Phrasal verbs to look, to get, to be. Тренувальні вправи.

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Подані нижче тренувальні вправи на правильність вживання фразових дієслів допоможуть вчителю на різних етапах роботи на уроці англійської мови. Теоретичний матеріал до кожного дієслова стане в нагоді при виконанні завдань.

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  1.  Study the entries.
  1. Look after - to take care of

e.g. Make sure you look after yourself. I don't want you to be ill due to this weather.

  1. Look ahead - to think of the future

e.g. Looking ahead, I think the company really needs to develop new services.

  1. Look back on -to consider the past, to remember

e.g. One day we'll look back on this and laugh.

  1. Look down on - to despise

e.g. She looks down on anyone who hasn’t had a university education.

  1. Look for - to search for

e.g. I’m looking for Jim. Have you seen him?

  1. Look forward to - to anticipate with pleasure

e.g. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

              7.   Look into - to investigate

e.g. I wrote a letter of complaint, and the airline have promised to look  into the matter.

  1. Look in on sb - to pay a short visit to

e.g. It helps if older people have a nearby relative who will look in on them.

  1. Look on - to observe, to regard  as

e.g. We’re not related but I look on him as a brother. I look on it as a challenge.

  1.  Look onto/look out on to - to face, to have a view of

e.g. This building looks onto the square.

  1.  Look out - Watch out!

e.g. Look out! There's a car coming!

  1.  Look out for - to be alert in order to see/find sb

e.g. The police have warned shopkeepers to look out for forged notes.

  1.  Look over -to examine carefully, to revise

e.g. He’d been looking over the leaflets he’d picked up earlier.

  1. Look round -to survey, examine an area

e.g. We arrived late, and didn't have much time to look round before dinner.

  1. Look through - to look at quickly, to study carefully

e.g. I’ve just been looking through your cookery books for inspiration.

  1. Look up -  to look for smth in an appropriate book

e.g. If you don’t know the word, look it up in the dictionary.

  1. Look up to - to respect

e.g. He’s a role model for other players to look up to.


  1. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.
  1. Look out for                                               A. to respect
  2. Look into                                                    B. to take care of
  3. Look back on                                             C. to search for
  4. Look after                                                  D. to pay a short visit to
  5. Look forward to                                         E. Watch out!
  6. Look over                                                   F. to face, to have a view of
  7. Look ahead                                                 G. to think of the future
  8. Look down on                                             H. to look for smth in a book
  9. Look into                                                     I. to look at quickly
  10. Look on                                                       J. to observe, to regard as
  11. Look up to                                                   K. to examine carefully
  12. Look for                                                       L. to survey, to examine an area
  13. Look in on  sb                                              M. to be alert in order to see/find
  14. Look out                                                       N. to remember
  15. Look through                                                O. to investigate
  16. Look up                                                         P. to despise
  17. Look onto/look out on to                              Q. to anticipate with pleasure


III. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions:    after      around      away      down      for      into      out      over      through      up  

1. While you are hiking in the forest, you need to look……for rattlesnakes. They are often lying on the trails.

2. If you do not know his phone number, you can look it……. in the phone book.

3. The police are going to look …….. the recent robberies in the neighborhood. Hopefully, they will find the thief.

4. While he was looking……. the papers, he noticed a couple of spelling mistakes.

5. If you look…….the telescope, you can see the rings around Saturn.

6. Sandy is going to look……  the children while we are at the business dinner.

7. When there is an eclipse, you should look …….. from the sun. Looking at the sun can sometimes damage your eyes.

8. I lost my keys. Can you help me look …….them?

9. The lost child stood there in the middle of the store looking……. trying to find his parents.

10. She always looks …….. on people who don't agree with her. I think she is very arrogant.

  1. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb ”look “and prepositions in the appropriate form.

1. Can you ……… pet goldfish for a few days while I am away on holiday?

2. Children often……….to Christmas from November onwards.

3. If I try to read an English book, I get frustrated because I have to ……..

 too many words in the dictionary.

4. The teacher was sacked because he had ………..

 while two student were fighting and had done nothing to stop them.

5. My teacher ………my composition quickly before I gave it in just to see I had answered the question correctly.

6. ………. to tomorrow evening on Channel 4, we have a documentary about the Middle East.

