Past simple/ present countinuous

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Hello my dear students. I suggest you take this test to test your knowlege.Good luck!
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Unit 1



1 A   2 A   3 B   4 A   5 A   6 B


1 at   2 on   3 in   4 at   5 on   6 at


1    I usually go home after school.

2    I always play the drums at night.

3    He sometimes goes to school by bus.

4    They never chat online.

5    Tina often goes to the cinema at the weekend.

6    We hardly ever eat in a fast-food restaurant.


1    Do, like, don’t

2    Does, go, doesn’t 3 Do, listen, do

4    Does, enjoy, does

5    Do, eat, do


1 is   2 opens   3 at   4 often  

5 doesn’t cost   6 has   7 take   8 usually  

9 gives   10 spend   11 Do you like



1 fi nish   2 don’t play   3 watch  

4 doesn’t like   5 get up   6 studies


1 on at 2 in on 3 at in 4 in at

5    at on

6    in at



2    I always play the drums at night.

3    He sometimes goes to school by bus.



6    We hardly ever eat in a fast-food restaurant.


1 Do you like, don’t 2 Does he go, doesn’t.

3    Do they listen, do

4    Does she enjoy, does

5    Do you eat, do


1 is   2 opens   3 at   4 often  

5 doesn’t cost   6 has   7 doesn’t have  

8 take   9 usually   10 gives   11 in  

12 spend   13 Do, like   14 Do, visit   

Unit 2



1 A   2 B   3 B   4 B   5 C   6 C


1 on   2 next to   3 under   4 in front of  

5 above   6 behind   7 in   8 near


1 writting writing   2 read reading  

3 playing am/’m playing   4 aren’t isn’t  

5 is are   6 isn’t aren’t


1 are playing   2 walks   3 like   4 am/’m making   5 isn’t doing  

6 aren’t listening


1 A   2 B   3 C   4 B   5 C


1 live   2 near   3 There are   4 there is  

5 in   6 there aren’t   7 near   8 works  

9 isn’t working   10 are living



1 are   2 is   3 isn’t   4 Are   5 aren’t  

6 Is


1 B   2 A   3 A   4 C   5 B   6 B   7 A  

8 B


1 writing writing   2    3 I playing

am/’m playing   4    5   6 isn’t aren’t


1 are playing   2 walks   3 don’t like  

4 am/‘m making   5 isn’t doing  

6 are listening


1 A   2 B   3 C   4 B   5 C


1 live   2 near   3 are   4 is   5 in  

6 aren’t   7 near   8 aren’t using   9 want   10 works   11 isn’t working   12 doesn’t have   13 accepts   14 supports   15 are

Unit 3



1 can run   2 can’t dive   3 can cook  

4 can swim   5 can’t ride   6 can jump


1 patiently   2 hard   3 carefully  

4 slowly   5 badly   6 well


1 mustn’t kick   2 must hit   3 must stay  

4 mustn’t touch


1 has to train have to train   2 don’t has to wear don’t have to wear   3 have be have to be   4 have to prepare has to prepare


1 have to/must wear   2 have to/must use   3 have to/must follow   4 mustn’t continue  5 have to/must pass   6 don’t have to do  

7 don’t have to come


1 B   2 A   3 B   4 A   5 B   6 A   7 A  

8 B   9 B   10 B   11 B   12 A



1 can run   2 can’t dive/jump   3 can cook 

4 can swim   5 can’t ride   6 can draw


1   2 hardly hard   3 careful carefully  

4    5   6 good well 3

1 mustn’t kick   2 must hit   3 must stay  

4 mustn’t touch


1 have to   2 don’t have to   3 have to  

4 has to


1 have to/must wear   2 have to/must use   3 have to/must follow   4 mustn’t keep/mustn’t continue/must stop   5 have to/must pass/take   6 don’t have to do  

