Підготовка до аудіювання ЗНО з англійської мови

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Робочий зошит для практичних занять з навчальної дисципліни «Іноземна мова» для студентів І та ІІ курсів "Підготовка до аудіювання ЗНО з англійської мови"
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Відокремлений структурний підрозділ «Боярський фаховий коледж Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України»






Робочий зошит для практичних занять з навчальної дисципліни 

«Іноземна мова» для студентів І та ІІ курсів

 Підготовка до аудіювання ЗНО з англійської мови 



                                                                   КОНКУРС «Педагогічний ОСКАР - 2021»

                                                               НОМІНАЦІЯ «Інноваційний досвід викладача                                                                      »

 ВИД РОБОТИ Сучасний електронний  навчально-методичний комплекс (робочий

зошит для практичних занять з дисципліни)


                                                                       ГАЛУЗЬ       ЗНАНЬ       07       «Управління        та

                                                                 адміністрування», 10 «Природничі науки», 12

                                                                «Інформаційні технології», 19 «Архітектура та

                                                                       будівництво»,       20       «Аграрні       науки        та


 СПЕЦІАЛЬНІСТЬ (201 «Агрономія»,  205 «Лісове  господарство», 101 «Екологія», 193 «Геодезія та землеустрій», 206 «Садово-паркове господарство»,

                                                          122 «Комп’ютерні науки, 073 «Менеджмент», 072

 «Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування», 075 «Маркетинг», 275 «Транспортні технології» (на

                                                       автомобільному транспорті)



Боярка – 2020

Укладач: Пашенцева Ілона Михайлівна, викладач англійської мови, спеціаліст другої категорії

Рецензент: Гапонюк Наталія Петрівна, спеціаліст вищої категорії, викладачметодист, завідуюча навчально-методичним відділом







Робочий зошит для підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови в частині «Аудіювання» допоможе студентам підготуватися до даного тесту. Розроблений згідно з навчальною програмою та програмою ЗНО для студентів

І та ІІ курсів спеціальностей: 201 «Агрономія», 205 «Лісове господарство», 101 «Екологія», 193 «Геодезія та землеустрій», 206 «Садово-паркове господарство», 122 «Комп’ютерні науки»,  073 «Менеджмент», 072 «Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування», 075 «Маркетинг», 275 «Транспортні технології» (на автомобільному транспорті).

Посібник складається з 7 розділів, кожен із яких присвячений певній темі та складається з 4 завдань.

Розділи пропонують завдання, які не лише допоможуть підготуватись до виконання завдань з аудіювання, а й сприятимуть розвитку навичок говоріння. У посібнику містяться QR-коди із аудіозаписами завдань посібника. 







Рекомендовано цикловою комісією гуманітарних і суспільних дисциплін.

Протокол №_______ від «___» ___________2020 р.






CHAPTER 1. IN THE COMMUNITY…………………………………………….6

1.     Airport Travel………………………………………..………………………6

2.     Apartment Rentals………………………………………….………………..7

3.     Appliance Store………………………………………….…………………..8

4.     Auto Mechanic………………………………………………………………9

5.     Bank Services……………………………………………………………....10

6.     Bike Store…………………………………………………………………..11

7.     Bookstore Supplies……………………………………………………...….12

8.     Camping and Campground Sites……………………………………...……13

9.     Churches and Religious Worship………………………………………..…14

10.Clothing Stores and Online Shopping……………………………………...14

11.Dental Office………………………………………………………….……15

12.Doctor’s Office……………………………………………………………..16

13.Fast Food Restaurant………………………………………………….……18

14.Florists and Flower Delivery…………………………………………….…19

15.Funeral Plans and Cemeteries…………………………………………...…20

16.Gas Station…………………………………………………………………21

17.Golf Course………………………………………………………………...22

18.Hair Salon………………………………………………………………..…23

19.Health Club and Fitness Center…………………………………………….24

20.Highway Traffic Safety………………………………………………….…25

21.Hospital Services………………………………………………………...…26

22.Library Services……………………………………………………………27

23.Post Office…………………………………………………………………28


CHAPTER 2. AROUND THE HOUSE…………………….……………………32

1.     Barbecue Ideas…………………………………………………………..…32

2.     Breakfast Recipes…………………………………………………………..33

3.     Car Wash…………………………………………………………………...34

4.     Clothing and Fashion………………………………………………………35

5.     Dental Care…………………………………………………………………36

6.     Home Improvements……………………………………………………….37

7.     House Painting……………………………………………………………..38

8.     Kitchen Cleaning…………………………………………………………...39

9.     Lawn Care………………………………………………………………….40

CHAPTER 3. HOLIDAYS……………………………………………………….41

1.     Christmas Gifts………………………………………………………..……41

2.     Halloween………………………………………………………………..…42

3.     New Year’s Day……………………………………………………………43

4.     Thanksgiving Day……………………………………………………….…44

CHAPTER 4. VACATIONS……………………………………………...………45

1.     Car Rentals…………………………………………………………………45

2.     Cruise Vacations……………………………………………...……………46

3.     Hotel Reservations…………………………………………………………47

4.     Plane Reservations…………………………………………………………48

CHAPTER 5. EDUCATION AND WORK………………………………………49

1.     Attending Class………………………………………………………….…49

2.     TOEFL Test Preparation………………………………………………...…50

3.     Job Promotion………………………………………………………...……51

4.     Job Interviews Tips………………………………………………………...51

CHAPTER 6. HOBBIES…………………………………………………………52

1.     Baking Goods and Ingredients………………………………….……….…53

2.     Online Shopping……………………………………………………………54

3.     Origami Paper Crafts……………………………………………………….55

4.     Swimming………………………………………………………………….56

CHAPTER 7. FAMILY…………………………………………………………..57

1.     Child Care………………………………………………………………….57

2.     Divorce……………………………………………………………………..58

3.     Honeymoon Trips…………………………………………………………..59

4.     Love and Dating……………………………………………………………60 5.Weddings and Receptions………………………………………………….61

ВИСНОВКИ…………………………………………………….………………..62 ПЕРЕЛІК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ ДЖЕРЕЛ…………………………………...…..63


На сучасному етапі проблемою навчання аудіюванню на заняттях іноземної мови займаються вітчизняні та зарубіжні мовознавці. Так С. Ніколаєва у своїх працях описує різноманітні методи та прийоми, які використовуються у навчанні іноземної мови, проблематику труднощів при навчанні аудіюванню текста, що звучить іноземною мовою, розкриває Н. Прусаков, І. Лисовець досліджує проблему навчання аудіюванню і усному мовленню, багато праць присвячує аудіюванню С. Гапанова, в яких розкриває особливості текстів та аудіотекстів для навчання аудіюванню, а також звертає увагу на розвиток особистості у процесі навчання. 

Аудіювання як вид мовленнєвої діяльності передбачає формування умінь сприймати усне мовлення як при безпосередньому спілкуванні, так і у звукозаписі. Спостереження за навчальним процесом переконують у недостатній підготовці школярів до подолання труднощів аудіювання. 

Загальновідомо, що слухання іноземної мови – це нелегке заняття, сприйняття та засвоєння усного матеріалу потребує більше зусиль, ніж сприйняття письмового матеріалу. Проблема полягає в тому, що при слуханні іноземної мови її розуміння може ускладнюватись: змістом промови, вибором мовних засобів, якими користується мовець, його темпом та особливостями мовлення. Потрібно відзначити, що суттєвими труднощами аудіювання слід вважати відсутність в аудитора можливості регулювати діяльність. Таким чином, наявність значних і різноманітних труднощів аудіювання є безперечним фактом. Очевидно, що для успішного навчання аудіюванню потрібна методична система, що враховує ці труднощі і забезпечує їх подолання. Н. Елухiна відзначає, що в методиці на даний момент існує два шляхи боротьби з труднощами: їх усунення або їх подолання.

Зняття труднощів полегшує оволодіння аудіюванням і дає швидкі й відчутні результати. Але штучно полегшене аудіювання не готує до сприйняття природної мови, так як всі усунуті труднощі в останній присутні, а до їх подолання учні не підготовлені.
















Airport travel

Part IListen, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. If you are planning a longer trip, what can you do? A. Ask a friend to drop you off.

B.    Take the bus to the airport.

C.    Take an Uber or taxi to give you a ride.

2. What will be checked when you go through security?

A.   your personal identification

B.    your electronics

C.    your travel plans

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageThe airport is your first stop before leaving on your dream vacation or trip. Generally speaking, you should _______ at the airport with plenty of time to spare. Don’t arrive 10 minutes before your plane _____. You can park your car in long-term parking if you are planning to be away for a few days, or you can ask someone to ___  ____  ____in the loading zone right in front of the______ _____. In some cases, you can _____ _____ _____there at curbside, or you might have to go to the checkin counter inside the airport. Many airports now allow you to _____ __ at a computer kiosk, but you will still need to check your bags if you have any. Once you are checked in, you will have to _____ ____ security where they will check your ID and your carry-on bags. You will also need to walk through a metal detector, which will check for illegal items. After you pass through security, you can walk to the ____ where you can wait to board your flight. Just wait until they call your section to _____. They usually seat first-class passengers and those who need assistance first. Enjoy your flight.

Part III: Discussion

What are some of your frustrations when going through an airport? Is there anything you can do personally to minimize these problems? What can airports do to deal with these issues? Listen and compare:

Part IV: Role Play

You have reached the gate, and your plane is about the depart. However, you just realized that you are missing your laptop. Describe where you went and what you did, step by step, from the time you arrived at the airport to reaching the departure gate.

 Part V: Home task

Airport security is a major concern for people who fly on airlines. However, people are often unaware as to the rules about what you can and cannot carry on board domestic and international flights because these rules are constantly changing.

Now, use the Internet to identify the specific items that are banned from flights at the airport nearest you. Summarize your findings with a partner and give a reason why each item is banned from flights.


Apartment Rentals A................................................................................... 1

B................................................................................................................... 2

C................................................................................................................... 3

D3. How much is the rent? A. $650 B. $675 C. $700 Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio. ............................................................... 4


imagePart IListen, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. How did the man find the apartment? A. Through a friend.

B.    On the Internet.

C.    In a newspaper.

2. How many bedrooms does the apartment have?

imageLast month, I decided to ____ ____of my parents’ place and start living on my own. I _____ in the newspaper for apartment listings and found a place not too far from my work. The _____ showed me around the apartment, and because it _____ my needs, I signed the rental agreement and paid a

_____, some of which I might get back when I move

out. The apartment has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, and kitchen. It also has a small utility room where I keep my washer and dryer. Right before I moved in, the landlord put in new carpet and had the walls painted, so it looks like a new place. The rent is $650 a month, not including _____. I pay about $100 for gas, electricity, water, sewage, and Internet service. Unfortunately, the apartment complex doesn’t _____ pets, so my dog has to stay with my parents for now. I might get a roommate at some point to _____ expenses, but I haven’t decided on that yet. The place looks a little empty because it isn’t ______, but for the time being, I only have the basics: a bed, a table, a small sofa in the living room, and a TV. It’s not as liveable and _____ as my parents’ place, but it will have to do for now. 

Part II: Vocabulary Practice 

Now, review the missed vocabulary above. Look for their meanings and learn by heart. 

Part III: Discussion

What is the process of finding an apartment in your hometown? Can you contact the landlord directly, or do you have to go through a real estate agent? On average, how much does it cost to rent a 1-bedroom apartment? Are most apartments already furnished, or do you have to furnish it yourself?

Part IV: Role Play

You have lived with your roommates for six months, but you’ve decided to move out because they haven’t taken care of the place . . . pizza boxes tossed everywhere, dirty socks on the kitchen table, and a pet snake loose somewhere in the sofa. Tell your partner about your current situation, and then explain what kind of place you are looking for.

