Особливості використання проектної технології при вивченні англійської мови у початковій школі

Про матеріал

Навчання іноземної мови в початковій школі переважно має діяльнісний характер, а не інформативний, оскільки діти успішніше вивчають мови через дії, мовленнєві й немовленнєві, та їх інтеграцію, через реальні способи спілкування або виконання завдань за допомогою спілкування. . Проектні технології у початковій школі спрямовані саме на повторення та закріплення вивченого матеріалу, стимулювання інтересу учнів до нових знань та розвиток дитини через розв'язання проблем і застосування їх у конкретній діяльності.

Перегляд файлу

Michurina T., teacher of English, school of Chornobayivka, Kherson region

(The lesson is relied on the upper forms)



Practical: to teach students reading, speaking on the topic, doing tasks answering questions on the content of the text, drawing future cities (creative work).

Educational: to enrich students topical conversational vocabulary; encourage students to learn English spiking culture,

Developing: to improve students reading speaking skills; to enhance their cognitive abilities and memory; pairs and group co-operation.

Moral values: to cultivate the aesthetic taste awareness and respect to the world culture and people.

Equipment: blackboard, handout pens, sheets of paper.


I. Lead- in

(The theme of the lessons is on the board)

T: Good morning! We are going to talk about future, future city, world.


II.    Warming - up

T: What’s your future job?   Are you a   good mixer? 

Simply indicate   whether you think the statements are True or False. There are no

right or wrong answer.  Just   answer which arc true for you and those which are not.

Circle only one alternative for each statement.

                                                                                                                                                 T       F

  1. I always think of other people's opinions before making decisions.                              A       C                     
  2. I like working with   statistics.                                                                                       C       A

3) I always help my friends and classmates   who   have family and schools problems.   A       C

  1. I frequently forget where I leave things.                                                                           B       C
  2. I cannot often persuade others to see my point of view.                                                   C       B
  3. Personal   insults don't worry me.                                                                                      C      A
  1. In a new group of people 1 often   feel nervous.                                                               C      B
  2. I enjoy telling other people about my achievements.                                                        C      A
  3. I am bored by daily routine tasks.                                                                                      B      C

10) I always like to win, when I   take part in an activity.                                                     C      B                                                                          

11) I am easily persuaded by the majority   opinion.                                                            A      B

  1.         If I can choose, I do things my way first.                                                                         C      A                                                
  2.         Success in my jog is very   important to me.                                                                   C      B

14)1 like tasks which require a lot of physical and mental energy.                                       A B

15) I often quest myself about how I really feel.                                                               A      C 


Total A answers

Total B answers

Total A and B answers

How to score:

Ignore all C responses. They simply indicate a lack of interest in a particular area and should not be included in your scoring.   You   should now have a score between  0 and 15.

A score of 0-4 shows very little interest in a particular area.

A score of 5-12 is about average.

A score of 13 and over shows a strong interest.

If you have more A than B answer, you are more interested in caring for people than in influencing them. You should therefore be looking   for a career in the medical, welfare or education fields: for example, doctor, dentist, psychiatrist, a hospital nurse, social worker, teacher.

But if you have scored more B than A answer, you are more likely to feel at home in a job involving control, commerce or management for example: the armed forces, police, and security guard, sales representative, marketing, advertising, and executive.

III. Speaking

T: So, you think about   future, don't you? Let us see your ideas...


IV. Reading

T: Let's   talk about future.

                                                    What does the future hold?

Discussion point.  

In 1932 an English write, Aldous Huxley, wrote a book called Brave New World. In it, he envisaged   life six hundred years into the future. Later in his life, he said that if he rewrote the book, he would place the same vision only one hundred years into the future, because so many of his prophecies had already come true.

This is the vision of the future that Brave New World describes.

Which   aspects...

  •      have already come true?
  •      will come true soon?
  •      might come true some time?
  •      couldn't possibly come true ever?


The world is controlled centrally, following a nine-year war between   super powers which led to economic collapse. There is total social stability. World population is maintained at two thousand million. English is the only language, all others are dead. History and literature are censored.


Everyone is happy. Babies are born in test- tubes, and by careful use of chemicals and conditioning (babies are taught in their sleep), people are designed to perform certain functions in life. There are five classes of people. There is no illness or disease, but there is also no emotion or privacy. Everyone looks young until they are sixty, when they are sent to hospital to die.


People go to the feelies, where they not only see pictures, but also feel and smell them. There is no love or marriage, and sex is an important form of entertainment.

Everyone takes a drug called soma in the evenings with friends and for sleep holidays that last two weeks.                                                                                                                                    

The economy

Everybody works seven and a half hours a day, not because this is necessary (they have the technology to allow no-one to work) but because people like their work and would otherwise have too much free time. It is a throwaway, consumer society.                                                 


The better classes travel everywhere by helicopter, and go on weekend holidays to the other   side of the world. Rockets can go from   London to America in six and half hours, traveling at 1,250 kilometers per hour.

V.Projectwork                                                                                                                                    T: Your hometask was to plan you perfect City. Let me divide you into city 3 groups and do the year 3000.

The mayor has asked you to design a perfect city. Use this idea to write an outline for the assignment. As yourself:

What will I do first?

What will the city be called?

What will it look like?

What kinds of buildings will I design?

How will the people in the city live, work, play and travel?                                                                VI. Summing- up

T: In our today's lessons we have wised and learnt the words and word combinations on the topic «future world», discussed various preferences, got some new information about our future. And I belief that all of you enjoyed vading and discussing our topic.

I suppose you've realize that future plays a great role in our life and makes it more magnificent.

VII. Home assignment



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