7 don’t have to come


1 A   2 B   3 C   4 C   5 B   6 A   7 B  

8 C   9 C   10 B   11 A   12 C   13 B  

14 B

Unit 4



1    A

2    A

3    B

4    B 5 A

6 B


1 couldn’t speak   2 couldn’t send  

3 could buy   4 could reserve  

5 couldn’t fi nd


1    We visited the monument in the town centre.

2    They climbed to the top in one hour.

3    I walked all around the city sightseeing.

4    She wanted to visit the ancient temple.


1 went   2 had   3 bought   4 ate  

5 saw   6 spoke


1    They was They were

2    We taked We took

3    He can’t go He couldn’t go

4    The excursion to the Pyramids were The excursion to the Pyramids was 5 I buyed I bought


1 went   2 arrived   3 was   4 fl ew  

5 travelled   6 took   7 visited   8 ate  

9 bought   10 tried   11 could




2    was were

3    were was


5    was were



1 couldn’t speak   2 couldn’t send   3 could buy   4 could reserve   5 couldn’t fi nd   6 couldn’t travel


1    visited

2    climbed

3    walked

4    wanted

5    stayed 6 travelled


1 B   2 A   3 C   4 B   5 B   6 C


1    was were


3    can’t couldn’t


5    buyed bought



1 went   2 arrived   3 was   4 fl ew  

5 travelled   6 stayed   7 built   8 took  

9 went   10 visited   11 were   12 ate   13 bought   14 tried   15 could

Unit 5



1 The teacher didn’t give us lots of homework yesterday. 2 My brother didn’t work for a farmer last summer.

3                     They didn’t ask the mechanic to fi x the car.

4                     I didn’t want to be a cook when I was young.

5                     We didn’t help in my parents’ restaurant over the holidays.


1 didn’t wanted didn’t want 2 didn’t wrote didn’t write

3    didn’t to play didn’t play

4    not bring didn’t bring

5    didn’t to enjoy didn’t enjoy


1    Did they fi nish their degrees last year?

2    Did she want to become an actor?

3    Did you get a job in the factory?

4    Did your father work in a busy offi ce?

5    Did the chef make all this food today?


1    4 he didn’t

2    5 he did

3    3 I did

4    2 she didn’t

5    1 they did


1    was staying

2    were … clapping

3    was watching

4    were studying 5 wasn’t working


1 A   2 C   3 B   4 A   5 C   6 A   7 C  

8 C



1 The teacher didn’t give us lots of homework yesterday. 2 My brother didn’t work for a farmer.

3 We didn’t help in my parents’ restaurant over the holidays. 4 I didn’t want to be a cook when I was young.

5                     They didn’t ask the mechanic to fi x the car.

6                     The painter didn’t build the studio himself.


1    didn’t wanted didn’t want


3    didn’t to play didn’t play

4    not brought didn’t bring


6    3

1    Did they fi nish their degrees last year?

2    Did she want to become an actor?

3    Did you get a job in the factory?

4    Did your father work in a busy offi ce?

5    Did the chef make all this food today?

6    Did they watch a fi lm last night?


1    Yes, they did.

2    No, she didn’t.

3    Yes, I did.

4    No, he didn’t. 5 Yes, he did.

6 Yes, they did.


1    were studying

2    were … clapping

3    was watching

4    was staying

5    wasn’t working


1      Did … enjoy

2      played

3      didn’t like

4      spoke

5      Did … eat

6      didn’t

7      ate

8      were eating

9      came

10   were talking

11   didn’t want 12 weren’t working

Unit 6



1 some   2 fi ve   3 some   4 an   5 any  

6 any


1 a   2 some   3 some   4 an   5 some  

6 three   7 any   8 some


1    a apple an apple

2    a soft drinks any soft drinks

3    any ice cream some ice cream

4    an cake a cake

5    any milk some milk


1 A   2 B   3 A   4 B   5 A   6 A