Part V: Home task

Suppose you are planning on moving to a major city in the United States, and you have to find a 2-bedroom apartment for you and your small family (your spouse and two small children, ages 7 and 4). You have a limited budget of under $800 a month for both rent and all utilities. Search the Internet for an apartment in the city of your choosing and report on the place you find. Be sure to prioritize your reasons for choosing the place.



imageAppliance Store

Part 1Listen, answer the questions, and read along with the audio recording.

1. When is the man moving into his new apartment?

A.   in two weeks

B.    this evening

C.    this weekend

2. What is the first thing the man bought?

A.   a refrigerator

B.    a microwave oven

C.    a TV

3. Where did the man use to wash his clothes? A. He went to a laundromat.

B.    He washed them at his parents' house.

C.    He had a friend do them.

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I’m moving into a new home this weekend, so I decided to do some shopping to ______ the place. I went to an appliance store not too far from my house, and I first bought a _______ for the kitchen. You really can’t live without one because you have to _____ _____ ______ ______ or frozen so it doesn’t ______.

Then, I bought a washer and dryer to clean and dry my

clothes. I don’t want to go to a _______ to do this every week like I used to do. Next, I bought a dishwasher. I probably don’t need one because I could_____ _____ ______ ____ _____, but having a dishwasher can make life easier. You simply put the dishes inside, add some dishwashing ______, and turn the machine on. Finally, I picked up a microwave oven. If I’m really in a hurry and don’t have time to cook, I can throw something in the microwave and ____ __ __ quickly. I haven’t purchased everything I need to furnish my new place, but I think I have the basic appliances to make life more _______ for now.

Part 2: Discussion

If you had to live on an island for one year and you could have one household appliance to make life easier, which would it be? Explain your reasons.

Part 3: Role Play

You have lived with your roommates for six months, but you’ve decided to move out because they haven’t taken care of the place . . . pizza boxes tossed everywhere, dirty socks on the kitchen table, and a pet snake loose somewhere in the sofa. Tell your partner what kind of place you are looking for and why

Part 4: Home task 

You’re moving into a new home with your husband, wife, or friend, and you want to furnish it with everything in the paragraph above. How much would it cost to furnish your place with these new appliances? How much might it cost to run the appliances per year, including the cost for gas, electricity, and water? What are some things you could do to cut costs?




imageAuto Mechanic

Part 1Listen about auto mechanics and car repairs, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The mechanic checked the car _________.

A.   at his shop

B.    in the parking lot

C.    beside the road

2. Just determining the problem with the car cost _______.

A.   $50

B.    $80

C.    $65

3. The shop provides a ________ -day warranty on parts and labour.

A.   30

B.    60

C.    45

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageMy car was _____ __ recently and ___ _____ _____, so I took it to a mechanic to have it checked. Everytime I tried to start the car, the engine would ____ ____ for a second or two and then die. The mechanic pulled the car into his garage ______ ____ ____. The mechanic popped the hood, checked to see if all the hoses and belts were in working order, and then tested the car battery and battery cables. After ____ __ _____ at things for a few minutes and trying to get the car going, the mechanic ________ the problem as a bad alternator. He said he could fix the problem by ______ the alternator with a new ($130) or a rebuilt alternator ($80). Just diagnosing the problem cost $65, and the labor was $50. I asked the mechanic to go ahead and do the repairs, and he said that there was a 30-day_______ on parts and labor. Some mechanics might ______ you for repairs, but the mechanic I go to is ____ and does great work.

Part 2: Discussion

What are some common problems people have with their cars that require a professional mechanic to fix? If you had a problem with your car, would you rather take it to a friend who fixes cars or a professional auto mechanic? Explain your reasons.

Part 3: Role Play

Your car breaks down on a lonely road, and while you’re trying to figure out the problem, a man from a repair shop appears from nowhere and offers to tow your car to his shop and fix it . . . for a “price.” However, to your surprise, the job cost you more than $2,000! Now, tell a friend your story and what the man did to your car and what he promised you.

Part 4: Home task

Suppose your car needs a tune-up to make it run better. Check online to find out how much this service would cost. Compare two or more auto mechanics to determine the price of the service and years in business. Do you notice any claims by the auto service that might question, including bias?



imageBank Services

Part 1: Listen to information on bank services, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. How much money does the man deposit into his account every month?

A.   $350

B.    $300

C.    $330

2. The man needs money for __________.

A.   a new car

B.    school

C.    a trip

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image Yesterday, I went to a bank to open up a savings and checking account. I ______ about $300 every month in my savings account to save money for major _______ or for a ____ ___ when I have unexpected expenses. My _____ is deposited directly into my checking account, and I write out checks to pay my _____. My checking account is free if I _____ a minimum _____ of $25 in the account. I also have about $100 automatically transferred from my checking to my savings account on a monthly basis. The accounts _____ very little interest, but it’s better than earning nothing. Therefore, I also have a _____ __ ______ that earns a higher rate of interest, but I can’t ________ the money from the account for one year. Actually, I need money because I’m planning on taking out a _____ ___ to pay for college _____. Also, I rent _____ ____ ____ at the bank and _____ my valuables there including important documents, some coins and jewelry, and the _____, or ownership record, to my house. Finally, I can exchange my money into the currency of other countries, or I can buy traveller’s checks before I _____ on a trip.

Part 2: Discussion

Taking out personal loans from banks is one way to pay for educational expenses or other necessities of life; however, more and more people are getting into debt and are even looking for help from bankruptcy attorneys because they don’t know how to manage their checks and money, and spend well beyond their means. What are some ways that people (and students in particular) can save money and still pay for living expenses?

Part 3: Role Play: Practice Your Skills

You have just moved overseas study English, and you plan on living in that country for about three years. However, you don’t have a bank account. Tell one of your new teachers at the school that you want to set up up a checking account and describe the reasons you need one (e.g., receive money from your home country, pay your bills, deposit money for future purchases, save money for school tuition and a rainy day).

Part 4: Home task

Your friend is thinking about opening up a bank account in your county, but he doesn’t understand the services the banks provide. Use the Internet to compare to banks in your city and decide which would be best for international students living in your area.



imageBike Store

Part 1:  Listen to information on bike shops, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man took up cycling to __________.

A.   stay fit

B.    compete in races

C.    train for other events

2. The man wants to get a _______________ bike someday.

A.   bigger

B.    lighter

C.    faster

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I’ve decided to start mountain biking to ____ __ ____ and enjoy the _____ around my area, so I took my bike into a cycling shop to get a ____ __. My bike was in pretty bad shape, so I wasn’t sure if it would _____ __ ____. However, the man at the shop ______ my brakes, ___ the chain, fixed my ___ ____, and adjusted the spokes in my

wheels. He suggested that if I do a lot of heavy riding, I should get self-sealing bike tubes that don’t _____ as easily over _____ terrain. I’m thinking about getting a lighter bike, but my current bike will have to do for now. I also bought a new bike _____ to _____ my head in case I ____ ___ the bike or fly over the handle bars on my rides. Finally, I bought a water hydration backpack so I can drink water and still have my hands free to ride.

Part 2: Discussion

Discuss some basic tips for riding safely on city roads or in the back country (mountain biking). What are the rules of the road for bikes?

Part 3: Role Play

You’ve decided to take time off from school to go on a cross-country bike ride for two months, but you have to convince your parents of the benefits of going and the safety precautions you will take.

Part 4: Home task

You’ve decided to train and prepare for a 300-kilometer bike ride through the countryside in the country of your choice. The entire trip will last between one to two weeks, and you will take some time to sightsee along the way. What kinds of equipment, including a new bike, would you need to buy for a multi-day trip? What about camping supplies? Search the Internet and price all the equipment you will need and prepare a budget. To make things easier, your parents have been vary generous and have given you $5,000 to spend on your trip. Enjoy!




imageBookstore Supplies

Part 1Listen, answer the questions, and read along with the audio recording.

1. How many books does the man have to buy?

A.   four

B.    five

C.    six

2. What does he need for his writing class?

A.   notebooks

B.    a computer

C.    a dictionary

3. The man needs____________for his physics class.

A.   some mobile apps

B.    a tutor

C.    a calculator

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image The new school _______ just started, and I need some ______ for my classes. First, I have to buy six textbooks, but they are so expensive, so I might buy the textbooks online if they are available. I also need to pick up a good dictionary and _______ to help me improve my writing in my English classes. I also have to read three _______. For my math and ______ classes, I need a _______, and I have to buy several notebooks and 3-ring ______ to ______ my homework and assignments. I also will buy some color pens and a yellow _______ to _____ important points in my textbooks. However, if my textbooks are in good ______at the end of the semester, I might be able to return them for a _______ ______.

Part 2: Discussion

What are things you have to buy every semester at a typical college in your area and how much does a student pay on school supplies? Do students usually pay for these expenses on their own, through college loans, or with the help of parents?

Part 3: Role Play

You are in the bookstore trying to find supplies before the start of your classes tomorrow (English Writing 101, Beginning Writing, Speech and Debate, and TOEFL). Ask a clerk to help you find the books and any other supplies you might need.

Part 4: Home task

Buying books at a traditional bookstore can be very expensive, so many students are turning to buying textbooks online. However, how much can students really save? Price a book you are interested in buying at a bookstore near you and then check the price of the same book online. How much can you save? Can you buy the book cheaper if it is used?



imageCamping and Campground Sites

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording on camping tips, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. What time of year does the man go camping?

A.   in the summer

B.    in the late spring C. in the early fall

2. He looks for a campsite that is _____________.

A.   close to good fishing spots

B.    near the road

C.    out of the sun

3. What does the family usually do after dinner? A. They sing songs.

B.    They go for a hike.

C.    They play games.

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image During the summer, I spend a lot of time camping in the mountains near my house. It’s a great way to _____ _____ with family. I usually ______ _ _____at a ________ in the canyon, but you can _____ ____ ____ without a campsite reservation and hope you can find a non-reservable site that is available on a ______, ______ _____. In

most cases, we look for a campsite that has a lot of _____ from the sun, is near a _____ _____, has a good ____ ___, and has a good spot to ___ _ ___. Once we select a site, we ______ our ____ from the car, ____ __ our tent, and ___ _ ___ to prepare dinner. Building a fire isn’t difficult if you have the right _____ and wood to get it going. After dinner, we sometimes sit around the fire and tell stories or sing songs. Before we go to bed, we make sure to ____ ___the fire and ____ ____any food and garbage left out. Otherwise, animals including bear might stop and visit our campsite during the night. Part 2: Discussion

What camping opportunities are available in and around your hometown? How do you go about making campsite reservations? What are some commonsense rules for keeping safe while camping?

Part 3: Role Play

You and your friends are trying to plan a vacation to the Grand Canyon or Arches National Park (see an example of one hike HERE) in the United States. Some of your friends want to stay in a motel nearby, but you would rather stay in a campground. Discuss with a partner the advantages and disadvantages of staying at these different places in terms of cost, convenience, and excitement.

Part 4: Home task

Imagine that you are making plans to visit Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. You are traveling with a group of three people, and you need to find out options for camping in the area near and in the park. Use the Internet to locate information on reservations, cost, campsite amenities, and other useful information.



imageChurches and Religious Worship

Part 1Listen to the record about religious services, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. How often does the man attend church?

A.   once a month

B.    twice a month

C.    once a week

2. Who gives the prayers at the church service?

A.   other church leaders

B.    regular church members

C.    the church minister

3. One is one that that is NOT mentioned about the church service? A. The choir sings hymns.

B.    The minister gives a special message.

C.    Money is collected.

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I_____ church on Sunday every week because I want to _____ God and receive ______ ______ in my life. I usually sit in one of the middle _____ in the church. One of the members gives the _______, or opening prayer, to begin the service. During the service, the _______ usually gives a spiritual_______

to encourage members of the congregation to change their lives. He reads from the scriptures and shares _________ stories. An ________ ____ is passed around to ______ ______ from the congregation. At the close of the meeting, another member offers the ________, or closing prayer. My religion gives me hope in spite of the challenges in the world today.