7. Hank has always ………his Uncle Peter. He treats him like a hero.

8. If you are going to the supermarket, can you ……….. that new make of butter I was trying to find the other day.

9. I have been ……… my mobile phone all morning. I can't find it anywhere.

10. Police are ………… reports of a strange flying object last night. Many people are convinced it was a flying saucer.


  1. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
  1. Я шукаю новий стіл.
  2. Будь ласка, доглянь за моїми дітьми, коли я буду відсутня.
  3. Просто поглянь на це!
  4. Вчитель переглядає наше домашнє завдання.
  5. Я чекаю з нетерпінням на твою відповідь.
  6. Озирніться навколо, хлопці, ми на вершині гори!
  7. Він завжди дивиться вперед.
  8. Вона ніколи не озирається в минуле.
  9. Вона заглянула подивитися на брата, а потім поїхала до лікаря.
  10. Він захоплюється своїм батьком.
  11. Нам потрібно заплатити за те, що ми оглянемо цей замок?
  12. Здається, що за цим садом доглядають.
  13. Заглядаючи в майбутнє, ми можемо уявити, що настане час, коли машини будуть літати.
  14. Ти б заглянув до нас хоча б на хвилинку.
  15. Він користується загальною повагою.



  1. Study the entries.

1. Get sth across/ over  - communicate, make understandable

e.g. I tried to get my point across/over to the judge but she wouldn't listen.

2. Get along/on - like each other 

e.g. I was surprised how well my new girlfriend and my sister got along/on.

3. Get around - have mobility 

e.g. My grandfather can get around fine in his new wheelchair.

4. Get away - go on a vacation

e.g. We worked so hard this year that we had to get away for a week.

5. Get away with sth - do without being noticed or punished

e.g. Jason always gets away with cheating in his maths tests.

6. Get back - return 

e.g. We got back from our vacation last week.

7. Get sth back - receive sth you had before 

e.g. Liz finally got her Science notes back from my room-mate.

8. Get back at sb - retaliate, take revenge

e.g. My sister got back at me for stealing her shoes. She stole my favourite hat.

9. Get back into sth - become interested in sth again 

e.g. I finally got back into my novel and finished it.

10. Get on sth - step onto a vehicle 

e.g. We're going to freeze out here if you don't let us get on the bus.

11. Get over sth - recover from an illness, loss, difficulty

e.g. I just got over the flu and now my sister has it.

12. Get over sth - overcome a problem 

e.g. The company will have to close if it can't get over the new regulations.

13. Get round to sth - finally find time to do

e.g. I don't know when I am going to get round to writing the thank you cards.

14. Get together - meet (usually for social reasons) 

e.g. Let's get together for a party this weekend.

15. Get up - get out of bed 

e.g. I got up early today to study for my exam.

16. Get up - stand

e.g. You should get up and give the elderly man your seat.


  1. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.
  1. Get away with             A. stand
  2. Get back                      B. receive sth you had before
  3. Get round to                C. meet people
  4. Get on                          D. finally find time to do
  5. Get over                       E. do without being noticed or punished
  6. Get along/on                F. like each other
  7. Get across                    G. step onto a vehicle
  8.  Get back at sb             H. communicate
  9. Get up                          I. retaliate, take revenge
  10.  Get together                J. recover from the illness


  1. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions:    down  about  into  behind  down    back  at   down   away   along
  1. The news got …… that he was ready to marry her.
  2. It’s time we got ……to work.
  3. The baby couldn’t get the pill …...
  4. Are you getting …..everything I’m telling you?
  5. You don’t attend lectures. Are you going to get……?
  6. Anyway I’d better get…… to work.
  7. The prisoner got …...
  8. What are you getting……?
  9. I can’t get….. with my mother-in-law.
  10. At last she got all her shoes …… the suitcase.


  1. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb “get” in an appropriate form.
  1. It's a small place, so news and gossip……. pretty quickly.
  2. I …… the bus at 8am every morning.
  3. I …… bed as soon as my alarm went off.
  4. It took her a long time to ….. their separation.
  5. They tried to ….. from the police but they weren't quick enough.
  6. This weather is …. me ….. .
  7.  What exactly are you getting at? (=trying to say, suggest)
  8.  The dinner is over, let’s  ___ to business.
  9. What time do you ….  in the morning.
  10.  She is having trouble …. her boyfriend, she still cries all the time.


  1. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
  1. Я накінець зустрівся з нею вчора.
  2. Оратор чітко виклав свою точку зору.
  3. На що ти натякаєш?
  4. Я краще повернуся до роботи.
  5. Ми повинні вийти на наступній зупинці.
  6. Я впевнений, ми сіли не в той тролейбус.
  7. Море починає хвилюватися.
  8. Як ти потрапив до політики?
  9. Вона увійшла в курс справи  нової роботи на цій фірмі.
  10. Я не можу звикнути до цього.



  1. Study the entries.
  1.     Be in - be at home or at work

e.g. They are never in; I always get their answerphone.

