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Communicative Approach at the English lessons.


                                 ,,The task of the excellent teacher

                                  is to stimulate apparently ordinary

                                  people to usual effort.The tough

                                 problem is not in identifying winners:

                                it is in making winners out of

                                ordinary people”


                                                  K. Patricia    Cross



    The communicative methodology is one of the most effective

means in ELT(English Language Teaching).

     The Communicative Approach focuses on performance(the

ability to use the language).In this approach real uses of language,especially social uses,are the priority. The CA teachers

the students to become communicatively competent, to be able to use the language appropriately in a given social context,and to

manage the process of negotiating   meaning.

      The Communicative Approach presupposes a different role of the teacher in the teaching process.  The   teacher facilitates the students’learning by promoting student-student interactive

situation more than teacher-student interaction.As a facilitator,

he has many roles to fulfill.The teacher is a    manager     of 

classroom activities.In this role,one of the teacher’s responsibi-

lities is to establish situations likely to promote communication.

During the activities,the teacher acts as an advisor,answering

students’questions and monitoring their performance.At other times,the teacher can be a co-communicator and participates in activities together with the pupils.In general,the role of the teacher is a less dominant one,providing a less teacher-centred classroom environment.


       The Communicative Approach changes the role of students in the learning process.The students are viewed as communica-

tors and responsible  managers of their own learning.They are

actively engaged in negotiating meaning and trying   to make

themselves understood,even when their knowledge of the target

language is incomplete.They learn to communicate by commu-


         The CA assings a different role to language.The CA rein-

forces students’understanding about the usefulness  of   the

language they are studying.Students are expected to realize that they can do real things by using the language.Total   immersion

in the English language is encouraged.

          The Communicative Approach views the function of the

classroom differently.The activities in the classroom are orga-

nised around real-life situations in which what to say is more

important than how to say it.A lot of Groupwork,of Pairwork

is encouraged.Pairwork  is the most basic communicative task which allows learners to interact independently in the classroom.

It can be adapted to many different purposes:

-exchanges of opinion,and comparisons of personal experience;

-planning writing;

-problem-solving activities.

 Pairwork ensures maximum participation by increasing the pro-

portion of student-talking-time to teacher-talking-time.It is my

responsibility to provide learners with opportunities  to  use

language for practical purposes in the classroom.Pairwork en-

courages learner independence.  Pairwork lets students work at their own pace,and so caters better for individuals in mixed-abi-

lity classes.When it comes to grammar,two heads are better than

one! Pairwork encourages co-operation not competition.Clearly,

well-motivated pupils in small classes in the village school can

develop their communicative abilities to a high level through

carefully chosen pairwork task.

     Groupwork is very effective in ELT.It bases on three prin-

ciples:                                   -2-

-simultaneous cooperation;

-positive dependence one from another;

-individual evaluating.

   For the role correlation it is desirable to share roles among the

members  of the group.My pupils like this work very much.

They elect :

-facilitator –it is responsible for observing all the rules of com-

munication.It leads the process;

-observer-keeps the discussion in the limits of problem;

-secretary-notes main ideas and facts;

-timekeeper-observes the time;

-speaker-sounds the results.

I always evaluate all the members of the group.


          The main Communication Guidelines.

-I encourage students to be self-disciplined and creative.

  I  am a teacher. I am the most fortunate of all who labor.I am

a teacher and thank God for it every day.

     My living motto is  ,,Doing something-do your best”.

1.Always try for eye contact before speaking.Obtain your

pupil’s attention and than speak.

2.Create the climate for communication.

3.Children learn best from real experiences with another child

describing what they are doing.

4.Follow the pupil’s interest and respond to their leads.Be a good listener.


       The Communicative Approach employs different teaching techniques.Pupils use the language in such activities as games,

role-plays and problem-solving tasks.Authentic materials are widely used.

        The CA sets different priorities for teaching the four basic language skills:speaking,listening,reading and writing.

        I presented my experience in the magazine     ,,English

language at junior school”№3 (76),2011.The article ,,Tests for

reading.4 form”.Every year  my students take part in a regional

Olympiad of English language.The pupil of our school Vitalia

Loboda was the prize-winner in 2008,2009.In 2010 the pupils of


Pogarshchyna took part in the all-Ukrainian competition of  English language,,Greenwich”.The high result had the pupil of the 9 th form Izumenko Oleksandr.The pupil of our school Vita

Sholudko was noted in the All-Ukrainian share,,The wide world

of Shakespeare’s sonnets”.

      My teacher characteristics are:

-I try to be consistent in what I say and do;

-I adhire my professional commitments;

-I have high expectations of all students;


