Part 2: Discussion

What types of religious services and meetings are present in your area? If people of different faiths visit your country, are they able to find places of worship very readily? Part 3: Role Play

You are sitting on an airplane next to man who appears to be religious leader for his particular faith. After some light conversation on your travels, he politely asks you if are a member of a specific church or religion. Answer his question and describe your personal feelings on the subject.

Part 4: Home task

Learning about the religious beliefs and practices of others can help us develop greater understanding for our world neighbors. Choose one religion and use the Internet to find out five basic beliefs and practices of this faith. Feel free to interview personally a person who is a member of this religion to learn more on the topic.



imageClothing Stores and Online Shopping Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording on clothing shopping, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. What does the man like about the discount clothing store? A. The store is open every day of the week.

B.    They have sales on weekends.

C.    The prices are great.

2. You might be able to get an additional discount on clothing if ______.

A.   you buy more than 5 items

B.    there is a mistake in an item

C.    you talk directly to the manager

3. You can return an item within _______ weeks to get a full refund.

A.   14 days

B.    10 days C. 21 days

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image One of my favorite places to shop is a discount clothing store in my town. The store sells both new and used clothing, but everything is in good condition, and the prices are ________. All of the clothing is ______ on _____ for you to see, and there are sections for children, men, and women’s clothing. If you find something you like, you can ___ __ __ in the ______ _____. If it doesn’t ___, or you don’t like the way it looks on you (e.g., it’s too tight or _____ on you), then you can just return it to the rack. A ____ ___ on the clothing indicates its price, but if you find a ____ in the clothing, you might be able to receive an additional discount. The store will also ____ your clothing for a small ___. Once you’ve decided on the items you want, you can purchase everything at the _______ ______. The store accepts cash, _____ and credit cards, and personal checks. If you decide later that you want to return something, you have two weeks to return it to the store, with the receipt, for a full ______ or store credit.

Part 2: Discussion

Where do you usually buy your clothing? Have you every purchased clothing from a used clothing store? Why or why not? Is used clothing in fashion in your hometown? Part 3: Home task

Internet shopping has become very popular in recent years, including buying used clothing. Imagine you have only $100 to spend on clothing for the next school year. How many things could you buy for that amount of money? Search online and compare your shopping list with someone else. How can find the best bargains?



Dental Office

imagePart 1: Listening to the recording about dental care, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man visits the dentist every ________ months.

A.   6

B.    9

C.    12

2. The man's insurance covers most expenses except _______.

A.   braces

B.    surgery

C.    tooth whitening

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageEvery six months, I visit my dentist for a regular dental ____ ___. At the dentist’s office, a dental assistant will bring me into one of their private patient rooms and x-ray my teeth and gums to _____ ___ problems inside my teeth. Then, the dentist reviews the x-rays and visually ______ my teeth to check to see if I have any dental problems

like cavities. If he sees any _______, he will clean and fill them. Of course, he first will give me a ______ so I don’t feel any pain. (He will _______ my gums so I don’t feel any pain during the procedure.) After that, the dental assistant will clean my teeth by removing any ______ buildup on my teeth. Plaque contains ______ that can damage your teeth. The assistant will also ______ and _____ my teeth at the end. I will also have the dentist _____ my teeth this time using a special procedure in his office. My dental insurance covers part of the cost of the dental cleaning and teeth fillings, but it doesn’t cover ________ procedures like tooth whitening.

Part 2: Discussion

Visiting a dentist can be a different experience from office to office and from country to country. Describe one of your experiences to the dentist. Is there any reason why you might hesitate going to visit a dentist?

Part 3: Role Play

Imagine that you have one or more of these problems. With a partner, play the role of a patient. Describe the problem, discuss when the issue started, and ask your partner questions. Your partner takes the role of the dentist or dental assistant.

Part 4: Home task

Tooth whitening is becoming a popular way of improving one’s appearance, but not all tooth whitening procedures and products are the same. In fact, you can have it done at a dentist’s office, or you can do it at home in some cases. Use the Internet to identify at least two different types of procedures or products and discuss their advantages and disadvantages of each.



imageDoctor’s Office

Part 1: Listen to the recording on medical care, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man's doctor's appointment is at _______ a.m.

A.   8:30

B.    9:00

C.    9:30

2. When the man arrives at the doctor's office, he first ________________.

A.   calls his insurance company

B.    takes his temperature

C.    fills out some paperwork

3. The man is diagnosed with __________.

A.   a bad rash

B.    high blood pressure

C.    an infection

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I was feeling a little _____ ___ _____ the other day, so I decided to visit my doctor before things got worse. I called her in the morning, and I made an ______ for 9:30 a.m. When I arrived at her office, I had to ____ __ some insurance ______ and a sheet describing my current ________ _______, along with the _______ I was feeling. After a few minutes, the nurse called my name and took

me back to one of their _________ ______. She took my _____ ____ including my temperature and _____ ______, and then I waited until the doctor came in. After ________ __ _____ and asking a few questions, the doctor’s ________ was that I had a ________ infection. She wrote me out a _________ for some _________, which I was supposed to take two times a day. After the exam, I went back to the ________ ____ and paid the bill.

Part 2: Discussion

In some countries, people go to a general practitioner or a doctor trained to handle all general medical care. However, in other countries, people always go to specialists when they are ill. What is the medical care system like in your country? Are patients seen in individual, private examination rooms?

Part 3: Role Play

With a partner, pretend that you have one or more of these illnesses and symptoms. Have your partner recommend different treatments, including any home remedies: backache, stomachache, nausea, the flu, a bad cough, diarrhea.

Part 4: Home task

Describing your own medical condition can be very difficult in a foreign language. Look at the following medical problems and decide how you would describe the problem in English. If possible, tell how the problem occurred. Use the Internet to help you with your description: sprained ankle, broken bone, the flu, heat stroke, a snake bite, poison ivy.



imageFast Food Restaurant

Part 1: Listen to the recording about fast food restaurants, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man usually orders _________________, large fries, and a drink.

A.   a chicken sandwich

B.    a bacon burger

C.    a cheeseburger

2. What does the man NOT put on his sandwich?

A.   pickles

B.    lettuce

C.    mayonnaise

3. The man's roommate ______________.

A.   is on a diet

B.    has a big appetite

C.    doesn't really like fast food

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageWhen I need a ___ __ ___, I often ____ __ a local fast food restaurant and buy a quick meal. I usually order a cheeseburger, a large ___ of fries, and a medium-size drink. On the cheeseburger, I ask them to put everything on it: onions, lettuce, mustard, ketchup, pickles, and tomato, but I ask them to ____ the mayonnaise. I also order some water to wash everything down. If I’m really

famished, I might order a chocolate shake. I sometimes ___ __ something for my roommate who ___ __ _ ___, so I have to order at least three hamburgers. I usually

___ ___ ___, but I sometimes pay for the meal using my debit card. I don’t eat fast food too often because it contains a lot of fat, but more and more restaurants are _____ healthier choices like salads and chili, so there’s usually something for everyone.

Part 2: Role Play

Use the Internet to find a menu in English of a restaurant near you (if possible). With a partner, take the roles of a customer and server. Take turns ordering food and taking orders. Think of possible problems that can happen in such situations (e.g., the wrong order, the food is cold, your glass or silverware is dirty, the service is very slow). Think of expressions that can be used to resolve these problems.

Part 3: Discussion

What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at a fast food restaurant? Consider convenience, cost, and nutrition in your answer.

Part 4: Home task

With so many fast food restaurants in business, it is difficult to know which provides the best value in terms of price and healthy food choices. Using the Internet, compare the food choices at two different restaurants and come up with your recommendations on which place provides the best quality meal. Explain your findings.



imageFlorists and Flower Delivery

Part 1Listening to a recording about flower shops, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man ordered some roses for his wife's _____________.

A.   college graduation

B.    new job promotion

C.    birthday

2. The man also order flowers for his mom because she ____________.

A.   has been sick recently

B.    celebrated her wedding anniversary

C.    just returned from a trip

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image Last week, I went to a flower shop to buy some flowers for several _______. When I went into the flower shop, I was surprised at the wide variety of flowers from which to choose. The florist told me that she could arrange beautiful bouquets of flowers for just about any event. For ______, I ordered some roses for wife’s birthday, and I asked the ____ to

deliver them, along with a balloon and a birthday card. I was also planning to _____ the ______ of a dear friend, so I also ordered a _______ _________ to ______ my _________ to the family. Finally, I bought some nice cut flowers for my mom who has been __ recently, and I wanted to _____ her __. I delivered them myself along with a get-well card. The florist told me that the shop had their own Website, so I might order flowers online next time.

Part 2: Discussion

What kinds of flowers are usually given for these occasions: birthdays, weddings, funerals, graduations, and a visit to a friend in the hospital? Are there specific colors of flowers that are set aside for specific occasions? Do people give cut flowers or potted plants in these cases?

Part 3: Home task

Your friend wants to buy the ideal floral arrangement for his girlfriend because he is going to propose to her this weekend. However, because your friend doesn’t have much money, he needs your help to pick out the best floral arrangement for the occasion. Find one online, print a picture of it, and share your picture with other students. Take a vote on your groups number one choice.



imageFuneral Plans and Cemeteries

Part 1: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man's father passed away ________ years ago.

A.   three

B.    two

C.    four

2. When the family goes the cemetery, they will clean the headstone, leave  flowers, and __________.

A.   visit the graves of other family

B.    share memories about him

C.    relax under the trees

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

My father ______ _____ about two years ago, but our family often goes to the cemetery to ___ our _____ to his memory. During the ______ _____ at the cemetery, our church leader _______ _ ______, and some of the family said some ______ _____It was ______________ to see my mom in so much pain after ________ her best friend and companion for so many years. After the service, the ______ was lowered into the ground and covered, and then a ________ was placed over the

_____ with an ________ of my father’s name, date of birth and death, and his favorite short poem. My mom’s name was also _______ on the headstone because she will eventually _______ next to my father. Today, we often go to the cemetery and clean the headstone, leave freshly-cut flowers, and _______ stories about his life. No one is ever really gone as long as their memory lives on within you.

Part 2: Discussion

Describe a typical cemetery in your country and then discuss how people honor their dead. Do they visit a cemetery on specific holidays throughout the year? Do people leave anything or do anything at the grave?

Part 3: Role Play

Over the weekend, the wife and son of your teacher died in an unfortunate traffic accident. Your teacher is absent from school for some time, and upon his return to work, you see him in the hallway. Express your condolences and support.

Part 4: Home task

Burial and/or memorial services for honoring the dead vary depending on the practices of individual families as well as the influences of culture and religion. Choose a country which interests you of which you have little knowledge and then search the Internet to understand their funeral practices better. How are these similar or different than your own?



imageGas Station

Part 1: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, then read along with the audio recording.

1. In the past, gas stations would ________________ the oil, check the air 

pressure, and clean our windows.

A.   sell

B.    change

C.    check

2. The man is thinking about _____________ instead of driving his car.

A.   commuting with a friend

B.    riding a bicycle

C.    taking public transportation

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image When I need gas for my car, I pull into a ___ _____ right around the corner from my house and use my gas card. Years ago, full-service gas stations were very common. The gas station ________ would put gas in your car, _____ ___ __ ____ in your engine and air pressure in your tires, and wash your windows. However, things have changed.

Now, most gas stations are self-service centers

where you do all your car _________. Personally, I usually ___ __ __ __ with gas every time I stop. I generally pay with cash, but more and more gas stations _____ ____ ____, and you can pay at the ___ ____ outside without going into the station to pay the cashier directly. Now, because gas prices are __ ___ ____, I am thinking about buying a more __________ ______ or just taking the bus to work.

