ІНОЗЕМНА МОВА Робочий зошит для практичних занять з навчальної дисципліни для здобувачів освіти І та ІІ курсів

Про матеріал

ІНОЗЕМНА МОВА Робочий зошит для практичних занять з навчальної дисципліни для здобувачів освіти І та ІІ курсів

Перегляд файлу


Відокремлений підрозділ Національного університету біоресурсів та природокористування України

«Боярський коледж екології та природних ресурсів»









Робочий зошит для практичних занять з навчальної дисципліни 

для студентів І та ІІ курсів



КОНКУРС «Педагогічний ОСКАР - 2019»


НОМІНАЦІЯ «Сучасні засоби унаочнення»


СПЕЦІАЛЬНІСТЬ (201 «Агрономія»,  205 «Лісове

 господарство», 101 «Екологія», 193 «Геодезія та  землеустрій», 206 «Садово-паркове господарство», 122 «Комп’ютерні науки, 073 «Менеджмент», 072  «Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування», 075








Боярка – 2018

Укладач: Пашенцева Ілона Михайлівна, викладач англійської мови, спеціаліст другої категорії

Мирошниченко Тетяна Володимиівна, викладач англійської мови, спеціаліст другої категорії

Рецензент: Гапонюк Наталія Петрівна, спеціаліст вищої категорії, викладачметодист, завідуюча навчально-методичним відділом







Зошит містить практичні завдання з усіх тем навчальної дисципліни «Іноземна мова» згідно з навчальною програмою для студентів І та ІІ курсів спеціальностей: 201 «Агрономія», 205 «Лісове господарство», 101 «Екологія», 193 «Геодезія та землеустрій», 206 «Садово-паркове господарство», 122 «Комп’ютерні науки»,  073 «Менеджмент», 072 «Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування», 075 «Маркетинг»).

Завдання підібрані у такому порядку та за ступенем складності, що дозволяють використовувати їх під час опанування нового матеріалу, повторення, закріплення, підготовки до контрольної роботи та самостійної роботи студентів на заняттях.







Рекомендовано цикловою комісією гуманітарних і суспільних дисциплін.

Протокол №_______ від «___» ___________2018 р.






1.     ВСТУП

2.     Unit 1 «People and Relationship»……………………………………....…...5

3.     Unit 2 «Choose the Career!»………………………………………….……16

4.     Unit 3 «Why Go to College?»……………………………………………...23

5.     Unit 4 «National Cuisine»………………………………………………….31

6.     Unit 5 «Communication Technologies»…………………………………....40

7.     Unit 6 « Is The Earth in Danger?»………………………………………….48

8.     Unit 7 «The World of Painting»…………………………………………....56

9.     Unit 8 «Do You Like Sports?»……………………………………………..63

10.Unit 9 «Across State Systems»……………………………………………..72




Освіта XXI століття - це освіта для людини. Завдання сучасної школи - це виховання компетентної особистості, яка володіє не тільки знаннями, професіоналізмом, високими моральними якостями, але й уміє діяти адекватно у відповідних ситуаціях спілкування, застосовуючи свої знання, досвід і беручи на себе відповідальність за дану діяльність.

        Впровадження в практику навчання іноземних мов комунікативноорієнтованого підходу було здійснено з метою збереження і збагачення багатої мовної і культурної спадщини різних народів, для інтенсивного обміну науково-технічною інформацією, досягненнями в галузі культури, підвищення мобільності людей. Визначальним принципом цього підходу є орієнтація на оволодіння мовою як засобом спілкування в реальних життєвих ситуаціях, актуальних саме для учнів, а не для вчителів та авторів підручників.   Комунікативна мовна компетенція учнів виконує вирішальну роль в реалізації практичної мети навчання іноземної мови . Виконуючи свою функцію як головного засобу спілкування, комунікативна компетенція в той же час сприяє формуванню інших видів мовленнєвої діяльності, прийомів і операцій інтелектуальної діяльності.

Комунікативно спрямоване навчання,методи та форми навчання спілкування іноземною мовою було розроблено такими вченимимовознавцями, як Й.І.Пасов, А.Н.Леонтьев, І.А.Зимняя, В.Л.Скалкін, О.Д.Карпюк, Л.В.Калініна та іншими.

Здатність до спілкування іноземною мовою передбачає формування в учнів якостей, що роблять процес оволодіння мовою як засобом міжкультурної комунікації ефективним. До цих якостей належить інтерес і позитивне ставлення до мови, що вивчається, до культури народу, що розмовляє цією мовою, загальнолюдська свідомість, самостійність у певних видах діяльності, розуміння важливості вивчення іноземної мови. В цих умовах важливе значення надається комунікативному навчанню, тобто підготовці учня до іншомовного спілкування в умовах іншомовного спілкування, створеного в класі. Саме тому важливе місце серед мовних компетенцій учня займають навички говоріння.

Даний робочий зошит містить завдання для навчання аудіювання за допомогою діалогічного мовлення. Завдання розроблені на основі підручника для 10 та 11 класу з англійської мови (О. Карп’юк) та відповідно до навчальної програми для використання на практичних заняттях з іноземної мови студентами І та ІІ курсу. У даному зошиті є такі вправи:введення нових ЛО, відповідно до тематики, вправи на створення діалогів (доповни репліку), вправи на заповнення пропусків (слів та словосполучень).  





People and Relationship  

Unit 1, dialogue №1

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageStomachache ['stʌməkeɪk] – a pain in the stomach diarrhea [ˌdaɪə'rɪə] - an illness in which a person’s solid waste is too watery and is excreted too frequently to feel nauseous ['nɔːsɪəs] - feeling as if you might vomit  to feel like vomiting ['vɔmɪtɪŋ] – feeling like

smth comes back up from your stomach and out through your mouth indigestion [ɪ̱ndɪʤe̱ stʃ(ə)n] - pain that you get in your stomach when you have eaten food that is difficult to digest prescription [prɪskrɪ̱pʃ(ə)n] - is the piece of paper on which your doctor writes an order for medicine and which you give to a chemist or pharmacist to get the medicine.

2.     Fill in the missing information      image

Doctor: — Good morning. Please have a seat here. What´s the problem? Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — Do you have diarrhea?

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — Do you have any other symptoms?

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — You mean you feel nauseous?

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — When did the symptoms start?

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — All right. Please take off your clothes to the waist and lie down there. ... Just tell me if it hurts when I do this.

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — Okay. Let´s hope it´s just indigestion, but we´ll need to run

some diagnostic tests to be sure. We´ll run a blood test and we´ll also need a urine sample.

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________

Doctor:               Yes, I´ll give you a prescription for indigestion tablets.


3. Role-play exercise

Doctor: — Good morning. Please have a seat here. What´s the problem? Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — Do you have diarrhea?

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — Do you have any other symptoms?

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — You mean you feel nauseous?

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — When did the symptoms start?

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________ Doctor: — All right. Please take off your clothes to the waist and lie down there. ... Just tell me if it hurts when I do this.

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________

Doctor:           — Okay. Let´s hope it´s just indigestion, but we´ll need to run

some diagnostic tests to be sure. We´ll run a blood test and we´ll also need a urine sample.

Paul Ryefield: — ___________________________________________________

Doctor:           — Yes, I´ll give you a prescription for indigestion tablets.



Unit 1, dialogue №2

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageto book [bʊk] - to arrange to have a seat, room, performer, etc. at a particular time in the future. available [əˈveɪ.lə.bəl] - able to be bought or used.

splendid [ˈsplen.dɪd] - excellent, or beautiful and impressive.

the charge [tʃɑːdʒ] - the amount of money that you have to pay for something, especially for an

activity or service a confirmation [kɒn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən] - a statement, often written, that an arrangement or meeting is certain


2.     Fill in the missing information


— Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. ________________

Mrs Ryefield:

— Yes. I´d like to book a room, please.


— _______________. When for, madam?

Mrs Ryefield:

— March the 23rd.


— How long will you____________?

Mrs Ryefield:

— Three nights.


—  ________________, madam?

Mrs Ryefield:

— Er... double with bath. I´d appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake.


— Certainly, madam. I´ll just check what we have _________ . . . Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a really splendid view.

Mrs Ryefield:

— Fine. How much is the___________________? 


— Would you like breakfast?

Mrs Ryefield:

— No, thanks.


— It´s eighty four euro per night excluding VAT.

Mrs Ryefield:

— That´s fine.


— Who´s the___________, please, madam? 

Mrs Ryefield:

— Mr and Mrs Ryefield, that´s R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.


— Okay, let me make sure I got that: Mr and Mrs Ryefield. Double with bath for March the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Is that correct?

Mrs Ryefield:

— Yes it is. Thank you.


— Let me give you your_____________number. It´s: 7576385.

I´ll repeat that: 7576385. Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye. 

Mrs Ryefield:


— Goodbye.

3. Role-play exercise

Receptionist: — ____________________________________________________

Mrs Ryefield: — Yes. I´d like to book a room, please.

Receptionist: — ____________________________________________________ Mrs Ryefield: — March the 23rd.

Receptionist:         ____________________________________________________ Mrs Ryefield: — Three nights.

Receptionist: — ____________________________________________________

Mrs Ryefield: — Er... double with bath. I´d appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake.

Receptionist: — ____________________________________________________ Mrs Ryefield: — Fine. How much is the charge per night?

Receptionist: — ____________________________________________________ Mrs Ryefield: — No, thanks.

Receptionist: — ____________________________________________________

Mrs Ryefield: — That´s fine.

Receptionist: — ____________________________________________________

Mrs Ryefield: — Mr and Mrs Ryefield, that´s R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.

Receptionist: — ____________________________________________________ Mrs Ryefield: — Yes it is. Thank you.

Receptionist: — ____________________________________________________ Mrs Ryefield: — Goodbye.


Unit 1, dialogue №3

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageFor starters [stɑ͟ ː(r)tə(r)s] - used to say that something is the first in a list of things.

main course [meɪn ˈkɔːrs]- the largest or most important part of a meal in which there are different parts served separately.

a trout [traʊt] - a fish that lives in rivers and lakes, or lives in the sea but returns to rivers to produce its eggs, that is a popular food.

A sole [səʊl]- one of a number of flat, round fish that are eaten as food.

A coleslaw [ˈkəʊl.slɔː] - cold, uncooked cabbage, carrot, and onion, cut into long, thin strips and covered in a thick, cold sauce




                                               2. Fill in the missing information                            image

Waiter:          — Are you ready to order, sir?

Mr Ryefield: — Yes. I´ll have the________________and my wife would like tomato soup.

Waiter:              — One beef stew and one tomato soup. What would you like for the main course?

Mr Ryefield: — I´ll have the Cayenne Pepper Steak and my wife would like the Fried Trout with________________. 

Waiter:          — I´m afraid the trout is off.

Mrs Ryefield: — Oh dear. Err... What else do you recommend? Waiter: — The sole is very good.

Mrs Ryefield: — OK. I´ll have that.__________________?

Waiter:          — No, I´m sorry, we don´t.

Mrs Ryefield: — Just give me a small mixed salad then.

Mr Ryefield: — _____________________.

Waiter:          — Certainly. (...) Would you like something to drink?

Mr Ryefield: — Yes, please.______________________?

Waiter:          — Certainly. Here you are

Mr Ryefield: — A bottle of Chablis ‘99, please. Waiter:   — Excellent choice!



3. Role-play exercise

Waiter:          — Are you ready to order, sir?

Mr Ryefield: — ____________________________________________________

Waiter:              — One beef stew and one tomato soup. What would you like for the main course?

Mr Ryefield: — ____________________________________________________

Waiter:          — I´m afraid the trout is off.

Mrs Ryefield: — ____________________________________________________ Waiter: — The sole is very good.

Mrs Ryefield: — ____________________________________________________

Waiter:          — No, I´m sorry, we don´t.

Mrs Ryefield: — ____________________________________________________ Mr Ryefield:      Same for me.

Waiter:           — ____________________________________________________

Mr Ryefield: — Yes, please. May I see the wine list?

Waiter:           — ____________________________________________________

Mr Ryefield: — A bottle of Chablis ‘99, please.

Waiter:           — ____________________________________________________


Unit 1, dialogue №4

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageA church [tʃɜːtʃ] - a building for Christian religious activities.

A heaven [ˈhev.ən] - in some religions, the place, sometimes imagined to be in the sky, where God or the gods live and where good people are believed to go after they die, so that they can enjoy perfect happiness.

Hell [hel] - in some religions, the place where some people are believed to go after death to be punished for ever for the bad things they

have done during their lives.

2.     imageFill in the missing information

A: My parents go to ________ every Sunday.

B: They ____ in God.

A: They hope they will go to _________.

B: They probably will.

A: But no one knows for sure.

B: __________.

A: No one knows what happens after we die.

B: If we are good, we will be happy in heaven with God.

A: That's what many___________.

B: If we are bad, we will be unhappy forever________.

A: I don't want to go to hell.

B: Let's go to church with ____________________.


3. Role-play exercise

A: My parents go to church every Sunday.

B: ________________________________________________________________  A: They hope they will go to heaven.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: But no one knows for sure.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: No one knows what happens after we die.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: That's what many people believe.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I don't want to go to hell.

B: ________________________________________________________________


imageimageUnit 1, dialogue №5

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

A reservation [ˌrez.əˈveɪ.ʃən] - an arrangement in which something such as a seat on an aircraft or a table at a restaurant is kept for you.

check-in desk [ˈtʃek.ɪn ˌdesk]- one of the places at an airport where you show your ticket so that you can be told where you will be sitting.

to confirm [kənˈfɜːm] - to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by phone or writing.

Departure [dɪˈpɑː.tʃər] - the act of leaving a place, job, etc., or an occasion when this happens.

2. Fill in the missing information

Reservations clerk: — Northwind Airways, good morning. ______________? Mary Jones:          — Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon?

Reservations clerk: — One moment, please... Yes._________________________.

Mary Jones:                — That´s fine. Could you tell me how much a return flight costs? I´ll be staying three weeks.

Reservations clerk: — ______________________________________________?

Mary Jones:           — Economy, please.

Reservations clerk: — That would be €346.

Mary Jones:           — OK. Could I make a ____________?

Reservations clerk: — Certainly. Which flight would you like?

Mary Jones:           — The 16:45, please.

Reservations clerk: — Could I have your name, please?

Mary Jones:           — My name is Mary Jones, that´s M-A-R-Y J-O-N-E-S.

Reservations clerk: — _____________________________________, Ms. Jones? Mary Jones: — Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket?

Reservations clerk: — Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least _____________________________________.

Mary Jones:            — I see.

Reservations clerk: — Now you have been booked, Ms. Jones. The flight leaves at 16:45, and your arrival in Sydney will be at 9:25 a.m., local time. ____________________ is NWA 476.

Mary Jones:            — Thank you.


3. Role-play exercise

Reservations clerk: — Northwind Airways, good morning. May I help you?

Mary Jones:             — _______________________________________________

Reservations clerk: — One moment, please... Yes. There´s a flight at 16:45 and one at 18:00.

Mary Jones:             — _______________________________________________

Reservations clerk: — Economy, business class or first class ticket?

Mary Jones:             — _______________________________________________

Reservations clerk: — That would be €346.

Mary Jones:             — _______________________________________________

Reservations clerk: — Certainly. Which flight would you like?

Mary Jones:             — _______________________________________________

Reservations clerk: — Could I have your name, please?

Mary Jones:             — _______________________________________________

Reservations clerk: — How would you like to pay, Ms. Jones?

Mary Jones:             — _______________________________________________

Reservations clerk: — Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time.

Mary Jones:             — _______________________________________________

Reservations clerk: — Now you have been booked, Ms. Jones. The flight leaves at 16:45, and your arrival in Sydney will be at 9:25 a.m., local time. The flight number is NWA 476.

Mary Jones:          — _______________________________________________ Unit 1, dialogue №6

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations


imageimageTo reconfirm [ri͟ ːkənfɜ͟ ː(r)m] - to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by phone or writing.

A destination [ˌdes.tɪˈneɪ.ʃən] - the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken.



2.     Fill in the missing information

Reservations clerk: — Northwind Airlines. ______________?

Daniel Adams:        — Hello. I´d like to reconfirm my flight, please.

Reservations clerk: — May I have your name and flight number, please?

Daniel Adams:         — My name is Daniel Adams and ________________ is 374.

Reservations clerk: — When are you leaving?

Daniel Adams:        — On May 11th.

Reservations clerk: — __________________________?

Daniel Adams:        — Buenos Aires.

Reservations clerk: — Hold the line, please. (...) All right. Your seat is confirmed,

Mr. Adams. You´ll be arriving in Buenos Aires at 4 o´clock p.m. local time.

Daniel Adams:        — Thank you. ________________________________?

Reservations clerk: — Yes, but please check in at least one hour before departure time.


3. Role-play exercise

Reservations clerk: — Northwind Airlines. Can I help you?

Daniel Adams:     — _______________________________________________ Reservations clerk: — May I have your name and flight number, please? Daniel Adams:         — _______________________________________________ Reservations clerk: — When are you leaving?

Daniel Adams: — _______________________________________________ Reservations clerk: — And your destination?

Daniel Adams:     — _______________________________________________ Reservations clerk: — Hold the line, please. (...) All right. Your seat is

confirmed, Mr. Adams. You´ll be arriving in Buenos Aires at 4 o´clock p.m. local time.

Daniel Adams:         — _______________________________________________

Reservations clerk: — Yes, but please check in at least one hour before departure time.


Unit 1, dialogue №7

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageimageParticular [pəˈtɪk.jə.lər] - special, or this and not any other.

To care [keər] - the process of protecting someone or something and providing what that person or thing needs.






2.     Fill in the missing information

Sales clerk:     — May I help you, sir?

Paul Ryefield: — Yes, please. I´m looking for ___________________.

Sales clerk:     — Any particular colour?

Paul Ryefield: — Not really.

Sales clerk:     — How about this one?

Paul Ryefield: — I like the design, but don´t particularly care for the colour. Do you have ___________________?

Sales clerk:         — Well, they come in white, pale yellow, aqua, red and green. ___________________?

Paul Ryefield: — Yes. I prefer white - and may I see a pale yellow one, too?

Sales clerk:         — Why, of course. Let´s see... White... Pale yellow. _________________.


3. Role-play exercise

Sales clerk:     — May I help you, sir?

Paul Ryefield: — Yes, please. I´m looking for a___________.

Sales clerk:     — Any particular colour?

Paul Ryefield: — Not really.

Sales clerk:     — How about this one?

Paul Ryefield: — I like the design, but ________________________. Do you have that in other colours, too?

Sales clerk:         — Well, they come in white, pale yellow, aqua, red and green. Will a white one do?

Paul Ryefield: — Yes. I prefer _________ - and may I see ___________, too?

Sales clerk:         — Why, of course. Let´s see... White... Pale yellow. Here you are, sir.


Unit 1, dialogue №8

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageimageAn occupation [ˌɒk.jəˈpeɪ.ʃən] - a person's job.

An accountant [əˈkaʊn.tənt] - someone who keeps or examines the records of money received, paid, and owed by a company or person.

To enjoy [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] - to get pleasure from something.



2.     Fill in the missing information

Immigration officer: — Good evening.____________________________?

Paul Ryefield:          — Bucharest, Romania.

Immigration officer: — May I have your ______________________, please?

Paul Ryefield:          — Here you are.

Immigration officer: — What´s the nature of your visit? Business or pleasure?

Paul Ryefield:          — Pleasure. I´m visiting my relatives.

Immigration officer: — How long are you going to stay in the United States?

Paul Ryefield:          — Three weeks.

