Навчально-методична розробка уроку з теми "The Earth is my home."

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Навчально-методична розробка уроку з теми "The Earth is my home." для 9 класу з використанням пісень.
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Lesson: The Environmental Protection. Earth Is Our Home.


- Ввести додаткові ЛО теми «Ми і навколишнє середовище»,практикувати говоріння читання, аудіювання, навчати спілкуватися за темою.

 - Розвивати вміння працювати в групі, розвивати мислення, уяву, увагу учнів.

- Формувати усвідомлення важливості екологічних проблем та бажання допомогти природі, виховувати в учнів інтерес до вирішення проблем довкілля

НМЗ уроку: відео з піснею  " Mother Nature needs us ", раздатковий матеріал з вправами, мультимедійна презентація уроку (Презентація), постери для проектної роботи.


I. Introduction


1. Greeting and aim.

Hello class. Greet to our guests. S: Good morning guests.

 T: Nice to see you. I hope you are great. So let's start our lesson. .  Let’s see the video and try to guess the subject of our lesson. (Video 1) “The Earth is dying.”

 So What is the topic of our lesson today?

(the environmental problems, our planet, pollution …….)

      During the lesson you’ll:

  • do some tasks
  • work in groups;
  • get some new information;
  • do your own projects;
  • discuss some questions on the topic;;

After the lesson you’ll be able to:

  • know what we can do to save our planet ;
  • speak about different environmental problems and the ways of their solving;
  • do everything you can to avoid the pollution on the local levels.


2. Warm-up

 The topic of our lesson is expressed by a quote of The Dalai Lama.

 To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house.”
      The Dalai Lama


 T: Do you agree with this environmental quote? How can you explain it?


II. Main part

1.Vocabulary(Slide 5-15)

  Let’s see what words we shall use during the lesson. Your hometask was to learn them by heart. Let’s remember and combine them with their definitions.


Pair work.



the contamination of the environment.

Litter, trash, waste, rubbish, garbage

things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad etc.

Air pollution

the condition in which air is contaminated by foreign substances, or the substances themselves.

Water pollution

the contamination of water bodies (lakes, rivers and others).


the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area.


the overflow of water


make new things from different kinds of litter.



to limit, not to use very often.


to use once more.


 Look at the posters on the board and match them with the names of environmental problems. 

 Say which of the environmental problems in them are typical for our country. (Slide 16)

Example: I think air pollution is typical of big Ukrainian cities where there are many big plants and factories.





Air pollution

Water pollution


Radioactive contamination




2. Listening.

 Pre-lislening activity.

 Many people in the world try to do as much as possible to save our planet. One of such persons was world famous American pop-singer Michael Jackson.  Listen to “Earth Song” devoted to the global environmental problems written by him. I’ll give you worksheets with lyrics of this  song. But there are gaps in them. While listening you have to write down missed words. Try to understand what this song is about. Pay attention to the words which may be unknown for you.

  • Gain - to obtain or achieve something you want or need.
  • Weep - to cry, especially because you feel very sad.
  • Pledge - to make a formal promise that you will do something.
  • Glance - to quickly look at someone or something.
  • Beyond - on or to the further side of something.
  • Drift - to move, change, or do something without any plan or purpose.

(Pupils listen to the first part of the song, fill in the gaps. Then they check up their answers on the screen.)

What is this song about?

What is the main idea of this song? Express it by the words from it.

What have we (people) done to the world?

Post-listening activities.

You’ve listened to only the first part of the song. Now you’ll listen to the full version of it but this time you can watch video made for this song. Please be attentive while watching, try to notice every shot and then we’ll discuss the problems which are shown in the video clip. 

(Pupils watch video clip “Earth Song”, then discuss it)

What environmental problems have you seen in the video clip?

  1. Deforestation as a result of cutting and forest fires;
  2. Killing animals by poachers;
  3. Wars;
  4. Industrial pollutions.

3. Reading 

 Pre-reading activities.

Working with unknown words.


  While-reading activities.

