Опублікація магістерскої дисертації анотація на англійськ та китайською мовами з психології

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Опублікація статі з психології конфліктів ,анотація магістерської дисертації з психології конфліктних ситуацій в китайської та української культурах.коротке роз'яснення магістерської дисертації.
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"Features of conflict resolution in Chinese and Ukrainian culture"

Danylova Inesa Vitaliivna,

postgraduate program Doctor

Phylosophy in master psychology,

 conphyctlogy ,political phycology inChinase

Nzhyn University pedagogical M. Gogol.

Abstract :from the master's thesis on the topic:        "Features of conflict resolution in Chinese and Ukrainian culture"

Master's work of Inessa Vitalievna Danilova is devoted to the peculiarities of conflict resolution in Chinese and Ukrainian culture.

The approbation of the master's thesis was conducted at the Department of General Psychology of Nizhyn Gogol Pedagogical University. The defense of the master's thesis is scheduled for 29.12.2022.

This master's thesis consists of three sections, each of which contains three, four subsections. The list of references contains 93 sources. The work contains 114pages.

Relevance of the study. The main task is to resolve conflict situations in Chinese and Ukrainian culture.The main task is to define conflictology as a science in psychology, updates of conflictology, tasks, subject, purpose, object of conflict situations in modern psychology, conflict situations, settlement of international political conflicts as historical, ancient China and modern China, the conflict between Taiwan, as well as political conflict situations in Ukraine.

The purpose of the master's thesis based on the relevance of the problem is: studying the psychology of the methodology and methodology of conflict situations, conflict resolution and conflict resolution in the culture of China and Ukraine.

The object of study is the settlement and elimination of conflict situations in the culture of China and Ukraine.

Research methods: to solve the problem, to achieve the goal, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the problem of research, their systematization and generalization, collection and processing of empirical data (observation, questionnaires, oral survey, interviews, trainings, consider research methods)

Thus, at the empirical stage, 5 methods were considered and studied and tests were made for them.

1.Methodology of research of interpersonal perception in conflict situation by A.I.Tascheva (modification of O.V.Misenko) (Misenko O.V. Modification of the methodology of research of peculiarities of interpersonal perception in conflict situation // Practical psychology and social work. - 2005. - № 5. - С. 23-27.

2.Methods of research of interpersonal perception. Special Workshop on Social Psychology / Edited by G.M.Andreeva, V.S.Ageeva. - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1984. - 103 p. - P. 37-43).

3.Methodology "Assessment of competence in conflict resolution" (P.P.Heppner, I.H.Petersen) (Heppner P.P., Petersen Ch. H. Development and Implication of a Personal Problem Solving Inventory // "Journal of Counseling Psychology", 1982, №29, P.66-75).

4.Methods of diagnostics of strategies for resolving conflict situations of D.Johnson and F.Johnson (adapted version of T.D.Kushniruk) (Methods of diagnostics of strategies for resolving conflict situations of D.Johnson and F.Johnson // Practical Psychology and Social Work. - 1999. - № 1. - С. 24-25.) Methodology "Conflict Management Strategy" (D.Vetten, K.Cameron) (David A.Vetten, Kim S. Cameron. Development of Management Skills - 5th ed. /Per. from English under the editorship of V.A.Spivak. - St. Petersburg: Neva Publishing House, 2004. - 672 p. - P. 459-460).

5.Methodology of research of value orientations in business interaction (modification of O.O.Ershov's methodology) (Emelyanov S.M. Workshop on Conflictology. - 2nd ed.)

Additionally, the author's research on conflict theory "Theory of conflictology, practice of legal psychology of conflicts, social concept"

The second theory. "Features of psychological theories of ancient China. Psychology of "non-action" and "rules of behavior": Taoism and Confucianism. Theories of "compassionate act" and "great choice". Materialistic summary of ancient Chinese psychology"

The third theory "the study of the Art of War of China ,the theory of conflict management of ancient China's war .The Art of War by Sun Tzu孫子兵法,孙子兵法,also the study of the philosophy of war of China's conflicts-Sun Tzu Wen.孙子文是,中国战争哲学艺术的作者."

The fourth theory is "Myths of space, time of conflicts, real time theory.Support of conflict situations of modern China."Cooperation with scientific data on the psychology of conflicts and international political relations, culture, history of ancient and modern China, writing additional scientific papers and active participation in scientific and practical conferences on the psychology of science, psychology of conflicts and the settlement of international political and economic conflicts.  Communication with the Institute of Oriental Studies of Chinese Studies named after Krymsky and between the Regional University in China Shanghai Fudan and Beijing Normal University. Publication in professional categories "B" scientific journals on the topic of the master's thesis, both in Ukraine and abroad.