Immigration officer: — What is your ___________________?

Paul Ryefield:              — I work as ________________ for a Romanian telecommunications company.

Immigration officer: — Do you have a return ticket? Paul Ryefield:          — Yes, here it is.

Immigration officer: — That´s fine. Thanks. ____________________.

Paul Ryefield:          — Thank you.


3. Role-play exercise

Immigration officer: — Good evening. Where have you come from?

Paul Ryefield:          — ________________________.

Immigration officer: — May I have your passport and form I-94, please? Paul Ryefield:          — __________________.

Immigration officer: — What´s the nature of your visit? Business or pleasure?

Paul Ryefield:          — Pleasure. I´m visiting my _____________.

Immigration officer: — How long are you going to stay in the United States?

Paul Ryefield:          — ________________.

Immigration officer: — What is your occupation?

Paul Ryefield:          — I work as _______________ for a

____________________ telecommunications company.

Immigration officer: — Do you have a return ticket?

Paul Ryefield:           — Yes, here it is.

Immigration officer: — That´s fine. Thanks. Enjoy your trip. Paul Ryefield:          — Thank you.
















Unit 2. Choose the Career!

Unit 2, dialogue №1

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations


imageimageBinder /ˈbaɪn.dər/ - a hard cover in which paper documents or magazines are stored.

To conduct /kənˈdʌkt/ - to organize and perform a particular activity.

Current  /ˈkʌr.ənt/ - of the present time.

an appointment /əˈpɔɪnt.mənt/ - a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particular time and place.




2. Fill in the missing information

A: What is the best way to find____________?

B: There are different ways of conducting a job search.


A: I don't know.

B: Can you work _________ or __________?

A: It doesn't matter right now, either one would be OK.

B: The binders have current local jobs listings and the computer jobs lists are good too. Understand?

A: OK, I'll go _________.

B: Schedule an appointment with a counselor and you can get more information.


A: I am not sure.

B: Everything that you need for a successful job search is here. _______________!

3. Role-play exercise

A: What is the best way to find a job here?

B: ________________________________________________________________  A: I don't know.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: It doesn't matter right now, either one would be OK.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: OK, I'll go check it out.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I am not sure.

B: ________________________________________________________________ Unit 2, dialogue №2

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageAttitude /ˈæt.ɪ.tʃuːd/ a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this

Research /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ - a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding to pick out /pɪk ʌp/ - If you pick out a tune, you play it slowly or with difficulty, note by notegenuinely /ˈdʒen.ju.ɪn.li/ - really and sincerely


2.     Fill in the missing information

A: I am not sure what to do to


B: Make sure that you understand the company. Do you understand what it is that they do?

A: No, I probably need to do _______________.

B: When you've finished your research it will help you figure out whether your company is rigid in philosophy or kind of more relaxed. ___________________?

A: I think that their attitude is ____________.

B: So all of that information will help you to pick out what to wear.


A: I have absolutely nothing so far.

B: I could go shopping with you sometime if you need it, but can we talk about other basics?

A: _______________________________?

B: Focus on being relaxed and open, don't forget to smile and shake hands and be genuinely interested in what their company is about. _______________________.

3. Role-play exercise

A: I am not sure what to do to get ready for my job interview.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: No, I probably need to do some more research.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I think that their attitude is rather casual.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I have absolutely nothing so far.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Yes, where should we go from here?

B: ________________________________________________________________ Unit 2, dialogue №3


1.   Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageimagedirection /daɪˈrek.ʃən/ - the position towards which someone or something moves or faces.overseas /ˌəʊ.vəˈsiːz/ - in, from, or to other countries. to switch /swɪtʃ/  - to change suddenly or completely, especially from one thing to another, or to exchange by replacing one person or thing with another.challenge /ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ - (the situation of being faced with) something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person's ability.



2.   Fill in the missing information

A: Thank you for taking the time ____________.

B: Hi there, I'm Bill Gotcha, the owner of Gotcha Enterprises.


A: Your assistant gave wonderful directions.

B: Why are you switching jobs at ____________________?

A: Our company is moving overseas and I wish to stay in the United States.

B: What are you __________?

A: I am good at organizing systems that _________________________.

B: What is your biggest challenge in terms of skills?

A: I don't like to sit around and so like to always find things _________________. B: That is good to hear!

3. Role-play exercise

A: Thank you for taking the time to interview me.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Your assistant gave wonderful directions.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Our company is moving overseas and I wish to stay in the United States. B: ________________________________________________________________ A: I am good at organizing systems that have been having problems.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I don't like to sit around and so like to always find things to do to keep myself busy.

B: ________________________________________________________________



Unit 2, dialogue №4


imageActually /ˈæk.tʃu.ə.li/ - in fact or really.

Security /sɪˈkjʊə.rə.ti/ - protection of a person, building, organization, or country against threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries. at least - as much as, or more than, a number or amount.

to be in touch /tʌtʃ/  - to put your hand or another part of your body lightly onto and off something or someone.

to relocate /ˌriː.ləʊˈkeɪt/ - to (cause a person or company to) move to a new place.


image2. Fill in the missing information  

A: Good morning. Thank you _______________. B: No problem. Now, do you prefer working with others or ___________?

A: Actually, I enjoy both.

B: So, what is most important to you in a job? Do you need job security or professional growth and a __________________?

A: I need job __________.

B: Would you be able to relocate?

A: I am open ____________.

B: What are your ______________ requirements?

A: I need at least 75,000 per year.

B: I'll keep ___________. Thank you for coming in today. We'll be in touch.

3. Role-play exercise

A: Good morning. Thank you for the interview.

B: ________________________________________________________________ 

A: Actually, I enjoy both.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I need job security.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I am open to relocating.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I need at least 75,000 per year.

B: ________________________________________________________________ Unit 2, dialogue №5


imageTo pay /peɪ/ - to give money to someone for something you want to buy or for services provided.

To provide /prəˈvaɪd/ - to give someone something that they need.

Vacation /veɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ - holiday a time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want, such as travel or relax An equipment /ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ - the set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose.


2. Fill in the missing information  

A: May I ask you how much this ____________________?

B: This job pays ____________________ per year.

A: What kind of __________ does this job have?

B: This job provides full medical, dental, and ____________.

A: What type of vacation time do we get?

B: You get 3 weeks ____________ that you may use as you wish.

A: Do we have a 401K?

B: We offer a 401K with some matching funds available depending on length of service.

A: What type of __________________ do you offer?

B: We provide _____________ training on state of the art equipment.

A: Where do I sign up for my ______________?

B: Down the hall. I'll show you when the interview is over.

3. Role-play exercise

A: May I ask you how much this position pays per year?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: What kind of benefits does this job have?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: What type of vacation time do we get?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Do we have a 401K?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: What type of professional development do you offer?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Where do I sign up for my benefits package?

B: ________________________________________________________________ Unit 2, dialogue №6


imageimageto offer  /ˈɒf.ər/ - to ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would like you to do something.

to look forward to - to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen.





2. Fill in the missing information

A: Good morning, _____________ Mr. Wallace, please?

B: You are speaking to him, ______________?

A: Mr. Wallace, this is the Xenon Company calling to speak with you.

B: Yes, ________________!

A: We are calling you today ______________ you interviewed for last week.

B: That's great! I am looking forward to working for you.

A: Would you be able to begin working for us in two weeks?

B: I could begin _________________________.

A: Welcome to our company; we will see you then.

3. Role-play exercise

A: Good morning, may I speak with Mr. Wallace, please?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Mr. Wallace, this is the Xenon Company calling to speak with you.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: We are calling you today to offer you the job you interviewed for last week. B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Would you be able to begin working for us in two weeks?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Welcome to our company; we will see you then.


Unit 2, dialogue №7

1.   imageRead and translate words and word-combinations

Timesheet /ˈtaɪm.ʃiːt/ - a piece of paper on which an employee records the number of hours they have worked. a dot /dɒt/ - a very small round mark.

to follow /ˈfɒl.əʊ/ - to move behind someone or something and go where he, she, or it goes.

to write down - a reduction in the value of an asset in a company's accounts, when it is calculated to be worth less than previously shown.

2.   imageFill in the missing information

A: I need help with ____________.

B: OK, _________. Have you found the blank ones?

A: Yes, I have seen them.

B: Yes, well put your name on it after ______________ it off the company website. OK?

A: Yes, __________________.

B: You fill in the hours and total them for the week. Have you ever used a 24 hour clock?

A: What? Huh?

B: So after you noted the hours, _____________ which is midnight, you just write down the minutes as a dot followed by minutes. Get it?

A: Huh? What?

B: Just make sure you ________________, sign it, and turn it in.

A: I thought you said this was easy.

B: You are a quick learner. I don't think you'll _______________________.

3. Role-play exercise

A: I need help with my timesheet.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Yes, I have seen them.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Yes, I understand what to do.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: What? Huh?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Huh? What?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I thought you said this was easy.

B: ________________________________________________________________


Unit 2, dialogue №8

image1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

An apology /əˈpɒl.ə.dʒi/ - an act of saying that you are sorry for something wrong you have done to confuse /kənˈfjuːz/  - to mix up someone's mind or ideas, or to make something difficult to understand. to join /dʒɔɪn/  - to connect or fasten things together.to project /ˈprɒdʒ.ekt/ - to calculate an amount or number expected in the future from information already known.

a revenue /ˈrev.ən.juː/ - the income that a government or company receives regularly.

image2. Fill in the missing information

A: I _______ of time, am I late?

B: Yes. What kept you __________ on time?

A: My friend needed me to help him.

B: I realize that everyone has _________; just get here on time from now on.

A: My apologies.

B: I appreciate you saying that and would like you to join us in our meeting.

A: Sure,___________.

B: Wonderful, does anyone have any questions ____________? A: I am confused about the _______________.

B: I'm glad _________________, but let's go over it once more.

3. Role-play exercise

A: I lost track of time, am I late?

B: ________________________________________________________________  A: My friend needed me to help him.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: My apologies.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: Sure, I'll sit right here.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: I am confused about the projected revenues.

B: ________________________________________________________________


                                                       Unit 2, dialogue №9                             

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageimageTo order /ˈɔː.dər/ - to ask for something to be made, supplied, or delivered, especially in a restaurant or shop.

Whatever /wɒtˈev.ər/ - it is not important what is; it makes no difference what (is).

To supply /səˈplaɪ/- to provide something that is wanted or needed, often in large quantities and over a long period of time.


2. Fill in the missing information A: How do I order _______________ that I need?

B: Fill out this form with whatever you need.


A: I need many things.

B: I can get a few of them right away, but might__________________.

A: I can wait a few days for these items.

B: Make sure that you have money ________________. How much do you have for office supplies?

A: I don't think we have very much money for supplies, but ______________. B: Would you like them delivered to you or can you come get them here?

A: _____________.

B: When you finish completing the request form, we will order and let you know when the supplies are here. _________________! A: Good-bye!

3. Role-play exercise

A: How do I order the office supplies that I need?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: I need many things.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I can wait a few days for these items.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: I don't think we have very much money for supplies, but we have a little. B: ________________________________________________________________

A: I am not sure yet.

B: ________________________________________________________________  A: Good-bye!

Unit 2, dialogue №10

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageJob interview - a meeting in which an employer asks the person applying for a job questions to see whether they would be the right person to do that job.

To get /ɡet/ - to take someone or something into your possession by force

an interviewer /ˈɪn.tə.vjuː.ər/ - the person who asks the questions during an interview.


image2. Fill in the missing information

A: I am here for my __________________________.

B: ________________. May I get you some water or coffee?

A: Sure, thank you.

B: I'll get that for you right now.

A: Thank you. _________________!

B: Yes, could you come in now? I am going ______________ to meet your interviewer, Mr. Gotcha.

3. Role-play exercise


A: I am here for my job interview.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Sure, thank you.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Thank you. What a nice office this is!

B: ________________________________________________________________ Unit 3. Why Go to College?

Unit 3, dialogue № 1

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

image                                                                            PCC                   -         ABBREVIATION            FOR Press

Complaints Commission: in the UK, an official organization that dealswith complaints from the public about the contents of newspapers,magazines, etc.

Couple  /ˈkʌp.əl/ - two or a few things that are similar or the same, or two or a fewpeople who are in some way connected.

GE- Abbreviation for General Education (college requirement).

Exactly /ɪɡˈzækt.li/  -  used when you are giving

or asking for information that iscompletely correct.

image2. Fill in the missing information

A: Hello, how are you ___________?

B: Pretty good, and you?

A: I'm ________.

B: That's great to hear.

A: So how long have you been________________?

B: I've been going here for a couple years now. You?

A: _____________.

B: How do you like it so far?

A: It's all right.

B: You don't like it?

A: I'll like it better once _________________.

B: That's exactly how I used to feel.

3. Role-play exercise

A: Hello, how are you doing?

B: ________________________?

A: I'm doing great.

B: ____________________.

A: So how long have you been going to PCC?

B: __________________________________. ____?

A: This is my first year.

B: ________________________?

A: It's all right.

B: ________________?

A: I'll like it better once I finish my GE.

B: _______________________.


Unit 3, dialogue № 2

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

image Aware /əˈweər/ - knowing that something exists,         or having knowledge or experience of a particular thing.

Representative /ˌrep.rɪˈzen.tə.tɪv/ - someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people.

Entrance /ˈen.trəns/ - a door, gate, etc. by which you can enter a building or place.

2.     imageFill in the missing information

A: Where can I buy textbooks?

B: First, you need to have the list of books for your class. Do you have that?

A: Yes, I ___________.

B: Well, when you have that, you can __________to the bookstore. Can you find it?

A: No, I don't know where the bookstore is.

B: Just pass the gym and it's the first door on________. Were you aware that you can also turn in your old textbooks for money?

A: Really? How can ____________?

B: Take your used textbooks with you and give them to the representative near the entrance. He will pay you for them. Are you ____________?

A: No, I can't make it today.

B: I could help you with buying your books if you meet me there at 1:00 today or tomorrow. Would you ________________?

A: No, thanks. I'm good.

B: I'll see you later then. Have ________________!

3.      Role-play exercise A: Where can I buy textbooks?

B: _______________________________________. _______________?

A: Yes, I have that.

B: ______, _________________________________________. ____________?

A: No, I don't know where the bookstore is.

B: ______________________________________________.


A: Really? How can I do that?

B: ________________________________________________________________ ______________________.


A: No, I can't make it today.

B: ________________________________________________________________ _____________________. __________________________?

A: No, thanks. I'm good.

B: ______________________. ________________________!


Unit 3, dialogue № 3

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

image Challenging /ˈtʃæl.ɪn.dʒɪŋ/ - difficult, in a way that tests your ability or determination.

Grade /ɡreɪd/ - a level of quality, size, importance.

Experience /ɪkˈspɪə.ri.əns/ - (the process of getting) knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things.

Figure out  /ˈfɪɡər/  - to understand or solve something.

2.     imageFill in the missing information

A: Could you tell me if you have ever taken a class from Dr. Miller?

B: Yes. Are you going to be taking a ________ from him?

A: Yes, but I have never taken his class before.

B: He is very interesting and ___________. Is that what you are looking for?

A: Yes, that's what I need.

B: He is really clear on what you need to learn to get a good grade. Are you willing to study hard?

A: Yes, ______________.

B: What I really liked about him is that he was an ___________________ teacher.

Do you enjoy that in a teacher?

A: Yes, I had a teacher like that before.

B: Did you know that he has 20 years teaching experience?

A: No, I didn't, but _______________.

B: Well, take a look at everything and figure out what is best for you. ____________!




3.Role-play exercise

A: Could you tell me if you have ever taken a class from Dr. Miller?

B: ____________________________________?

A: Yes, but I have never taken his class before.

B: __________________________________________________________?

A: Yes, that's what I need.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ____________?

A: Yes, I guess so.

B: ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________?

A: Yes, I had a teacher like that before.

B: _____________________________________?

A: No, I didn't, but that could be a good thing.

B: ___________________________________________________________!


Unit 3, dialogue № 4

1.               imageRead and translate words and word-combinations


Instead /ɪnˈsted/ - in place of someone or something else. Fit  /fɪt/ - to be the right size or shape for someone or something.

Allow /əˈlaʊ/ - to give permission for someone to do something, or to notprevent something from happening. Assignment /əˈsaɪn.mənt/ - a piece of work given to someone, typically as part of their studies or job.

                                                                        Make-up          /meɪk/      -     to forgive someone     and

be friendly with them again after an argumentor disagreement .


2.               Fill in the missing information

A : Excuse me, Professor. I have to talk to you about why my homework didn't get done.

B: What happened that you _____________?

A: I had to watch a _____________ instead.

B: Well, you had more than one day; couldn't you have fit it in on another day?

A: Yes, I think so.

B: Either way, I only allow one ______________ per semester. When will you be turning the make-up in?

A: I'll make it up _____________.

B: Fine, but it cannot happen again if you want an “A” in the class. A: OK, I can do that.

B: Remember that ________________ now, not high school.


3.Role-play exercise

A : Excuse me, Professor. I have to talk to you about why my homework didn't get done.

B: ____________________________?

A: I had to watch a football game instead.

B: _____________________________________________?

A: Yes, I think so.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________?

A: I'll make it up next week.

B: _____________________________________________________.

A: OK, I can do that.

B: _____________________________________________.


Unit 3, dialogue № 5

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

image Wonder                           /ˈwʌn.dər/ -to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something.

Base /beɪs/ - to have a particular town or area, etc. as the main place that youlive and work in, or where you do business from.

Attendance /əˈten.dəns/ - the fact of going somewhere such as a church, school, etc.regularly.

Quiz      /kwɪz/-a game or competition in          which you answer questions.

Mid-term /ˈmɪd.tɜːm/ - a test given in the middle of a school term.

Participation /pɑːˌtɪs.ɪˈpeɪ.ʃən/ - the fact that you take part or become involved in something.

Curve  /kɜːv/ - a line that bends continuously and has no straight parts.

Percentage /pəˈsen.tɪdʒ/ - an amount of something, often expressed as a number out of 100.

Ahead /əˈhed/ - in front.

Track /træk/ - to follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere, or by using electronic equipment.


2. Fill in the missing information

A: I was wondering how you are going to calculate our final grades.

B: Grades are based on many things: homework, attendance, quizzes, mid-term, and ________.

A: What counts the most?

B: Actually I look at all of it and let's not forget _________________.

A: Do you grade on a curve or use _______________?

B: Homework, attendance, and quizzes are sixty percent; the mid-term and final are worth twenty percent each.

A: What if we _______________?

B: I will allow one unexcused absence; after that you need to contact me _____________.

A: Will you tell us if we are failing during the year?

B: You will be able to track your_____________________.


3.Role-play exercise

5. A: I was wondering how you are going to calculate our final grades.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ____________.

A: What counts the most?

B: ___________________________________________________.

A: Do you grade on a curve or use percentages?

B: ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________.

A: What if we miss something?

B: ________________________________________________________.

A: Will you tell us if we are failing during the year?

B: ____________________________________________________.


Unit 3, dialogue № 6

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

image Schedule /ˈʃedʒ.uːl/ - a list of planned activities or things to be done showing the timesor dates when they are intended to happen or be done.

Arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/  -  to plan, prepare for, or organize something.

Arrangement /əˈreɪndʒ.mənt/- a plan for how something will happen.

Absence /ˈæb.səns/ - the fact of not being where you are usually expected to be.

image2. Fill in the missing information

A: Excuse me, Professor. I am going to miss next week's class.

B: Is this something that you could ____________for another time?

A: No, I have to do this; it's important!

B: Have you ___________ for someone to take notes for you?

