Muzzy comes back, part 11, 12 (роздатковий матеріал)

Про матеріал

Мета: повторити вживання слів "one" - "ones", тренувати вживання конструкції "to be going to"

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1. Complete the sentences with “one” (singular) and “ones” (plural):

Ben has a yellow apple. – I have a red one.

Wendy wants to buy long trousers. – Carol wants to buy short ones.

1. Norman wanted to make a new clock. He brought the old ________.

2. Norman had a small clock. He wanted to have a bigger ________.

3. Shop assistant gave Norman a big hand of the clock. Norman wanted the shorter ________.

4. The other hand of the clock was short. Norman needed a longer ________.

5. Timbo tried a hat on. Corvax found a better ________.

6. Muzzy wanted to eat some clocks. Bob promised to bring _________.


2. Degrees of comparison. Open the brackets:

1. Corvax is (tall) ________than Timbo.

2. This clock is (big) ________ than that one.

3. Norman’s friend is (strong) ________ than he.

4. His new clock is (good) ________ than the old one.

5. Corvax is (clever) ________ than Timbo.

6. Timbo and Corvax went (fast) ________ than Sylvia, Bob and Muzzy.


Z:\My documents\Юля\ГУРТОК\muzzy\pics11\snapshot20120325212357.bmp3. Match the statements to the pictures. Put the events into the correct order:

Z:\My documents\Юля\ГУРТОК\muzzy\pics11\snapshot20120325213054.bmpZ:\My documents\Юля\ГУРТОК\muzzy\pics11\snapshot20120325212900.bmpZ:\My documents\Юля\ГУРТОК\muzzy\pics11\snapshot20120325213008.bmpZ:\My documents\Юля\ГУРТОК\muzzy\pics11\snapshot20120325212523.bmpZ:\My documents\Юля\ГУРТОК\muzzy\pics11\snapshot20120325213235.bmpZ:\My documents\Юля\ГУРТОК\muzzy\pics11\snapshot20120325212445.bmp    

1. Bob, Sylvia and muzzy are looking for the way Amanda, Corvax and Timbo went.

2. Corvax and Timbo are putting new clothes on.

3. Corvax and Timbo are walking up the hill.

4. Muzzy is not well. He is hungry.

5. Bob went away to bring the clocks for Muzzy.

6. Corvax and Timbo caught the car.

7. Corvax and Timbo saw the road with many cars.

4. Fill in the correct form of construction “to be going to”.

1. Norman and his friend __________ make a new clock.

2. _____ you __________ mend the clock?

3. Norman’s friend __________ help him.

4. His wife __________ have her tea.

5. When _____ you __________ to stop?

6. I ___________ to watch “Muzzy Comes back”.


5. Choose the correct answer:

1. Who found the telephone?

a) Corvax;

b) Bob;

c) King;

d) Muzzy.


2. What was the King’s phone number?

a) 2 – 21 – 02;

b) 2 – 11 – 00;

c) 2 – 12 – 20;

d) 2 – 11 – 12.


3. What did Bob ask the King?

a) to bring some clocks;

b) to eat some clocks;

c) to find Amanda;

d) to visit Sylvia.


4. How did Norman travel?

a) by car;

b) by ship;

c) by plane;

d) on foot.


5. What did Norman present to his wife?

a) flowers;

b) a bike;

c) a ship;

d) a bird.


6. What is the King going to bring to Muzzy?

a) his plane;

b) a new car;

c) new clothes;

d) a black box.


7. Who travelled with the King?

a) Queen;

b) princess;

c) servant;

d) nobody.


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
4 липня 2018
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