олімпіадні завдання з англійскої мови (8-10 класи)

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Збірнить містить завдання для проведення шкільних олімпіад з англійської мови у 8-10 класах з чотирьох видів мовленнєвої діяльності (аудіювання, говоріння, читання, письмо).

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                                      Juan in Britain

          Juan wanted to go to Britain to speak English with real English people. His sister’s husband was an English doctor and when Juan wrote to her , his sister . whose name was Rosa , invited him to stay with her. She met him at the airport in her English car and naturally spoke Spanish all the time. ‘Never mind’, he thought. ‘ the husband speaks English’. But this Englishman spoke Spanish and he liked Spanish food and a Spanish atmosphere when he came home in the evening. Juan’s sister had only Spanish friends and Juan did not speak a word of English. One morning about nine o’clock he attacked the milkman who was putting two bottles of milk on the doorstep.

            He suddenly opened the door and said ‘ Good morning’. The milkman said ‘ Good morning’ and walked away. Finally, his big day came. One of Rosa’s friends had a party and invited Juan. At last he was going to meet real English people of his own age. He wanted to go up to people but could not. Suddenly a very beautiful girl came up to him and said, ‘ How lucky you are Spanish, I’m having a Spanish exam soon. I can practice with you.’ And she invited him to dance in Spanish. And two months later he went home quite happy!)))


                 Mark the correct answer

  1. Juan wanted to go to Britain …..
  1. to see London and other English famous cities
  2. to speak English with real English people
  3. to see his sister and her husband
  4. to see one of his English friend
  1. Rosa met him at the airport in her English car and …..
  1. spoke English all the time
  2. she looked like a real English lady
  3. naturally spoke Spanish all time
  4. they went for a picnic
  1. His sister’s husband was an English doctor …..
  1. and naturally spoke English to Juan
  2. but he spoke Spanish and liked a Spanish atmosphere at home
  3. but he sometimes spoke Spanish at home
  4. and he never spoke Spanish at home
  1. Rosa’s husband …..
  1. liked Spanish food            
  2. didn’t like Spanish food
  3. liked English food
  4. liked French food
  1. Juan’s sister had only …… friends.
  1. English
  2. Spanish
  3. French
  4. German
  1. One morning at …… o’clock he attacked the milkman.
  1. six
  2. seven
  3. eight
  4. nine
  1. Juan opened the door and said ‘ Good morning’. The milkman…..
  1. said ‘ Good morning’ and walked away
  2. said ‘ Good morning’ and began to talk about the weather
  3. smiled but said nothing
  4. said ‘ Oh, I am sorry’ and walked away
  1. Finally his …… came.
  1. fortune
  2. big day
  3. English teacher
  4. Birthday
  1. One of Rosa’s friends had …….  and invited Juan.
  1. a picnic
  2. a party
  3. a sport competition
  4. a dinner
  1.  Suddenly a very beautiful girl came up to him and said, …….
  1. ‘ I can practise Spanish on you’.
  2. ‘ I’m your English teacher’.
  3. ‘ Shall we dance?’
  4. ‘ Let’s become friends’.


Keys:  b, c, b, a, b, d, a, b, b, a.



     Mark if the following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F )

  1. Juan wanted to go to Britain to study at the University.
  2. He didn’t have anybody to live with in London.
  3. His sister’s husband was an English doctor.
  4. Rosa met him at the airport.
  5. She spoke English all the time.
  6. Her husband spoke Spanish and liked Spanish food.
  7. Juan’s sister had many English friends.
  8. Finally his big day came.
  9. One of Rosa’s friends had a party and invited Juan.
  10.  He met a beautiful English woman there who taught him real English.



Keys : F, F, T, T, F, T, F, T, T, F.

















                                           Juan in Britain

          Juan wanted to go to Britain to speak English with real English people. His sister’s husband was an English doctor and when Juan wrote to her , his sister . whose name was Rosa , invited him to stay with her. She met him at the airport in her English car and naturally spoke Spanish all the time. ‘Never mind’, he thought. ‘ the husband speaks English’. But this Englishman spoke Spanish and he liked Spanish food and a Spanish atmosphere when he came home in the evening. Juan’s sister had only Spanish friends and Juan did not speak a word of English. One morning about nine o’clock he attacked the milkman who was putting two bottles of milk on the doorstep.

            He suddenly opened the door and said ‘ Good morning’. The milkman said ‘ Good morning’ and walked away. Finally, his big day came. One of Rosa’s friends had a party and invited Juan. At last he was going to meet real English people of his own age. He wanted to go up to people but could not. Suddenly a very beautiful girl came up to him and said, ‘ How lucky you are Spanish, I’m having a Spanish exam soon. I can practice with you.’ And she invited him to dance in Spanish. And two months later he went home quite happy!)))