A: I've made arrangements with a friend to help me.

B: You know that I only allow one __________________, don't you?

A: Yes, I know.

B: Write down your name and ____________________ and give it to me.

A: OK, I can do that.

B: Well, have a _________________ from class.


3.Role-play exercise

A: Excuse me, Professor. I am going to miss next week's class.

B: _____________________________________?

A: No, I have to do this; it's important!

B: _______________________________________?

A: I've made arrangements with a friend to help me.


A: Yes, I know.

B: ________________________________________________________.

A: OK, I can do that.

B: _____________________________.


Unit 3, dialogue № 7

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

image Return /rɪˈtɜːn/ -  to come or go back to a previous place.

Spot                           /spɒt/ -    a small,        usually round area of colour that

is differently coloured orlighter or darker than

the surface around it.

                                                                                                  Fee        /fiː/-       an amount of money paid for

a particular piece of work or for aparticular right or service.

Drop /drɒp/ -  the distance from one thing to something lower.


image2. Fill in the missing information


A: Can you help me with returning my late books?

B: This is the right spot to pay your ______. Put your books down right here.

A: OK, here they are.

B: I can see that you owe 25 cents a day. That will be one dollar and fifty cents total.

A: OK, here's ______________.

B: We are interested in getting our books back; so as long as all the fines are paid off by the end of the semester, you will be fine. Does _______________?

A: I'm not sure.

B: Your registration and transcripts can be held up if there is _________________________.

A: Now I understand.

B: Well, you can always keep your late fees down by using the night drop if we are closed. Enjoy ____________!


3.Role-play exercise

A: Can you help me with returning my late books?

B: __________________________________________.

A: OK, here they are.

B: ________________________________________________________________ _________.

A: OK, here's the money.

B: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________?

A: I'm not sure.

B: _____________________________________________________________.

A: Now I understand.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________!



Unit 3, dialogue № 8

image                                                                                                                                  1.    Read and translate words and word-combinations

 Appointment /əˈpɔɪnt.mənt/ -

a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particulartime and place.

Particular /pəˈtɪk.jə.lər/- special, or this and not any other.

Forward /ˈfɔː.wəd/ -  towards the direction that is in front of you.




image2. Fill in the missing information

A:Professor, could I make an ________________ with you?

B: I am free tomorrow afternoon between two and four; do you have a particular time __________? 

A: Two o'clock would be the best time.

B: Fine, do you know where_____________ is?

A: No, I'm not sure.

B: Remember, it is in the E building on the third floor.

A: I see.

B: Don't worry, it will work out fine once you get there. I'll _______________.

A: I'll see you then.

B: Looking forward ____________________ with you!


3.Role-play exercise

A:Professor, could I make an appointment with you?

B: ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________? 

A: Two o'clock would be the best time.

B: _____________________________?

A: No, I'm not sure.

B: ___________________________.

A: I see.

B: __________________________________________________________.

A: I'll see you then.

B: _________________________________!











Unit 4, dialogue № 1

1.              Read and translate words and word-combinations

image Serious /ˈsɪə.ri.əs/- severe in effect; bad.

Tired /taɪəd/ - in need of rest or sleep.







2.              imageFill in the missing information A: What's for dinner tonight?

B: It's whatever you're planning on ________________.

A: You're not going to cook?

B: No, ________________.

A: Yes, _______________________.

B: Don't give me that. If you're hungry, then cook dinner.

A: You're _______________?

B: Look, I'm really tired tonight. I don't feel like cooking dinner.

A: I'll make _______________.

B: Thank you. I'm going to bed.

A: Do you want me to ____________ when dinner is ready? B: Yes, please.

3.Role-play exercise

A: What's for dinner tonight?

B: ______________________________.

A: You're not going to cook?

B: __________________.

A: Yes, and I love your cooking.

B: ______________________________________.

A: You're being serious?

B: _____________________________________________________.

A: I'll make dinner tonight.

B: __________________________.

A: Do you want me to wake you up when dinner is ready? B: _______________.



Unit 4, dialogue № 2

 Side       dish   /ˈsaɪd ˌdɪʃ/ -  in      a restaurant, an extra dish of food, for example vegetables or salad, that is served with the main dish, sometimes on a separate plate.

Corn /kɔːn/ - (the seeds of) plants, such as wheat,maize, oats, and barley, that can be used toproduce flour.

imageimageGrill /ɡrɪl/ -  to cook food over fire or hot coals, usually on a metal frame.



2.Fill in the missing information

A: What do you plan on making as a side dish for ___________?

B: I was planning on making some kind of vegetable.

A: Do you know what kind?

B: What kind of _____________ do you want?

A: I wouldn't mind eating some ___________.

B: How do you want it?

A: What do you mean?

B: I can boil it, grill it, or _____________ it.

A: You should throw some corn on the grill.

B: Is that really what you want?

A: That ___________________.

B: I guess I can do that.

3.Role-play exercise

1. A: What do you plan on making as a side dish for dinner?

B: ________________________________________.

A: Do you know what kind?

B: _______________________________?

A: I wouldn't mind eating some corn.

B: _______________________?

A: What do you mean?

B: ___________________________________.

A: You should throw some corn on the grill.

B: __________________________?

A: That sounds good.

B: __________________.



Unit 4, dialogue № 3

image1. Read and translate words and word-combinations  Teriyaki /ter.ɪˈjæk.i/ - a Japanese dish consisting

of meat or fish cooked in a sauce made with soy sauce and other flavourings. Shred /ʃred/- to cut or tear something roughly into thin strips. Marinate /ˈmær.ɪ.neɪt/ - to pour a marinade over meat or fish; to be left in a marinade. Sauce /sɔːs/ -

a thick liquid eaten with food to add flavour.

image 2.Fill in the missing information

A: I was thinking about cooking dinner tonight.

B: What do you want to make?

A: I'm not  _____________.

B: I wouldn't mind a ______________.

A: How do I make that?

B: All it has is rice and  _______________. A: That sounds easy, but how do I make it?

B: First, you need to make some white rice.

A: Then what _______________?

B: Then you need to shred some beef and marinate it with teriyaki sauce.

A: Is there anything else __________?

B: Then you cook it up and eat it.


3.Role-play exercise

A: I was thinking about cooking dinner tonight.

B:  ____________________?

A: I'm not exactly sure.

B:  _______________________.

A: How do I make that?

B: _____________________________.

A: That sounds easy, but how do I make it?

B: ________________________________.

A: Then what do I do?


A: Is there anything else I need to do?






Unit 4, dialogue № 4

image Appetizer       /ˈæp.ə.taɪ.zər/ - a small amount of food eaten before a meal.

Barbeque /ˈbɑː.bɪ.kjuː/ - a meal that is prepared and eaten outdoorsusing such a frame, often during a party.

Wing /wɪŋ/ - the flat part of the body that a bird, insect, or bat uses for flying, or one of the flat, horizontal structures that stick out from the side of anaircraft and support it when it is flying.

Order /ˈɔː.dər/ - to ask for something to be

made, supplied, or delivered,especially in a restaurant or shop.

Fettuccini  /ˌfet.ʊˈtʃiː.ni/ - long, narrow, flat pieces of pasta

image2.Fill in the missing information

A: Can I start you off with anything to drink?

B: Yes, may I have  ______________, please?

A: Sure, would you like any _____________ today?

B: May I get an order of barbeque wings?

A: No problem, can I get you anything else?

B: No, thank you, ____________for now.

A: Let me know when you're ready to order your food.

B: I'm ready.

A: What _____________________?

B: May I have the fettuccini Alfredo?

A: Will that ________?

B: Yes, that's it.


3.Role-play exercise A: Can I start you off with anything to drink?

B: ____________________________?

A: Sure, would you like any appetizers today?

B: ________________________________?

A: No problem, can I get you anything else?

B: ________________________________.

A: Let me know when you're ready to order your food.

B: ___________.

A: What can I get you?

B: ___________________________?

A: Will that be all?



Unit 4, dialogue № 5

image1. Read and translate words and wordcombinations

 Stuff /stʌf/ - a substance, especially when you do not know or sayexactly what it is.

Chow mein /ˌtʃaʊ ˈmeɪn/ -

a Chinese dish consisting of vegetables, meat, and long, thin noodles, all fried together.

Trust /trʌst/ - to believe that someone is good and honest and will notharm you, or that something is safe and reliable.

image2.Fill in the missing information

A: I'm hungry.

B: So am I.

A: Where should we ________ today?

B: How about we go eat in the _____________?

A: I never bought food from the cafeteria

B: You haven't? They have a lot of ______________.

A: What do they have?

B: They sell everything.

A: I want _________________.

B: I've gotten chow mein from there before.

A: I guess we can eat there then.

B: ______________, the food isn't halfbad.

3.Role-play exercise


A: I'm hungry.

B: _________.

A: Where should we go eat today?

B: __________________________________?

A: I never bought food from the cafeteria B: ___________________________________.

A: What do they have?

B: _________________.

A: I want Chinese food.

B: ________________________.

A: I guess we can eat there then.

B: ______________________.




Unit 4, dialogue №6

image Crouton /ˈkruː.tɒ̃/ - a small square piece of bread that is fried or      toasted (= heated until       it is dry and brown),added to soup or a salad just before you eat it.

Almond   /ˈɑː.mənd/- an edible oval nut with    a hard shell, or the treethat it grows on.

                                                                             Shredded        /ˈʃred.ɪd/        -        having strong, well-

developed muscles that can be seen through theskin,

and little body fat.

Tasty /ˈteɪ.sti/ - pleasant to eat or drink.

image2.Fill in the missing information

 A: I really feel like eating a salad.

B: What kind are you going to _______?

A: I'm really __________.

B: I really like Caesar salads.

A: ____________ are pretty good.

B: What kind of salad do you want to make?

A: I want a salad with _____________.

B: I love chicken salads.

A: I like my salads to have croutons, almonds, and shredded cheese.

B: That sounds really ____________. A: You should make a salad like that. B: I think that I will.

3.Role-play exercise

A: I really feel like eating a salad.

B: _________________________?

A: I'm really not sure.

B: _________________________.

A: Caesar salads are pretty good.

B: _________________________________?

A: I want a salad with some chicken.

B: __________________________.

A: I like my salads to have croutons, almonds, and shredded cheese.

B: __________________________.

A: You should make a salad like that.

B: ____________________.

Unit 4, dialogue №7

imageimage Ground beef /ˌɡraʊnd ˈbiːf/ - meat, usually beef, that has been cut up into very small pieces, often using a special machine.

Extra /ˈek.strə/ -  added to what is normal.

Lean /lin/ - when you describe meat as lean, you mean that it does not have much fat in it.

2.Fill in the missing information

A: I need to get some beef.

B: Do you know what kind of _________________t?

A: I want to get some ground beef.

B: How many ______________ do you need?

A: I would like four pounds of ground beef.

B: What kind of ground beef __________________?

A: I would like the extra lean.

B: Let me go and get that for you.

A: Thank you very much.

B: No __________.

A: I'll _____________ for you now. B: I appreciate that.

3.Role-play exercise

A: I need to get some beef.

B: ___________________________________? A: I want to get some ground beef.

B: ___________________________________?

A: I would like four pounds of ground beef.

B: _____________________________________?

A: I would like the extra lean.

B: ___________________________.

A: Thank you very much.

B: _________________.

A: I'll wrap it up for you now. B: _________________.




Unit 4, dialogue №8

image Sweet /swiːt/ - (especially of food or drink) having a taste similar to that of sugar; not bitter or salty.

Pie /paɪ/ -  a type of food made with meat, vegetables, or fruit covered in pastry and baked.

Idea /aɪˈdɪə/- a suggestion or plan for doing something.

Solve /sɒlv/ -  to find an answer to a problem.

2.Fill in the missing information

imageA: I want something sweet after dinner.

B: What do you have __________?

A: A ________ sounds nice.

B: What kind are you thinking of getting?

A: I want to get __________.

B: What kind of pie do you want?

A: I have ____________.

B: Do you want to know what kind of pie I like?

A: Sure, what kind do you like?

B: I love ____________.

A: I love apple pie too.

B: There you go. Problem __________.

3.Role-play exercise

A: I want something sweet after dinner.

B: ____________________________?

A: A dessert sounds nice.

B: __________________________________?

A: I want to get some pie.

B: ____________________________?

A: I have no idea.

B: _____________________________________?

A: Sure, what kind do you like?

B: _________________.

A: I love apple pie too.

B: ___________________________.



Unit 4, dialogue №9


image Enough /ɪˈnʌf/ - as much as is necessary; in the amount or to the degree needed.

Snack         /snæk/         -        a small amount of food that is eaten between meals, or a very small m eal.

                                                                  Peanut        /ˈpiː.nʌt/        -         groundnut an        oval  

shaped nut that grows underground inpairs inside

a thin brown shell.

2.Fill in the missing information


 A: I'm hungry.

B: You already  _____.

A: It wasn't enough, because ___________ again.

B: There's nothing left from dinner.

A: I'm going to ____________.

B: What kind of snack are you going to make?

A: I don't ________.

B: You can always make a sandwich.

A: I don't know _____________________ I want.

B: Just make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

A: I may ______________.

B: Go right ahead.


3.Role-play exercise


 A: I'm hungry.

B: ________________.

A: It wasn't enough, because I'm hungry again.

B: ______________________________.

A: I'm going to get a snack.

B: ___________________________________________?

A: I don't know.

B: ______________________________.

A: I don't know what kind of sandwich I want.

B: _________________________________________.

A: I may just do that.





Unit 4, dialogue №10  Read and translate words and word

imageimage                                                                                                Piece      /piːs/       -       a part of      something.

Grape /ɡreɪp/  - a small, round, purple or pale greenfruit that you can eat or make into wine.

Sour /saʊər/ - having a sharp, sometimes unpleasant, taste or smell, like a lemon, and not sweet.




2.Fill in the missing information


A: What are you going to eat with your sandwich?

B: I think I'm going to eat a _____________.

A: What kind do you like?

B: I really like ________________.

A: What kind of _________ do you like to eat?

B: I love green apples.

A: I don't like green apples.

B: Really? Why not?

A: Green apples are too _______ for me.

B: So, you like red apples better?

A: Yes, I love red apples.

B: I think green apples are a ___________.



3.Role-play exercise

A: What are you going to eat with your sandwich?

B: __________________________________________.

A: What kind do you like?

B: ___________________________.

A: What kind of apples do you like to eat?

B: ______________________.

A: I don't like green apples.


A: Green apples are too sour for me.

B: ___________________________?

A: Yes, I love red apples.

B: ___________________________.


Unit 5, dialogue №1


image DSL [di’ es’el] -  is defined as an abbreviation that stands for digital subscriber line which is defined as the way a computer connects to the Internet at high speeds using telephone lines. Dial-up /ˈdaɪəlʌp/ -  computer systems, devices, and internet services use

a phoneline to connect them.

Tie up /ˈtaɪ.ʌp/ -   a connection or agreement that joins two things or organizations.

Exactly /ɪɡˈzækt.li/ - used when you are giving or asking for information that iscompletely correct.

image2.Fill in the missing information

A: I'd like to have internet on my computer.

B: Do you know what kind of _________ you would like to get?

A: What are my options?

B: You can either get dial-up or _______.

A: Which one would you recommend?

B: _______ is the best choice.

A: Why is DSL better?

B: It's a lot better because it doesn't tie up your phone line.

A: What _________ does that mean?

B: Well, with dial-up your internet is connected by your phone line.

A: That means that I can't use _____________________ at the same time, right? B: That's right. You won't have that problem with DSL.


3.Role-play exercise

1.A: I'd like to have internet on my computer.

B: ________________________________________________?

A: What are my options?

B: ________________________________.

A: Which one would you recommend?

B: ____________________.

A: Why is DSL better?

B: ____________________________________________.

A: What exactly does that mean?

B: _________________________________________________________.

A: That means that I can't use my phone and the internet at the same time, right?

B: ________________________________________.

Unit 5, dialogue №2

image Install /ɪnˈstɔːl/ - to put furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into positionand make it ready to use.

Appointment /əˈpɔɪnt.mənt/ -

a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particulartime and place.

Available /əˈveɪ.lə.bəl/ -  able to be bought or used.

Completely /kəmˈpliːt.li/ - in every way or as much as possible.

image2.Fill in the missing information

A: I would like high speed internet installed in my house.

B: You have to make an _____________ before we can come out and install it.

A: I'd like to make an appointment right now.

B: What day are you _____________?

A: I would like to have it done this Friday.

B: Three o'clock is the only time we can come in.

A: Is it possible for someone to come _______________?

B: I'm sorry, but that's our only ______________ time. 

A: How about Saturday?

B: We're __________________ on Saturday.

A: Can you come over at 11:00?

B: That'll be fine.


3.Role-play exercise

A: I would like high speed internet installed in my house.

B: __________________________________________________________.

A: I'd like to make an appointment right now.

B: _________________________?

A: I would like to have it done this Friday.

B: ___________________________________.

A: Is it possible for someone to come a little earlier?

B: ________________________________.  

A: How about Saturday?

B: ______________________________.

A: Can you come over at 11:00?

B: _____________________.

Unit 5, dialogue №3

imageimage Fix /fɪks/ - to repair something.

Connecting /kəˈnek.tɪŋ/ - joining or being joined.

Right away [rait ‘ evei] -  immediately.



2.Fill in the missing information

A: I need somebody to come over and fix my internet.

B: What's wrong with it?

A: For some __________ it's just not connecting.

B: How long have you been having ______________?

A: It hasn't been working the past few days.

B: Does the internet ______________?

A: It does, but it won't connect to anything.

B: Well, the internet ____________, so there must be something wrong with your connection.

A: Could you send someone to fix it today?

B: I'll send somebody over right away ____________.

A: When will they be here?

B: They should be there in the next hour.

3.Role-play exercise

A: I need somebody to come over and fix my internet.

B: _______________________?

A: For some reason it's just not connecting.

B: _________________________________________?

A: It hasn't been working the past few days.

B: ________________________________?

A: It does, but it won't connect to anything.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________.

A: Could you send someone to fix it today?

B: _________________________________________________.

A: When will they be here?

B: ____________________________________.



Unit 5, dialogue №4

image Refer /rɪˈfɜr / - to send someone or something to a different place or person for help.

 Cord /kɔːd/ -  (a length of) rope or string made oftwisted threads.

                                                                                              CPU                        /ˌsiː.piːˈjuː/                        -

ABBREVIATION FOR central processing unit:

                                                                                              the part of       a computer thatcontrols all       the

other parts.

Plug /plʌɡ/ - to fill a hole with a piece of suitable material.

Outlet /ˈaʊt.let/ - power point.

image2.Fill in the missing information

A: My computer isn't working.

B: Tell me what __________________.

A: I'm trying to turn it on, but it _______________.

B: Try checking the connections.

A: Which ones are you referring to?

B: The ______that you see behind your CPU that plug into an outlet.

A: Is that why it won't turn on?

B: If they're not connected right, that will keep it from ________________.

A: I did not know that.

B: You should check the _______________.

A: I'm going to do that.

B: Tell me if it's still not working.

3.Role-play exercise

A: My computer isn't working.

B: ______________________________.

A: I'm trying to turn it on, but it won't work.

B: ____________________________.

A: Which ones are you referring to?

B: ___________________________________________________.

A: Is that why it won't turn on?

B: ___________________________________________________________.

A: I did not know that.

B: __________________________________.

A: I'm going to do that.



Unit 5, dialogue №5

Revolution /ˌrev.əˈluː.ʃən/ - a

imagevery important change in the way that people do things.