Part 2: Discussion

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of full- and selfservice gas stations?

Part 3: Home task

Search the Internet for five ways that individual consumers can do to conserve gasoline as they drive. Compare your responses with a partner.



imageGolf Course

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording about golf, answer the questions, and read along with the audio recording.

1. The man decided to take up golf after _________.

A.   his family gave him golf clubs

B.    he watched a sports program

C.    he played with a friend

2. He can hit the ball about ____________ yards. (1 meter = .91 meters)

A.   275

B.    265

C.    270

3.The man has a difficult time getting the ball onto the green because of __. A. the sand

B.    the water

C.    the trees

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I’ve decided to ___ __ the game of golf after playing with a friend recently. However, the sport isn’t as easy as it appears. To ______ my game, I’ve been spending a lot of time at the driving range hitting balls with my clubs. I’m starting to hit the ball straighter off the tee, and I’m not _______the ball as much. I’m able to _____ the ball about 275 yards. About twice a week, I reserve a ___ ____ at 6:00 a.m., and I usually play with a colleague from work. I enjoy

carrying my own clubs around the golf course rather than renting and riding in a golf cart. It just gives me more exercise. My tee shot is usually pretty straight down the ________, but I have the ________ to hit the ball in the ______ on my second or third shot. I can usually get the ball to the green on my third or fourth shot, but the ball sometimes _____ in a bunker or _____ ____. That’s when I have a problem because I have a difficult time getting the ball out of the bunker and on to the green. If all goes well, I can put the ball into the hole on the fifth or sixth shot. As you can see, I almost always golf over ___, but my game is getting better.

Part 2: Discussion

Like any sport, the game of golf doesn’t interest everyone but what seems to be the attraction for some people to play and/or watch the game? How much does a round of golf cost at a golf course near you?

Part 3: Home task

A friend from overseas is coming to your city for a week, and she is interested in playing a round of golf while she is there. She is looking for course that is friendly to new golfers and that doesn’t have a lot of long, difficult holes. Search the Internet for a golf course that fits the bill (i.e., is exactly what you want).



imageHair Salon

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording on hair salons, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. Is a reservation required at this hair salon?

A.   Yes

B.    No

2. Once a year, the man goes to the hair salon to get ___________.

A.   a perm

B.    get her hair colored

C.    a hair loss treatment

3. The man's natural hair color is ________.

A.   brown

B.    red

C.    blond

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageWhenever I need a haircut, I go to a beauty salon near my house. Making an appointment is generally recommended, but not required because they take people on a first-come, first-serve basis. They have very _________ ________ who always do a good job. I never want anything ______, so I usually get them to cut a little off the top and sides, and ____ off any ____ ____. The hairstylist will usually wash my hair, towel dry it, and comb my hair out before starting to cut my hair. Then, once a year, I ___ _ ___ to put some body in my hair. I also have them add a little coloring to my hair. I have naturally brown hair, but I like it when it’s a little lighter. As a rule, I tip the hairstylist because she always cuts my hair the way I like it.

Part 2: Discussion

Describe the type of haircut you usually get. How much does it cost? Where do you have it done: by a friend, at a hair salon, or elsewhere? Are their rules or policies on how students and employees can style their hair in your country?

Part 3: Home task

Search the Internet for three hair salons that offer competing services? Compare price, years in business, reputation, and other services, and then decide which salon you would rather visit to have your hair cut.



imageHealth Club and Fitness Center

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording about health and fitness clubs, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man goes to the health club _______ a week.

A.   once or twice

B.    two or three times

C.    three or four times D. four or five times

2. The man ____________ on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

A.   plays tennis

B.    goes jogging C. lifts weights

3. On Sundays, the man ____________.

A.   goes for a walk

B.    watches TV

C.    hikes in the mountains

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I go to a health club two or three times a week to ____ __ ___ and ___ ___. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I run several miles on a _______ and then ____ ____ by walking around the indoor track. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I lift weights and discuss _______ with my personal trainer. On Fridays, I play racquetball with a friend and then relax in the Jacuzzi for a few minutes to relax my

muscles. On Saturdays, I __ ______ to improve my __________ ________. Exercise also lets me ____ ___ stress from work. On Sundays, I take a day off from exercising, but I might take a _____ around the park with my dog.

Part 2: Discussion

Staying fit is important for your physically and even emotional well-being. What do you do know to stay in shape? Or if you had the time and motivation, what would you consider doing to stay fit?

Part 3: Home task

Compare two health or sports clubs you find on the Internet in terms of facilities, membership costs, years in business, and hours of business. Which one gives you the better value?



imageHighway Traffic Safety

Part 1: Listen and Read: This to this recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man gets on the highway at Exit _____.

A.   290

B.    219

2. The man commutes to work with __________.

A.   his boss

B.    his coworker

C.    his daughter

3. The man usually drives _______________.

A.   at the speed limit

B.    a little below the speed limit

C.    a little over the speed limit

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I sometimes drive to work in the morning. I ___ ___ the highway near my house at Exit 219, heading southbound toward downtown. The ________ highway is often _______ that time of morning, but I use the

______ ____ that’s reserved for cars with two or more passengers. I usually travel with a colleague to work. If I’m traveling to work by myself, then I usually stay in the right lane unless I’m passing another vehicle. I always drive the ______ _____ because I don’t want to ____ ______ over for speeding. Furthermore, it’s much safer to drive the speed limit than to speed and cause an accident. I also make sure I use my turn signals as I ____ _____, and I maintain a safe distance behind the car in front of me. Once you reach the city, the traffic slows, and you often have to drive ______________ for a few miles. I ____ ___ the highway downtown. If you haven’t driven this _____ of highway before, I suggest you buy a road map to help you navigate yourself around town.

Part 2: Discussion

What are the traffic conditions like in your city? Does it take longer to drive somewhere than to take public transportation? Are traffic laws carefully enforced by police officers?

Part 3: Home task

There are many online tools to allow you to create a map and driving directions from one point to another. Find one such service and plot directions from your house to a famous landmark in your city. If such maps are not available for your area, then create a map from a hotel to a famous site in the city of your choosing where such online maps can be used. Finally, explain the directions to a partner.



Hospital Services

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1.Last week, the man went to the hospital with _____________.

A.   a broken foot

B.    a pain in his side C. heart pain

2. The man needed _________, and he needed emergency surgery.

A.   a bowl obstruction

B.    an appendectomy

C.    a coronary artery bypass

3. International students should____________in cases of medical  emergencies overseas.

A.   have health insurance

B.    learn medical vocabulary

C.    know the closest hospital

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image Last week, I suddenly became really sick, and I was feeling a great deal of pain in my side, so my father _______ me to the emergency room at the nearest hospital. I started feeling a strong pain in my side, and there wasn’t any sign that I was getting better. We didn’t feel that we needed to call an ________ because we lived so close to the hospital. When we arrived, my dad helped me into the emergency room, and the doctor __ ____ realized I had _________. I was quickly _______ to the hospital. A nurse took my ____ ____ (blood pressure, temperature, and pulse) while my dad filled out all the necessary paperwork. Soon thereafter, I was prepared for emergency surgery. The surgery didn’t last that long, but I felt sore afterwards. I was released the following day from the hospital, and I was ___ __ __ ____ in a couple of days. No one likes to visit a hospital, but I’m glad we have them. Having good health insurance is also __________ important because medical costs are so expensive. This is particularly true for international students who are traveling abroad.

Part 2: Discussion

Has someone in your family be admitted to the hospital due to a serious illness or other medical problem? If so, please explain the circumstances and the outcome.

Part 3: Home task

Having good health insurance is critical for anyone, whether you are single or have a family. However, all insurance plans are not the same. Now, check online for at least one excellent health insurance plan that covers oversea travel. How much does it costs and what does it cover exactly? Do you have to pay a doctor or hospital up front to be later reimbursed? How does payment work?



Library Services

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man is looking for a book at the ______________.

A.   city library

B.    school library

2. People can check out books for up to ________.

A.   three weeks

B.    four weeks

C.    five weeks

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageRecently, I needed to find a book for one of my classes at the university, but I didn’t know if the university library had it in their collection, so I went to the library Web site and searched for the book online. You can search the library database either by subject, title, and author, and the Website will tell you if the book is _______ __ or _____ ____ by another

_____. In my case, the book was still available,

so I went to the library the next day and found it on the shelves using the library catalog number. I then went to the _________ ____ and checked the book out using my university ID card. In most cases, students and ______ can check out books for up to one month, and you can _____ them if you still want to hang on to them. If you return them after that, then they are _____, and you have to pay a late fee. If you lose a book, then you have to pay the cost to _____ it. I often use the library and check out books instead of buying them if I can. Borrowing books can save you money __ ___ ____ ___.

Part 2: Discussion

How much do you use a library to do research and write papers as compared with using the Internet? Is using books a better resource than using online information to writing papers? Why or why not?

Part 3: Home task

More and more Websites contain complete texts of famous literary works, and thus, make it easier for students to read well-known books. Choose one of these works of literature, and see if you can use the Internet to find the complete work:

      Moby Dick by Herman Melville

      The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle

      Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane

      The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

      Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne.




Post Office and Stamps

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording on post office services, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. What did the man buy first?  

A.   packing tape

B.    stamps

C.    postcards

2. To whom did the man send a certified letter?

A.   a family member

B.    a sales associate

C.    a coworker

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image This morning, I went to the post office to ____ ____ __ some business. First, I bought a sheet of postage stamps to mail some letters that were sitting on my desk. Then, I wanted to send a ______ to a business ______ with some ______ items, so I ______ everything in _____ _____ and enclosed a letter describing the contents. The man at the counter _______

the box, and I had to fill out a form indicating the ________ of the box and its value. Finally, I sent a ________ _____ to a colleague, and he will have to sign for it when it arrives. Certified letters are used to prove that the other person received it. I also have a number of international friends with whom I _________ regularly. ________ for overseas mail costs more than local postage rates, but you can always ___ ____ on postage by sending a postcard instead of a regular letter.

Part 2: Discussion

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sending letters through the post office verses using email? Would you rather receive a handwritten letter or a typed email? Does it depend on who the sender is? How do you feel about electronic postcards? Part 3: Home task

In some cases, electronic postcards on the Internet appear to be replacing traditional greeting cards sent by regular mail. Search the Internet for two different companies providing such services and compare their features and costs. Then interview three people you know and check their reactions to receiving electronic postcards. Report your results.




imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording about supermarkets, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man goes to the supermarket __________ a week to pick up items.

A.                      two or three times

B.                      once or twice three or four times

2. When the man doesn't have time to cook, he __________.

A.   goes out to eat

B.    makes ham sandwiches

C.    prepares microwaveable dinners

3. How does the man pay for his goods?

A.   credit card

B.    cash

C.    debit card

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageI usually go to the supermarket about once or twice a week to buy _______. Since I do a lot of shopping, I usually need a ______ _____ to carry everything. I first stop by the ___ ____to pick up some sliced cheese. Then, I look for some fruits and vegetables in the ______ ______, but I make sure they are fresh. My kids like milk, so I ____ __ the ____ ______ and ____ a few gallons of milk. Also,

there are times when I don’t have much time to cook, so I usually pick up some microwaveable meals in the frozen food section. If the store is ___ __ ____ of any of the items I need, then I drop by a different supermarket on my way home. I generally pay with cash at the ______ _____.

Part 2: Discussion

How much grocery shopping do you do every week? How concerned are you about a healthy diet and is your concern reflected in what you buy? What tips can you think of to make sure you are getting the best buy at supermarkets (e.g., testing the products, using coupons for items, comparing prices at different stores, etc.)

Part 3: Home task

More and more Websites advertise “free groceries” or “free food coupons”, but are these services really free? What’s the “catch”? Do you have to do something in order to qualify for these free products? Research a company that advertise free products and find out more about the service.