                 Mark the correct answer

  1. Juan wanted to go to Britain …..
  1. to see London and other English famous cities
  2. to speak English with real English people
  3. to see his sister and her husband
  4. to see one of his English friend
  1. Rosa met him at the airport in her English car and …..
  1. spoke English all the time
  2. she looked like a real English lady
  3. naturally spoke Spanish all time
  4. they went for a picnic
  1. His sister’s husband was an English doctor …..
  1. and naturally spoke English to Juan
  2. but he spoke Spanish and liked a Spanish atmosphere at home
  3. but he sometimes spoke Spanish at home
  4. and he never spoke Spanish at home
  1. Rosa’s husband …..
  1. liked Spanish food            
  2. didn’t like Spanish food
  3. liked English food
  4. liked French food
  1. Juan’s sister had only …… friends.
  1. English
  2. Spanish
  3. French
  4. German
  1. One morning at …… o’clock he attacked the milkman.
  1. six
  2. seven
  3. eight
  4. nine
  1. Juan opened the door and said ‘ Good morning’. The milkman…..
  1. said ‘ Good morning’ and walked away
  2. said ‘ Good morning’ and began to talk about the weather
  3. smiled but said nothing
  4. said ‘ Oh, I am sorry’ and walked away
  1. Finally his …… came.
  1. fortune
  2. big day
  3. English teacher
  4. Birthday
  1. One of Rosa’s friends had …….  and invited Juan.
  1. a picnic
  2. a party
  3. a sport competition
  4. a dinner
  1. Suddenly a very beautiful girl came up to him and said, …….
  1. ‘ I can practise Spanish on you’.
  2. ‘ I’m your English teacher’.
  3. ‘ Shall we dance?’
  4. ‘ Let’s become friends’.

 Mark if the following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F )

  1. Juan wanted to go to Britain to study at the University.
  2. He didn’t have anybody to live with in London.
  3. His sister’s husband was an English doctor.
  4. Rosa met him at the airport.
  5. She spoke English all the time.
  6. Her husband spoke Spanish and liked Spanish food.
  7. Juan’s sister had many English friends.
  8. Finally his big day came.
  9. One of Rosa’s friends had a party and invited Juan.
  10.  He met a beautiful English woman there who taught him real English.





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                             A Message to the Stars

      Our planet Earth is one of nine planets revolving around the Sun, a fairly small and ordinary star, which lies in the outer areas of the Milky Way galaxy. There are about 250 billion stars in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe. People have always rendered about the possibility of intelligent life forms on other planets. In recent years this has become serious scientific speculation. Some scientists believe that there must be large numbers of stars with planets which could support living intelligent beings. Perhaps we will never know. The nearest star is 4, 3 light years away. A light year is the distance covered by light travelling at about 186,000 miles a second in one year. It would take the fastest Earth spacecraft about 40000 years to reach the nearest star.

      For a number of years radio telescopes have been trying to pick up signals from outer space, so far without success. There are, however, millions of possible radio frequencies, and there is no reason why a completely alien civilization should not use a different type of communication, such as X-rays or even a type of wave we have not yet discovered. Suppose contacts were made with beings 300 light years away. By the time we had sent our reply and receive their response, the Earth would be 600 years older. It would be an interesting, but rather slow-moving conversation!


Choose the correct answer

  1. The nearest star  is …….
  1. 4,3 light years away       
  2. 1,5 light years away
  3. 2 light years away
  4. 10 light years away
  1. There are about …….  in our galaxy.
  1. 100 billion stars
  2. 200 billion stars
  3. 250 billion stars
  4. 10 billion stars
  1.  A light year is the distance covered by light travelling at about …… in one year.
  1. 186,000 miles a second
  2. 100,000 miles a second
  3. 20,000 miles a second
  4. 10,000 miles a second
  1. It would take the fastest Earth spacecraft about …….. to reach the nearest star.
  1. 40,000 years
  2. 10,000 years
  3. 200,000 years
  4. 15,000 years
  1. By the time we had sent our reply and receive their response, the Earth would be …… .
  1. 600 years older
  2. 400 years older
  3. 600 years younger
  4. 100 years older


Keys: a, c, a, d, a, a.


              Say if the statements are true ( T ) , false ( F )  .

  1. Our planet Earth is one of  eight planets revolving around the Sun.
  2. There are about 250 billion stars in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe.
  3. In recent years this has become serious scientific speculation.
  4. The nearest star is 3,4  light years away.
  5. By the time we had sent our reply and receive their response, the Earth would be 500 years older.

Keys : F, T, T, F, F.






             Choose the correct answer

1. The nearest star  is …….

a) 4,3 light years away       

b) 1,5 light years away

c) 2 light years away

d) 10 light years away

2. There are about …….  in our galaxy.

a) 100 billion stars

b) 200 billion stars

c) 250 billion stars

d) 10 billion stars

3.  A light year is the distance covered by light travelling at about …… in one year.

a) 186,000 miles a second

b) 100,000 miles a second

c) 20,000 miles a second

d) 10,000 miles a second

4. It would take the fastest Earth spacecraft about …….. to reach the nearest star.

a) 40,000 years

b) 10,000 years

c) 200,000 years

d) 15,000 years

5. By the time we had sent our reply and receive their response, the Earth would be …… .

a) 600 years older

b) 400 years older

c) 600 years younger

d) 100 years older

              Say if the statements are true ( T ) , false ( F )  .

1. Our planet Earth is one of  eight planets revolving around the Sun.

2. There are about 250 billion stars in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe.

3. In recent years this has become serious scientific speculation.

4. The nearest star is 3,4  light years away.

5. By the time we had sent our reply and receive their response, the Earth would be 500 years older.


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                                                                    Popular Music

          Popular music is created as a commercial product. It is usually distinguished from classical music and from folk music. Classical music is written chiefly for concerts, operas and ballets. Folk music is the traditional music of a particular group or community of people, such as occupational, ethnic, or regional group. Folk music is usually learned by listening to another person rather than by reading music. There are many different styles of popular music in the United States, including bluegrass, blues, country, gospel, jazz, musical comedy, rap, reggae, and rock. In some cases, the categories of popular, folk, and classical music overlap. For example, jazz and country music is evolved out of folk traditions. Some styles, such as blues and bluegrass, exist as popular music as folk music. Such classical composers as Leonard Bernstein and Louis Moreau Gottschalk have written pieces in the style of popular music. Although much popular music expresses sentiments of love, other popular songs serve as a vehicle for social commentary. Popular music is frequently thought to have meaning only for the time in which it was created. However, many popular songs have endured for decades.