Nano-meters /ˈnæn.əʊˌmiː.tər/ - measurements of length & distance.

Heat  /hiːt/ -  to make something hot or warm, or to become hot or warm.

Generate /ˈdʒen.ə.reɪt/ - to cause something to exist.

image2.Fill in the missing information

-Hi, Rick! Do you heard about new CPU technology? 

-Hi Dan! No I don't. What kind of  ____________ is it?

-It`s a revolution in computer technologies! the scientists has made a new powerful

CPU with 12 nano-meters technical process! They say this processors will be most _______________________________! 

-Yeah, it`s really exciting. Do you know how much heat they ___________?

-I don`t know exactly, but they ________________________ 120 watt of heat.

-Oh, they must be __________________!

-Haha, really talk, bro.Ok, I must to go. See you soon! Bye! -Ok, bye.

3.Role-play exercise

-Hi, Rick! Do you heard about new CPU technology? 


-It`s a revolution in computer technologies! the scientists has made a new powerful CPU with 12 nano-meters technical process! They say this processors will be most productible in all of the world! 


-I don`t know exactly, but they will generate more than 120 watt of heat.


-Haha, really talk, bro.Ok, I must to go. See you soon! Bye! -__________.

Unit 5, dialogue №6

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

 Upgrade         /ʌpˈɡreɪd/    -        to improve the quality or usefulness of          something, or changeit for something newer or of a better standard.

Back up /ˈbæk.ʌp/ - (someone or something that provides) support or help, or something that you have arranged in case your main plans, equipment, etc. go wrong.

Floppy disk /ˈflɑp·i ˈdɪsk/ - a small soft piece of plastic that is protected by a hard cover and is used to store computer information.

Review /rɪˈvju/ - to consider something in order to make changes in it, study it, or give an opinion about it.

Share /ʃeər/ - to have or use something at the same time as someone else

image2.Fill in the missing information

A: "John, are you having problems with your network?"

B: "I think our whole network is down for __________. It should be back up in an hour."

A: "That's too late. I need the ____________ from the company network share."

B: "I have a copy of that ________________."

A: "Really? Can I get a copy?"

B: "Sure. But since the network is down, I'll have to____________________."

A: "That would be great."

B: "Do you have a ______________?"

A: "I think I have one on my desk. Here it is."

B: "Ok. It's saving now. Here you go."

A: "Thanks. You saved me a ________________. I'm so glad you had a copy of this on your machine."

B: "No problem. I'm glad I could help."

3.Role-play exercise

A: "John, are you having problems with your network?" B:

"__________________________________________________________________ ______________."

A: "That's too late. I need the review documents from the company network share."

B: "___________________________."

A: "Really? Can I get a copy?"

B: "_________________________________________________________."

A: "That would be great."

B: "________________________?"

A: "I think I have one on my desk. Here it is."

B: "_____________________________."

A: "Thanks. You saved me a great deal of trouble. I'm so glad you had a copy of this on your machine."

B: ________________________."







Unit 5, dialogue №7

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

Software /ˈsɒft.weər/ - the instructions that control what a computer does; computer programs.

Manual /ˈmæn.ju.əl/  -  a book that gives you practical instructions on how to do something or how to use something, such as a machine.

Application /ˌæp.lɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ - a computer program that is designed for a particular purpose.

Advanced /ədˈvɑːnst/  - modern and well developed.

image2.Fill in the missing information

A: "Don't we need a _____________ to do this work?"

B: "Yeah. Don't you have it ______________on your computer?"

A: "No. They said they would install it for me, but they didn't do it yet."

B: "Go ask your manager. He probably forgot."

A: "That's a good idea. Is there an ___________________ for this software?"

B: "It's in the second file cabinet under Software Applications."

A: "Thanks. I'll probably need it when I get the software."

B: "Actually, it's not that difficult to use. I think you should

___________________________________. The manual is only good for advanced options that we don't really need."

A: "You're probably right. Many of the manuals I've read were not that helpful. Do you mind if I come to you for questions when _____________________?"

B: "Not at all. Feel free to ask any questions. If I know the answer, I'll let you know."

A: "Great. I better go find the manager to get the ________________ on my computer."

3.Role-play exercise

A: "Don't we need a tax software to do this work?"

B: "____________________________________________?"

A: "No. They said they would install it for me, but they didn't do it yet."

B: "______________________________________."

A: "That's a good idea. Is there an instructional manual for this software?"

B: "__________________________________________________." A: "Thanks. I'll probably need it when I get the software." B:




A: "You're probably right. Many of the manuals I've read were not that helpful. Do you mind if I come to you for questions when I am using the software?"


"__________________________________________________________________ ____."

A: "Great. I better go find the manager to get the software installed on my computer."


Unit 5, dialogue №8

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageI  nclude /ɪnˈkluːd/ - to contain something as a part of something else,      or       to     make something part of something else. Separately /ˈsep.ər.ət.li/ - not together.

Blank /blæŋk/        -        empty or clear, or containing no information or mark.

image2.Fill in the missing information

Salesperson:  Hi.  May I help you?

     Customer:        Yes.  I’m  _______________________.

Salesperson:  Well, we have many to choose from.

Customer:   Is the monitor __________________________?

Salesperson:  Yes, it is.

Customer:   How ___________________?

Salesperson:  Printers are sold separately.

Customer:   What else comes with the computers?

Salesperson:  The keyboard, mouse, and speakers.

Customer:   May I try one of ____________________? Salesperson: Sure.

A little later…

Customer:   I think I’ll take this one. Salesperson:  Do you need a printer?

Customer:   Yes, and I will also need to buy _____________________ and CDROMs.


3.Role-play exercise

Salesperson:  Hi.  May I help you?

Customer:  ____________________________.

Salesperson:  Well, we have many to choose from.

Customer:  ________________________________________?

Salesperson:  Yes, it is.

Customer:   __________________?

Salesperson:  Printers are sold separately.

Customer: __________________________________?

Salesperson:  The keyboard, mouse, and speakers.

Customer:   _________________________________? Salesperson: Sure.

A little later…

Customer:   ____________________.

Salesperson:  Do you need a printer?







































6. Is The Earth in Danger?

Unit 6, dialogue №1

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageTo reuse /ˌriːˈjuːz/  - to use something again

A reminder /rɪˈmaɪn.dər/ - a written or spoken message that reminds someone to do something

to take care of /keər/ - to protect someone or something and provide the things that that person or thing needs shower /ʃaʊər/  - a device that releases drops of water through a lot of very small holes and that you stand under to wash your whole body

to waste /weɪst/  - to use too much of something or use something badly when there is a limited amount of it.


image2. Fill in the missing information A: Do you know what today is?

B: Yes, _______________.

A: It's more than just a date.

B: Is it your _______________________?

A: No, it's Earth Day.

B: What's that?

A: It's a yearly _________________ of our planet.

B: Oh, you mean like reuse things and recycle stuff?

A: Yes. We need ___________________________________________________.

B: How about if I take shorter showers?

A: That's a good idea, _______________________________ a lot of water. B: From now on I'll _________________________ in the shower.


3. Role-play exercise

A: Do you know what today is?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: It's more than just a date.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: No, it's Earth Day.

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: It's a yearly reminder to take care of our planet.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Yes. We need to think green, save water, and stop using plastic bags. B: ________________________________________________________________ A: That's a good idea, because showers waste a lot of water.

B: ________________________________________________________________ Unit 6, dialogue №2

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations


Worldwide /ˌwɜːldˈwaɪd/ - existing or happening in all parts of the world.

Gradually /ˈɡrædʒ.u.ə.li/ - slowly over a period of time or a distance.

Warming /ˈwɔː.mɪŋ/ - A warming type of food or drink makes you feel warm.

to destroy /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ - to damage something so badly that it cannot be used.

Horrible /ˈhɒr.ə.bəl/ - very unpleasant or bad.

Pollution /pəˈluː.ʃən/ - damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste

fluorescent  /flɔːˈres.ənt/ - Fluorescent lights are very bright, tube-shaped electric lights, often used in offices.

light bulbs /ˈlaɪt ˌbʌlb/ - a rounded glass container with a thin thread of metal inside that produces light when an electric current goes through it.


2. Fill in the missing information

Jane: The weather is nice today. It's warm and sunny outside.    Robert: Yes, it is. I don't know why it's so ________________. Several years ago it would rain and snow at this time of the year and now it's sunny and warm.

Jane: Perhaps, it's _________________. The climate is changing worldwide. I've noticed that it's __________________ each year.   

Robert: That's not good at all, you know.  

Jane: Well, warming is not the only global problem. _______________ gradually destroy our surrounding nature.  

Robert: How horrible! What other problems ________________?   

Jane: Let's ________________, for example. Every year people _____________ so many trees that forests are nearly empty.   

Robert: Why do they do it?                

Jane: They need more land for housing, farming and ________________.  

Robert: I see. Well, I hope not all the forests are affected yet.              

Jane: No, of course not. There are still many untouched areas on some continents. I know that some _______________ in Africa and Asia are being strictly protected by _______________t and _______________ organizations.    Robert: Pollution seems to be another natural problem nowadays.   

Jane: Yes, it does. In fact, there are several types of pollution: _______ pollution, water pollution, __________ pollution, ________ pollution, ________ and thermal pollution, light pollution, visual pollution, and even personal pollution.   

Robert: What do you mean by __________________?

Jane: Thousands of people in the world smoke cigarretes drink alcohol or do drugs. That's called personal pollution. While they ___________ themselves, they also pollute atmosphere and nature.  

Robert: I see. How about light, noise and visual types of pollution? How do these factors affect nature?  

Jane: Well, light pollution means __________________ in the streets of large cities. It becomes impossible to see the sky clearly and to conduct astronomical observations. Visual pollution _______________ unattractive views, such as construction areas, too many billboards, polluted fields. It can lead to health and environmental effects. Noise pollution is mainly _______________ with transport. The growing number of cars, buses, airplanes, trains, trucks leads to many problems, such as hearing loss, wildlife disturbance, etc.   

Robert: Now I understand. Our nature is really in danger, thanks to __________ actions.   

Jane: Exactly. That's why I'm not surprised to see such warm weather in November.

It is happening because of world _________________.   

Robert: Poor nature! Can't people do something to protect it?

Jane: I believe, they can. For example, to avoid land and water pollution they could ________________. To use less electrical energy and to avoid light pollution, they could use fluorescent light bulbs. They are more ______________, but they last much longer.   

Robert: And, I guess if they rode bicycles instead of cars the air pollution problem would be solved.  

Jane: That's it. Moreover, water resources of our planet aren't endless. People should use special devices to collect rain water, for example.  

Robert: That's a good idea.        

Jane: Speaking about ___________________ in modern houses, when we do not use them, we should turn them off to save energy.  

Robert: One more thing. People buy so many clothes and shoes. After a while they throw them away. Instead, they could _______________ to poor countries.   Jane: I agree. I have also read that detergents which we use on daily basis are rather harmful for the environment. So, if people use them less when washing clothes and dishes, that would be better.  

Robert: Look Jane, we have made so many useful points on how ____________. Why don't we write an article about ________________ for school newspaper?  Jane: What a great idea! Let's do it ____________. On Monday we can give it to our school editor.  

Robert: I hope, those who read this article will start treating nature more carefully.


3. Role-play exercise

Jane: The weather is nice today. It's warm and sunny outside.             

Robert: ___________________________________________________________ Jane: Perhaps, it's due to global warming. The climate is changing worldwide. I've noticed that it's getting warmer each year.   

Robert: ___________________________________________________________ Jane: Well, warming is not the only global problem. Irresponsible human actions gradually destroy our surrounding nature.   

Robert: ___________________________________________________________ Jane: Let's take deforestation, for example. Every year people burn or cut down so many trees that forests are nearly empty.   

Robert: ___________________________________________________________ Jane: They need more land for housing, farming and plant growing.  

Robert: ___________________________________________________________ Jane: No, of course not. There are still many untouched areas on some continents. I know that some tropical forests in Africa and Asia are being strictly protected by government and environmental organizations.   

Robert: ___________________________________________________________

Jane: Yes, it does. In fact, there are several types of pollution: air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, radioactive and thermal pollution, light pollution, visual pollution, and even personal pollution.   

Robert: ___________________________________________________________

Jane: Thousands of people in the world smoke cigarretes, drink alcohol or do drugs. That's called pesonal pollution. While they harm themselves, they also pollute atmosphere and nature.  

Robert: ___________________________________________________________

Jane: Well, light pollution means excessive illumination in the streets of large cities. It becomes impossible to see the sky clearly and to conduct astronomical observations. Visual pollution can be caused by unattractive views, such as construction areas, too many billboards, polluted fields. It can lead to health and environmental effects. Noise pollution is mainly connected with transport. The growing number of cars, buses, airplanes, trains, trucks leads to many problems, such as hearing loss, wildlife disturbance, etc.   

Robert: ___________________________________________________________ Jane: Exactly. That's why I'm not surprised to see such warm weather in November.

It is happening because of world glaciers' melting.            

Robert: ___________________________________________________________ Jane: I believe, they can. For example, to avoid land and water pollution they could recycle their rubbish. To use less electrical energy and to avoid light pollution, they could use fluorescent light bulbs. They are more expensive, but they last much longer.   

Robert: ___________________________________________________________

Jane: That's it. Moreover, water resources of our planet aren't endless. People should use special devices to collect rain water, for example.  

Robert: ___________________________________________________________  Jane: Speaking about numerous devices in modern houses, when we do not use them, we should turn them off to save energy.  

Robert: ___________________________________________________________ Jane: I agree. I have also read that detergents which we use on daily basis are rather harmful for the environment. So, if people use them less when washing clothes and dishes, that would be better.  

Robert: ___________________________________________________________ Jane: What a great idea! Let's do it straightaway. On Monday we can give it to our school editor.            

Robert: ___________________________________________________________


Unit 6, dialogue №3

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageUnnaturally /ʌnˈnætʃ.ər.əl/ - not natural.

A glacier /ˈɡlæs.i.ər/ - a large mass of ice that moves slowly. a rise /raɪz/ - an increase. to trap /træp/ - to catch an animal in a trap.

to cut down /kʌt/ - to do or use less of something global warming /ˌɡləʊ.bəl ˈwɔː.mɪŋ/- a gradual increase in world temperatures caused by gases such as carbon dioxide that are collecting in the air around the earth and

stopping heat escaping into space.


2.     imageFill in the missing information

Nadia: Daniel, what day is it today?  Daniel: ___________________. 

Nadia: It's unnaturally warm outside for this season, ___________? 

Daniel: It's all the result of _____________.          

Nadia: What do you mean by global warming? 

Daniel: I mean climate is ______________. Due to rapid technological progress many _______________. The world glaciers are ________________ and the weather is getting warm even in winter. 

Nadia: I see. So, it's the rise in temperature of Earth's climatic system. That's not good at all. 

Daniel: Moreover, the weather in some parts of the world is ______________ For example, it has never snowed in Africa, today it occassionally does. Speaking about our country, each year I feel that it's getting a ________________________.  Nadia: How terrible! I like the snow. Winter is my favourite season. How are we going to celebrate New Year in the future?

Daniel: We'll see. ____________________.           

Nadia: Why is this global warming happening anyway? 

Daniel: It is primarily a problem of too much ________________ in the atmosphere. It acts as ____________, which traps the heat and warms the planet. It's also called the greenhouse effect. As you can guess, it is happening because of irresponsible human actions. As we burn ____________ or burn vast spaces of forest, carbon overloads our atmosphere.  

Nadia: I could never understand why people use fossil fuels, such as oil or coal, and why they burn whole forests. 

Daniel: Well, you see, they need fuel for energy and forests are cut down or burn to create new space for _________________. While we try to grab more land or to get more energy, we harm our planet. Everything is ________________. 

Nadia: That's sad indeed. I believe that global warming is not the only problem on our planet.  

Daniel: You're right. There are pleanty of environmental problems nowadays, such as pollution, deforestation, _____________, natural resource depletion, acid rains, etc. 

Nadia: And it's all the result of human _____________. Can't there be anything done about it?    

Daniel: Of course, it can. However, most people are too lazy to include some simple rules in their life. 

Nadia: What can we do to prevent global warming?        

Daniel: First of all, we should start ________ paper, plastic and glass. Choosing reusable products instead of _________________. Secondly, we should drive less cars and start using bicycles. Thirdly, it is highly recommended to use less heat, hot water and ________________. And, as my father says, we should plant more trees instead of cutting them down. 

Nadia: These are good tips. Are there any other rules? 

Daniel: We can also change the _________________ in our houses. Regular bulbs should be replaced by fluorescent light bulbs. They are a bit more expensive, but they last much longer. We can start buying other _________________ products. There are many home appliances today that come in a range of energy-efficient models. And, finally, we can encourage others to follow these rules.  Nadia: It would certainly be ____________ if everyone followed these rules.


3. Role-play exercise

Nadia: Daniel, what day is it today? 

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: It's unnaturally warm outside for this season, don't you think?

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: What do you mean by global warming? 

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: I see. So, it's the rise in temperature of Earth's climatic system. That's not good at all. 

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: How terrible! I like the snow. Winter is my favourite season. How are we going to celebrate New Year in the future?

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: Why is this global warming happening anyway? 

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: I could never understand why people use fossil fuels, such as oil or coal, and why they burn whole forests. 

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: That's sad indeed. I believe that global warming is not the only problem on our planet.  

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: And it's all the result of human careless behavior. Can't there be anything done about it?    

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: What can we do to prevent global warming? 

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: These are good tips. Are there any other rules? 

Daniel: ____________________________________________________________ Nadia: It would certainly be beneficial for our planet if everyone followed these rules.


Unit 6, dialogue №4

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

imagea flight /flaɪt/ - a journey in an aircraft.

Quality /ˈkwɒl.ə.ti/ - how good or bad something is Important /ɪmˈpɔː.tənt/ - necessary or of great value.

protection /prəˈtek.ʃən/ - the act of protecting or state of being protected. to reject /rɪˈdʒekt/ - to refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone.

rude  /ruːd/ - not polite; offensive or embarrassing.

majority /məˈdʒɒr.ə.ti/ - the larger number or part of something.


2.     imageFill in the missing information

Elisabeth:       Are       you       going       to       read       such       a

__________________________? Where did you get them?

Michael: I bought these newspapers at the airport. I need them because

I`m going _____________________________. Some of them I have read during the flight. The rest of them I`m going to read tonight. There were very many different British newspapers at the paper shop and I have chosen the most interesting ones. I have bought the most papers: The Financial Times, The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Sunday Express, etc. These Newspapers always __________________________________________________________________.

They always contain factual reports I need for my presentation.

Elisabeth: Of course, it is very important to know what is going on in the world. But you are having a dozen papers for tonight.

Michael: ______________________ I have to read ten of them. You can borrow some from me for tonight.

Elisabeth: No, thank you. I`m very tired now and the only one wish I have is to reach my bed as soon as possible. But what about ____________________: what are you going to include in it?

Michael: Our Earth is _________________________________. If people take care of their environment they will keep the Earth green and clean. People have to understand how to ensure the environmental protection and they have to take into consideration all the factors that ______________________ on. Environmental protection is not only planting trees and ____________________ litter. People have to fight noise pollution, air pollution and water pollution. Everybody has to do his best for improvement of all human being.

Elisabeth: Do you mean I have to stop wearing fur coats, going by car, eating food in tin and plastic cans, __________________________, etc.?

Michael: If you could do it, it would be much better for our environment and maybe for you too.

Elisabeth: Do you want to say we have to reject the progress?

Michael: No, we must only take control of our progress and to set it in a right direction.