Train Station

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listening to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. What does the man usually do while he waits for the train? A. He checks his text messages.

B.    He reviews work documents on his phone.

C.    He grabs something to drink.

2. If the train is crowded, the man _____________. A. catches an Uber.

B.    switches to a bus

C.    waits for another train

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I always take the train to work. At the station, I walk up to a ______ ______, select my ________ by pressing a button on the machine, _____ the correct change, and press another button to purchase a ticket. When the ticket comes out, I take it and go through the gate to the train platform. At some stations, there is a ticket

window where I can buy a ticket and then pass through a wicket machine. While I’m waiting for the train, I sometimes buy a newspaper at a ______ (new stand), and I might _____ something to drink. Smoking is _______ on the platform to protect everyone’s health. When the train approaches, people start lining up behind the yellow line. If the train is very crowded, I sometimes wait for the next train. When the train arrives, I get on and find a seat. Often, the train is ______ with passengers, so I just have to stand.  Part 2: Discussion

Is there a train station near where you like? If so, what is it like? Are the trains that stop there convenient? Can you buy items like newspapers and food at the station? How much does a train ticket typically cost?

Part 3: Home task 

Suppose you want to travel across the United States by train from coast to coast. What train could you take and how much would it cost? Use the Internet to plan your cross-country trip. What are some of the major cities where the train stops? Does it cost extra to stop at a city to sightsee before continuing your journey?


































imageCHAPTER 2. Around the House

Barbecue Ideas

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. When does the man often have barbecues with his friends?

A.   in the late spring

B.    in the summer

C.    in the early fall

2. The man often grills hamburgers, steak, and _______.

A.   fish

B.    chicken

C.    hot dogs

3. How does the man like his meat?

A.   well done

B.    medium-well

C.    medium

D.   medium rare

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageDuring the summer months, I often have a barbecue with my friends. I first put __________ in the grill, pour some ______ ______ over the charcoal, and then light the grill with a match. It usually takes a few minutes for the grill to get going, and I don’t put the meat on until the _____ are really hot. When the coals are ready, I put on the meat. Sometimes, I grill

hamburgers, steak, or chicken. If I’m grilling steak, I lightly ______ ___ _____ with salt and pepper, grill it on one side, and then turn over the meat and cook it on the other side. I generally like the meat medium rare, but most of my friends like their meat medium well. My brother likes his meat well-done. Sometimes, I also grill vegetables to add variety to the meal. Of course, some people use gas grills to barbecue their meal, but I prefer meat that is cooked over an open fire using charcoal. Part 2: Discussion

How often do you have a barbecue with your family or friends? What kinds of foods do you prepare? Do you have any special recipes for cooking specific dishes?

Part 3: Home task

For some people, preparing food over a barbecue is a real science. Use the Internet to find tips for barbecuing meat over a grill and find one recipe for cooking steak or chicken. What are the taste benefits of cooking over a grill verses in your kitchen oven? Share the information you find online and any barbecue recipes.







Breakfast Recipes

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording about breakfast recipes, answer the questions, and then read along with the recording.


1. The man makes _____________ for his family.

A.   oatmeal and raisins

B.    pancakes

C.    sausage and gravy

2. What beverage does the man serve with the meal?

A.   milk

B.    orange juice

C.    hot chocolate

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

As a general rule, I prepare breakfast for my family using an old pancake ______ that my grandma taught me years ago. I mix together the _____ including flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. In the meantime, I heat up a _____

image___ on medium heat on the stove. I pour some _______ in the hot pan, cook it on one side until golden brown, and then cook the other side the same way. At the dining room table, the family often _____ butter on the pancakes and _____ syrup on them. I also cook up some _______ eggs and bacon to go with the pancakes, and throw some bread in the toaster. Finally, I ____ __ some cold orange juice to go with the entire meal.

Part 2: Discussion

What kinds of things do you make for breakfast? Are there any foods you eat for breakfast that are specific to your country or hometown? If an international student from a different country ate breakfast at your house, what would you serve him or her? Part 3: Home task

Use the Internet to find breakfast recipes to prepare an entire meal for a very important international visitor. The meal should also include a drink.



Car Wash

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. Where does the man wash the car?

A.   at a school

B.    at a local business

C.    at his house

2. How does he dry his car?

A.   naturally, in the sun

B.    with a large fan

C.    with some cloth

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageMy car really gets dirty throughout the week from ____ and dirt on the road and in the air, so I ___ __ ___ the driveway or on my lawn and give it a good wash. I get a bucket, a sponge, some

____, and some car soap, and I’m ready to go. I first use the hose to soak and loosen the ____ on the car. I then ___ the bucket with water and some soap, dip and _____ the sponge with water, and

then start scrubbing the car from top to bottom. I start with the hood, windshield, headlights, and front _____, and then work my way around the car, washing the windows, doors, and the rear of the car. I also wash the roof, and I do the wheels and tires last. Once that’s done, I spray the car with the hose to remove all the soapy suds before they dry on the car. Finally, I dry off the car with the a rag and polish the car with a dry rag. I guess I could take the car to a car wash, but I enjoy doing it myself, especially on a hot day.


Part 2: Discussion

Do you wash your own car, or do you take it to a car wash? Explain your reasons. How often do you wash your car?

Part 3: Home task

There are a number of specialized items that you can use to wash your car even better. Use the Internet to research these items. What are they used for and how can they improve your car washing skills: microfiber cloth, wash mitt, and car wash strips? Can you come up with items at home to do the same job?



imageClothing and Fashion

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. What does the man wear when he visits his friends?

A.   athletic shorts and a jersey top

B.    shorts and a tank top

C.    jeans and a t-shirt

2. What is the dress code for clothing in the workplace?

A.   formal

B.    casual

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image Everyday, I try to dress for the ______. If I’m going to visit friends, I generally dress c______. I wear jeans, and I might throw on a t-shirt. In the case of a date, I usually wear a nice dress shirt-, but nothing too formal. In the past, I made it a habit to dress up for work in a suit and a tie because it was important to give a ____ ______, but more people are dressing down in the workplace, and this is more accepted now. When I exercise, I generally wear some shorts and a shirt, and I put on comfortable shoes. Overall, I think new fashions are replacing traditional ones, but I also think we should also try to preserve typical ________ _______. It’s a part of our culture and heritage.

Part 2: Discussion

What kinds of clothing do you wear for exercise in different situations? How has fashion changed over the past 50 years in your country?

Part 3: Role Play

Imagine that you need clothes for school. You have about US $300 to spend, but you don’t know if you want to buy new clothing from a popular fashion clothing store, or a used clothing store across the street from your house. Were would you go to buy clothing and why? Explain your reasons.

Part 4: Home task

Let’s suppose that you are preparing to go to a job interview for the jobs listed below. Use to the Internet to find clothes appropriate for the situation. You only have $100 to spend for each situation. Explain your reasons and report on your findings:

college professor, computer programmer, car salesperson, taxi driver, musician.



Dental Care

imagePart I: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording on dental care, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man brushes his teeth for ________.

A.   a minute

B.    a couple of minutes

C.    5 or more minutes

2. The man uses an electronic toothbrush.

A.   True

B.    False

3. The man keeps his toothbrush his _______.

A.   briefcase

B.    bathroom

C.    exercise bag

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

Every morning, I brush my teeth right after I eat breakfast. I put a little ________ on my toothbrush and then brush for about two or three minutes. I brush up and down to reach the spaces between my teeth. I also use ______ ______ to remove food

image______ between my teeth. I used to use an electric toothbrush, but it didn’t work very well. I’m also using a tooth ________ ___ to whiten my teeth because I think a brighter smile will make a better impression on people and will give me more selfconfidence. When I finish brushing, I rinse my mouth and my toothbrush. Then, I put my toothbrush away in the bathroom medicine cabinet.

Part 2: Discussion

As a general rule, how often do you brush your teeth? What problems can happen if you don’t brush regularly? Do you avoid certain foods or drinks that cause tooth decay? Part 3: Home task

Not all toothbrushes and toothpaste are the same. Use the Internet to find three different brands of toothpaste and/or toothbrushes and compare the benefits of each.



imageHome Improvements

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording on home improvements, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man wants to make to make some repairs to the house ______.

A.   before he moves in

B.    as soon as he moves in

C.    when he has enough money

2. He wants to install new lights because the old ones ______.

A.   don't provide enough light

B.    aren't cost efficient

C.    the old ones are broken

3. What does the man want to build in the backyard?

A.   a shed

B.    a deck

C.    a fire pit

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I recently bought an old house, and new, I’m trying to fix it up. I’d like to make a few home improvements before I move in. First of all, I’m pulling out all of the old carpet and _________ _____ some new carpet throughout the house. I’m also putting in new _____ ______. The old ones don’t light up the rooms very well. Next, I’m remodeling the entire kitchen by putting in new kitchen cabinets, a new counter top, a new sink and _______, and new linoleum. I’m also going to buy new appliances for the kitchen. I’m also thinking about adding a new addition to the house, which would include a new family room and dining room area. Outside our back door, I going to build a ________ where we can sit, relax, and have barbecues. We will also do some landscaping to the yard to beautify things a little. One final thing I need to do is shingle the roof. The old shingles are falling off in places, and if I don’t replace them, I might start having _______ in the house. By the time

I’m finished with these home improvement projects, the place should look as good as new.

Part 2: Discussion

What are some home improvements you would like to have done at the place where you now live (home, apartment, dormitory, etc.)? Would you do them yourself, or have someone else do them? Explain your reasons.

Part 3: Home task

You are considering buying a old house, but it needs to be fixed up to make it livable. You’re not really sure if it would be better just to buy a new house, but your spouse has his/her heart set on it. Major home improvements include a complete kitchen remodel, new flooring (carpet) throughout the house, and a complete bathroom remodel to repair water damage. Search the Internet to find out how easy or difficult it would be to do by yourself, or how much it would cost to have someone do these renovations for you. The summarize your decision and your plan to complete the project.



imageHouse Painting

Part I: Listen and Read: Listen the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The house was last painted ______ years ago.

A.   10

B.    15

C.    20

2. Among other things, the man bought paint, rollers, and ___________. A. a paint sprayer

B.    brushes

C.    tape

3. The man uses the extra paint to ________.

A.   help a friend paint another house

B.    paint the shed in the backyard

C.    redo some of the inside walls as needed

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image The interior of our house was last painted about 15 years ago, and the painting is now

_______ and ________ in some places.

Therefore, we decided to give the house a new fresh _________. We wanted to paint the house the same color, so we took a few paint chips to the store and asked them match the paint. We bought several cans of paint, _____ _____, a paint _____, a paint _______, and some tape. Once we got back home, we first scraped off any loose or peeling paint on the walls, taped the edges of the rooms and ________, and put down some floor covering to protect the carpet. After that was done, we mixed the paint really well with a stirring stick and poured some of it in the paint tray. We _______ one coat of paint evenly over the walls and then used small brushes to touch things up along the molding and baseboards in the rooms. After the paint was dry, we applied another coat of paint so the old paint wouldn’t show through. Finally, we cleaned the brushes, rollers, paint tray, and put everything away in the garage. We have extra paint we can use to touch up the walls if they need to over time.

Part 2: Discussion

Describe the interior and exterior of your apartment or home. Did you or your family paint the house, or did have someone do it for you?

Part 3: Home task

In addition to traditional colors, many new painting styles are coming in fashion including . . . Select one of these and use the Internet to research the background and steps to painting with these techniques. Would you be interested in painting your room or house using one of these styles? Why or why not?



imageKitchen Cleaning

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man cleans kitchen on __________.