            Mark if the following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F )

  1. Popular music is created as a commercial product.
  2. Classical music is written for operas and ballets.
  3. Folk music is the serious music of a particular group or community of people.
  4. Folk music is usually learned by hearing to another person rather than by writing music.
  5. Some styles exist both as popular and as folk music.
  6. Some popular songs serve as a vehicle for social commentary.
  7. Popular music exists for ever.
  8. However, many popular songs have endured for decades.
  9. Popular music is rarely thought to have meaning only for the time in which it was created.
  10. In some cases the categories of popular, folk, and classical music overlap.


Keys : T, T , F , F, T ,T, F, T,  F, T.



                            Mark the correct variant

  1. Popular music is created as …..
  1. Mass culture
  2. a vehicle for social commentary
  3. a commercial product
  4. a means of relaxation
  1. Classical music is written chiefly for ……
  1. special listeners
  2. operas and ballets
  3. ignoramuses
  4. pleasure
  1. Folk music is (the) ….
  1. traditional music of a particular group of people
  2. central to the youth culture
  3. for dancing in particular
  4. for singing in particular
  1. In some cases, the categories of popular, folk, and classical music …
  1. overlap
  2. do not overlap
  3. amplify
  4. do not amplify
  1. Some styles, such as …. exist as popular music as folk music.
  1. rock and gospel
  2. musical comedy and country
  3. reggae and rap
  4. blue and bluegrass

Keys : c, b, a, a, d.








              Mark if the following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F )

  1. Popular music is created as a commercial product.  _________
  2. Classical music is written for operas and ballets.____________
  3. Folk music is the serious music of a particular group or community of people.____________
  4. Folk music is usually learned by hearing to another person rather than by writing music.____________
  5. Some styles exist both as popular and as folk music.___________
  6. Some popular songs serve as a vehicle for social commentary._________
  7. Popular music exists for ever.___________
  8. However, many popular songs have endured for decades.__________
  9. Popular music is rarely thought to have meaning only for the time in which it was created.____________
  10. In some cases the categories of popular, folk, and classical music overlap.____________


Mark the correct variant

  1. Popular music is created as …..
  1. Mass culture
  2. a vehicle for social commentary
  3. a commercial product
  4. a means of relaxation
  1. Classical music is written chiefly for ……
  1. special listeners
  2. operas and ballets
  3. ignoramuses
  4. pleasure
  1. Folk music is (the) ….
  1. traditional music of a particular group of people
  2. central to the youth culture
  3. for dancing in particular
  4. for singing in particular
  1. In some cases, the categories of popular, folk, and classical music …
  1. overlap
  2. do not overlap
  3. amplify
  4. do not amplify
  1. Some styles, such as …. exist as popular music as folk music.
  1. rock and gospel
  2. musical comedy and country
  3. reggae and rap
  4. blue and bluegrass



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                                                 A Story

          One day some Americans were having dinner at a hotel in London. When fish was put on the table one of them, a young man said: “Let’s examine the fish carefully, perhaps we’ll find a diamond in it.” “Everybody began to laugh, but an old man said quietly: “Yes, I’m sure we have all heard stories like that. Let me tell you what happened to me once.”

         “When I was a young man”, he began, “I worked for a big company in New York; and I was sent to England to do some work there. I was in love with a beautiful girl, and before I left for England, we decided that we would get married when I returned home.

         I stayed in England for two months. I sent letters and postcards to the girl almost every day, but after first two weeks I didn’t receive any answers. But I didn’t think anything was the matter, and before I left for home, I bought a beautiful diamond ring for her.

        On the ship one morning, a telegram was brought to me. It was from a friend in New York, who told me that the girl had changed her mind and was going to get married to another man. I was so angry that I threw the diamond ring into the sea.

       My friend came to the port to meet me , and he invited me to dinner. While we were sitting down at the table and I was eating fish, I suddenly felt something hard in my mouth. “What do you think it was?”

     “ The diamond!” all the Americans cried.

       “ No,” the old man answered, “ It was the fish bone.”


             Choose a correct answer

  1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day?
  1. On board ship
  2. At the hotel
  3. At a party
  4. In a café
  1. What did the young man hope to find in the fish?
  1. A watch
  2. A ring
  3. Some money
  4. A diamond
  1. Where was the young man sent to work?
  1. To England
  2. To London
  3. To New York
  4. To Canada
  1. When had the young people decided to marry?
  1. When he returned home
  2. During the journey
  3. Before he left home
  4. On the way back home
  1. What did the young man buy for his girl?
  1. A beautiful dress
  2. A fur coat
  3. A gold watch
  4. A diamond ring
  1. Why didn’t the girl answer the letters?
  1. She was very ill
  2. She wanted to join him
  3. She wanted to marry another man
  4. She was angry with him
  1. How did the young man react to his friend’s news?
  1. He was very happy
  2. He was very lonely
  3. He was very angry
  4. He was very unhappy
  1. What did the young man do with the present?
  1. He gave it to another girl
  2. He threw it into the sea
  3. He sold it
  4. He lost it in the sea
  1. What did the friends have for dinner when they met again?
  1. They had soup
  2. They had pudding
  3. They had meat
  4. They had fish
  1. What did the young man feel hard in his mouth?
  1. A fruit stone
  2. A fish bone
  3. An egg shell
  4. A diamond ring
  1. Who came to the port to meet him?
  1. Father
  2. Friend
  3. Sister
  4. Relatives
  1. Who was having dinner at a hotel in London?
  1. Some Englishmen
  2. Some people
  3. Some Americans
  4. Some women