Elisabeth: Why do people kill animals for their beautiful fur and their wonderful skin? What is our progress with its ________________________ and furs for then? Michael: Some people like animals and some people don`t like them. Personally, I think people who don`t care for animals can`t be my friends. Those who like animals are always more friendly, aren`t they?

Elisabeth: Yes, they are. But some people _______________________. And the most animals clean themselves better than some people do. And many people ruin their health by being rude to one another. No animal does it.

Michael: The trouble is such ________________________. The majority isn`t trying to help animals.


3. Role-play exercise

Elisabeth: Are you going to read such a great amount of newspapers tonight? Where did you get them?

Michael: __________________________________________________________ Elisabeth: Of course, it is very important to know what is going on in the world.

But you are having a dozen papers for tonight.

Michael: __________________________________________________________ Elisabeth: No, thank you. I`m very tired now and the only one wish I have is to reach my bed as soon as possible. But what about your presentation: what are you going to include in it?

Michael: __________________________________________________________ Elisabeth: Do you mean I have to stop wearing fur coats, going by car, eating food in tin and plastic cans, using various sprays, etc.?

Michael: __________________________________________________________ Elisabeth: Do you want to say we have to reject the progress?

Michael: __________________________________________________________ Elisabeth: Why do people kill animals for their beautiful fur and their wonderful skin? What is our progress with its synthetic skins and furs for then?

Michael: __________________________________________________________ Elisabeth: Yes, they are. But some people blame their pets for their dirt. And the most animals clean themselves better than some people do. And many people ruin their health by being rude to one another. No animal does it.

Michael: __________________________________________________________







































7. The World of Painting Unit 7, dialogue №1

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations


To get - to understand or hear something. To be full of /fʊl/ - (of a container or a space) holding or containing as much as possible or a lot. a jar /dʒɑːr/ - glass or clay container with a wide opening at the top and sometimes a fitted lid, usually used for storing food.

Empty /ˈemp.ti/ - not containing any things or



image2. Fill in the missing information

A: I don’t get art. B: Or artists.

A: They’re in __________________.

B: I saw a painting of a jar that was full of pencils.

A: The artist _________ was both full and empty.

B: But it was full of __________! How could ________________________?

A: Artists see things differently.

B: ________________________ anything that Picasso painted?

A: Of course! He’s world famous.

B: Did he ever ________________?

A: I can’t believe it. I drew paintings __________________________. B: Where are they? Maybe they are _____________________.


3. Role-play exercise

A: I don’t get art. B: Or artists.

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: I saw a painting of a jar that was full of pencils.

A: ________________________________________________________________ B: But it was full of pencils! How could he say it was empty?

A: ________________________________________________________________ B: Did you ever see anything that Picasso painted?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: Did he ever take art lessons?

A: ________________________________________________________________ B: Where are they? Maybe they are worth millions.



 Unit 7, dialogue №2

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations


imageLandscape /ˈlænd.skeɪp/ - a large area of countryside, especially in relation to its appearance.

Fortunately /ˈfɔː.tʃən.ət.li/ - happening because of good luck.

Recognition /ˌrek.əɡˈnɪʃ.ən/ - agreement that something is true or legal.

a tendency /ˈten.dən.si/ - If someone has a

tendency to do or like something, they will probably do it or like it.

Freedom /ˈfriː.dəm/ - the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited.


2.     imageFill in the missing information

A: Hello, Alyona! _______________?

B: Hi, Olesya! Thanks, OK!

A: Alyona! What _______________? Can you help me?

B: Well, what’s the matter?

A: I would like to know some facts about John Constable? Have you  heard about him? The teacher ________________ with some questions.

B: You see, as far as I know J.Constable was an _____________, one of the greatest British landscape artists. Fortunately, I have a book with articles about some foreign painters. _________________!

A: Great! And what about his education as a painter?

B: Well, let’s find. Oh, it’s here. He decided to be an artist only in 1799, when he joined the Royal Schools, and it _____________ 1829 that he was made a full Academician.

A: Alyona, one more thing! When did he ___________________and when was it? B: Well, during the 1820s he began to win recognition especially when his painting

“The Hay Wain” ___________________ at the Paris Salon of 1824. A: Oh, a gold medal! It’s great! Did he live in Paris then?

B: It’s interesting to note that __________________ and even to Paris.

And what is more, his finest works were of the places he knew and loved best, where he lived from 1821.

A: Alyona! What thoughts can you find about a tendency _____________ in   painting?

B: You see! I’ve found! Well, listen to! In the 20-th century there has been a ____________________ even more highly than the finished because of their freedom and freshness of brushwork.

A: It’s interesting to learn about the painter’s manner of work. But where did he ___________________?

B: It’s written in the article that John Constable liked the open air to work, drawing and sketching in oil, but his finished paintings were produced in the studio.

A: I see Constable was a famous painter. But did he _______________ other painters? What can you find in the book about this fact?

B: There is the fact that he had a major influence on ______________ such as Delacroix as well as on the members of the Barbizon School, and ultimately on the Impressionists.

A: All these facts proof ones more that Constable was a talented painter not only in his country ___________________. Thank you for your useful information! You’ve helped me very much! Thanks a lot!

B: Well, it’s not me, but the book ________________! Good luck! Bye! A: See you later!


3. Role-play exercise

A: Hello, Alyona! How are you?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Alyona! What are you doing now? Can you help me?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: I would like to know some facts about John Constable? Have you  heard about him? The teacher gave us the quiz with some questions.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Great! And what about his education as a painter?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: Alyona, one more thing! When did he begin to win recognition and when was it? B: ________________________________________________________________

A: Oh, a gold medal! It’s great! Did he live in Paris then?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Alyona! What thoughts can you find about a tendency to praise a full-sketch in   painting?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: It’s interesting to learn about the painter’s manner of work. But where did he work extensively?

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: I see Constable was a famous painter. But did he have an influence on other painters? What can you find in the book about this fact?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: All these facts proof ones more that Constable was a talented painter not only in his country but also in the world. Thank you for your useful information! You’ve helped me very much! Thanks a lot!

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: See you later!






Unit 7, dialogue №3


1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageAn exhibition /ˌek.sɪˈbɪʃ.ən/  - an event at which objects such as paintings are shown to the public, a situation in which someone shows a particular skill or quality to the public, or the act of showing these things.

An artifact /ˈɑː.tə.fækt/ - an object, such as a tool, that was made in the past. to wander /ˈwɒn.dər/ - to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or


a donation /dəʊˈneɪ.ʃən/ - money or goods that are given to help a person or organization, or the act of giving them.


image2. Fill in the missing information

A: Have you ever visited the __________________?

B: No I haven’t. Is there __________________?

A: No it is ____________, but you can make ______________.

B: Sounds good. What exhibitions are on display at the moment?

A: There are many! ___________________ the Making the Modern World section as they have a collection of technological artifacts from the past to the present day. B: Sounds like a pretty interesting place to wander around! I bet they have an _______________.

A: Let’s go there this afternoon.

We hope this helps you to plan cultural trips to your local museums or galleries. We would love _____________________!

                                             3. Role-play exercise

A: Have you ever visited the Science Museum?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: No it is free to enter, but you can make a donation.

B: ________________________________________________________________ A: There are many! I would like to visit the Making the Modern World section as they have a collection of technological artifacts from the past to the present day. B: ________________________________________________________________

A: Let’s go there this afternoon.

We hope this helps you to plan cultural trips to your local museums or galleries. We would love to hear about your experiences!






Unit 7, dialogue №4

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageTo suggest  /səˈdʒest/  - to mention an idea, possible plan, or action for other people to consider.

Infamous /ˈɪn.fə.məs/ - famous for something considered bad.

a feature /ˈfiː.tʃər/ - a typical quality or an important part of something. a hall /hɔːl/ - hallway the room just inside the main entrance of a house, apartment, or other building that

leads to other rooms and usually to the stairs.


2.     Fill in the missing information

Dina: Hi, Adam. How are you?          

Adam: Hi, Dina. ______________________. And you?  

Dina: I'm very well, thanks. What are your plans for tomorrow?          

Adam: ______________________________. As soon as the school lessons finish, I'm free. Do you want to suggest anything? 

Dina: Yes, I wanted to suggest going to the city museum. I've never been there, but my mum says _____________________________. 

Adam: Sounds good. I'm all for it! Let's visit the museum. ____________________.  Dina: Are you ___________________? There is also an art gallery on the second floor?   

Adam: I like _______________________ of young and yet infamous artists, but there are some world-famous artists whose work I respect. For example, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, etc.   

Dina: I see. You are lucky, then. The city museum has ____________________ which feature classic art and modern compositions.    

Adam: Great! We should definitely go there. And who is _________________?  

Dina: Most of all I like the art works of Ivan Aivazovsky, but they are kept either in Tretyakov Gallery or in Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Some of his works __________ in the house where he used to live.    

Adam: Well, that means ____________ his works unless we go to Moscow or in Crimea. 

Dina: You're right.          

                                             3. Role-play exercise

Dina: Hi, Adam. How are you?          

Adam: ____________________________________________________________


Dina: I'm very well, thanks. What are your plans for tomorrow?          

Adam: ____________________________________________________________

Dina: Yes, I wanted to suggest going to the city museum. I've never been there, but my mum says this place is worth visiting.          

Adam: ____________________________________________________________ Dina: Are you a fan of art? There is also an art gallery on the second floor?           

Adam: ___________________________________________________________   Dina: I see. You are lucky, then. The city museum has several exhibition halls which feature classic art and modern compositions.    

Adam: ____________________________________________________________ 

Dina: Most of all I like the art works of Ivan Aivazovsky, but they are kept either in Tretyakov Gallery or in Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Some of his works are kept in Feodosia in the house where he used to live.    

Adam: ___________________________________________________________  Dina: You're right.          


Unit 7, dialogue №5

1.     Read and translate words and word-combinations


imageA ticket /ˈtɪk.ɪt/ - a small piece of paper or card given to someone, usually to show that they have paid for an event, journey, or activity.

to explore /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ - to search and discover (about something).

Admission /ədˈmɪʃ.ən/ - the money that you pay to enter a place.

Contemporary /kənˈtem.pər.ər.i/ - existing or happening now

It's a shame - something that you say when you think a situation is wrong.

Indeed /ɪnˈdiːd/  - really or certainly, often used to emphasize something.



2.     imageFill in the missing information

Dina: Hello. What time _____________________________? 

Museum worker: we are open till 6 pm.       

Dina: And how much ________________________________?           

Museum worker: It's $5 only.             

Dina: Ok. Then we'll have two tickets, please.        

Adam: ___________________________________. I like this place.

Dina: It's closing in half an hour. __________________________.               

Adam: It's a shame. There are still so many halls to explore. I really liked the hall of sculptures. ________________________.             

Dina: We'll do. I want to spend a bit more time in front of each object. The audioguide tells so many interesting facts.      

Adam: Let's turn left, Dina. ___________________________. I'd like to learn more about contemporary artists and their style.      

Dina: You seem to be a real fan of modern art, ______________?       

Adam: I am, indeed. ________________ and art galleries more often.           

Dina: Next weekend there is a new exhibition at this museum.


Adam: Sounds great Let's do that.


3. Role-play exercise Dina: Hello. What time does the museum close? 

Museum worker: we are open till 6 pm.       

Dina: And how much is the admission for students?         

Museum worker: It's $5 only.             

Dina: Ok. Then we'll have two tickets, please.        

Adam: ____________________________________________________________ Dina: It's closing in half an hour. We need to be quick.            

Adam: ____________________________________________________________

Dina: We'll do. I want to spend a bit more time in front of each object. The audioguide tells so many interesting facts.      

Adam: ____________________________________________________________  Dina: You seem to be a real fan of modern art, don't you?         

Adam____________________________________________________________  Dina: Next weekend there is a new exhibition at this museum. We can come here again.  

Adam: ____________________________________________________________



Unit 7, dialogue №6

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageTo check  /tʃek/ - to make certain that something or someone is correct, safe, or suitable by examining it, him, or her quickly.

ancient /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/ - of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time.

to prefer /prɪˈfɜːr/ - to like, choose, or

want one thing rather than another.

Watercolour /ˈwɔː.təˌkʌl.ər/ - a paint that is mixed with water and used to create pictures, or a picture that has been done with this type of paint.

still-live /ˌstɪl ˈlaɪf/ - a type of painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects that do not move, such as flowers, fruit, bowls, etc.

landscapes /ˈlænd.skeɪp/  - a view or picture of the countryside, or the art of making such pictures.

image2. Fill in the missing information

Dina: Wow! This museum is so large! We can even _________ in all those galleries. It’s impossible ________________ here. Do you know that the museum ________more than 100 thousand exhibits?

Adam: Yes, I agree with you. ________________ to find all the items here and read all _____________.

Dina: We have to check the floor plans near the stairs at ______________.

Adam: And we have a _____________ to the museum. I find it very useful. Dina: I’m quite interested in pre-historical things and _______________ of the ancient times.

Adam: Then you are sure to like looking at the dinosaur skeletons and the tools, pottery and jewellery __________________.

Dina: Oh, that sounds fantastic! According to our maps the ancient collections are on the first floor. There are galleries of ______________________________.

Adam: As for me I’d rather prefer watching the beautiful costumes, furniture, statues and paintings of the Renaissanсe period. I really enjoy that. Art can tell us lots of different things. As I can see we’ll find plenty of famous _________________: oil paintings and watercolours, still-lives, landscapes and _______.

Dina: Well! Let’s go then! Don’t forget _______________ your cell-phone. I’m sure our visit will be very educational and the museum will give us a _______ into the past, into the lives of our _________________.


3. Role-play exercise

Dina: Wow! This museum is so large! We can even get lost in all those galleries. It’s impossible to see everything here. Do you know that the museum comprises more than 100 thousand exhibits?

Adam: ____________________________________________________________

Dina: We have to check the floor plans near the stairs at every entrance.

Adam: ____________________________________________________________

Dina: I’m quite interested in pre-historical things and archaeological artefacts of the ancient times.

Adam: ____________________________________________________________ Dina: Oh, that sounds fantastic! According to our maps the ancient collections are on the first floor. There are galleries of Egyptian, Greek and Roman art there.

Adam: ____________________________________________________________ Dina: Well! Let’s go then! Don’t forget to turn off your cell-phone. I’m sure our visit will be very educational and the museum will give us a glimpse into the past, into the lives of our distant ancestors.







Unit 8, dialogue №1

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

 Silly /ˈsɪl.i/ - not important, serious, or practical.

imageChase /tʃeɪs/ - to hurry after someone or something in order to catch him, her, or it.

Mental /ˈmen.təl/ -  relating to the mind, or involving the process of thinking.

                                                                              Nut              /nʌt/ -               someone              who

is extremely enthusiastic about

a particularactivity or thing.


image2.Fill in the missing information

A: Golf is a silly game.

B: It _____________.

A: You hit a white ball.

B: And then you chase it.

A: And then you _______________.

B: Finally, you _____________ into a hole in the ground. A: You do this 18 times, because there are 18 holes.

B: What’s the point?

A: How can it be fun?

B: They __________ to play this silly game!

A: I think golfers have a __________________.

B: I think they’re nuts.

3.Role-play exercise

A: Golf is a silly game.

B: _______________.

A: You hit a white ball.

B: ______________________.

A: And then you hit it again.

B: ___________________________________.

A: You do this 18 times, because there are 18 holes.

B: __________________?

A: How can it be fun?

B: _____________________________!

A: I think golfers have a mental problem. B: ______________________________.





Unit 8, dialogue №2

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

image Tournament /ˈtʊə.nə.mənt/ - a competition for teams or single players in which a series ofgames is played, and the winners of each game play against each other until only one winner is left.

Sink /sɪŋk/ - to (cause something or someone to) go down below thesurface or to the bottom of a liquid or soft substance.

Putt    /pʌt/   -  a gentle hit across short grass that sends a ball towards

or into a hole.

Stroke /strəʊk/ -  an act of hitting a ball when playing a sport.

Outer /ˈaʊ.tər/ - at a greater distance from the centre.

Shot /ʃɒt/ - a kick, hit, or throw of the ball that is intended to score points in a sport such as cricket, football, tennis, or golf.

image 2.Fill in the missing information

A: Did you watch that golf  _______________?

B: The one that Tiger won?

A: How did he do it?

B: It was  __________________.

A: He sank a 20-foot putt on the last hole to win by  ____________!

B: He sank a 25-footer last year at the same tournament to win by one stroke.

A: I think he is from outer space.

B: No human could possibly ____________________.

A: Whenever he needs a shot to win a tournament, he makes that shot.

B: No human can do that.

A: Somebody should _______________________.

B: I bet it says he was born on Mars.


3.Role-play exercise

A: Did you watch that golf tournament?

B: ___________________________?

A: How did he do it?

B: _______________________.

A: He sank a 20-foot putt on the last hole to win by one stroke!

B: ___________________________________________________________.

A: I think he is from outer space.

B: ______________________________________.

A: Whenever he needs a shot to win a tournament, he makes that shot.


A: Somebody should check his birth record.

B: ________________________.


Unit 8, dialogue №3

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageimage Home run /ˌhəʊm ˈrʌn/ - a point scored in baseball by hitting the ball so far that you have timeto run all the way around the four corners of the playing field before it is returned.


Cheer up /tʃɪər/ - If someone cheers up, or something cheers someone up, they startto feel happier.

2.Fill in the missing information

A: Who’s the greatest baseball player?

B: There are so many _______________. A: Yes, but who is the greatest?

B: I’d have to say Babe Ruth.

A: Most people _______________.

B: He changed the game.

A: Yes, he made the __________ popular.

B: Everybody loved him,  __________________.

A: He helped make the Yankees the best team ever.

B: And Ruth was a good person, too.

A: He always visited  ____________________  sick kids.                    B: There will never be another Babe.


3.Role-play exercise


A: Who’s the greatest baseball player?

B: ____________________________.

A: Yes, but who is the greatest?

B: _________________________.

A: Most people would say that.

B: ___________________.

A: Yes, he made the home run popular.

B: ___________________________________.

A: He helped make the Yankees the best team ever.

B: ____________________________.

A: He always visited hospitals to cheer up sick kids.

B: ______________________________.

Unit 8, dialogue №4

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations


Punch /pʌnʃ/ - to hit someone or something with your fist (= closed hand).

Argument /ˈɑːɡ.jə.mənt/ - a disagreement, or the process of disagreeing.

Bet /bet/ -  to risk money on the result of an event or         a competition,       such   as a horse race,    in

the hope of winning more money.

Victim /ˈvɪk.tɪm/ - someone or something that has been hurt, damaged, or killed or has suffered, either because of the actions of someone or somethingelse, or because of illness or chance.

Concrete /ˈkɒŋ.kriːt/ - clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen orfelt .

image2.Fill in the missing information

A: Did you hear what happened at the baseball game?

B: No, please ___________.

A: Someone ______________ someone.

B: That’s not nice. A: It’s worse than that. B: How so?

A: Two guys got _________________.

B: I’ll bet they were drinking.

A: A third guy punched one of the two guys.

B: I’ll bet he ______________, too.

A: The victim hit ___________________________ and died. B: That’s terrible. Can’t people just have fun at a _______________?


3.Role-play exercise

A: Did you hear what happened at the baseball game?

B: _______________.

A: Someone punched out someone. B: ______________.

A: It’s worse than that. B: __________?

A: Two guys got into an argument.

B: ________________________.

A: A third guy punched one of the two guys.

B: ____________________________.

A: The victim hit his head on the concrete steps and died.

B: _________________________________________________?


