Ознайомити учнів з музичними стилями, удосконалювати навички читання, говоріння
КЗ ‘Ліцей « Надія»
Відкритий урок на тему:
Учитель: Кузьменко Т.Б.
Тема уроку: |
Мета уроку: |
удосконалювати навички читання, говоріння та слухання по темі; активізувати лексику; ознайомити учнів з музичними стилями.
Обладнання: |
аудіозапис, вислови, тематичні малюнки, картки з текстами, тестовими завданнями, запитання. |
Хід уроку:
І. Оргмомент.
Who is on duty today?
How do you feel today?
ІІ. Introduction. Ознайомлення учнів з темою уроку.
Music is the universal language of the world( H. Longfellow)
Life without music would be a mistake
Look at the quotations of the famous people and try to guess the topic of our today’s lesson.
Yes, today we’ll speak about music, music styles, the role of music in your life, famous composers, your favourite singers.
ІІІ. Закріплення лексики по темі.
1) Match the names of the instruments with the pictures.
What groups of musical instruments do you know?
What groups to these instruments belong to?
Key-board: organ, piano
Percussion: drum, xylophone
String: double bass, violin, guitar, banjo
Wind: flute, saxophone, trombone
2) Mind-map what musical styles do you know?
rap |
hip-hop |
heavy metal |
classical |
chamber |
folk |
What styles do you like?
3) Now you’ll listen to 4 musical extracts. While listening fill in the table:
Style of music |
Main instruments |
classical |
organ |
pop |
drum, guitar |
Rock-n-roll |
guitar, piano |
folk |
kobza |
IV. Бесіда з класом по темі «Music» в режимі Р1 ↔ Р2.
(11 питань)
V. Читання тексту «Wolfgang Mozart»
Do you like classical music?
Who composes music?
What composes do you know?
Today we’ll read about the famous composer W. A. Mozart.
2) while-reading
Fill in the table:
Name: |
Mozart |
What: |
Austrian composer |
Where: |
Austria |
Works: |
“---------------“ |
3) post-reading
True / False
VІ. Аудіювання тексту.
L1 – pre-listening.
Do you like hip-hop?
Hip-hop is a musical style. The origin of hip-hop is in New York City (Bronx area) in 1960s middle-class people moved out. Black people moved in. Crime, drugs were big problems. Young people formed street gangs. Many future rappers were gang members.
When rapping started in New York, new dances were invented. First, there was break dancing. Later, the electric boogle appeared. The dancers moved like robots, twitching their bodies to the music. Now, you can see a freestyle-dancer do want they want. Young people wear loose clothes. Rap music and hip-hop became popular nowadays.
L2 – while-listening (Stand Up)
people, music, popular, rap, hip-hop, robots, dancers, future, street gangs, New York, electric.
L3 – post-listening.
VІІ. Підведення підсумків уроку.
Д / з.