Mother Nature needs us 

If just one person shines

Others will follow in line

As we board the greenhouse train

We’ll say good-bye to acid rain

As we fight global warming

We’ll stand united as one

All around the world

A new day has began

We’re so afraid of pollution

But we can find a brighter day

Let’s work on the solutions

So our children can play

In pure clean water

And blue skies above

It’s not a fantasy

We’ll make it our reality

We’ve got to all come together

And start planting the seeds

Mother Nature needs us

We were blind but now we see


Post -listening

Watch the video and 

Answer the questions:

1. How does the singer feel at the moment? Why do you think this?

                           (The singer feels optimistic.

                            We’ll say good-bye to acid rain

                         we fight global warming

                          A new day has began

                          we can find a brighter day

                          our children can play In pure clean water

                           We’ll make it our reality )

2.What is the main idea of this song?

                          But we can find a brighter day

                          Let’s work on the solutions.

4. Group work (making projects)

How can we help the environment?

What are the main problems in our region?

4 groups – posters. The problem – reasons – solutions

 Now let’s organize four groups for making projects. I need one representative from each group to choose the picture from the backboard. Each group has to write down the list of recommendations for people what they can do to avoid problems illustrated by the pictures. You can decorate your sheet if you like. While making your projects you may listen to the sounds of nature. May be they will inspire you and you can relax a little.


REASON       People  don’t use recycling containers

                             Recycle bottles

                       People are not environmentally friendly

Use waste bins for litter.

Don’t throw it on the ground.

Keep territory around your house, school etc clean.

Recycle everything we can.

Try to buy products without plastic packaging.


REASON        Acid rains

             Paper industry

             Trees are cut down

        Plant a tree.

            Don’t cut trees.

        Reuse wooden things.

        Use recycled paper and recycle it.

Be careful with fire in the woods.

       Water pollution.

REASON     Farmers use pesticides 

                    Wasting water without purpose.

                   Throwing rubbish and chemicals into the rivers

Keep rivers, lakes and seas clean.

Don’t use chemicals which can pollute soil or water.

Don’t waste water, be economical.

Make people aware of problem.

Air pollution.

REASON        Factories burn coal and gas

   A lot of cars

    Cigarette smoke   

            Walk or use a bike instead of car.

     Use filters and don’t let harmful gases get into air.

     Plant trees

Don’t burn leaves in autumn.


Match the reasons and solutions and stick items to the poster. Present your project according to the example:












1. Let’s see if we have gained our aims.

  • Can you speak about different environmental problems and the ways of their solving?
  • Do you know what we can do to save our planet?
  • Do you understand now how it is important to live in harmony with nature?
  • Will you do everything you can to avoid the pollution on the local and global levels?

               2. Home assignment

 Hometask:   Write a letter to your penfriend about the biggest environmental problems in your region.


We’ll have to stop now. That’s all for today. I'd like to thank you for good work at the lesson. All of you worked very well. I give excellent marks to..., good- to :, etc. I wish you good luck.

The lesson is over. Goodbye!












The biggest environmental problem in my region  is … .

I think …………………………………….is the reason for …

There are things people should do to solve the problem.

For example, … .

We should also … .






The biggest environmental problem in my region  is … .

I think ………………………………………….. is the reason for …

There are things people should do to solve the problem.

For example, … .

We should also … .







People  don’t use recycling containers


Recycle bottles


People are not environmentally friendly


Use waste bins for litter.


Don’t throw it on the ground.


Keep territory around your house, school etc clean.


Recycle everything we can.


Try to buy products without plastic packaging.



             Acid rains


            Paper industry


      Trees are cut down


            Plant a tree.


          Don’t cut trees.


     Reuse wooden things.


Use recycled paper and                    recycle it.

Be careful with fire in the woods.


Water pollution.

      Farmers use pesticides 


 Wasting water without purpose.


Throwing rubbish and      chemicals into the rivers


Keep rivers, lakes and seas clean.


Don’t use chemicals which can pollute soil or water.

Don’t waste water, be economical.


Make people aware of problem.


Air pollution.

Factories burn coal and gas


         A lot of cars


          Cigarette smoke   


 Walk or use a bike instead of car.

     Use filters and don’t let harmful gases get into air.


   Plant trees


Don’t burn leaves in autumn.



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