A.   on Saturdays

B.    a weeknight

C.    on Sundays

2. In what order does the man clean his kitchen?

A.                clean the walls, dry the dishes, and mop the floor

B.                mop the floor, clean the kitchen sink, and clean the walls

C.                clean the dishes, wipe down the counter tops, and clean the floor Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageOne of the chores I dislike the most is cleaning the kitchen. On Saturdays, I usually do a thorough job of cleaning the entire kitchen. First of all, I clean all of the dishes, put them in the dish drainer to air dry, and then ______ out the kitchen sink. (Because our dishwasher is broken, I have to do everything by hand.) After they are dry, I put the dishes away in the ________. Next, I clean off the stove top, _____ ____ the counter tops, and clean the walls. I also organize the cupboards to make sure we are stocked up on food. Once that is done, I put the kitchen chairs on the table, wipe down the legs, and then ______ the floor with a broom and a dustpan. After that, I ____ the entire floor.

Part 2: Discussion

Who is in charge of cleaning the kitchen in your family? Do you do the dishes by hand or do you have a dishwasher? Is a dishwasher even a common kitchen appliance most people have in your hometown? What benefits or disadvantages are there to having children help with the cleaning in the kitchen?

Part 3: Home task

There are hundreds of kitchen cleaning supplies from which to select, but choosing products can be a difficult experience? What is the advantage of Product A over Product B? More and more people are discovering simple, homemade cleaning recipes that can be prepared with common household supplies. Use the Internet for basic cleaning solutions and tips that people can prepare that don’t require you to purchase expensive cleaning supplies.



Lawn Care

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording about landscaping, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man bought a __________ with a nice lawn.

A.   condo

B.    an apartment

C.    a house

2. How often does the man cut the lawn?

A.   once every 10 days

B.    twice a week

C.    about every 7 days

3. What does the man use to kill the insects in the grass?

A.   a sprinkler system

B.    an insecticide

C.    a fertilizer

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageWe just bought a house with a great ______, but I want to be sure to take care of it so it looks nice in the neighborhood. At the beginning of each spring, I _____ the lawn so the water can better ________ the soil. Then, I mow the lawn once a week to a good height, and I check the sprinkler system to make sure the grass is completely watered. Otherwise, we’ll see

dry brown spots in the lawn after a while. Next, I fertilize the lawn twice a year with a weed and feed mixture which helps green up the grass and kill broad leaf weeds like _______. I sometimes have to use an _______ to kill bugs that are eating the roots of the grass. Finally, I trim the edges of the lawn along the fence and the sidewalk to make everything look really ______ and tidy.

Part 2: Discussion

Do people have grass lawns in your hometown to beautify their yards? If not, what ground cover is used instead? How does the climate of a particular area affect how homes are landscaped?

Part 3: Home task

Companies always produce commercially-sold products that can be used to improve the grass or landscaping around a home; however, there are a number of “homemade” solutions that people can create using products that they might already have around the house. Search the Internet for a lawn greening recipe that anyone can make. What does each ingredient do?
























Christmas Season and Gifts

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. People often decorate their homes with _____.

A.   trees

B.    ornaments


2. People sometimes help others by ______.

1.     donating their time

2.     making meals

3.     singing Christmas songs

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image In many parts of the world, Christmas is the day when people _______ the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem two thousand years ago. People who remember Christmas as a _________ holiday celebrate the birth of Jesus and his coming into this world. To them, he is recognized as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. According to the Bible, Jesus was born in a manger because there was no room for him and his parents, Mary and Joseph, in an inn. Today, people

often attend church, organize family gatherings, and decorate their homes and businesses with real or artificial Christmas trees. People feel the giving spirit and _______ their time and money to worthy causes, or provide volunteer service to the needy. Christmas is also celebrated as a ______ holiday when parents and children talk about Santa Claus and Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer.

Part 2: Discussion

Is Christmas celebrated by people in your country? What kinds of Christmas gifts do people give to each other? If not, do you have other holiday traditions or days at the end of the year? What meaning does Christmas day have for you or other people you know? Part 3: Home task

Although Christmas is not celebrate by all people around the world, it does have important significance in the lives of many people. Choose a country and use the Internet to find out how Christmas is celebrated in that country.




imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. In addition to dressing up, children sometimes ______.

A.   visit relatives

B.    attend parties

C.    carve pumpkins

2. For safety reasons, it is good for children to ______.

A.   walk in groups

B.    visit homes you know

C.    carry a flashlight

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageHalloween is a fun holiday for kids in the United States. Its ______ dates back hundreds of years, but today, children _______ this day by dressing up in scary and humorous costumes, attending Halloween parties, and going door-to-door trick or treating. When children trick or treat, they go from house to house carrying a bag or other ________, and they knock on doors asking for a treat (some kind of candy), and they say that if they aren’t given a treat, they will play a trick on the person. (This is sometimes true, but it doesn’t happen a lot.)

It is a _______ holiday, but parents still need to teach their children to be safe. Generally speaking, children are encouraged to visit the houses of people they know, and children and parents should carefully ______ the candy their receive to make sure it is safe to eat. Also, it is a good idea to carry a flashlight so you can see

your way when it gets dark.

Part 2: Discussion

Do you have any similar holiday like Halloween in your country?

Part 3: Home task

Choosing the right costume for Halloween can be difficult. Some people make their own costumes while others buy a factory-made one. If you were attending a Halloween party in the United States, what type of costume would you wear? Search the Internet for ideas on either how to make your own or find one you would like to buy? How much would it cost to make or buy? Compare your ideas with others and discuss your selection.



New Year’s Day

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. Family and friends often _________ during this holiday season.

A.   have dinner

B.    exchange gifts

C.    send cards

2. Common New Year's resolutions include losing weight, eating better, and____.

A.   finding a better job

B.    taking up a new hobby

C.    getting more exercise

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

New Year’s Day is the day when people ______ the beginning of a new year.

On New Year’s Eve, family and friends often get together for dinner or have a party to welcome in the new year. People often ____ ____ the hours, minutes, and seconds before the new year arrives, and they sometimes set off _______ or play loud music. New Year’s Day is a time of new beginnings, so people often make new year’s resolutions—promises or goals they hope to ________ during the coming year. Such

image_______ often include losing weight, getting in shape, or eating a healthy diet. Other resolutions might deal with improving one’s relationship with a family member or friend. Sometimes, these resolutions are short lived, that is, people don’t follow through on their plans. However, the new year gives people opportunities to change and improve their lives.

Part 2: Discussion

How do people in your hometown celebrate the new year? What foods do they prepare, what activities do they participate in, and what meaning does this day have for them? Part 3: Home task

Making new year’s resolutions is a common practice for many people around the world. Use the Internet to search for the most common new year’s goals and research what factors contribute to a person’s ability to achieve their new plans.



imageThanksgiving Day

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. Thanksgiving Day falls on the ______ Thursday of the month of November.

A.   fourth

B.    third

C.    second

D.   first

2. People make foods like turkey, pumpkin pie, and ______.

A.   a salad

B.    corn

C.    green beans

3. After dinner, the family sometimes _______.

A.   watches TV

B.    plays games

C.    goes for a walk

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageMany countries have a day of thanksgiving sometime during the year. In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of the month. Traditionally, this is the day when people get together with family and friends to ____ ______ for their many blessings including family, health, good ______, and safety throughout the year. People usually prepare a wide variety of foods including turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, green beans, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. The head of the house often carves the turkey, and the rest of the family sits down  to eat when all of the food is ready and set on the table. Often, someone is chosen to _____ ______, or a prayer. After the prayer is finished, people start passing around the food and helping themselves to the dishes on the table. People usually engage in light conversation as they eat. After the meal is over, pumpkin pie is served, and then the family helps clean up the table and dishes. It is often common for family members to sit and watch American football on TV.

Part 2: Discussion

Do you have a day of thanksgiving in your country? If so, what takes place on this day? What special foods are prepared? What meaning does this day have for you?

Part 3: Home task

Now, search the Internet for the history behind Thanksgiving Day in the United States. How and when did this holiday start? How did the custom of eating turkey come about, especially since it probably wasn’t eaten at the first Thanksgiving? Summarize your findings.



















image    Car Rentals

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording on car rentals, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. When did the man go on vacation?

A.   a month ago

B.    two weeks ago

C.    last week

2. The man rented ______.

A.   a luxury car

B.    a SUV

C.    an economy-size car

3. The daily rate for the vehicle was ____.

A.   $65

B.    $55

C.    $75

4. The man rented the vehicle for about _____ days.

A.   six

B.    seven

C.    five

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I went on a vacation last week, and I needed a way to get around the area, so I rented a car for the trip. I contacted a car rental agency and asked them about the types of vehicles they had available. As it _______ ___, I rented an SUV (sports utility vehicle) because I was planning on doing some sightseeing and driving in some national parks. I was able to get the _____ ___ of

$55 a day, not including tax; however, the SUV came with ________ _____, so I didn’t have to pay extra for the number of miles I drove. Of course, I had to pay for my gas, and I had to return the SUV with the same amount of gas that was in it when I started my trip. The manager of the car rental agency recommended that I buy the additional ___ _______ ___—insurance that would cover the vehicle in case of an accident—but I told him that my own insurance covered rental cars, so I didn’t bother paying the extra money for the additional insurance. Before I left, I did a _____ ________ of the SUV to see if it had any dents or scratches on it so I wouldn’t be liable for previous damage to the car. Finally, I signed the rental agreement and then started my vacation. I returned the SUV a week later without a problem.

Part 2: Discussion

Besides going on vacation, what are some other reasons why someone would rent a car? Have you ever rented a car? Is so, what was your experience like?

Part 3: Home task

There are many factors that influence the type of car people rent and drive. Suppose you were on vacation in Hawaii, and you wanted to rent a car. Which type of vehicle would you choose and why? Would you purchase additional insurance to protect you, the car, and the owners of the other car in case of an accident? Discuss your choices and reasons and then use the Internet to determine an approximate cost for the vehicle for a week. Compare rental companies as needed.



Cruise Vacations

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man and his wife went on a cruise vacation in the ______.

A.   summer

B.    fall

C.    spring

D.   winter

2. How did the man find information about a cruise vacation?

A.   online

B.    from a travel agent

C.    from a friend

D.   in the newspaper

3. The man is concerned that he and his future wife will _____.

A.   eat too much fatty food

B.    not get along on the cruise

C.    spend all their time on the ship

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageMy wife and I went on a cruise vacation this summer, and it was one of the best experiences of our lives. Because there are many cruise travel ________ and _______ packages, we first _________ a cruise travel agent who supplied us with a lot of information and travel tips about the whole cruise experience. He told us that cruise lines cater to different crowds, including singles, _____________, and families, and

each cruise provides different activities and facilities on ship. Because we were going on our honeymoon, we ______ ______ from a family cruise and choose one _______ just for people like us. I was a little worried that we would spend all our time on ship, but the cruise agent said that cruise vacations often offer land and shore excursions where you can get off the ship and explore the different lands and cultures during your vacation. Before deciding on the cruise package, the cruise agent suggested that we plan our trip during a ______ time of year in terms of price and weather. The price of a cruise is less in the off season (fall and spring), but the fall is hurricane season in the Caribbean, so this is something to consider. In the end, proper planning helped us have a wonderful cruise experience.

Part 2: Discussion

What do you think is the attraction for people to go on cruise vacations? What kinds of activities does a cruise provide that you might not be able to experience on a different type of trip?

Part 3: Home task

You have just been notified that have won a “free” cruise vacation for seven nights in the Caribbean, but a friend is afraid you will end up spending more money than you think. What “hidden” fees can you expect to pay for a cruise vacation that might not be including in the “free” vacation or normal price of such a trip? Search the Internet for advice and information on this topic.



Hotel Reservations

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man likes to book a hotel that has a swimming pool, an exercise room, and _________.