Keys : b, d, a, a , d, c, c, b, d, b, b, c.


Mark if the following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F )

  1. One day some Englishmen were having dinner at a hotel in London.
  2. He worked for a big company in New York.
  3. He was in love with a beautiful girl, and before he left for England, they  decided that they would get married during the journey.
  4. He stayed in England for three months.
  5. He bought a beautiful diamond ring for her.
  6. He was so happy that he threw the diamond ring into the sea.

Keys: F, T, F, F, T, F.









                Choose a correct answer

1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day?

a) On board ship        b) At the hotel        c) At a party          d) In a café

2. What did the young man hope to find in the fish?

a) A watch   b)   A ring          c) Some money     d) A diamond

3. Where was the young man sent to work?

a)  To England         b)To London     c) To New York      d) To Canada

4. When had the young people decided to marry?

a) When he returned home    b) During the journey      c) Before he left home

d) On the way back home

5. What did the young man buy for his girl?

a)  A beautiful dress       b) A fur coat       c) A gold watch    d) A diamond ring

6. Why didn’t the girl answer the letters?

a) She was very ill       b) She wanted to join him        

c)She wanted to marry another man         d) She was angry with him

7. How did the young man react to his friend’s news?

a) He was very happy           b) He was very lonely

c) He was very angry            d)He was very unhappy

8. What did the young man do with the present?

a) He gave it to another girl            b) He threw it into the sea

c)  He sold it             d) He lost it in the sea

9. What did the friends have for dinner when they met again?

a) They had soup        b) They had pudding        c) They had meat   d)They had fish

10. What did the young man feel hard in his mouth?

a)   A fruit stone         b) A fish bone        c) An egg shell      d) A diamond ring

11. Who came to the port to meet him?

a) Father           b) Friend              c) Sister      d) Relatives

12. Who was having dinner at a hotel in London?

a) Some Englishmen       b) Some people      c) Some Americans   d) Some women



Mark if the following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F )

1. One day some Englishmen were having dinner at a hotel in London.______

2. He worked for a big company in New York.__________

3. He was in love with a beautiful girl, and before he left for England, they  decided that they would get married during the journey.___________

4. He stayed in England for three months._____________

5. He bought a beautiful diamond ring for her._____________

6. He was so happy that he threw the diamond ring into the sea.____________






Перегляд файлу

          Read the text below. Choose from ( a-h) the one which best fits

           each space ( 1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use.                                    

                                                         On Parrots

  Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America – and for good reason. The parrot is ( 1 )  _________ that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for , and can ( 2 ) _________ anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop ( 3 ) __________ . In addition, a parrot can be trained to say ‘ pretty boy’ or ‘ Polly wants a cracker’, and it also can learned to whistle or even to imitate human singing.

( 4 ) ___________ what an owner decides to teach a bird, training a parrot ( 5 ) ___________, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot’s popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, even a spoiler parrot does not need a housesitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive diet, which consists of an assortment of seeds, nuts, corn, and grain – along with an apple, banana, or carrot.

  Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live ( 6 ) ___________ , it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. On addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colourful feathers give it an air of the mystery of parrot’s native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrots, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

  1. popular pets
  2. an extraordinary bird
  3. takes much patience
  4. create a fancy-like atmosphere
  5. an enormous vocabulary
  6. No matter
  7. light year
  8. in almost any environment 


Keys : b, d, e, f, c, h

  Read the text below. For each of the empty space ( 1-10 ) choose the correct answer ( A, B, C or D  ).


       Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. Almost every society now has a money economy based on coins and paper bills of one kind or another. However, this ( 1 ) _________ true. In primitive society a system of barter ( 2 ) _________ . Barter was a system of direct exchange of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for example, foe anything in the marketplace that they considered to be of equal value. Barter , however, was a very ( 3 ) __________ system, because people’s precise needs seldom coincided.

       People needed ( 4 ) __________ practical system of exchange, and various money system developed based on goods which the members of a society recognized as  having value. Cattle, grain, teeth, shells, feathers, skulls, salt, elephant tusks, and tobacco ( 5 ) ___________.

     Precious metals gradually ( 6 ) _________ over because, when made into coins, they were portable, durable, recognizable, and divisible into larger and smaller units of value. A coin is a piece of metal, usually disc-shaped, which bears lettering, designs or numbers showing its value. Unit the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, coins ( 7 ) __________  monetary worth based on the exact amount of metal contained in them, but most modern coins are based ( 8 ) __________  face value – the value that governments ( 9 ) _________ to give them, ( 10 ) ________  the actual metal content. 