1    should do

2    should eat

3    shouldn’t drink 4 shouldn’t cook

5    shouldn’t give

6    should try


1 a   2 any   3 should   4 some   5 some 

6 a lot of   7 an   8 a lot of   9 should  

10 shouldn’t



1 some   2 some   3 some   4 an   5 any 

6 any


1 a   2 some   3 some   4 an/one  

5 some   6 some/two/three, etc.   7 any  

8 some 3

1    a apple an apple


3    any ice cream some ice cream

4    an cake a cake




1 A   2 C   3 A   4 B   5 A   6 C


1    should try

2    shouldn’t cook

3    should do

4    should eat

5    shouldn’t drink

6    shouldn’t give


Botín is a some wonderful restaurant in Madrid. It started to serve food in 1725! The restaurant is in an old building and it still uses the original wood oven from the 18th century. It serves excellent many traditional Spanish food, so there aren’t any of American or Asian dishes. The slow roasted lamb and chicken are the many speciality dishes which you should try. There are also some much fi sh dishes and lot some good vegetable dishes too. There are a lot of desserts, including cream cake, chocolate tart, cheesecake and rice pudding. They all look much delicious, so it is diffi cult to choose. It is a very popular place, so there are always a lot of people there. You should to make a reservation in advance to be sure of a table. It is in the heart of Madrid, close to the Plaza Mayor, so you shouldn’t to have diffi culty in fi nding it. It is a lot place to relax and enjoy excellent food and drink with your friends.

Unit 7



1 A   2 B   3 B   4 A   5 B


1    Is Peter going to visit

2    Are Sara and Peter going to go

3    Is Sara going to walk

4    Are Sara and Peter both going to visit

5    Is Peter going to walk


1    No, he isn’t.

2    Yes, they are.

3    Yes, she is.

4    No, they aren’t.

5    No, he isn’t.


1    will change

2    won’t fall

3    will become

4    won’t disappear

5    won’t decrease


1    are go are going

2    isn’t catching aren’t catching

3    ’m going to ’m going

4    is travel is travelling

5    aren’t taking isn’t taking


1    will increase

2    will reduce

3    will cause

4    will affect

5    won’t grow

6    won’t be

7    are we going to do

8    will it be

9    are meeting



1    aren’t going to compete

2    ’m going to climb

3    aren’t going to see

4    isn’t going to join

5    are going to swim

6    is going to stay


1    Is Peter going to visit an island?

2    Are Sara and Peter going to go on holiday to Turkey? 3 Is Sara going to walk to the waterfall?

4    Are Sara and Peter both going to visit an island?

5    Is Peter going to walk to the waterfall?


1    No, he isn’t.

2    Yes, they are.

3    Yes, she is.

4    No, they aren’t.

5    No, he isn’t.


1    will change

2    won’t fall

3    will become

4    won’t disappear

5    will increase


1    are go are going


3    ’m going to ’m going


5    aren’t taking isn’t taking



1 A   2 B   3 B   4 C   5 B   6 A   7 B  

8 A   9 C  

Unit 8




1 bigger   2 larger   3 higher than  

4 older   5 more expensive


1 more stressed   2 more worried   3 more surprised   4 happier   5 more excited


1    most responsible the most responsible

2    the most kindest the kindest

3    the quieter the quietest

4    the intelligent the most intelligent

5    most serious the most serious

6    the most laziest the laziest


1 a   2 a   3 the   4 The   5   6 the  

7 an


1 B   2 B   3 A   4 A   5 A   6 B   7 A  

8 B   9 A   10 B   11 B  



1 easier   2 larger   3 hotter than  

4 older   5 more expensive


1 more stressed/worried   2 more worried/ stressed   3 more surprised   4 happier  