A.   a movie theater

B.    transportation to the hotel

C.    a place to cook

2. The man stays at ________ if he wants to save money.

A.   a friend's house

B.    an Airbnb

C.    a youth hostel

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

Before I go on vacation, I always make hotel reservations __ ________ so I have a place to stay. I usually look online for cheap hotels or other ______________.

imageSometimes, I _______ a nice hotel that has a number of __________ like a swimming pool, exercise room, or kitchenette. These rooms often come furnished with a microwave oven and a small refrigerator. If I eat at a restaurant at the hotel, I just have the meal ________to the room and pay for the room charge and meals at the same time. Other times, I just look for cheap hotels or motels that provide the basic

necessities. If I really want to save money, I __________ a bed at a youth hostel. The price is cheaper, but I have to share a room with other patrons, which doesn’t bother me at all. Part 2: Discussion

What are the main factors that determine where you choose to stay on your vacation (e.g., price, location, hotel amenities, room decor, hotel reputation, etc.)?

Rank these things from highest to lowest and discuss your reasons.

Part 3: Home task

Let’s suppose you are going on a week vacation to the destination of your choice. Use the Internet and find the most expensive and cheapest place to stay in that city and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each accommodation.



Plane Reservations

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording on plane reservations, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. For the man, what is the most important point in choosing a flight?

A.   length of flight

B.    online services and meals

C.    the number of layovers

D.   departure time

E.    price

2. If you change your flight plans, you might have to ____.

A.   fly at a different time

B.    pay a cancellation fee

C.    buy a new ticket

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageWhen I go on vacation, I usually travel by plane. In the past, I used to ____ __ ______ with a travel agency, but now, I tend to search online for good deals on plane tickets. Finding the best price on plane tickets is probably the most important consideration, but the departure time, the number of ________, and the length of flight are also important factors. Making plane reservations online is pretty easy to do, but don’t forget that you still have to pay certain

fees and taxes that go along with the price of the ticket. Finally, keep in mind that you might have to pay a ________ fee if you decide to change your flight plans or cancel your flight. Part 2: Discussion

What are the advantages and disadvantages of reserving plane tickets online verses working with a travel agent?

Part 3: Home task

Choose a travel destination you would like to visit in the future. Using two or more online reservation services, search the Internet for the best deal in terms of (1) final cost including taxes and fees and (2) the shortest and most direct flight.






imageEnglish Classes

Part 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man feels that if he speaks fluently, he will be able to ______.

A.   get into a good college

B.    travel to new countries

C.    find a good job

2. How many classes does the man take a day?

A.   five classes

B.    four classes

C.    three classes

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageI _______ English classes at a language program in my city because I want to improve my communication skills. English has become the international language around the world, and I might be able to get better employment and make more friends if I learn to speak _______. I take four classes a day that all focus on different language skills including reading, writing, listening, speaking, and grammar. I think that some people have a natural ability to pick up a language and ______ it, but I don’t think I fit that group. Actually, learning to speak English well requires a great amount of ______, patience, and practice. Too often, students speak English in their classes, but they go back to using their native language after school ends. In fact, if you want to _______ to a new culture, you should make it a point to study, review, and practice everything you are studying. Otherwise, you will never learn and fit into any group.

Part 2: Discussion

What do you think are some other keys to improving your language skills? Share ideas from your own experience.

Part 3: Home task

Not all ESL programs are the same, and finding the right school may require you to ask the right questions. First, write down a list of ideas on what you look for in the ideal language program and then search the Internet in the city of your choice for a ESL program that meets your expectations and needs.



TOEFL Test Preparation

imagePart I: to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The test checks a student's listening, speaking, writing, and __________ 


A.   thinking

B.    reading

C.    grammar

D.   business

2. One way to prepare for the test is to _______.

A.   talk with native speakers

B.    listen to news programs

C.    watch movies

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

To get into many colleges and universities in North America, international students have to take the TOEFL Test (Test of English to Speakers of Foreign Languages) and get a good score on the test. Today, the test is used to _________ how well a student might _______ at an institution of higher learning. The test

image________ students listening, writing, speaking, and reading skills. To prepare for the test, students need to improve their language       skills and          learn test-taking strategies to do well on the test. Taking a TOEFL class help students prepare, but reading        extensively and    listening      to academic lectures and news programs—and talking about them—can increase your ability to answer questions on the test.

Part II: Discussion

What do you think are the best ways to prepare for a language test like the TOEFL or TOEIC? Do you think it is a good or accurate measure of whether students can succeed at a university?

Part III: Home task

Finding good books, useful Websites, and even software for TOEFL preparation can be difficult because there are so many of them. Work together with other students to make a list of the ten best resources you can find. Share your results with other students.



imageJob Promotion and Work Opportunities Part 1: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man has worked for his company for _______ years.

A.   three

B.    five

C.    four

2. Why is the man up for a promotion? A. He has increased product sales.

B.    He has developed some new products.

C.    He has opened several new stores.

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image I have great news to report. I just got a_________ and a raise! I’ve been working for my company for the past three years, and things have gone extremely well. First, I helped my department ________ sales by 200% during that time. We have advertised and promoted our products at trade shows, in the newspaper, and on TV, and customers have

really enjoyed our products. As a result, our company’s reputation and image have _________ beyond our area. Now, more and more customers are learning about us by word of mouth; when you have satisfied customers, the news gets around. In addition to increased sales, I’ve ________ a good working relationship with my colleagues. We recognize each person’s strengths and respect other’s opinions. I think my ________ feel I can lead the department in the right direction. Therefore, I humbly accepted the promotion and raise, and I’ll strive to do my best for my company and my customers in the future.

Part 2: Discussion

What factors and personal qualities do you think companies consider when giving an employee a promotion? On the other hand, what behaviors and personality traits work against a employee who is seeking a promotion?

Part 3: Home task

Knowing what to do and say on the job is critical to getting a promotion. Search the Internet for specific tips and advice on improving your chances of getting a promotion at your current or future job. Do these suggestions vary depending on your field of work? What is the perception of the “ideal” worker in your country and how does this differ from similar jobs overseas? You might want to interview people to prepare your ideas.



Job Interview Tips

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listening to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. For a job interview, a man should consider wearing ________.

A.   a dress shirt

B.    a suit

C.    a nice sweater

2. Finding out about the company can help people _______.

A.   promote a good working environment

B.    show their interest in working there

C.    increase sales for the future

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

If you are looking for a new job, here are some job interview _____ you should

______ __ mind when meeting with a potential employer. First, be sure to dress appropriately for the situation. If you are interviewing for a teaching job, then you might want to consider wearing nice pants and a dress shirt. However, you don’t

imagewant to _______ for the interview either. Next, be sure to do some research on the  company for which you are interviewing. This will help you know if you have the needed skills or experience to work for that company. Finding out something about the company will also help you ask intelligent questions about their business to show them you are interested in their company. Finally, be prepared to tell them why you would be the best choice

for the position. You don’t have to boast about your _______________, but you can tell them in a confident and direct way why you can help their company better than other __________. Part 2: Discussion

Suppose you are the owner of an English school, and you are hiring a new English teacher for a new position. What questions would you ask the person to see if he or she is a qualifed candidate for the job?

Part 3: Home task

Check online for other good interview tips that could help people find a new job. What suggestions do you find not mentioned on this page? Can you find any questions specific to your particular field of interest or major?

























imageBaking Goods and Ingredients Part 1: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. You should read the recipe carefully to make sure you ______.

A.   have all of the ingredients

B.    set the oven at the right temperature

C.    have the right pans and utensils

2. When you preheat the oven, check to see that ______.

A.   there are no pans already in the oven

B.    the oven light is turned on

C.    the shelves are set at the proper height

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

 Baking cookies, cakes, and even pies is a fun _______ for many people as long as you know what you are doing. Here are a few baking tips:

      Read the recipe very carefully to find out if you have all of the ________ before you start.

      Measure all of the ingredients carefully. Don’t use guesswork.

      imagePreheat the oven to the proper _______ and make sure the oven shelves are at the correct height.

      Mix your ingredients properly. Don’t over mix your recipe.

      Use a cooking timer to keep track of how long your cake or other item has been in the oven.

      Let your cake or other item cool according to instructions before serving it.

Part 2: Discussion

What kinds of items do people often bake within your circle of family and friends? What is one traditional food that you would bake for an international visitor to introduce him or her to your country’s cuisine?

Part 3: Home task

You are planning to celebrate the birthday of a close friend, and you are thinking about baking a cake. Find a recipe on the Internet for a delicious, and perhaps, unusual cake recipe. Share your recipe with a group of students and then vote on the one you would prepare.



Online Shopping

imagePart I: Listen to the recording about online shopping, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man goes shopping __________.

A.   every other weekend

B.    about once a month

C.    every weekend

2. The man pays for items _______.

A.   with a debit card

B.    with cash and a credit card

C.    in cash

3. The man _______ returns home without picking up something at the  store.

A.   often

B.    occasionally

C.    never

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageEvery weekend, I go shopping downtown with a friend, but it is more of a hobby than anything else. I usually take a little cash, but I also have a credit card in case I need to charge something. I just make sure I don’t go into too much debt spending money I really don’t have. I mainly visit department and clothing stores to check out the latest fashions. If I find something on sale at an ________

________, I sometimes buy it. I make sure to keep the _______ in case I have to return the item. I really enjoy walking along the store fronts and gazing into the windows to see what the store is selling. At other times, I like looking at the ______ in stores or strolling through shopping centers.

Sometimes, something like a shirt or jeans catches my eye, but I’m not a compulsive shopper, so I never buy the first thing I see. Many times, I come home without buying a thing.

Part II: Discussion

How often do you go shopping at a shopping center or mall? Talk about one recent shopping experience you had. Where did you go and what did you buy? How much online shopping do you do on the Internet? Which Web sites do you use most often?

Part III: Home task

You are planning a trip to several major cities in the United States, and you want to do a little shopping for clothing and souvenirs while you are there. Pick a city that you want to visit and search for at least two stores where you could buy these items. You are on a small budget, so luxury items are out of the question. Find two items that this store might sell and discuss why you selected this item.



imageOrigami Paper Crafts Part 1: Listen and read along with the audio recording.

1. You can make all kinds of objects with origami including boxes and  ________.

A.   living things

B.    furniture

C.    food items

2. The man gives his creations away to ________.

A.   strangers

B.    students

C.    friends

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageOne of my favorite hobbies is origami, or Japanese paper folding. Origami is the art of folding paper in different ways to make beautiful objects such as a crane, box, frog, or balloon. The origin of origami _____ _____ hundreds of years, and origami is still a popular pastime today. You can either use origami paper specifically designed for paper folding, or you can use ordinary

paper. There are several keys to doing origami correctly. First, you ought to use a very flat surface to create your origami shapes to get the best results. Next, you should follow the directions carefully for making any object. Otherwise, your shape or design might not ____ ____ the correct way. Next, be sure to make strong _______ in the paper with a fingernail when folding the paper. This will help make sure that the paper folds always line up. Furthermore, use scissors to cut your paper into the desired shape before beginning. I sometimes create origami objects to give away as gifts to friends and family.

Part 2: Discussion

Have you ever done origami before? If so, what shapes did you make? Would you be interested in learning how to fold various shapes?

Part 3: Home task

Understanding some history origami can help you appreciate it more. Use the Internet to learn more about the story of a girl named Sadako in Hiroshima, Japan. Why did she do origami? Do people do similar activities today?



Swimming Lessons

imagePart 1: Listen and Read: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man's children are taking swimming lessons at a ______ pool.

