Новий рік у Великобританії

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Презентація розрахована для використання під час уроку англійської мови для ознайомлення учнів з темою зимових свят у Великобританії
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

New Years Dayin Great Britain

Номер слайду 2

A few minutes before midnight, the famous Big Ben bell begins to ring. And he does it in a very unusual way. The fact is that soft soundproofing materials are put on it so that the sound is muffled. But at midnight, this whole shell is removed and the ringing of Big Ben is heard throughout London.

Номер слайду 3

At the first stroke of the bell, the English open the back doors of the houses so that the Old Year can leave. And when Big Ben strikes for the last time, the residents open their front doors so that the New Year enters their house.

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The celebration of the New Year in England is directly reflected in the appearance of this country: the country turns into a fairy tale. Millions of garlands, everywhere sounding music. Stunningly beautiful fireworks in the form of flowers and animals take off into the sky. All this splendor on the banks of the Thames looks especially beautiful.

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The main characters of the New Year's Eve Santa Claus.

Номер слайду 6

At hours, people gather in the center of cities, next to a huge TV, firecrackers and firecrackers explode everywhere. Exactly at midnight, Big Ben begins to beat. For children, the New Year is a special holiday, incomparable with any other. The whole day in all cities of the country there are performances for children with a plot based on various children's fairy tales. All day and all night, children's toys, carnival masks, whistles are sold on the street; various competitions are organized.

Номер слайду 7

On the morning of January 1, they get up early and visit all the neighbors, sing songs to them and receive sweets, some nice trinkets or money for this.

Номер слайду 8

Every Englishman decorates his house with a sprig of mistletoe. According to the beliefs, the one who stands under such a branch must be kissed, otherwise the whole year will be unlucky in his personal life. A sprig of mistletoe brings harmony and happiness to the house, which will accompany it throughout the year.

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