  1. A) have not been    B) has not been   C) had not been   D) was not
  2. A) was used    B) have been used    C) had been used    D) has been used
  3. A) dissatisfactory    B) insatisfactory   C) dissatisfactory   D) unsatisfactory
  4. A) most more      B) much      C) more     D) most
  5. A) had been used    B) have been used    C) was used    D) has been used
  6. A) would be taken     B) took      C) take       D) were taken
  7. A) were given    B)  had been given       C)  had given     D) have been given
  8. A) to         B) at            C) on              D)  in 
  9. A) chose       B) had been chosen       C) choose        D) would choose
  10. A)irrespective with B) irrespective by C)irrespective from D) irrespective of

Keys :  B, A, D, C, B, B, A, C, C, D.




Read the text below. Choose from ( a-h) the one which best fits

           each space ( 1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use.                                    

                                                         On Parrots

  Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America – and for good reason. The parrot is ( 1 )  _________ that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for , and can ( 2 ) _________ anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop ( 3 ) __________ . In addition, a parrot can be trained to say ‘ pretty boy’ or ‘ Polly wants a cracker’, and it also can learned to whistle or even to imitate human singing.

( 4 ) ___________ what an owner decides to teach a bird, training a parrot ( 5 ) ___________, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot’s popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, even a spoiler parrot does not need a housesitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive diet, which consists of an assortment of seeds, nuts, corn, and grain – along with an apple, banana, or carrot.

  Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live ( 6 ) ___________ , it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. On addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colourful feathers give it an air of the mystery of parrot’s native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrots, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

  1. popular pets
  2. an extraordinary bird
  3. takes much patience
  4. create a fancy-like atmosphere
  5. an enormous vocabulary
  6. No matter
  7. light year
  8. in almost any environment 



Read the text below. For each of the empty space ( 1-10 ) choose the correct answer ( A, B, C or D  ).


       Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. Almost every society now has a money economy based on coins and paper bills of one kind or another. However, this ( 1 ) _________ true. In primitive society a system of barter ( 2 ) _________ . Barter was a system of direct exchange of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for example, foe anything in the marketplace that they considered to be of equal value. Barter , however, was a very ( 3 ) __________ system, because people’s precise needs seldom coincided.

       People needed ( 4 ) __________ practical system of exchange, and various money system developed based on goods which the members of a society recognized as  having value. Cattle, grain, teeth, shells, feathers, skulls, salt, elephant tusks, and tobacco ( 5 ) ___________.

     Precious metals gradually ( 6 ) _________ over because, when made into coins, they were portable, durable, recognizable, and divisible into larger and smaller units of value. A coin is a piece of metal, usually disc-shaped, which bears lettering, designs or numbers showing its value. Unit the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, coins ( 7 ) __________  monetary worth based on the exact amount of metal contained in them, but most modern coins are based ( 8 ) __________  face value – the value that governments ( 9 ) _________ to give them, ( 10 ) ________  the actual metal content. 


  1. A) have not been    B) has not been   C) had not been   D) was not
  2. A) was used    B) have been used    C) had been used    D) has been used
  3. A) dissatisfactory    B) insatisfactory   C) dissatisfactory   D) unsatisfactory
  4. A) most more      B) much      C) more     D) most
  5. A) had been used    B) have been used    C) was used    D) has been used
  6. A) would be taken     B) took      C) take       D) were taken
  7. A) were given    B)  had been given       C)  had given     D) have been given
  8. A) to         B) at            C) on              D)  in 
  9. A) chose       B) had been chosen       C) choose        D) would choose
  10. A)irrespective with B) irrespective by C)irrespective from D) irrespective of





Перегляд файлу

         Read and complete the text below. For each of empty space ( 1 – 10 ) choose the correct answer ( a, b, c or d ) .


     Jazz has many homes. Kansas City, Chicago, New York, San Francisco – each ( 1 ) ________ its own ( 2 ) ______ style of this musical form. But jazz has only one birthplace and that, indisputably, is New Orleans.

   Some musical scholars ( 3 ) ________ its origins back to slave gatherings in the city’s Congo Square, where rhythmic dances were a ( 4 ) _______ attraction before the Civil War. Others find its ( 5 ) _______ in Storyville, the former red-light district, where black musicians performed before a mainly white clientele. There were the ‘spasm’ ( 6 ) _______ on the city streets, ( 7 ) _______ a musical phrase from the blues, another from the church, another from some old French or Spanish tune that was ( 8 ) _______ to anyone from New Orleans.

   Sometime around 1900 this new music started rolling out of the city’s black neighbourhoods. Legendary figures such as Bunk Johnson and Jelly Roll Morton and King Oliver were playing it, in the nightclubs and on the riverboats. Then in 1917 two local groups – The New Orleans Rhythm Kings and the Original Dixieland Jass Band – signed recording ( 9 ) _______ and the music suddenly

 ( 10 ) __________ to the rest of the world.

      Calling for a high degree of improvisational skill within a structured framework, jazz demanded discipline and creativity, genius in a mould. It changed from Dixie to swing to bop and swept the world as America’s most distinct sound. But it almost died in the city that invented it.

   By the late 1950s, traditional jazz musicians could not get work here and the music they had played in their youth was seldom heard.