A.   community

B.    school

C.    hotel

2. Children first need to learn ______.

A.   when to exit the pool

B.    how deep the water is

C.    not to be be scared of the water

3. Children __________ if the pass their swimming classes.

A.   receive a graduation certificate

B.    can enter a swimming competition

C.    get free lessons to the next level

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageMy kids are taking swimming lessons now at a local swimming pool. The lessons first teach kids how to not __ __ _____ _____ ______ by learning how to put their face under the water and _______ ______ _____ for a few seconds. Next, the lessons teach children how to _____ on their backs. Later on, kids

learn how to do some of the basic strokes including freestyle, breast stroke, and backstroke. Learning how to do these takes time, practice, and ________. Kids also need to learn how to _____ water, and in some water safety classes, instructors teach people how to tie up the legs of their pants to make a flotation device. Kids can also learn how to dive of the side of the pool or from the diving board. If kids pass off the requirements for their class, they receive a certificate of completion.

Part 2: Discussion

Why is swimming an important life skill and at what age can children start learning how to swim? What are the potential dangers associated with swimming? Talk about your own experiences in learning how to swim.

Part 3: Home task

Imagine that you work for your local government, and you are in charge of preparing an initial plan a new swimming pool. Use the Internet to help you come up with key information about designing and maintaining a community swimming pool. Information can include swimming pool design, swimming safety, and pool maintenance.



















imageChild Care

Part 1: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The man didn't realize that his children would ______ so quickly.

A.   cost so much money

B.    grow up

C.    get sick

2. When kids get hurt, we should try to _____.

A.   call the hospital

B.    comfort them

C.    contact the school

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

image Having children is one thing; ______ them for the next twenty years or more is something completely different. My wife and I decided to have a baby years ago, but we didn’t realize it would turn into a teenager and then into an adult so quickly. Actually, when children are very small, you need to take care of their

daily needs: you need to _____ them, ______ them, change their diapers, clean up their messes, and put them to bed. As children get a little older, you still have to give them plenty of attention by reading to them, telling them stories, playing games with them, and consoling them when they get hurt. As they enter the teenage years, children need more, not less, interaction with parents in a different way. Being a teenager can be a ___________ time for children because they are trying to figure out who they are and their role in the family. As parents, this is a time when you help children develop independence but also help them make careful and wise choices about all kinds of things including friends. Teaching strong family values from a very young age will help children develop patterns of ___________ that they will need for the rest of their lives. Raising children is much harder than it looks, but with patience and hope, children can mature into very ________________ adults.

Part 2: Discussion

What is your image of the ideal parent? What can parents do to help their children mature and make careful decisions? What do some parents do that can alienate? Describe your years growing up and your interaction with your parents and siblings.

Part III: Home task

Raising successful children requires a lot of patience, practice, and some luck. Search the Internet and find at least five specific tips on raising children. Are there certain parenting tips that are culturally specific? In other words, are there tips for raising children that might work in one culture, but not be effective or appropriate in another?



imagePart 1: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.  

1. Problems in marriage can be due medical, psychological, or _____issues.

A.   financial

B.    work

C.    exhaustion

2. When problems come up, the first step to resolve concerns is to ______.

A.   read books on healthy relationships

B.    open up and talk

C.    seek professional counseling

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageWhen people get married, they often do not realize and understand the challenges they will face in the future, but is _______ _____ the best solution when _______ ________ occur? Such challenges can include medical, financial, or psychological problems that ______ at some point in a marriage. The question isn’t whether or not we

will face stress in a relationship; rather, it’s how we will deal with stress and problems when they knock at our doorstep. Seeking a divorce at the first signs of stress isn’t the best solution, especially if you have _______ ________ at the beginning of a relationship. First of all, when problems arise, the first thing to do is to communicate openly with your partner in a very concerned, ___________ way. More problems in a marriage occur because of ________ than any other factor. Don’t blame one another, but carefully analyze the situation and work together to resolve concerns. Second, because some___________ problems arise due to financial problems, create a budget on how you will save and spend your money. Don’t overextend yourself with credit. Only spend what you have rather than using credit cards. Third, consult with a marriage counselor or therapist to help you resolve problems. If people really love each other, they will do whatever it takes to _________ their marriage instead of seeking a quick divorce.

Part 2: Discussion

What do you think are some of the main causes of marital problems and discord? What can couples do to prevent, minimize, and resolve such issues? Under what conditions, if any, should divorce be considered an option? What impact can divorce have on children? Is divorce legal in your country and under what conditions is it permitted?

Part 3: Home task

Getting a divorce can be a difficult process, both financially and emotionally. However, if considered, what is the legal process for getting a divorce? How much are legal and court fees to get a divorce in your area? Search online for information about these questions, as well as any advice on the topic.



Honeymoon Trip

imagePart 1: Listen to the recording on honeymoon trips, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1. The couple is getting married in __________.

A.   one month

B.    two weeks

C.    two months

2. The man's fiancé thinks traveling through Europe _________ sounds  romantic.

A.   by motocycle

B.    by train

C.    by car

3. The man prefers to backpack through Mexico and visit _______.

A.   mountain peaks

B.    places of history

C.    famous beaches

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

My ______ and I are now planning our honeymoon trip because we are getting married in two months. However, we haven’t decided on a specific honeymoon trip because there are so many options. First of all, my fiancé wants to visit Europe on our honeymoon, and she thinks it would be romantic travelling to different countries by train for a couple of weeks. She also thinks going on a honeymoon cruise to

imageHawaii would be a fun way to spend our vacation together. Personally, I’d rather spend a few weeks backpacking through Mexico of South America and visiting famous _______ _______. No matter what we do, we have to ______ ____ ____ ______ to cover travel and meal expenses because money doesn’t grow on trees once you are married.

Part 2: Discussion

What is your image of the ideal honeymoon? Where would go and what would you do there? Part 3: Home task

Let’s suppose that you have $2,000 dollars to spend on a honeymoon. Search the Internet to plan the ideal one-week honeymoon of your dreams. This money should cover all your expenses including domestic and international transportation, lodging, meals, sourvenirs, and other incidental expenses, but you are not required to use all of it. Discuss your plan with a partner.





Love and Dating

imagePart 1: Listen to the recording, answer the questions, and then read along.

1.     Some people like group dates because _____.

A.   they are cheaper

B.    there are more things to do

C.    you feel less stress

2.     Some people ________ on dates.

A.   don't dress appropriately

B.    don't reveal their true selves

C.    aren't on time

3.     The issue with meeting people online is that ______.

A.   it can be somewhat dangerous

B.    some services are expensive

C.    you can't get to know people very well

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

imageDating practices vary from culture to culture, but before people get married, they often date or go out together for a period of time to see if they are ________. Some people enjoy going out on group dates with a number of friends so they feel less pressure and stress of trying to

_______ the other person. Other people go on _____ _______, that is, going out with a person that they have never met. In either case, most singles try to date people that have similar interests and values. If you _____ _____ __ _______, you’re more likely to enjoy each other’s company. However, be careful when dating because people sometimes don’t show their true colors on the first, second, or fifteenth date. Furthermore, although finding dates online has become very popular, it’s difficult to get to know someone through email or online. Meeting people in person along with a few friends is probably a safe way to get to know others.

Part 2: Discussion

What qualities do you look for in an ideal partner? Explain your reasons.

Part 3: Home task

Many online dating Website offer services which you can use to find people with similar interests. Would you personally use such a site to find someone to date? Why or why not? What are some advantages to using such services, and what possible dangers can exist?



Weddings and Receptions

imagePart 1: Listen to the recording on weddings and receptions, answer the questions, and then read along with the audio recording.

1.Getting married is both an exciting and _______ event in people's lives.

A.   wonderful

B.    stressful

C.    expensive

2. Some people get married at a church, in a park, or ______.

A.   in the family's backyard

B.    at a reception center

C.    on a beach

Part IIComplete the sentences after having listened to the audio.

 Getting married can be exciting and ____________ at the same time. There is so much planning to do for the wedding. When people ___ ________, the couple often goes to a jewelry shop to pick out rings. The woman sometimes will wear an engagement ring, and wedding rings are ________ at the wedding ceremony. The couple will also choose where the ceremony and ______ _______ take place. The ceremony is sometimes held in a church, but some people choose to get married in other settings such as a park, near a waterfall, or in a family’s backyard. Traditionally, the couple will wear _______ _______ like a white wedding dress and

imagea tuxedo, but these fashions are changing. The wedding is sometimes performed by a religious leader like a minister, and the couple exchanges wedding _____, which are like promises that they make to each other. After the wedding, some couples have a reception where families and friends talk, dance, and eat. Of course, marriage customs might be different from country to country.

Part 2: Discussion

Describe a typical wedding ceremony in your country? What things take place during the wedding and reception? What gifts are exchanged, if any, between the couple and family and friends?

Part 3: Online Investigation

Let’s suppose you have a budget of only $5,000 to spend on your wedding and reception for about 50 people (e.g., wedding dress and formal wear for family and friends participating in the ceremony, photography, wedding/reception hall, flowers, food, invitations, wedding cake, entertainment, etc.). Use the Internet to looking up the costs for these items. You might need to be creative in your spending to save money. For instance, you can buy budget friendly wedding invitations or bring out your creativity and make your own invitations.









Аудіювання – це процес сприйняття мовлення на слух, в англійській мові використовується термін listening comprehension (сприйняття і розуміння на слух). Метою навчання іноземним мовам на всіх етапах є розвиток комунікативної компетенції, яке відбувається по мірі оволодіння різними аспектами мови (граматики, фонетики, лексики), а також розвиток різних  видів мовленнєвої діяльності, одним з яких є аудіювання. Аудіювання складає частину мовленнєвих вмінь на всіх етапах навчання іноземним мовам.

Навчити студентів розуміти мовлення - одне з найважливіших завдань навчання. На занятті практично неможливо формувати лише один мовний або мовленнєвий навик. Працюючи з аудіотекстами, ми відпрацьовуємо лексичні, граматичні та фонетичні навички. Оволодіння аудіюванням дає можливість реалізувати виховні, освітні і розвиваючі. Воно дозволяє навчити студентів уважно слухати мовлення, що звучить, формувати вміння прогнозувати зміст висловлювання і таким чином виховувати культуру слухання не лише на іноземній мові, а й на рідній мові. Виховне значення формування вміння сприймати мовлення на слух, оскільки це позитивно впливає на розвиток слухової пам’яті, яка є важлива для вивчення іноземної мови.

Аудіювання не ізольований вид мовленнєвої діяльності, він знаходиться у тісному зв’язку з говорінням – висловленням думок засобами мови, що вивчається. Говоріння і аудіювання – дві взаємопов’язані сторони усного мовлення. Аудіювання не лише засіб спілкування, але й підготовка до відповідної реакції на почуту інформацію. Аудіювання готує говоріння, що допомагає формуванню сприйняттю мовлення на слух.

Саме тому даний посібник містить завдання для розвитку навичок аудіювання та говоріння. Також містяться завдання на засвоєння нової лексики, відповідно до навчальної програми та програми ЗНО з іноземної мови. Усі завдання мають відповідні аудіозаписи, використані з британського сайту «Daily English».


















1. Гапонова С.В. Деякі особливості текстів для навчання аудіювання учнів старшої школи // Іноземні мови. – 2003. – № 3. – С. 3-10. 2. Гапонова С.В. Навчання розуміння аудіотекстів учнів старших класів середньої школи // Іноземні мови. – 1996. – № 2. – С. 9-17.

3.                      Круківська І.А. Використання пісень у процесі навчання аудіювання // Іноземні мови. – 1998. – № 1. – С 22-23.

4.                      Лисовець І.П. Інтегроване навчання аудіювання і усного мовлення // Англійська мова і література. – 2004. – № 3. – С. 16- 18.

5.                      Ніколаева С.Ю. Методика навчання іноземних мов у середніх навчальних закладах : підручник. – К.: Ленвіт, 1999. – С.87.

6.                      Пруссаков Н.Н. Трудности при обучении аудированию иноязычного звучащего текста // Иностранный язык в школе – 1981. – № 5. – С. 57-62.

7.                      https://www.dailyesl.com/


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