Unit 8, dialogue №5

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

imageimageAmateur /ˈæm.ə.tər/ - taking part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job.

Arm /ɑːm/ -  either of the two long parts of the upper body that are attachedto the shoulders and have the hands at the end.

Straight       /streɪt/ -         continuing in one direction without bending or curving.



2.Fill in the missing information

A: Golf is so hard.

B: What's so hard about ______________________?

A: It's hard if you want to do it right.

B: You mean like Tiger?

A: No, like a good _________________.

B: What's so hard about golf?

A: There are so many things you have to do right.

B: Like what?

A: Like keep your _________________, keep your head down, and follow through.

B: Yikes! Who can remember all that?

A: You need to get a lot of lessons when you're really young.

B: Forget it. Golf sounds __________________________.


3.Role-play exercise

A: Golf is so hard.

B: ________________________________________?

A: It's hard if you want to do it right.


A: No, like a good amateur golfer.

B: ____________________________?

A: There are so many things you have to do right.

B: _____________?

A: Like keep your left arm straight, keep your head down, and follow through.

B: ____________________________?

A: You need to get a lot of lessons when you're really young.

B: ____________________________________________.



Unit 8, dialogue №6

1. Read and translate words and word-combinations

image Hitter /ˈhɪt.ər/ - in baseball, the player whose turn it is to hitthe ball.


/drʌɡ/-  any natural or artificially made chemical that is taken for pleasure, to improve someone's performance of an activity, or because a personcannot stop using it.

Suspend /səˈspend/ - to stop something from being active, either temporarily or permanently. Figure /ˈfɪɡ.ər/ - to expect or think that something will happen.


image2.Fill in the missing information

A: Did you hear about the _____________?

B: The home run hitter on drugs?

A: He said a doctor helped him with a personal problem.

B: He said he wasn’t _____________. A: He apologized to the fans.

B: The league suspended him for 50 games.

A: That will cost him _____________.

B: Yes, about $7 million.

A: That will teach him a good lesson.

B: He probably _______________ anymore.

A: But it won’t stop other players from using drugs.

B: No. Everyone  _____________ that they won’t get caught.



3.Role-play exercise

A: Did you hear about the ball player?

B: __________________________?

A: He said a doctor helped him with a personal problem.

B: __________________________.

A: He apologized to the fans.

B: ___________________________________.

A: That will cost him some money.

B: _______________________.

A: That will teach him a good lesson.

B: _______________________________.

A: But it won’t stop other players from using drugs.

B: __________________________________________________.



Unit 8, dialogue №7

1. Read and translate words and word-combination

image Fit /fɪt/ - to be the right size or shape for someone or something.

Loyal /ˈlɔɪ.əl/ -  firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for aperson or an organization, or in your belief in your principles. Decade /ˈdek.eɪd/ - a period of ten years, especially a period.


image2.Fill in the missing information

__Hello, Dima!

— Hello, Olha!

— Did you know that a new sports centre is going to appear in our city?

— Yes, I knew that. I am going _________________ there.

— I hope to play on the same team, with you.

— We do sports for a long time. I am glad that new sports grounds, swimming pools and sports centres appear nowadays in every town.

— Sport is very popular in Ukraine today, especially _______________________. — That means that we will soon hear names of new world champions, who come from Ukraine.

— I am always very glad when our university team wins a competition. But I think most of young people _____________________.

— I agree with you. They just want to keep fit and be more disciplined.

— That’s what I like sports tor. It helps to be _______________________, who may be loyal to you for decades.

— Yes, let’s hope, we __________________. We are used to helping each other in our volleyball team.


3.Role-play exercise

__Hello, Dima!

— ________________!

— Did you know that a new sports centre is going to appear in our city?

— ________________________________________.

— I hope to play on the same team, with you.

__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________.

— Sport is very popular in Ukraine today, especially among young people.

__________________________________________________________________ _______________________________.

— I am always very glad when our university team wins a competition. But I think most of young people do sports not for medal.

— _____________________________________________________________. — That’s what I like sports tor. It helps to be healthy and make new friends, who may be loyal to you for decades.


__________________________________________________________________ _______________.


Unit 8, dialogue №8

imageimage                                                                                                                             1.         Read and translate words and word-combination

 Amazing /əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ/ -   extremely surprising.

Fond  /fɒnd/ - to like someone or something very much; to like doing something.

2.Fill in the missing information

— Hello, Dima!

— Hello, Olha!

— You know, I have just watched a TV programme about

the __________________________. I have heard a lot of amazing facts there! — I do not think there is much amazing in Ukrainian sports. We are ___________________________.

— Yes, out we have a lot of young and talented athletes. By the way, when Ukraine participated in the Olympic Games for the first time as an independent country, a young          Ukrainian    figure          skater          Oksana        Bayul          brougnt       Ukraine __________________.

— I know that. As for me, I am fond of football. Unfortunately, our team does not have the European Holders’ Cup.

— But we had it twice, in 1975 and in 1986! I am sure other football victories are still waiting for us. We have ________________________, A. Shevchenko, for example.

— That’s true. I am also proud of Y. Klotchkova, a famous world champion. She has _______________________.

— I know one more Ukrainian sportsman, who has 35 world records.

— Who is he?

— S. Bubka. And I am sure __________________.

— You know, I agree with you!


3.Role-play exercise

— Hello, Dima!

— ____________!

— You know, I have just watched a TV programme about the history of Ukrainian sports. I have heard a lot of amazing facts there!

— _____________________________________________________________. — Yes, out we have a lot of young and talented athletes. By the way, when Ukraine participated in the Olympic Games for the first time as an independent country, a young Ukrainian figure skater Oksana Bayul brougnt Ukraine the first gold medal. — _______________________________________________________________. — But we had it twice, in 1975 and in 1986! I am sure other football victories are still waiting for us. We have famous football players, A. Shevchenko, for example.

— _______________________________________________________________. — I know one more Ukrainian sportsman, who has 35 world records.

— _____________?

— S. Bubka. And I am sure he is not the last one.

— ________________!


















Unit 9, dialogue №1

image Mayor        /meər/          -        a person who is elected or chosen to lead the group who governs a

town or city.

Hire /haɪər/ -  to employ someone or pay someone to do a particular job.

Liar  /ˈlaɪ.ər/ - someone who tells lies

image2.Fill in the missing information

A: The election is next week.

B: Who are you ____________?

A: I'm not voting for the mayor.

B: Why not?

A: He made ____________ that he didn't keep.

B: Like what?

A: He promised to hire 1,000 more _______________.

B: How many did he hire?

A: One hundred!

B: Maybe he ___________________.

A: Maybe he's just a liar.

B: Maybe I'll vote __________________, too.


3.Role-play exercise

A: The election is next week.

B: _______________________?

A: I'm not voting for the mayor.

B: ____________?

A: He made promises that he didn't keep.

B: ___________?

A: He promised to hire 1,000 more police officers.

B: _______________?

A: One hundred!

B: _____________________.

A: Maybe he's just a liar.

B: ________________________________.







Unit 9, dialogue №2

image Bother /ˈbɒð.ər/ - to make the effort to do something.

Run for office [rʌn ‘fo’ ofis] -  to compete as a candidate in           an election for

a position ofauthority and responsibility in

a government or otherorganization.

                                                                Power    /paʊər/    -    an official or legal authority to    do


image2.Fill in the missing information

A: I don't know why I bother to vote.

B: Why's that?

A: What good _________?

B: You get to put someone in power that you like.

A: Only if my candidate wins.

B: Well, he can't win unless you and ________________.

A: But even if my candidate wins, he'll break his promises.

B: That's true. They promise anything just so _______________.

A: And when elected, they go their own way.

B: They forget who put them in power.

A: They forget where ____________.

B: Maybe you should __________________.



3.Role-play exercise

A: I don't know why I bother to vote.

B: ____________?

A: What good does it do?

B: _______________________________________.

A: Only if my candidate wins.

B: _______________________________________________.

A: But even if my candidate wins, he'll break his promises.

B: __________________________________________________.

A: And when elected, they go their own way.


A: They forget where they came from.

B: __________________________.





Unit 9, dialogue №3

 Ballot /ˈbæl·ət/ - a piece of paper on which you write a secret vote.


imageimageHighway /ˈhaɪ.weɪ/ -a public road, especially an important road that joins cities or towns together.

Legislator /ˈledʒ·əsˌleɪ·t̬ər/ - a member of an elected group of people who have the power to make or change laws.

2.Fill in the missing information

A: Did you get your Official Sample Ballot?

B: Yes, with the Voter Instructions.

A: How are you going to vote?

B: Same as ever, ________. All it costs me is a 42-cent stamp.

A: I meant, are you going ________ for or against the new taxes?

B: Against all of them, of course.

A: But we need new taxes to pay for ______________________________.

B: We've ______________ for new taxes to pay for all that stuff!

A: That's true. Where did ________________?

B: Our legislators spent it on first-class travel all over the world.

A: They are having a ________________________.

B: So when are we going to stop giving them more?



3.Role-play exercise

A: Did you get your Official Sample Ballot?

B: _______________________________.

A: How are you going to vote?

B: ___________________________________________________.

A: I meant, are you going to vote for or against the new taxes?

B: _________________________.

A: But we need new taxes to pay for highways, schools, and prisons.

B: ______________________________________________!

A: That's true. Where did that money go?

B: ______________________________________________________.

A: They are having a good time with our money.

B: _____________________________________________?





Unit 9, dialogue №4

 Overseas /ˌəʊ.vəˈsiːz/ -  in, from, or to other countries.

Wounded /ˈwuːn.dɪd/ - offended or upset by what someone has said or done.

imageimageMention /ˈmen.ʃən/ -  to speak about something quickly, giving little detail or using few words.

2.Fill in the missing information

A: I see that former President Bush is at a conference.

B: Yes. He's telling jokes about his eight years as president.

A: Yes, those eight years were ________________________.

B: Only 4,000 American soldiers were killed overseas. A: Not to mention 40,000 ___________________.

B: But Bush visited some of them in the hospital once.

A: That's nice that he ______________ to make a visit.

B: He spoke to them and made ________________________.

A: Did he speak to every family that lost a soldier?

B: No, he didn't have time to do that.

A: Well, he's _________________ now!

B: No, he's too busy writing a book about ______________________ be president.


3.Role-play exercise

A: I see that former President Bush is at a conference.

B: ___________________________________________________.

A: Yes, those eight years were a lot of fun for everyone.

B: ______________________________________________.

A: Not to mention 40,000 wounded soldiers.

B: _______________________________________________.

A: That's nice that he found the time to make a visit.

B: ____________________________________________.

A: Did he speak to every family that lost a soldier?

B: ____________________________________.

A: Well, he's got plenty of time now!

B: ___________________________________________________________.


Unit 9, dialogue №5

image1. Read and translate words and word-combination

 Improve /ɪmˈpruːv/ - to (cause something to) get better.

Tax /tæks/ - (an amount of) money paid to the government that is based on yourincome or the cost of goods or services you have bought.

Title /ˈtaɪ.təl/  - a word that is used before someone's name, stating their social

rank, qualifications, position in an organization.

image2.Fill in the missing information

A: Have you decided how you are going to vote?

B: Do you mean on Measures 1, 2, and 3?

A: Yes. The ones that will  _________________________________.

B: You mean the measures that will raise our taxes.

A: But the TV ads say that our ________________________.

B: Do you believe the TV ads?

A: I like the one where the fireman tells us why   _____________________.

B: Don't believe him! Whatever the TV ads tell you, the opposite is true.

A: But the title of Measure 1 is "__________________________." B: The title should be "Better Schools at Huge Cost." A: I can't believe that they _________________.

B: Of course they lie—that's _____________________!



3.Role-play exercise

A: Have you decided how you are going to vote?

B: _____________________________________?

A: Yes. The ones that will improve our schools, roads, and hospitals.

B:  _______________________________________.

A: But the TV ads say that our taxes will not increase.

B: __________________________?

A: I like the one where the fireman tells us why we should vote yes.

B: ______________________________________________________.

A: But the title of Measure 1 is "Better Schools at No Cost."

B:  __________________________________________."

A: I can't believe that they would lie to us.

B:  __________________________________________________!




Unit 9, dialogue №6

1. Read and translate words and word-combination

image Distribution /ˌdɪs.trɪˈbjuː.ʃən/ - the process of giving things out to several people, or spreading or supplying something.

Notion /ˈnəʊ.ʃən/ - a belief or idea.

Stock market /ˈstɑk ˌmɑr·kɪt/ - the value of all investments that are traded.

Exchange rate /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ˌreɪt/ - the rate at which

the money of one country can be changed for themoney of another country.

Home-based / houm ‘ beizd/ - used to describe people who work at home, instead of in an office in a company.

Income /ˈɪn.kʌm/ -  money that is earned from doing work or received from investments.

Outcome /ˈaʊt.kʌm/ -  a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.

Branch /brɑːntʃ/ - a part of something larger.


image2.Fill in the missing information

Patricia: Hi Jeff! How are you? What's new?         

Jeff: Hi, Patricia. All is well, how about you? Not many changes. I've just moved to a new appartment and changed faculties. 

Patricia: You mean you transferred to _________________ as you planned?          Jeff: Yes, it was exactly what I wanted to study. 

Patricia: I'm really far from understanding this topic. What is ______________?  Jeff: It's a social science that studies money and goods' distribution around the world. A lot depends on it, if not ___________________. 

Patricia: I see, but I thought there were different types of economics.

Jeff: You're right, of course. There is a global notion of economics, which influences stock markets, exchange rates, etc. There is a country-based economics, which tells us about ________________. If the country is poor it's called

__________________. It happens mainly because of the low level of economics.  Patricia: What about home-based distribution of finances, when families calculate their income and outcome. Can it also be ________________? Jeff: Yes, definitely. It's a __________________ of this science.


 3.Role-play exercise Patricia: Hi Jeff! How are you? What'snew?         

Jeff:______________________________________________________________ ______________________.       

Patricia: You mean you transferred to Economics' branch as you planned? 

Jeff: ___________________________________. 

Patricia: I'm really far from understanding this topic.What is economics as a term? Jeff:______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________.           

Patricia: I see, but I thought there were different types of economics.



__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________.       

Patricia: What about home-based distribution of finances, when families calculate their income and outcome. Can it also be called economics?

Jeff: _________________________________________.          
































Додаток 1



Unit 1. People and Relationship

Dialogue №1


Doctor:            — Good morning. Please have a seat here. What´s the problem?

Paul Ryefield: — I have a terrible stomachache.

Doctor:             — Do you have diarrhea?

Paul Ryefield: — Yes, I do.

Doctor:            — Do you have any other symptoms?

Paul Ryefield: — Yes, I feel sick.

Doctor:             — You mean you feel nauseous?

Paul Ryefield: — That´s right. I feel like vomiting. And right now I feel dizzy, too. Doctor:          — When did the symptoms start?

Paul Ryefield: — This morning. Yesterday evening I ate something raw.

Doctor:                — All right. Please take off your clothes to the waist and lie down there. ... Just tell me if it hurts when I do this.

Paul Ryefield: — It doesn´t hurt. ... Ouch. It hurts there.

Doctor:            — Okay. Let´s hope it´s just indigestion, but we´ll need to run some diagnostic tests to be sure. We´ll run a blood test and we´ll also need a urine sample. Paul Ryefield: — Can you give me something for the time being?

Doctor:            — Yes, I´ll give you a prescription for indigestion tablets.


Dialogue №2



— Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you?


Mrs Ryefield:

— Yes. I´d like to book a room, please.



— Certainly. When for, madam?


Mrs Ryefield:

— March the 23rd.



— How long will you be staying?


Mrs Ryefield:

— Three nights.



— What kind of room would you like, madam?


Mrs Ryefield:

— Er... double with bath. I´d appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake.



— Certainly, madam. I´ll just check what we have available. . . Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a really splendid view.


Mrs Ryefield:

— Fine. How much is the charge per night?



— Would you like breakfast?


Mrs Ryefield:

— No, thanks.



— It´s eighty four euro per night excluding VAT.


Mrs Ryefield:

— That´s fine.


— Who´s the booking for, please, madam?


Mrs Ryefield:

— Mr and Mrs Ryefield, that´s R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.



— Okay, let me make sure I got that: Mr and Mrs Ryefield. Double with bath for March the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Is that correct?


Mrs Ryefield:

— Yes it is. Thank you.



— Let me give you your confirmation number. It´s: 7576385. I´ll repeat that: 7576385. Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye.


Mrs Ryefield:


— Goodbye.


Dialogue №3 Waiter:       — Are you ready to order, sir?

Mr Ryefield: — Yes. I´ll have the beef stew for starters and my wife would like tomato soup.

Waiter:             — One beef stew and one tomato soup. What would you like for the main course?

Mr Ryefield: — I´ll have the Cayenne Pepper Steak and my wife would like the Fried Trout with mashed potatoes.

Waiter:            — I´m afraid the trout is off.

Mrs Ryefield: — Oh dear. Err... What else do you recommend? Waiter:      — The sole is very good.

Mrs Ryefield: — OK. I´ll have that. Do you have any coleslaw?

Waiter:            — No, I´m sorry, we don´t.

Mrs Ryefield: — Just give me a small mixed salad then.

Mr Ryefield: — Same for me.

Waiter:            — Certainly. (...) Would you like something to drink?

Mr Ryefield: — Yes, please. May I see the wine list? Waiter: — Certainly. Here you are.


Mr Ryefield: — A bottle of Chablis ‘99, please. Waiter:       — Excellent choice!


Dialogue №4 A: My parents go to church every Sunday.

B: They trust in God.

A: They hope they will go to heaven.

B: They probably will.

A: But no one knows for sure.

B: That's for sure.

A: No one knows what happens after we die.

B: If we are good, we will be happy in heaven with God.

A: That's what many people believe.

B: If we are bad, we will be unhappy forever in hell.

A: I don't want to go to hell.

B: Let's go to church with your parents on Sunday.


Dialogue №5

Reservations clerk: — Northwind Airways, good morning. May I help you?

Mary Jones:             — Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon?

Reservations clerk: — One moment, please... Yes. There´s a flight at 16:45 and one at 18:00. Mary Jones: — That´s fine. Could you tell me how much a return flight costs? I´ll be staying three weeks.

Reservations clerk: — Economy, business class or first class ticket?

Mary Jones:             — Economy, please.

Reservations clerk: — That would be €346.

Mary Jones:             — OK. Could I make a reservation?

Reservations clerk: — Certainly. Which flight would you like?

Mary Jones:             — The 16:45, please.

Reservations clerk: — Could I have your name, please?

Mary Jones:             — My name is Mary Jones, that´s M-A-R-Y J-O-N-E-S.

Reservations clerk: — How would you like to pay, Ms. Jones?

Mary Jones:             — Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket?

Reservations clerk: — Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time.

Mary Jones:             — I see.

Reservations clerk: — Now you have been booked, Ms. Jones. The flight leaves at 16:45, and your arrival in Sydney will be at 9:25 a.m., local time. The flight number is NWA 467.

Mary Jones:             — Thank you.


Dialogue №6

Reservations clerk: — Northwind Airlines. Can I help you?

Daniel Adams:         — Hello. I´d like to reconfirm my flight, please.

Reservations clerk: — May I have your name and flight number, please?

Daniel Adams:         — My name is Daniel Adams and my flight number is 374.

Reservations clerk: — When are you leaving?

Daniel Adams:         — On May 11th.

Reservations clerk: — And your destination?

Daniel Adams:         — Buenos Aires.

Reservations clerk: — Hold the line, please. (...) All right. Your seat is confirmed, Mr. Adams.