Additional achievements in training courses received certificates of advanced training of psychologist in general psychology, psychology of conflicts, disputes and negotiations of international relations of legal psychology, forensics, evidence-based medicine, psychiatry, medical sychology, sychotherapy, psychoanalysis.

Conclusions: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, based on empirical research of methodology and methods of conflictology as a science, the effectiveness of consideration and study of conflict methods, conflict resolution in the international political sphere shows that the effectiveness of conflict resolution by peaceful means is growing, it encourages the settlement of international conflicts of culture of China and Ukraine.

Keywords: empirical studies of conflictology as a science, conflict resolution in the culture of China and Ukraine, international conflict resolution.

摘要 :来自硕士论文 ,关于这个话题。        "中国和乌克兰文化中解决冲突的特点"


硕士论文的批准是在尼日戈尔师范大学普通心理学系进行的。 硕士论文的答辩定于20221229日。







1.A.I.Tascheva研究冲突情况下人际感知的方法(O.V.Misenko的修改)(Misenko O.V. 修改研究冲突情况下人际感知的特殊性的方法//实用心理学和社会工作。- 2005.- № 5. - С. 23-27.

2.人际关系感知的研究方法。社会心理学特别研讨会 / G.M.Andreeva, V.S.Ageeva编辑。 - 莫斯科:莫斯科大学出版社,1984年。 - 103- P.37-43)。

3.方法论 "解决冲突能力的评估"P.P.HeppnerI.H.Petersen)(Heppner P.P.Petersen Ch.H. 个人问题解决清单的发展和意义//"咨询心理学杂志"1982№29P.66-75)。

4.D.约翰逊和F.约翰逊解决冲突情况的策略诊断方法(T.D.库什尼鲁克的改编版)(D.约翰逊和F.约翰逊解决冲突情况的策略诊断方法//实用心理学和社会工作。- № 1. - С. 24-25.)方法论 "冲突管理战略"D.Vetten, K.Cameron)(David A.Vetten, Kim S. Cameron.管理技能的发展-第五版,由V.A.斯皮瓦克主编的英文译本-圣彼得堡:涅瓦出版社,2004年,672-459-460页)。

5.商业互动中的价值取向研究方法(对O.O.Ershov方法的修改)(Emelyanov S.M. 冲突学研讨会-第二版)。

此外,作者对冲突理论的研究 "冲突学理论、冲突的法律心理学实践、社会概念"

第二种理论。"中国古代心理学理论的特点。无为 ""行为规则 "的心理学:道家和儒家。"同情的行为 ""伟大的选择 "的理论。中国古代心理学的唯物主义总结"

第三种理论 "研究中国的孙子兵法,中国古代战争的冲突管理理论.孙子兵法,也是研究中国冲突的战争哲学-孙子文.孙子文是,中国战争哲学艺术的作者".

第四种理论是 "空间的神话,冲突的时间,实时的理论。支持现代中国的冲突局势"

与冲突心理学和国际政治关系、文化、古代和现代中国历史方面的科学数据合作,撰写更多的科学论文,积极参加有关科学心理学、冲突心理学和解决国际政治和经济冲突的科学和实践会议。  与以克里姆斯基命名的中国东方学研究所以及中国上海复旦大学和北京师范大学之间的交流。 在乌克兰和国外的专业类别 "B "级科学杂志上发表了关于硕士论文主题的文章。




Additional literature:

1. 30 ways to manipulate and control people / Author. Compiled by. D.I. Dudinsky - Minsk: Harvest, 2004. - 96 p.

2. Borodkin F.M., Koryak N.M. Attention: Conflict. 2nd ed: Nauka, Sib. branch, 1989. - 190 p.

3. Voytovych M.V., Karamushka L.M. Psychological foundations of solving managerial conflicts in educational institutions //Management of secondary education institutions psychological aspects. - K.: Institute of Psychology named after G.S.Kostiuk of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2001.- p.129-149.

4. Grishina N.V. Psychology of conflict. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 464p.

5. David A. Vatten, Kim S. Cameron. Management Skills Development. 5th ed. /Per. from English under the editorship of V.A. Spivak. - St. Petersburg: Neva Publishing House, 2004. - 672 p. - P. 459-460.

6. Emelyanov S.M. Workshop on Conflictology. - 2nd ed.

7. Ershov A.A. Socio-psychological aspects of conflicts.

//Organizational Psychology: Textbook / Compiled and edited by L.V.Vinokurova, I.M.Skripyuka. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - P. 331-338.

8. Karamushka L.M. Psychological bases of management in the system of secondary education: Study guide. - K.: IZMN, 1997. - 180 p.

9. Karamushka L.M. Psychology of educational management: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - K.: Lybid, 2004. - 424 p.


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Психологія, Інші матеріали
22 грудня 2022
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