Урок на тему:"Pets and their habits"

Про матеріал
Я розробила конспект проведення уроку для учнів 7 класів. Тема уроку- домашні улюбленці. На уроці учні ознайомилися із новими лексичними одиницями теми, а також пояснювала учням утворення граматичної часової категорії минулого простого часу. Реалізовувала проведення уроку за допомогою наочних, розроблених матеріалів, завдяки яким учні із задаоволенням засвоїли тему. Лексику застосовували у відповідності до грамитичної структури. У кінці уроку учні написали 2хв. ессе, що дало змогу учителеві перевірити якість знань отриманих на уроці.Урок пройшов цікаво та пізнавально.
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Lesson Outline

7th Grade students

Topic: Pets

Objectives: to define new vocabulary items, to explain the rules of formation questions in Past Simple Tense, to demonstrate the use of regular and irregular verbs in Past Simple Tense .

Learning outcomes: at the end of the lesson students will be able to use new vocabulary items in positive, negative and interrogative sentences of Past Simple Tense.

Materials: flashcards, A4 paper, comics (prepared by teacher beforehand)


Warm up (5minutes)

In order to organize students the teacher prepared some flashcards with a task to complete sentences with was/were. Students insert an appropriate verb and explain their choice.









Presentation (8 minutes)

The teacher helps students to revise the formation of positive and negative statements of Past Simple Tense. Students identify regular and irregular verbs in comics which teacher prepared for them. The story is about great weekends:


When students have practiced to use positive and negative statements, the teacher explains the rules of formation interrogative sentences in Past Simple Tense. 5 min

Consolidation (20 minutes)

a/ The teacher together with the students put grammar theory into action. They have to answer teacher’s questions:

1/ Did you go to the zoo last summer?

2/ Did you have a pet when you were small?

3/ How many pet animals did you have when you were small?

4/ What was your favourite pet?

5/ What was its name?

6/ Did you take care of your pet?  In what way?

7/ Did you train your pet?

8/ Did your parents ask you to take your pet for a walk?

9/ Did you buy food for your pet?

10/ Did you like to spend time with your pet?

11/ Did your pet have some interesting habits?

b/ In order to assimilate all grammar material, the teacher prepared another task for  students. They are to make up stories in past simple tense with the help of rebuses:


c/ The teacher asks students to write a short essay according to previously taught material with their reflections: what they like/dislike at the lesson.(it will take them 2 minutes). In such a way teacher understands what students remember, what activities they like, the things are to be improved.

Summing up (5 minutes)

-The teacher encourages students to discuss the main points taught during the lesson.

-The teacher gives the homework: to write a story about their pet in past simple tense.

-The teacher thanks everybody for their active participation.





Марцинюк Інна
Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Планування
23 лютого 2020
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