manufacturing, electronic products and chemicals. The lowlands support some farming such as wheat, potatoes and vegetables. Dairy and sheep farming are common in the hilly pastures.

Britain was one of the first major world powers. British explorers discovered and colonized many parts of the world, including parts of North America. Britain was also one of the first industrial centers.


About 85% of the people in England live in cities or towns.


Brown Stone houses

The "brownstone" is a very common form of housing in England.





Double Decker buses are common site in London. Many North Americans have trouble driving in England because the steering wheel is on the right hand side of the car, and you drive on the left hand side of the road.

England has a moderate climate with temperatures typically ranging from about freezing to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. England also gets considerable rain.


Welcome to England !





The second project  group



Canadian Flag

Canada is the second largest country in the world, smaller only to Russia.

Population: 28 million people

Geographic size: 3.9 million square miles

Capital: Ottawa

Major cities and population: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Halifax



Canada has a very large and diverse range of geographic features. Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 2 territories. Canada stretches from the Pacific Ocean on the west, to the Atlantic Ocean on the east. Northern Canada reaches into the Arctic Circle, while southern Canada stretches below the northern points of the United States.

Canada has a very small population, 28 million people, for its geographic size. Much of Canada is still wilderness, cover by forests. The Rocky Mountains cover a major part of western Canada -- British Columbia, the Yukon Territory, and the western part of Alberta.

West-central Canada is mostly prairie, consisting of large grain farms.


Fishing Boats

The east-central part of Canada are the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. These are major population and industrial areas.

The Maritime provinces on the east coast rely very heavily on the Atlantic Ocean for their way of life.


Wild Life

The majority of Canada is still wilderness. This makes Canada a popular spot for hunting and fishing.

Niagara Falls is one of Canada's best known tourist attractions. It is the largest falls in the world, measured in volume of water.

Polar Bear

Most of Canada's northern islands are located inside the Arctic Circle.

The industry varies as you look across Canada. British Columbia, on the west coast, has historically relied on natural resources such as mining and timber. Manufacturing is now becoming much more important to the economy. Alberta has benefited from considerable natural resources including oil and natural gas. It is also rich in minerals such as zinc, silver, nickel and uranium. The prairie provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and parts of Alberta produce more than 20% of the world's wheat. Other forms of farming and cattle also contribute to the economy.

Ontario and Quebec are the industrial center of Canada. They have a wide variety of manufactured goods. The lower part of Ontario also has very rich farm land, with many orchards. This Niagara area is also known for its wine production.

The maritime provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland rely heavily on fishing and natural resources such as timber. Prince Edward Island is also well now for its potatoes.

Native Americans lived in Canada for thousands of years. In the early 1600s, colonists from Britain and France began to settle in eastern Canada, along the St. Lawrence River. Canada proved to be an excellent spot for trapping and trading of furs. In the 1800s, settlers began to push west. Most of the native Americans were displaced by the Europeans.

 Both English and French still play a significant role in Canada, with both being official languages. Most of Quebec and parts of eastern Canada are still heavily influenced by their French origins. Much of the rest of Canada is English origin. Canada has also had significant immigration from other European countries such as Germany, Italy and the Ukraine. There are also many immigrants from Asia. The Canadian Government tries very hard to maintain a multi-cultural environment, encouraging people to maintain their heritage.

Most of Canada's population lives within 100 miles of the border with the United States. About 75% of the population lives in major cities or towns.  With Canada being so large, the climate varies considerably throughout the country. Canada is generally known for its cold winters and hot, but short, summers.


Welcome to Canada!





The third project  group




Australian Flag


Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. Australia is an island, surrounded by water. It is located on the smallest continent in the world.

Population: 17.5 million

Geographic size: 2.97 million square miles

Capital: Canberra

Major cities and population: Brisbane, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, and Adelaide.


Australia has a very dramatic landscape. Australia is famous for its "outback," the remote lands of the interior.

The desert outback covers most of the interior. It is too hot, dry and barren to support many people.

Eastern Australia has large areas of grasslands, used primarily for sheep and cattle ranches.

Australian Mountains


Australia also has some mountainous areas and plateaus scattered throughout the country. The Blue Mountains, on the south-eastern end of Australia, get their name from the blue haze caused by oil droplets given off from the eucalyptus trees. As an island, Australia also has many beautiful coastal beaches.

Sydney, Australia


Over 70% of Australians now live in cities or towns. Most of this population lives in the eastern and southern coasts, and around Perth in the west.



Australia is home to many animals not found anywhere else in the world.

These include the kangaroos and the koala.

Kangaroo                         Koala                                    Shark


Off the northeast coast of Australia is the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef is over 1,200 miles of coral. It has developed over the last million years, and is now the largest living structure in the world.

It is home to many sharks and thousands of different types of tropical fish.

The Native Australians, or Aborigines, have lived in Australia for at least 40,000 years. In 1788, the British founded a prison colony on the east coast of Australia, in New South Wales. As more Europeans moved to Australia, the Aborigines were driven from their land. Australia is still part of the British commonwealth.

The Native Australians, or Aborigines, have lived in Australia for at least 40,000 years. In 1788, the British founded a prison colony on the east coast of Australia, in New South Wales. As more Europeans moved to Australia, the Aborigines were driven from their land. Australia is still part of the British commonwealth.

Australia is still heavily influenced by its British and European origins. The Australian government is now making major efforts to preserve Australia's culture, including that of the Aboringines.

Much of Australia has a continental climate. The temperatures get hot during the day, then drop considerably at night. Australia is also very arid, getting very little rain.


Welcome to Australia!


Thank you very much. After your project work I’d like to visit these countries.

Let’s sum up the results.

What interesting information have you learned about these countries?

III. Finishing the lesson

Summary of today’s work at the lesson.

Homework  p. p. 136-139 “ Into My Portfolio”





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