Авторський план-конспект уроку вчителя англійської мови
Form: 9
Equipment: a multimedia board, a projector, a laptop, portraits of famous British and American songwriters and groups, crosswords, cards.
Good morning, to everybody. I hope you are ready for our lesson and have a good mood. (Дозволяє учням увійти в іншомовну атмосферу)
I think that art makes people think about life, the beauty around them, nature and love of their country and its people. In my opinion art wakes up people feelings, such as kindness, admiration, enjoyment and peace in the soul. What kinds of art can you name? (Допомагає учням висловлювати свою точку зору щодо введеної теми, готує до сприйняття нової теми).
(S: Architecture, sculpture, cinema, painting, theatre, literature, music etc.)
Today we are going to discuss music, as this kind of art makes the strongest impression on people, their feelings, emotions and thoughts.
Warming up:
Answer my questions ( Сприяє розвитку культури та навичок спілкування)
There are great numbers of musical instruments to sound great and rich, but do we really know how old they are? Let’s read some interesting facts. (Вправа дозволяє учням познайомитися з музичними інструментами познайомитися з новими лексичними одиницями та поширити свій лексичний запас, розвиває навички читання.)
When |
Instrument |
Where |
before 15 000 BC |
flute |fluːt| |
Stone Age people played bone flutes |
c. 3000 BC |
harp and lyre |hɑːp| |ˈlaɪə| |
The harp was used from early times in Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt and India. In ancient Greece it was regarded as a foreign instrument and the lyre was the standart instrument. |
c 2500 BC |
lute |luːt| |
The lute was in use in Mesopotamia and Egypt |
the 16th-17th centuries |
violin |vaɪəˈlɪn| |
Italian instrument makers designed the average violin and its production began in Italy by Antonio Stradivari |
the 18th century |
piano |pɪˈænəʊ| |
An Italian instrument maker constructed the first pianoforte which could vary the tone from soft to loud. |
the 19th century |
saxophone |ˈsæksəfəʊn| |
The Belgium instrument maker Antoine Sax invented saxophone, There was a rise in the use of cymbals , drum sticks, xylophones in the orchestral music. |
the 20th century |
electronic instruments |
The era of electronic instruments began. In the 1940s-50s music analogue synthesizer was designed. In the 1960s the synthesizer were much improved. In the 1970s-80s computer-based music appeared. |
Music Industry
Let’s mention such important theme as music industry. What does it mean? How many people are involved in music industry? What professions are there in music industry? (Така вправа стимулює лексичну активність, знайомить учнів з професіями музичного мистецтва)
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Music styles
Match the words and sentences from each column to make logical phrases and make 3 sentences about your attitude to the following musical styles. (Така вправа знайомить учнів з різноманітними музичними стилями, виховує толерантне ставлення до музичних смаків однокласників).
Who are they?
Let’s have a look on 9 great representatives of music art. Do you know who they are? What are they famous for? (Такий вид вправи допомагає розвивати навички мовлення та логічного мислення, знайомить з музичною культурою інших країн )
(Рівень розвитку комунікативних навичок та навичок діалогічного мовлення учні мають продемонструвати набуті під час уроку знання)
What did you find out from the history of music?
What styles of music do you know?
What musical instruments do you like to play?
Would you like take part in musical industry?
What is your favourite musical singer or group?
I’d like to say some words in conclusion. I suppose no one is born like an art admirer, but you can become one of them. I would be glad if our lesson devoted to music widened your scope and enriched your knowledge of the world of beauty. I hope the world of music with its charming sounds will change something in your souls for the better. The influence of music is really powerful and I think you felt it.
As a home task you need to watch a short film about streets musicians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0Mf8jRYgmA
and be ready to answer my questions.