2.  Be after - Try to find or get

e.g. The police are after him because of the theft.

3. Be along - arrive

e.g. The next bus should be along in the next quarter of an hour or so.

4. Be away - be elsewhere; on holiday, etc.

e.g.  She's away on business for three weeks.

5. Be down -  be depressed

e.g.  He's been down since his partner left him.

6. Be fed up - be bored, upset or sick of something

e.g.  I am fed up of his complaints.

7. Be off - be bad (of food)

e.g.  This yoghurt must be off; it smells foul.

8. Be on - be functioning (of machines), be shown (performed)

e.g.  The computer is on.

9.  Be up to -  be good enough, do usually something wrong

e.g. He's not up to the job; get someone else.

10. Be up for -  be enthusiastic about an upcoming event

e.g. Are you up for  the climb of Mt. Blanc?

11. Be over – to come to an end

e.g. Our lesson is over.

12. Be through with – to have finished (a relationship, job)

e.g. Why did you through with Sarah?


II. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

  1. Be on                                 A. be enthusiastic about an upcoming event
  2. Be up for                           B. be functioning ( of machines)
  3. Be fed up with                   C. be elsewhere; on holiday, etc.
  4. Be off                                 D. be good enough
  5. Be in                                   E. be bad (of food)
  6. Be down                             F. try to find or get
  7. Be up to                             G. be at home or at work
  8. Be away                            H. be bored, upset or sick of something
  9. Be along                            I.  be depressed
  10.  Be after                            J. arrive


  1. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: after, along, on, up for, down, fed up, away, in, off.
  1. My friend is ….. because his girlfriend abandoned  him.
  2. We are……. with this horrible weather.
  3. I called her several times, she wasn’t…….
  4. This milk has been…..
  5. When I entered the living room, the TV set was……
  6. The burglar has been…… for a month.
  7. Mr Brown is ….to ICT.
  8. The next plane is……in half an hour.
  9.  My friend is….. in South Africa.
  1. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb “be” in an appropriate form.
  1. I must …….now. My parents are expecting me for dinner.
  2. What ….the boys…..? Don’t tell me they are ruining the garden again.
  3. I….. the mayor’s plan to relocate the town hall.
  4. I ………to leave home when some unexpected visitors arrived.
  5. We were promised that the hard times ……..soon.
  6. What…..this weekend at the theatre?
  7. If you are seen stealing that car the police…
  8. What…..the children …….? They are very quiet.
  9. We….. bad weather this week.
  10. I hope nobody disturbs me; my favourite television programme … five minutes.
  11. I have broken my leg skiing , so I ……work for two months.
  12. If they are late for the meeting again, I ……with them.


  1. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
  1. Цей продукт зіпсувався, викинь його.
  2. Який фільм показують в нашому кінотеатрі?
  3. Коли я зайшов в кімнату, комп’ютер працював.
  4. Мені набридла поведінка цих хлопців.
  5. Він дуже підходить на цю роботу.
  6. Анна розірвала свої стосунки з Джеком.
  7. Ви збираєтесь піднятися на Говерлу?
  8. Після смерті матері вона була пригнічена.
  9. Грабіжників переслідувала поліція.
  10.  Їх не має вдома, вони поїхали у відрядження.







1. M 2. O 3. N 4. B 5. Q 6. K 7. G 8. P 9. L 10. J 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. E 15. I 16. H 17. F


  1. Around
  2. Up
  3. Into
  4. Through
  5. Over
  6. After
  7. Away
  8. For
  9. Out
  10. Down



  1. Look after
  2. Look forward
  3. Look back on
  4. Looked round
  5. Had looked through
  6. Looking ahead
  7. Looked up to
  8. Look out for
  9. Looking for
  10. Looking into




1. E

2. B

3. D

4. G

5. J

6. F

7. H

8. I

9. A

10. C



  1. About
  2. Down
  3. Down
  4. Back
  5. Behind
  6. Down
  7. Away
  8. At
  9. Along
  10.  Into




  1. Get around
  2. Get on
  3. Got out of
  4. Get over
  5. Get away
  6. Is getting down
  7. Getting at
  8. Get down
  9. Get up
  10. Getting over




1. B 2. A 3. H 4. E 5. G 6. J 7. D 8. C 9. J 10. F


  1. Down
  2. Fed up
  3. In
  4. Off
  5. On
  6. After
  7. Up for
  8. Along
  9. Away



  1. Be off
  2. Are….up to
  3. Am for
  4. Was about to
  5. Be over soon
  6. Is on
  7. Will be after
  8. Are …..up to
  9. Are in for
  10. Is on
  11.  Will be off
  12.  Will be through