You´ll be arriving in Buenos Aires at 4 o´clock p.m. local time. Daniel Adams:     — Thank you. Can I pick up my ticket when I check in?

Reservations clerk: — Yes, but please check in at least one hour before departure time.



Dialogue №7 Sales clerk: — May I help you, sir?

Paul Ryefield: — Yes, please. I´m looking for a cotton polo shirt.

Sales clerk:      — Any particular colour?

Paul Ryefield: — Not really.

Sales clerk:      — How about this one?

Paul Ryefield: — I like the design, but don´t particularly care for the colour. Do you have that in other colours, too?

Sales clerk:          — Well, they come in white, pale yellow, aqua, red and green. Will a white one do?

Paul Ryefield: — Yes. I prefer white - and may I see a pale yellow one, too?

Sales clerk:      — Why, of course. Let´s see... White... Pale yellow. Here you are, sir.



Dialogue №8

— Good evening. Where have you come from? Immigration officer:

— Bucharest, Romania. Paul Ryefield:

— May I have your passport and form I-94, please? Immigration officer:

— Here you are. Paul Ryefield:

— What´s the nature of your visit? Business or pleasure? Immigration officer:

— Pleasure. I´m visiting my relatives. Paul Ryefield:

— How long are you going to stay in the United States? Immigration officer:

— Three weeks. Paul Ryefield:

— What is your occupation? Immigration officer:

— I work as an accountant for a Romanian telecommunications company. Paul Ryefield:

— Do you have a return ticket? Immigration officer:

— Yes, here it is. Paul Ryefield:

— That´s fine. Thanks. Enjoy your trip. Immigration officer:

— Thank you. Paul Ryefield:


Unit 2. Choose the Career!

Dialogue №1


A: What is the best way to find a job here?

B: There are different ways of conducting a job search. Do you know what you want to do? I don't know.

Can you work part-time or full-time?

It doesn't matter right now, either one would be OK.

The binders have current local jobs listings and the computer jobs lists are good too.


A: OK, I'll go check it out.

B: Schedule an appointment with a counselor and you can get more information. Would that work for you?

A: I am not sure.

B: Everything that you need for a successful job search is here. Happy job searching!


Dialogue №2

A: I am not sure what to do to get ready for my job interview.

B: Make sure that you understand the company. Do you understand what it is that they do?

A: No, I probably need to do some more research.

B: When you've finished your research it will help you figure out whether your company is rigid in philosophy or kind of more relaxed. Does that make sense?

A: I think that their attitude is rather casual.

B: So all of that information will help you to pick out what to wear. Do you have something to wear?

A: I have absolutely nothing so far.

B: I could go shopping with you sometime if you need it, but can we talk about other basics?

A: Yes, where should we go from here?

B: Focus on being relaxed and open, don't forget to smile and shake hands and be genuinely interested in what their company is about. I'm sure you'll do well.


Dialogue №3 A: Thank you for taking the time to interview me.

B: Hi there, I'm Bill Gotcha, the owner of Gotcha Enterprises. Did you find your way here OK?

A: Your assistant gave wonderful directions.

B: Why are you switching jobs at this point in your career?

A: Our company is moving overseas and I wish to stay in the United States.

B: What are you best at?

A: I am good at organizing systems that have been having problems.

B: What is your biggest challenge in terms of skills?

A: I don't like to sit around and so like to always find things to do to keep myself busy. B: That is good to hear!


Dialogue №4 A: Good morning. Thank you for the interview.

B: No problem. Now, do you prefer working with others or flying solo?

A: Actually, I enjoy both.

B: So, what is most important to you in a job? Do you need job security or professional growth and a chance to advance?

A: I need job security.

B: Would you be able to relocate?

A: I am open to relocating.

B: What are your annual salary requirements?

A: I need at least 75,000 per year.

B: I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for coming in today. We'll be in touch.


Dialogue №5 May I ask you how much this position pays per year?

This job pays sixty-five thousand dollars per year.

What kind of benefits does this job have?

This job provides full medical, dental, and disability.

What type of vacation time do we get?

You get 3 weeks paid vacation that you may use as you wish.

A: Do we have a 401K?

B: We offer a 401K with some matching funds available depending on length of service.

A: What type of professional development do you offer?

B: We provide up-to-date training on state of the art equipment.

A: Where do I sign up for my benefits package?

B: Down the hall. I'll show you when the interview is over.


Dialogue №6 A: Good morning, may I speak with Mr. Wallace, please?

B: You are speaking to him, may I help you?

A: Mr. Wallace, this is the Xenon Company calling to speak with you.

B: Yes, good to hear from you!

A: We are calling you today to offer you the job you interviewed for last week.

B: That's great! I am looking forward to working for you.

A: Would you be able to begin working for us in two weeks?

B: I could begin working then with no problem.

A: Welcome to our company; we will see you then.


Dialogue №7 A: I need help with my timesheet.

B: OK, no problem. Have you found the blank ones?

A: Yes, I have seen them.

B: Yes, well put your name on it after you have downloaded it off the company website. OK?

A: Yes, I understand what to do.

B: You fill in the hours and total them for the week. Have you ever used a 24 hour clock?

A: What? Huh?

B: So after you noted the hours, starting at zero which is midnight, you just write down the minutes as a dot followed by minutes. Get it?

A: Huh? What?

B: Just make sure you show your total, sign it, and turn it in.

A: I thought you said this was easy.

B: You are a quick learner. I don't think you'll have any trouble with this.


Dialogue №8

A: I lost track of time, am I late?

B: Yes. What kept you from arriving on time?

A: My friend needed me to help him.

B: I realize that everyone has emergencies; just get here on time from now on.

A: My apologies.

B: I appreciate you saying that and would like you to join us in our meeting.

A: Sure, I'll sit right here.

B: Wonderful, does anyone have any questions about this project?

A: I am confused about the projected revenues.

B: I'm glad that some of you get it, but let's go over it once more.


Dialogue №9 How do I order the office supplies that I need?

Fill out this form with whatever you need. What do you need the most? I need many things.

I can get a few of them right away, but might have to order some.

 I can wait a few days for these items.

 Make sure that you have money allocated for these supplies. How much do you have for office supplies?

A: I don't think we have very much money for supplies, but we have a little.

B: Would you like them delivered to you or can you come get them here?

A: I am not sure yet.

B: When you finish completing the request form, we will order and let you know when the supplies are here. Have a great day! A: Good-bye!

Dialogue №10 A: I am here for my job interview.

B: Fine, have a seat. May I get you some water or coffee?

A: Sure, thank you.

B: I'll get that for you right now.

A: Thank you. What a nice office this is!

B: Yes, could you come in now? I am going to take you back to meet your interviewer, Mr.


Unit 3. Why Go to College?

Dialogue №1


A: Hello, how are you doing?

B: Pretty good, and you?

A: I'm doing great.

B: That's great to hear.

A: So how long have you been going to PCC?

B: I've been going here for a couple years now. You?

A: This is my first year.

B: How do you like it so far?

A: It's all right.

B: You don't like it?

A: I'll like it better once I finish my GE.

B: That's exactly how I used to feel.


Dialogue №2 A: Where can I buy textbooks?

B: First, you need to have the list of books for your class. Do you have that?

A: Yes, I have that.

B: Well, when you have that, you can take it over to the bookstore. Can you find it?

A: No, I don't know where the bookstore is.

B: Just pass the gym and it's the first door on your left. Were you aware that you can also turn in your old textbooks for money?

A: Really? How can I do that?

B: Take your used textbooks with you and give them to the representative near the entrance. He will pay you for them. Are you going today?

A: No, I can't make it today.

B: I could help you with buying your books if you meet me there at 1:00 today or tomorrow. Would you like my help?

A: No, thanks. I'm good.

B: I'll see you later then. Have a great day!


Dialogue №3

Could you tell me if you have ever taken a class from Dr. Miller?

Yes. Are you going to be taking a class from him?

A: Yes, but I have never taken his class before.

B: He is very interesting and challenging. Is that what you are looking for?

A: Yes, that's what I need.

B: He is really clear on what you need to learn to get a good grade. Are you willing to study hard?

A: Yes, I guess so.

B: What I really liked about him is that he was an understanding and friendly teacher. Do you enjoy that in a teacher?

A: Yes, I had a teacher like that before.

B: Did you know that he has 20 years teaching experience?

A: No, I didn't, but that could be a good thing.

B: Well, take a look at everything and figure out what is best for you. Good luck!

Dialogue №4


A : Excuse me, Professor. I have to talk to you about why my homework didn't get done.

B: What happened that you didn't get it done?

A: I had to watch a football game instead.

B: Well, you had more than one day; couldn't you have fit it in on another day?

A: Yes, I think so.

B: Either way, I only allow one missed assignment per semester. When will you be turning the make-up in?

A: I'll make it up next week.

B: Fine, but it cannot happen again if you want an “A” in the class. A: OK, I can do that.

B: Remember that you are in college now, not high school.


Dialogue №5

A: I was wondering how you are going to calculate our final grades.

B: Grades are based on many things: homework, attendance, quizzes, mid-term, and final.

A: What counts the most?

B: Actually I look at all of it and let's not forget class participation.

A: Do you grade on a curve or use percentages?

B: Homework, attendance, and quizzes are sixty percent; the mid-term and final are worth twenty percent each.

A: What if we miss something?

B: I will allow one unexcused absence; after that you need to contact me ahead of time.

A: Will you tell us if we are failing during the year?

B: You will be able to track your progress during the year.


Dialogue №6 A: Excuse me, Professor. I am going to miss next week's class.

B: Is this something that you could schedule for another time?

A: No, I have to do this; it's important!

B: Have you arranged for someone to take notes for you?

A: I've made arrangements with a friend to help me.

B: You know that I only allow one absence per semester, don't you?

A: Yes, I know.

B: Write down your name and the date on a piece of paper and give it to me.

A: OK, I can do that.

B: Well, have a good day off from class.


Dialogue №7 A: Can you help me with returning my late books?

B: This is the right spot to pay your fee. Put your books down right here.

A: OK, here they are.

B: I can see that you owe 25 cents a day. That will be one dollar and fifty cents total.

A: OK, here's the money.

B: We are interested in getting our books back; so as long as all the fines are paid off by the end of the semester, you will be fine. Does that make sense?

A: I'm not sure.

B: Your registration and transcripts can be held up if there is an outstanding fine.

A: Now I understand.

B: Well, you can always keep your late fees down by using the night drop if we are closed. Enjoy the library!

Dialogue №8 A: Professor, could I make an appointment with you?

B: I am free tomorrow afternoon between two and four; do you have a particular time in mind? 

A: Two o'clock would be the best time.

B: Fine, do you know where my office is?

A: No, I'm not sure.

B: Remember, it is in the E building on the third floor.

A: I see.

B: Don't worry, it will work out fine once you get there. I'll see you then.

A: I'll see you then.

B: Looking forward to meeting with you!


Unit 4. National Cuisine

Dialogue №1 A: What's for dinner tonight?

B: It's whatever you're planning on cooking.

A: You're not going to cook?

B: No, I always cook.

A: Yes, and I love your cooking.

B: Don't give me that. If you're hungry, then cook dinner.

A: You're being serious?

B: Look, I'm really tired tonight. I don't feel like cooking dinner.

A: I'll make dinner tonight.

B: Thank you. I'm going to bed.

A: Do you want me to wake you up when dinner is ready? B: Yes, please.


Dialogue №2


A: What do you plan on making as a side dish for dinner?

B: I was planning on making some kind of vegetable.

A: Do you know what kind?

B: What kind of vegetable do you want?

A: I wouldn't mind eating some corn.

B: How do you want it?

A: What do you mean?

B: I can boil it, grill it, or microwave it.

A: You should throw some corn on the grill.

B: Is that really what you want?

A: That sounds good.

B: I guess I can do that.


Dialogue №3


A: I was thinking about cooking dinner tonight.

B: What do you want to make?

A: I'm not exactly sure.

B: I wouldn't mind a beef bowl.

A: How do I make that?

B: All it has is rice and teriyaki beef.

A: That sounds easy, but how do I make it?

B: First, you need to make some white rice.

A: Then what do I do?

B: Then you need to shred some beef and marinate it with teriyaki sauce.

A: Is there anything else I need to do?

B: Then you cook it up and eat it.


Dialogue №4


A: Can I start you off with anything to drink?

B: Yes, may I have some water, please?

A: Sure, would you like any appetizers today?

B: May I get an order of barbeque wings?

A: No problem, can I get you anything else?

B: No, thank you, that'll be all for now.

A: Let me know when you're ready to order your food.

B: I'm ready.

A: What can I get you?

B: May I have the fettuccini Alfredo?

A: Will that be all?

B: Yes, that's it.


Dialogue №5


A: I'm hungry.

B: So am I.

A: Where should we go eat today?

B: How about we go eat in the cafeteria?

A: I never bought food from the cafeteria B: You haven't? They have a lot of good stuff.

A: What do they have?

B: They sell everything.

A: I want Chinese food.

B: I've gotten chow mein from there before.

A: I guess we can eat there then.

B: Trust me, the food isn't half bad.


Dialogue №6


A: I really feel like eating a salad.

B: What kind are you going to make?

A: I'm really not sure.

B: I really like Caesar salads.

A: Caesar salads are pretty good.

B: What kind of salad do you want to make?

A: I want a salad with some chicken.

B: I love chicken salads.

A: I like my salads to have croutons, almonds, and shredded cheese.

B: That sounds really tasty.

A: You should make a salad like that.

B: I think that I will.


Dialogue №7 A: I need to get some beef.

B: Do you know what kind of beef you want?

A: I want to get some ground beef.

B: How many pounds do you need?

A: I would like four pounds of ground beef.

B: What kind of ground beef do you need?

A: I would like the extra lean.

B: Let me go and get that for you.

A: Thank you very much.

B: No problem.

A: I'll wrap it up for you now.

B: I appreciate that.


Dialogue №8


A: I want something sweet after dinner.

B: What do you have in mind?

A: A dessert sounds nice.

B: What kind are you thinking of getting?

A: I want to get some pie.

B: What kind of pie do you want?

A: I have no idea.

B: Do you want to know what kind of pie I like?

A: Sure, what kind do you like?

B: I love apple pie.

A: I love apple pie too.

B: There you go. Problem solved.


Dialogue №9 A: I'm hungry.

B: You already ate.

A: It wasn't enough, because I'm hungry again.

B: There's nothing left from dinner.

A: I'm going to get a snack.

B: What kind of snack are you going to make?

A: I don't know.

B: You can always make a sandwich.

A: I don't know what kind of sandwich I want.

B: Just make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

A: I may just do that.

B: Go right ahead.


Dialogue №10


A: What are you going to eat with your sandwich?

B: I think I'm going to eat a piece of fruit.

A: What kind do you like?

B: I really like apples and grapes.

A: What kind of apples do you like to eat?

B: I love green apples.

A: I don't like green apples.

B: Really? Why not?

A: Green apples are too sour for me.

B: So, you like red apples better?

A: Yes, I love red apples.

B: I think green apples are a lot better..


Unit 5. Communacation Technologies Dialogue №1 A: I'd like to have internet on my computer.

B: Do you know what kind of internet you would like to get?

A: What are my options?

B: You can either get dial-up or DSL.

A: Which one would you recommend?

B: DSL is the best choice.

A: Why is DSL better?

B: It's a lot better because it doesn't tie up your phone line.

A: What exactly does that mean?

B: Well, with dial-up your internet is connected by your phone line.

A: That means that I can't use my phone and the internet at the same time, right? B: That's right. You won't have that problem with DSL.


Dialogue №2


A: I would like high speed internet installed in my house.

B: You have to make an appointment before we can come out and install it.

A: I'd like to make an appointment right now.

B: What day are you available?

A: I would like to have it done this Friday.

B: Three o'clock is the only time we can come in.

A: Is it possible for someone to come a little earlier?

B: I'm sorry, but that's our only available time. 

A: How about Saturday?

B: We're completely open on Saturday.

A: Can you come over at 11:00?

B: That'll be fine.


Dialogue №3 A: I need somebody to come over and fix my internet.

B: What's wrong with it?

A: For some reason it's just not connecting.

B: How long have you been having this problem?

A: It hasn't been working the past few days.

B: Does the internet come up at all?

A: It does, but it won't connect to anything.

B: Well, the internet isn't down, so there must be something wrong with your connection.

A: Could you send someone to fix it today?

B: I'll send somebody over right away to fix it.

A: When will they be here?

B: They should be there in the next hour


Dialogue №4


A: My computer isn't working.

B: Tell me what the problem is.

A: I'm trying to turn it on, but it won't work.

B: Try checking the connections.

A: Which ones are you referring to?

B: The cords that you see behind your CPU that plug into an outlet.

A: Is that why it won't turn on?

B: If they're not connected right, that will keep it from turning on.

A: I did not know that.

B: You should check the connections.

A: I'm going to do that.

B: Tell me if it's still not working


Dialogue №5


-Hi, Julia! Do you heard about new CPU technology? 

-Hi Dan! No I don't. What kind of technology is it?

-It`s a revolution in computer technologies! the scientists has made a new powerful CPU with 12 nano-meters technical process! They say this processors will be most productible in all of the world! 

-Yeah, it`s really exciting. Do you know how much heat they generate?

-I don`t know exactly, but they will generate more than 120 watt of heat.

-Oh, they must be really hot guys!

-Haha, really talk, bro.Ok, I must to go. See you soon! Bye! -Ok, bye.


Dialogue №6

A: "John, are you having problems with your network?"

B: "I think our whole network is down for upgrades. It should be back up in an hour."

A: "That's too late. I need the review documents from the company network share."

B: "I have a copy of that on my computer."

A: "Really? Can I get a copy?"

B: "Sure. But since the network is down, I'll have to put it on a disk for you."

A: "That would be great."

B: "Do you have a floppy disk?"

A: "I think I have one on my desk. Here it is."

B: "Ok. It's saving now. Here you go."

A: "Thanks. You saved me a great deal of trouble. I'm so glad you had a copy of this on your machine."

B: "No problem. I'm glad I could help."


Dialogue №7

A: "Don't we need a tax software to do this work?"

B: "Yeah. Don't you have it installed on your computer?"

A: "No. They said they would install it for me, but they didn't do it yet."

B: "Go ask your manager. He probably forgot."

A: "That's a good idea. Is there an instructional manual for this software?"

B: "It's in the second file cabinet under Software Applications."

A: "Thanks. I'll probably need it when I get the software."

B: "Actually, it's not that difficult to use. I think you should be able to figure it out without the manual. The manual is only good for advanced options that we don't really need."

A: "You're probably right. Many of the manuals I've read were not that helpful. Do you mind if I come to you for questions when I am using the software?"

B: "Not at all. Feel free to ask any questions. If I know the answer, I'll let you know."

A: "Great. I better go find the manager to get the software installed on my computer."



Dialogue №8 Salesperson:   Hi.  May I help you?

    Customer:   Yes.  I’m looking for a computer.

Salesperson:   Well, we have many to choose from.

Customer:       Is the monitor included with your computers?

Salesperson:   Yes, it is.

Customer:       How about the printer?

Salesperson:   Printers are sold separately.

Customer:       What else comes with the computers?

Salesperson:   The keyboard, mouse, and speakers.

Customer:        May I try one of your computers out? Salesperson:  Sure.

A little later…

Customer:        I think I’ll take this one. Salesperson:   Do you need a printer?

Customer:       Yes, and I will also need to buy some blank   floppy disks and CD-ROMs.


Unit 6. Is The Earth in Danger? Dialogue №1 A: Do you know what today is?

B: Yes, it's April 22.