  1. A) gives  B) claims  C) demands  D) insists
  2. A) characteristic   B) unique   C) distinctive   D) unordinary
  3. A) record    B) date    C) depict   D) trace
  4. A) local    B) regional   C) small town   D) national
  5. A) nucleus   B) roots   C) source     D) starting point
  6. A) crews   B) orchestras    C) bands    D) companies
  7. A) borrowing    B) lending   C) adopting    D) stealing
  8. A) ordinary    B) routine    C) knowledgeable   D) familiar
  9. A) treaties    B) contracts    C) bargains    D) agreements
  10.  A) spilled on    B) spilled into    C) spilled out  D) spilled over

Keys : B,C, D, A, B, C, A, D, B,C.  

Перегляд файлу

                                                       School in the Slums

      Mulish school is in the slums of Brooklyn for pupils between twelve and fifteen years of age. There are about 1500 pupils there, and 90 teachers.

      It’s a problem school, perhaps one of the most difficult schools in America. The white teachers can’t walk to the school because they may be attacked. They all drive to school, and their cars have special locks. There’s always a black policeman at the door of the school. He has a radio contact with the school guards. Pupils must have a written permission from the teacher if they want to go to the toilet. There’s a guard outside the washroom. Only one child can go into the washroom at a time, and he can’t stay there long.

    The children who live in that district go to school that. They are all black children. However, why do the teachers work there?

      “It’s very hard of course,” Jane says Flinch, a forty – five-year-old teacher. Most children have problems at home. Some of them are beaten by their parents. Some of them sleep at the lessons because they had to work at night. Some of the children get sick at the lessons because they didn’t have breakfast or even a meal for a day or two.

      It’s the love of the job that keeps the teachers in that school. They teach and do social work. They feel that they are doing something good for the children who need help.

      “There’s also the problem of violence,” says one of the teachers. “Sometimes when I go into a class, I can feel that some of the children are like a dynamite. However, I feel quite safe. I am sure that other pupils will help me.” There is very little money for teaching in that school. There is no money to buy food for the children.

      The principal of the school has been there for many years. A lot of his happy optimism has gone. “No, I’m not optimistic about the future. Look around you,” he says and points out of the window at the high wall round the school. “It’s not a very bright sight: buildings have holes instead of the windows, shops are closed, groups of people are sitting on the steps of the houses. They  have  nowhere to go and nothing to do.”

     “We need money,” he says, “money is the only way to help this school and these people, and, of course, jobs for the people.”


                            Mark the correct variant

  1. Melish school is for ….

a) small children.       b) older children.        c) small and older children.

2. The  white teachers can’t walk to school because ……

a) they live far from the school.          b) they don’t like to walk.

c) it’s dangerous for them.

3.There’s  a policeman ……

a) at the door of the school.       b) near the toilet.

c) outside the washroom.

4.The white teachers work there because……

a) they can’t find a better job.      b) they love their job.

c) they get a lot of money there.

5. The school needs …..

a) more money            b) more teachers.

c) more policemen.


Keys : b, c, a, b, a.


 Say if the statements are true, false .

  1. Melish school is in the slums of Mexico.
  2. Most children have problems at home.
  3. Melish is a problem school.
  4. The principal of the school has 5 children in his family.
  5. The school needs money.
  6. It’s good salary that keeps the teachers in that school.


Keys: F,T,T,F,T,F.


     Answer the questions.


  1. Where is Melish school situated?
  2. How many pupils are there in the school?
  3. Is it hard or easy for the teachers to work in this school?
  4. Why do some of the pupils sleep during the lessons?
  5. Is the principal optimistic?


  1. Mulish school is in the slums of Brooklyn.
  2. There are about 1500 pupils there.
  3. It is hard to work in this school.
  4. Because they had to work at night.
  5. No, he isn’t.


















                  Mark the correct variant

  1. Melish school is for ….

a) small children.       b) older children.        c) small and older children.

2. The  white teachers can’t walk to school because ……

a) they live far from the school.          b) they don’t like to walk.

c) it’s dangerous for them.

3.There’s  a policeman ……

a) at the door of the school.       b) near the toilet.

c) outside the washroom.

4.The white teachers work there because……

a) they can’t find a better job.      b) they love their job.

c) they get a lot of money there.

5. The school needs …..

a) more money            b) more teachers.

c) more policemen.


 Say if the statements are true, false .

  1. Melish school is in the slums of Mexico.__________
  2. Most children have problems at home.____________
  3. Melish is a problem school._______________
  4. The principal of the school has 5 children in his family._________
  5. The school needs money.__________
  6. It’s good salary that keeps the teachers in that school._________

                          Answer the questions.

  1. Where is Melish school situated?___________________________________
  2. How many pupils are there in the school?____________________________
  3. Is it hard or easy for the teachers to work in this school?_______________________________________________________
  4. Why do some of the pupils sleep during the lessons?____________________________________________________
  5. Is the principal optimistic?_____________________________________




Перегляд файлу



Wonder is the story of a ten-year-old boy who lives with his parents and sister in New York. August, or Auggie, is an ordinary boy in many ways. He rides a bike and likes playing with his Xbox. But Auggie has deformities of the face and looks very different from other children. At the start of the book, he tells us “My name is August. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse.” In the street, people look at Auggie and his appearance shocks them.

Auggie has never been to school because he has spent a lot of time in hospital. His mother teaches him at home, but now he’s ten, she thinks he should go to school. At first, Auggie doesn’t want to go. He worries that other students will look at him and say horrible things. But then he visits a school with his mum, he likes the headteacher and decides to go. Auggie’s first year at school has good times and bad times. Auggie makes some good friends but other children are horrible to him. At the end of the year, Auggie goes on a school trip and a frightening event there changes things completely.

