Нестандартний урок за за аналогом популярного телевізійного шоу “Майстер- Шеф” Тема: "Food"

Про матеріал
Урок за темою “Харчування”. Структура уроку, як і його основні елементи збережені, а от форма проведення- гра, за аналогом популярного телевізійного шоу “Майстер- Шеф”. Можна використовувати під час класної і позакласної роботи.
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Тема: Food. Master Chief


Мета: активізувати л.о. за темою” Харчування”, розвивати навички аудіювання, говоріння, письма, вміння працювати в групі; виховувати культуру мовлення, культуру харчування.

Обладнання: картки, відеоролики.

Тип уроку: Урок-гра

Література: підручник для 7-го класу, автор Л.В. Биркун, Н.О.Колтко,

С.В. Богдан


    Хід  уроку

І. Організаційний момент:

1) Привітання

2) Повідомлення теми, мети уроку.

ІІ. Мовна розминка.

1). Prepare word combinations








 2). What can be….    Sour, bitter, salty, sweet, spicy, delicious, disgusting

(fish, meat, cutlet, soup, chicken, ice cream, eggs, sausage, pizza, bread, cheese, salad, bacon, ham, coffee, butter, sugar, tea, juice, honey, chocolate, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, turkey, French fries, pie, candy, pasta, jam, strawberry, apple)

IІI. Game. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. I’m very pleased to announce a game- “Master Chief” between two teams. The leaders will be…Now let’s divide our group into two teams. (Using the cards) The first team is presented by…… The second- ….. And now it’s time to present you our jury: ….. The first task will be- the team presents for us a short film about one of the recipes. The opposite team watches it attentively and after watching tries to reproduce the recipe step by step in oral form. The participants may write on the paper and after finishing use their notes. Choose a speaker who ‘ll present your work. The winner gets 5 points.

Перегляд відеороликів командами. Представлення виступів. Оцінювання.

ІV. Physical warm-up. Show the action…..( mix, grate, chop, beat, peel, pour, squeeze, stir)

V. Task 2. Write down the sentences in a right order and read the recipe.

Shortbread biscuits

Mix 350g of flour, 225g of butter, 100g of sugar and some salt. Put into a shallow pan. Put it into the oven at 170 C for 1 hour. Cut into pieces. Delicious with a glass of milk.


Mix 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of water and 1 egg. Put some of the liquid into a frying pan. Cook the pancakes on both sides. Delicious with lemon and sugar.


VI. Task 3. Using the words write your own recipe. (ham, mix, add, eggs, oil, olives, salt, cheese, chop) Give a name to your recipe and read it.

VII. Results. Let’s make a conclusion of our game. Did you like it? What did you like best? Didn’t like? Our jury will announce the winners. And as a teacher I’d like to announce your marks. I can only add “Enjoy your meal”! “ Find food names ” <br />SAUSAGETACHICKENSALADPOPSANDWICHCWFISZHSOKIWOZIOKYSTEAPUEMHDCRSP<br /><ul><li>Salad “ Find food names ” <br />SAUSAGETACHICKENSALADPOPSANDWICHCWFISZHSOKIWOZIOKYSTEAPUEMHDCRSP<br /><ul><li>Salad

Shortbread biscuits

Put into a shallow pan. Delicious with a glass of milk. Cut into pieces. Mix 350g of flour, 225g of butter, 100g of sugar and some salt. Put it into the oven at 170 C for 1 hour.




Cook the pancakes on both sides. Mix 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of water and 1 egg. Enjoy your meal! Delicious with lemon and sugar. Put some of the liquid into a frying pan.



Shortbread biscuits

Put into a shallow pan. Delicious with a glass of milk. Cut into pieces. Mix 350g of flour, 225g of butter, 100g of sugar and some salt. Put it into the oven at 170 C for 1 hour.




Cook the pancakes on both sides. Mix 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of water and 1 egg. Enjoy your meal! Delicious with lemon and sugar. Put some of the liquid into a frying pan.



Кохно Віта
4 січня 2023
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