5 more excited


1    is most is the most


3    quieter quietest



6    the most laziest the laziest


1 a   2 a   3 the   4 The   5   6 the  

7 an


1 C   2 C   3 C   4 A   5 A   6 B   7 A  

8 B   9 B   10 C   11 C   12 B   13 A  

14 B   15 C

Unit 9



1    have met

2    have visited

3    hasn’t driven

4    haven’t had

5    has spoken 2

1 ever   2 never   3 never   4 ever  

5 never 3

1    She has just bought a colourful silk scarf.

2    They have already eaten lunch.

3    I haven’t been to the chemist’s yet.

4    A new bookshop has just opened on King Street.

5    We have already seen the fashion show.


1 already   2 yet   3 just   4 yet  

5 already


1    has just arrived

2    have never heard

3    have never bought

4    have already done

5    Have … noticed

6    haven’t

7    haven’t been

8    has just opened

9    have ever seen


1    Have … ever heard

2    have become

3    has opened

4    has never studied

5    has learned

6    has … sold

7    has appeared

8    have worn 9 Have … visited



1    have met

2    have visited

3    hasn’t driven

4    haven’t done

5    has spoken 2

1 ever   2 never   3 never   4 ever  

5 never 3

1    She has just bought a colourful silk scarf.

2    They have already eaten lunch at the restaurant.

3    I haven’t had time to go to the chemist yet.

4    A bookshop has just opened on King Street.

5    Jake hasn’t found a new suit for his interview yet. 6 We have already seen the Burberry fashion show in Paris.


1 already   2 yet   3 just   4 yet  

5 already


Gran: Where did you get that top? It’s lovely!

Amy: Thanks, Gran. It’s from Boden. It has just already arrived.

Gran: I’ve never heard ever of that shop. Where is it?

Amy: It’s an online shop.

Gran: I’ve never bought anything online yet.

Amy: It’s very easy, Gran, and it means you don’t have to go into town. I have do lots of shopping online. I’ve already done a supermarket shop this morning just.

Gran: Well, I prefer going into town. Have you noticed to the new shoe shop in the High Street?

Amy: No, I haven’t.

Gran: They’ve got ever some beautiful boots in the window. I haven’t never been in yet though. Oh and a bakery has just opened been in Queen Street. They sell the most delicious cakes you have never ever seen!


1 A   2 B   3 B   4 B   5 A   6 A   7 A  

8 B   9 A   10 A

Unit 10



1 are   2 were   3 is   4 was   5 weren’t


1 The Statue of Liberty was designed by Bartholdi and Eiffel. 2 In the fi lm Spectre, James Bond was played by Daniel Craig. 3 The fi rst fridge was sold in 1913.

4                     The sound of Big Ben was heard for the fi rst time in 1859./The sound of Big Ben was heard in 1859 for the fi rst time.

5                     The Shadow of the Wind was written by Carlos Ruiz Zafón.


1 are found   2 was discovered  

3 is used   4 wasn’t directed   5 isn’t used


1 A   2 B   3 A   4 A   5 B


1 will be   2 studies   3 will sell  

4 doesn’t go   5 will be


1 B   2 B   3 B   4 C   5 A   6 A   7 C  

8 A   9 C   10 A   11 C   12 B



1 are   2 were   3 is   4 was   5 weren’t


1 The Statue of Liberty was designed by Bartholdi and Eiffel. 2 In the fi lm Spectre, James Bond was played by Daniel Craig. 3 The fi rst fridge was sold in 1913.

4                     The sound of Big Ben was heard for the fi rst time in 1859./The sound of Big Ben was heard in 1859 for the fi rst time.

5                     The Shadow of the Wind was written by Carlos Ruiz Zafón.


1    are fi nd are found


3    was used is used

4    weren’t directed wasn’t directed



7    wasn’t predict wasn’t predicted


1 don’t sleep   2 open   3 use   4 cooks  

5 touch   6 don’t put


1 plays   2 won’t pass   3 will sell  

4 doesn’t go   5 will be   6 don’t put


If you will ask people to name important inventions of the 20th century, the list will to include cars, planes, personal computers and, of course, the Internet. The Internet is a form of communication that is used be widely today. It wasn’t invented in one particular year, it was been developed over several decades. Initially, in the 1970s, networks were be used internally by research companies. In 1989, a browser called the World Wide Web was created by the Tim Berners-Lee. A few years later other browsers such as Internet Explorer and Google were working too. All of them are still to used today. They are known collectively as ‘the Web’. In the space of fi fteen years the way we communicate has changed completely. The Internet is used for shopping, banking and fi nding out information rapidly. It is also used to speak to people in other countries because it is not cheaper than the telephone. If we will continue to use the Internet regularly, we won’t not talk to people face-to-face so often. It is a fact that if you don’t practise something, you will forget how to do it. Will we forget how to communicate with other people?

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