Wonder is an excellent book. It tells an inspiring story that makes you feel many different emotions. Once I started reading it, I didn’t want to stop. It is easy to like Auggie. He has a good sense of humour, so the book has a good mix of funny and sad moments. But the book isn’t just about Auggie. We learn what life is like for his sister and Jack, who is Auggie’s friend. Wonder is a book about a ten-year-old boy, but it’s popular with people of all ages. Pre-teens, teenagers and adults all love Wonder.

Wonder is RJ Palacio’s first book. On her website, she explains that she had the idea for Wonder after seeing a girl with deformities on the street one day. Many schools are using the book to start discussions about bullying, friendship and being different. The book is very popular and has won prizes. There will be a film of Wonder, and many people, including me, are looking forward to seeing what RJ Palacio writes next.


Say if the statements are true, false

1. Auggie lives with his family in New York.

2. Before he started school, Auggie’s father taught him at home.

3. Auggie doesn’t want to go to school, but then he visits a school and changes his mind.

4. The reviewer didn’t enjoy the book.

5. Adults aren’t interested in reading Wonder. It’s a book only for teenagers.

6. In the future, we will be able to watch the story of Auggie in the cinema.


Keys:  T, F, T, F, F, T.



                         Mark the correct variant

  1. Wonder is the story of a ten-year-old boy who lives with his ………and ………   in New York.
  1. aunt , cousins
  2. parents,  sister
  3. parents, sisters
  4. grandparents, brother
  1. Auggie has deformities of the ……… and looks very different from other children.
  1. Face
  2. Nose
  3. Finger
  4. Foot
  1. Auggie has never been to school because he has spent a lot of time in……. .
  1. hotel
  2. vocation
  3. hospital
  4. gym
  1. Auggie’s first year at school has ………. .
  1. only good times
  2. only bad times
  3. good times and bad times
  4. the best times
  1. The book is very popular  ………. prizes.
  1. but hasn’t won any
  2. and has won two
  3. and has won a lot of
  4. and has won


Keys: b, a, c, c, d.








Wonder is the story of a ten-year-old boy who lives with his parents and sister in New York. August, or Auggie, is an ordinary boy in many ways. He rides a bike and likes playing with his Xbox. But Auggie has deformities of the face and looks very different from other children. At the start of the book, he tells us “My name is August. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse.” In the street, people look at Auggie and his appearance shocks them.

Auggie has never been to school because he has spent a lot of time in hospital. His mother teaches him at home, but now he’s ten, she thinks he should go to school. At first, Auggie doesn’t want to go. He worries that other students will look at him and say horrible things. But then he visits a school with his mum, he likes the headteacher and decides to go. Auggie’s first year at school has good times and bad times. Auggie makes some good friends but other children are horrible to him. At the end of the year, Auggie goes on a school trip and a frightening event there changes things completely.

Wonder is an excellent book. It tells an inspiring story that makes you feel many different emotions. Once I started reading it, I didn’t want to stop. It is easy to like Auggie. He has a good sense of humour, so the book has a good mix of funny and sad moments. But the book isn’t just about Auggie. We learn what life is like for his sister and Jack, who is Auggie’s friend. Wonder is a book about a ten-year-old boy, but it’s popular with people of all ages. Pre-teens, teenagers and adults all love Wonder.

Wonder is RJ Palacio’s first book. On her website, she explains that she had the idea for Wonder after seeing a girl with deformities on the street one day. Many schools are using the book to start discussions about bullying, friendship and being different. The book is very popular and has won prizes. There will be a film of Wonder, and many people, including me, are looking forward to seeing what RJ Palacio writes next.


Say if the statements are true, false

1. Auggie lives with his family in New York. ___________

2. Before he started school, Auggie’s father taught him at home.__________

3. Auggie doesn’t want to go to school, but then he visits a school and changes his mind. ______________

4. The reviewer didn’t enjoy the book._____________

5. Adults aren’t interested in reading Wonder. It’s a book only for teenagers._____

6. In the future, we will be able to watch the story of Auggie in the cinema.____________





                      Mark the correct variant

1. Wonder is the story of a ten-year-old boy who lives with his ………and ………   in New York.

a) aunt , cousins

b) parents,  sister

c) parents, sisters

d) grandparents, brother

2.Auggie has deformities of the ……… and looks very different from other children.

a) Face

b) Nose

c) Finger

d) Foot

3. Auggie has never been to school because he has spent a lot of time in……. .

a) hotel

b) vocation

c) hospital

d) gym

4. Auggie’s first year at school has ………. .

a) only good times

b) only bad times

c) good times and bad times

d) the best times

5. The book is very popular  ………. prizes.

a) but hasn’t won any

b) and has won two

c) and has won a lot of

d) and has won



Перегляд файлу

Speaking Comprehension

  1.               Our parents greatly influence our personalities. Which personality traits do you share with your father and mother? What makes you different from them? Who has had more of an impact on you, your mother or your father? Explain.
  2.               “Look before you leap” is a popular saying. Is it important to think before you act in every situation?
  3.               Should people be judged on the clothes they wear? What are the disadvantages of judging people by their clothing? What sorts of clothes create a good impression? What sort of clothes do you think create a bad impression?
  4.               Environmental issues regularly get into the news. What is the situation in your immediate neighborhood? What can be done to make our planet a better place to live? What do you personally do to protect the environment? Are you optimistic about the future?
  5.               In a year you are going to make an important decision about your future profession. Have you made up your mind about the career that is right for you? What subjects are you especially good at? What jobs are popular in Ukraine today?
  6.               What are your eating habits? What kind of food do you prefer? Why do people choose to buy organic food? Where do you usually buy food?
  7.               Being famous means being successful. Why have celebrities become the part of our everyday life? Are there any celebrities you admire? Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? Do you think fame and money bring happiness?
  8.               Music influences different people in different ways. What music do you prefer? How do the preferences in music change from generation to generation? What is your attitude to classical music? Do you play any musical instrument?
  9.               A new country is a new world. What English-speaking countries would you like to visit and why?
  10.          When a man begins to understand himself, he begins to live. Describe your character and attitudes to the world around you. What are your strong and weak points? What things make you happy?
  11. You have won a lottery. What would you do with the money? Where would you go?
  12.          You have many friends, but only one of them is the best. Why?
  13.          What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? Give reasons and examples to support your response.
  14.          Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in?
  15.          Some people take up sport as their hobby while others become Olympic Champions. What personal qualities should a professional sportsman have? Have you ever thought of going into professional sport?



Перегляд файлу


1. You are taking a job interview. What would you tell about yourself, your interests, and hobbies?

2. What differences are there between your generation and your parents’ generation? Think about these things: tastes in music/clothes, films; interests/hobbies; attitudes to life.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

4. It is hard to imagine a world without all the modern conveniences we have become so accustomed to. What do you think has been the most influential invention of all times? Why? Where would we be without this invention today?

5. You are going on a trip to another country. How would you plan your trip? Where would you go? Would you travel more for adventure, to learn or to see historical sights?

6. Mobile phones, chatting on the net and email have changed a lot about how people communicate. Describe what forms of modern communication you use. What negative impacts has the loss of face-to-face communication had?

7.  Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors. Other people prefer to spend their leisure time indoors. Would you prefer to be outside or would you prefer to be inside for your leisure activities? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

8. Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to support your position.

9. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. What books do you like reading and why?

10. People listen to music for different reasons and at different times. Why is music important to many people? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


Перегляд файлу

Speaking Comprehension


  1. Imagine you`ve got a chance to choose any career you`d like. What would it be? Why?
  2. Tell about a good book or a good movie you`ve recently read / seen.
  3. What do you feel when you have to go and see the doctor? What`s the reason for feeling this way?
  4. Do you think the story of Cinderella could happen in the 21st century? Why? How could that be?
  5. What do you think is the right age to start driving? Drinking beer? Drinking alcohol? Why?
  6. What school subjects would you not study at all? Which ones do you think you should study more? Why?
  7. Does it matter for you if some animal or plant species disappear from our planet? Why?
  8. Why do you think people laugh? Is humor very different in different countries? Explain your ideas.
  9. Do you think people should encourage those who do services ( waiters, taxi-drivers etc.) by tipping them? What makes you think so?
  10.  Who is more important in the world history: men or women? What makes you think so?


Перегляд файлу

                                  Speaking Comprehension


1. Do you agree with the statement that “Traveling broadens your mind”? What places would you like to visit?

3. A good book is a good friend. Do you think that book characters are good examples for you to follow?

4. The role of TV in modern society. What is your favourite TV programme?

5. What is the dearest place on the Earth for you? How would you present your home town?

6. Your English friend is going to come to Ukraine. What places are worth visiting in your country?

7. Sport unites people and makes them good friends. What do you personally do to keep fit?

8. Some people want apartments, while others want private homes. What about you?

9. If you went on a very short tour to London, what places of interest would you like to see?

10. Talk about hobbies which are popular with children and adults. Which hobbies are the most expensive? Which hobbies are the cheapest? Which hobbies cost nothing at all?


Перегляд файлу


        You are going to take part in the international conference. Write a report about the protection of nature in your country where you will:

  • express the organizing committee your gratitude for the invitation
  • inform about the problems of air, land and water pollution in Ukraine
  • inform about the measures to ensure pure air , oceans and seas done by the United Unions and Great Britain in particular


Перегляд файлу


       You visited some lectures on the healthy way of life. Write a letter to your British friend. Include the following items:

  • when and where these lectures were held
  • who organized them
  • whether you agree with their pieces of advice or not  



Перегляд файлу

       Read the text below. Complete the story with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Task (0) is an example.
Dear Ann,
I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself  in London. We are OK at home. Mum (0) has just passed (just / to pass) her driving test. It (1) ______________ (to be) a test of driving skills and knowledge, consisting of both a written and a road test that Mum (2)_______________ (to have) to pass before driving without supervision on public roads. Tom (3)______________ (to write) his diary now. I think it (4)______________ (to finish) tomorrow. I (5)____________ (not / to see) the new show yet. But I (6) ___________(to hope) to see it soon.
Love, Alice.


        Look at the two pictures below. Choose one of these and write a postcard to a friend. Write where you are and what you are doing. 

 Use the words: to visit, to choose, to borrow, a catalogue, to relax, happy, excited, to be fine, to sunbathe.

тест контроль відповіді





Перегляд файлу


   A new pupil has come to your school. He doesn’t know anything about the life in your town. Write him a memo with some pieces of advice :

  • what type of transport is the most convenient in your town
  • how to spend leisure time
  • how to do shopping quickly and cheaply











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