A: It's more than just a date.

B: Is it your birthday or anniversary?

A: No, it's Earth Day.

B: What's that?

A: It's a yearly reminder to take care of our planet.

B: Oh, you mean like reuse things and recycle stuff?

A: Yes. We need to think green, save water, and stop using plastic bags.

B: How about if I take shorter showers?

A: That's a good idea, because showers waste a lot of water. B: From now on I'll spend only 20 minutes in the shower.


Dialogue №2

Benjamin: The weather is nice today. It's warm and sunny outside.                          

Robert: Yes, it is. I don't know why it's so warm outside in November. Several years ago it would rain and snow at this time of the year and now it's sunny and warm.  

Benjamin: Perhaps, it's due to global warming. The climate is changing worldwide. I've noticed that it's getting warmer each year.                     Robert: That's not good at all, you know.       

Benjamin: Well, warming is not the only global problem. Irresponsible human actions gradually destroy our surrounding nature.                   

Robert: How horrible! What other problems occur to nature?           

Benjamin: Let's take deforestation, for example. Every year people burn or cut down so many trees that forests are nearly empty.           

Robert: Why do they do it?                  

Benjamin: They need more land for housing, farming and plant growing.   Robert: I see. Well, I hope not all the forests are affected yet.                    

Benjamin: No, of course not. There are still many untouched areas on some continents. I know that some tropical forests in Africa and Asia are being strictly protected by government and environmental organizations.                

Robert: Pollution seems to be another natural problem nowadays.               

Benjamin: Yes, it does. In fact, there are several types of pollution: air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, radioactive and thermal pollution, light pollution, visual pollution, and even personal pollution.           

Robert: What do you mean by personal pollution?

Benjamin: Thousands of people in the world smoke cigarretes, drink alcohol or do drugs. That's called pesonal pollution. While they harm themselves, they also pollute atmosphere and nature.   Robert: I see. How about light, noise and visual types of pollution? How do these factors affect nature? 

Benjamin: Well, light pollution means excessive illumination in the streets of large cities. It becomes impossible to see the sky clearly and to conduct astronomical observations. Visual pollution can be caused by unattractive views, such as construction areas, too many billboards, polluted fields. It can lead to health and environmental effects. Noise pollution is mainly connected with transport. The growing number of cars, buses, airplanes, trains, trucks leads to many problems, such as hearing loss, wildlife disturbance, etc.         

Robert: Now I understand. Our nature is really in danger, thanks to wrong human actions.               Benjamin: Exactly. That's why I'm not surprised to see such warm weather in November. It is happening because of world glaciers' melting.      Robert: Poor nature! Can't people do something to protect it?

Benjamin: I believe, they can. For example, to avoid land and water pollution they could recycle their rubbish. To use less electrical energy and to avoid light pollution, they could use fluorescent light bulbs. They are more expensive, but they last much longer.                 

Robert: And, I guess if they rode bicycles instead of cars the air pollution problem would be solved.  

Benjamin: That's it. Moreover, water resources of our planet aren't endless. People should use special devices to collect rain water, for example.  

Robert: That's a good idea.       

Benjamin: Speaking about numerous devices in modern houses, when we do not use them, we should turn them off to save energy.  

Robert: One more thing. People buy so many clothes and shoes. After a while they throw them away. Instead, they could donate their clothes to poor countries.        

Benjamin: I agree. I have also read that detergents which we use on daily basis are rather harmful for the environment. So, if people use them less when washing clothes and dishes, that would be better.   

Robert: Look Benjamin, we have made so many useful points on how to save nature. Why don't we write an article about environmental protection for school newspaper? 

Benjamin: What a great idea! Let's do it straightaway. On Monday we can give it to our school editor.  

Robert: I hope, those who read this article will start treating nature more carefully.


Dialogue №3 Nadya: Daniel, what day is it today?  Daniel: The 3rd of November.             

Nadya: It's unnaturally warm outside for this season, don't you think?        

Daniel: It's all the result of global warming. 

Nadya: What do you mean by global warming? 

Daniel: I mean climate is changing worldwide. Due to rapid technological progress many things have changed. The world glaciers are gradually melting and the weather is getting warm even in winter. 

Nadya: I see. So, it's the rise in temperature of Earth's climatic system. That's not good at all.         Daniel: Moreover, the weather in some parts of the world is becoming unnatural. For example, it has never snowed in Africa, today it occassionally does. Speaking about our country, each year I feel that it's getting a bit warmer and less snowy.            

Nadya: How terrible! I like the snow. Winter is my favourite season. How are we going to celebrate New Year in the future?

Daniel: We'll see. Perhaps, without any snow.           

Nadya: Why is this global warming happening anyway?      

Daniel: It is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It acts as a blanket, which traps the heat and warms the planet. It's also called the greenhouse effect. As you can guess, it is happening because of irresponsible human actions. As we burn fossil fuels or burn vast spaces of forest, carbon overloads our atmosphere.        

Nadya: I could never understand why people use fossil fuels, such as oil or coal, and why they burn whole forests.             

Daniel: Well, you see, they need fuel for energy and forests are cut down or burn to create new space for pastures or plantations. While we try to grab more land or to get more energy, we harm our planet. Everything is interconnected.         

Nadya: That's sad indeed. I believe that global warming is not the only problem on our planet.   Daniel: You're right. There are pleanty of environmental problems nowadays, such as pollution, deforestation, overpopulation, natural resource depletion, acid rains, etc. 

Nadya: And it's all the result of human careless behavior. Can't there be anything done about it?


Daniel: Of course, it can. However, most people are too lazy to include some simple rules in their life.      

Nadya: What can we do to prevent global warming?            

Daniel: First of all, we should start recycling paper, plastic and glass. Choosing reusable products instead of disposables would be also good. Secondly, we should drive less cars and start using bicycles. Thirdly, it is highly recommended to use less heat, hot water and air conditioning.

And, as my father says, we should plant more trees instead of cutting them down.             

Nadya: These are good tips. Are there any other rules?        

Daniel: We can also change the light bulbs in our houses. Regular bulbs should be replaced by fluorescent light bulbs. They are a bit more expensive, but they last much longer. We can start buying other energy-efficient products. There are many home appliances today that come in a range of energy-efficient models. And, finally, we can encourage others to follow these rules.  Nadya: It would certainly be beneficial for our planet if everyone followed these rules.


Dialogue №4

Elisabeth: Are you going to read such a great amount of newspapers tonight? Where did you get them?

Michael: I bought these newspapers at the airport. I need them because I`m going to make a report about the environment. Some of them I have read during the flight. The rest of them I`m going to read tonight. There were very many different British newspapers at the paper shop and I have chosen the most interesting ones. I have bought the most quality papers: The Financial Times, The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Sunday Express, etc. These Newspapers always carry actual articles on industry, economy, social life and environment. They always contain factual reports I need for my presentation.

Elisabeth: Of course, it is very important to know what is going on in the world. But you are having a dozen papers for tonight.

Michael: To be precise I have to read ten of them. You can borrow some from me for tonight.

Elisabeth: No, thank you. I`m very tired now and the only one wish I have is to reach my bed as soon as possible. But what about your presentation: what are you going to include in it?

Michael: Our Earth is unprotected and it needs to be protected. If people take care of their environment they will keep the Earth green and clean. People have to understand how to ensure the environmental protection and they have to take into consideration all the factors that mankind`s survival depends on. Environmental protection is not only planting trees and picking up litter. People have to fight noise pollution, air pollution and water pollution. Everybody has to do his best for improvement of all human being.

Elisabeth: Do you mean I have to stop wearing fur coats, going by car, eating food in tin and plastic cans, using various sprays, etc.?

Michael: If you could do it, it would be much better for our environment and maybe for you too.

Elisabeth: Do you want to say we have to reject the progress?

Michael: No, we must only take control of our progress and to set it in a right direction.

Elisabeth: Why do people kill animals for their beautiful fur and their wonderful skin? What is our progress with its synthetic skins and furs for then?

Michael: Some people like animals and some people don`t like them. Personally, I think people who don`t care for animals can`t be my friends. Those who like animals are always more friendly, aren`t they?

Elisabeth: Yes, they are. But some people blame their pets for their dirt. And the most animals clean themselves better than some people do. And many people ruin their health by being rude to one another. No animal does it.

Michael: The trouble is such convinced fighters are a minority. The majority isn`t trying to help animals.

Unit 7. The World of Painting

Dialogue №1


A: I don’t get art. B: Or artists.

A: They’re in a different world.

B: I saw a painting of a jar that was full of pencils.

A: The artist said the jar was both full and empty.

B: But it was full of pencils! How could he say it was empty?

A: Artists see things differently.

B: Did you ever see anything that Picasso painted?

A: Of course! He’s world famous.

B: Did he ever take art lessons?

A: I can’t believe it. I drew paintings like that in third grade. B: Where are they? Maybe they are worth millions.


Dialogue №2 - Hello, Alyona! How are you?

-  Hi, Olesya! Thanks, OK!

-  Alyona! What are you doing now? Can you help me?

-  Well, what’s the matter?

-  I would like to know some facts about John Constable? Have you  heard about him? The teacher gave us the quiz with some questions.

-  You see, as far as I know J.Constable was an English painter, one of the greatest British landscape artists. Fortunately, I have a book with articles about some foreign painters. Let’s look through it!

-  Great! And what about his education as a painter?

-  Well, let’s find. Oh, it’s here. He decided to be an artist only in 1799, when he joined the Royal Schools, and it was not until 1829 that he was made a full Academician.

-  Alyona, one more thing! When did he begin to win recognition and when was it?

-  Well, during the 1820s he began to win recognition especially when his painting “The Hay Wain” won a gold medal at the Paris Salon of 1824.

-  Oh, a gold medal! It’s great! Did he live in Paris then?

-  It’s interesting to note that he never went abroad and even to Paris.

And what is more, his finest works were of the places he knew and loved best, where he lived from 1821.

-  Alyona! What thoughts can you find about a tendency to praise a full-sketch in   painting?

-  You see! I’ve found! Well, listen to! In the 20-th century there has been a tendency to praise such sketches even more highly than the finished because of their freedom and freshness of brushwork.

-  It’s interesting to learn about the painter’s manner of work. But where did he work extensively?

-  It’s written in the article that John Constable liked the open air to work, drawing and sketching in oil, but his finished paintings were produced in the studio.

-  I see Constable was a famous painter. But did he have an influence on other painters? What can you find in the book about this fact?

-  There is the fact that he had a major influence on Romantic painters such as Delacroix as well as on the members of the Barbizon School, and ultimately on the Impressionists.

-  All these facts proof ones more that Constable was a talented painter not only in his country but also in the world. Thank you for your useful information! You’ve helped me very much! Thanks a lot!

-  Well, it’s not me, but the book was our magic wand! Good luck! Bye! - See you later!

Dialogue №3 You: Have you ever visited the Science Museum?

Your friend: No I haven’t. Is there an admission fee?

You: No it is free to enter, but you can make a donation.

Your friend: Sounds good. What exhibitions are on display at the moment?

You: There are many! I would like to visit the Making the Modern World section as they have a collection of technological artifacts from the past to the present day.

Your friend: Sounds like a pretty interesting place to wander around! I bet they have an excellent gift shop.

You: Let’s go there this afternoon.

We hope this helps you to plan cultural trips to your local museums or galleries. We would love to hear about your experiences!



Dialogue №4 Dina: Hi, Adam. How are you?  

Adam: Hi, Dina. I'm fine, thank you. And you?         

Dina: I'm very well, thanks. What are your plans for tomorrow?     

Adam: I haven't planned anything, yet. As soon as the school lessons finish, I'm free. Do you want to suggest anything?                      

Dina: Yes, I wanted to suggest going to the city museum. I've never been there, but my mum says this place is worth visiting.                           

Adam: Sounds good. I'm all for it! Let's visit the museum. I've also never been there.           Dina: Are you a fan of art? There is also an art gallery on the second floor?               Adam: I like contemporary art of young and yet infamous artists, but there are some worldfamous artists whose work I respect. For example, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, etc.                   

Dina: I see. You are lucky, then. The city museum has several exhibition halls which feature classic art and modern compositions.                           

Adam: Great! We should definitely go there. And who is your favourite artist?      

Dina: Most of all I like the art works of Ivan Aivazovsky, but they are kept either in Tretyakov Gallery or in Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Some of his works are kept in Feodosia in the house where he used to live.  

Adam: Well, that means we won't be asle to see his works unless we go to Moscow or in Crime  Dina: You're right.     


Dialogue №5  Dina: Hello. What time does the museum close?  

Museum worker: we are open till 6 pm.          

Dina: And how much is the admission for students?              

Museum worker: It's $5 only.             

Dina: Ok. Then we'll have two tickets, please.

Adam: Thanks for inviting me to join you. I like this place.

Dina: It's closing in half an hour. We need to be quick.        

Adam: It's a shame. There are still so many halls to explore. I really liked the hall of sculptures.

We should come here again. 

Dina: We'll do. I want to spend a bit more time in front of each object. The audio-guide tells so many interesting facts.           

Adam: Let's turn left, Dina. There is the hall of modern art. I'd like to learn more about contemporary artists and their style.  

Dina: You seem to be a real fan of modern art, don't you?  

Adam: I am, indeed. Let's visit the museum and art galleries more often. 


Dina: Next weekend there is a new exhibition at this museum. We can come here again.  Adam: Sounds great Let's do that.


Dialogue №6


-                      Wow! This museum is so large! We can even get lost in all those galleries. It’s impossible to see everything here. Do you know that the museum comprises more than 100 thousand exhibits? - Yes, I agree with you. I’m afraid we need several weeks to find all the items here and read all the labels.

-                      We have to check the floor plans near the stairs at every entrance. - And we have a booklet guide to the museum. I find it very useful. - I’m quite interested in pre-historical things and archaeological artefacts of the ancient times. - Then you are sure to like looking at the dinosaur skeletons and the tools, pottery and jewellery made by the cavemen.

-                      Oh, that sounds fantastic! According to our maps the ancient collections are on the first floor. There are galleries of Egyptian, Greek and Roman art there.

-                      As for me I’d rather prefer watching the beautiful costumes, furniture, statues and paintings of the Renaissanсe period. I really enjoy that. Art can tell us lots of different things. As I can see we’ll find plenty of famous masterpieces on the second floor: oil paintings and watercolours, still-lives, landscapes and portraits.

-                      Well! Let’s go then! Don’t forget to turn off your cell-phone. I’m sure our visit will be very educational and the museum will give us a glimpse into the past, into the lives of our distant ancestors.



Unit 8. Do You Like Sports? Dialogue №1

A: Golf is a silly game.

B: It certainly is.

A: You hit a white ball.

B: And then you chase it.

A: And then you hit it again.

B: Finally, you put the ball into a hole in the ground. A: You do this 18 times, because there are 18 holes.

B: What’s the point?

A: How can it be fun?

B: They pay money to play this silly game! A: I think golfers have a mental problem. B: I think they’re nuts.


Dialogue №2 A: Did you watch that golf tournament?

B: The one that Tiger won?

A: How did he do it?

B: It was nothing for him.

A: He sank a 20-foot putt on the last hole to win by one stroke!

B: He sank a 25-footer last year at the same tournament to win by one stroke.

A: I think he is from outer space.

B: No human could possibly play golf that well.

A: Whenever he needs a shot to win a tournament, he makes that shot.

B: No human can do that.

A: Somebody should check his birth record.

B: I bet it says he was born on Mars.


Dialogue №3

A: Who’s the greatest baseball player? B: There are so many great players. A: Yes, but who is the greatest?

B: I’d have to say Babe Ruth.

A: Most people would say that.

B: He changed the game.

A: Yes, he made the home run popular.

B: Everybody loved him, all over the nation.

A: He helped make the Yankees the best team ever.

B: And Ruth was a good person, too.

A: He always visited hospitals to cheer up sick kids.

B: There will never be another Babe.


Dialogue №4 A: Did you hear what happened at the baseball game?

B: No, please tell me.

A: Someone punched out someone.

B: That’s not nice. A: It’s worse than that. B: How so?

A: Two guys got into an argument.

B: I’ll bet they were drinking.

A: A third guy punched one of the two guys.

B: I’ll bet he was drinking, too.

A: The victim hit his head on the concrete steps and died.

B: That’s terrible. Can’t people just have fun at a baseball game?


Dialogue №5

A: Golf is so hard.

B: What's so hard about hitting a little white ball?

A: It's hard if you want to do it right.

B: You mean like Tiger?

A: No, like a good amateur golfer.

B: What's so hard about golf?

A: There are so many things you have to do right.

B: Like what?

A: Like keep your left arm straight, keep your head down, and follow through.

B: Yikes! Who can remember all that?

A: You need to get a lot of lessons when you're really young.

B: Forget it. Golf sounds more like work than fun.


Dialogue №6 A: Did you hear about the ball player?

B: The home run hitter on drugs?

A: He said a doctor helped him with a personal problem.

B: He said he wasn’t using drugs. A: He apologized to the fans.

B: The league suspended him for 50 games.

A: That will cost him some money.

B: Yes, about $7 million.

A: That will teach him a good lesson.

B: He probably won’t use drugs anymore.

A: But it won’t stop other players from using drugs. B: No. Everyone always figures that they won’t get caught.


Dialogue №7  Hello, Dima!

— Hello, Andrey!

— Did you know that a new sports centre is going to appear in our city?

— Yes, I knew that. I am going to play volleyball there.

— I hope to play on the same team, with you.

— We do sports for a long time. I am glad that new sports grounds, swimming pools and sports centres appear nowadays in every town.

— Sport is very popular in Ukraine today, especially among young people.

— That means that we will soon hear names of new world champions, who come from Ukraine. — I am always very glad when our university team wins a competition. But I think most of young people do sports not for medal.

— I agree with you. They just want to keep fit and be more disciplined.

— That’s what I like sports tor. It helps to be healthy and make new friends, who may be loyal to you for decades.

— Yes, let’s hope, we are friends forever. We are used to helping each other in our volleyball team.


Dialogue №8 — Hello, Dima!

— Hello, Vadim!

— You know, I have just watched a TV programme about the history of Ukrainian sports. I have heard a lot of amazing facts there!

— I do not think there is much amazing in Ukrainian sports. We are still a very young country. — Yes, out we have a lot of young and talented athletes. By the way, when Ukraine participated in the Olympic Games for the first time as an independent country, a young Ukrainian figure skater Oksana Bayul brougnt Ukraine the first gold medal.

— I know that. As for me, I am fond of football. Unfortunately, our team does not have the European Holders’ Cup.

— But we had it twice, in 1975 and in 1986! I am sure other football victories are still waiting for us. We have famous football players, A. Shevchenko, for example.

— That’s true. I am also proud of Y. Klotchkova, a famous world champion. She has several world records.

— I know one more Ukrainian sportsman, who has 35 world records.

— Who is he?

— S. Bubka. And I am sure he is not the last one.

— You know, I agree with you!


Unit 9. Across State Systems Dialogue №1 A: The election is next week.

B: Who are you voting for?

A: I'm not voting for the mayor.

B: Why not?

A: He made promises that he didn't keep.

B: Like what?

A: He promised to hire 1,000 more police officers.

B: How many did he hire?

A: One hundred!

B: Maybe he had a good reason.

A: Maybe he's just a liar.

B: Maybe I'll vote for someone else, too.


Dialogue №2 A: I don't know why I bother to vote.

B: Why's that?

A: What good does it do?

B: You get to put someone in power that you like.

A: Only if my candidate wins.

B: Well, he can't win unless you and others vote for him.

A: But even if my candidate wins, he'll break his promises.

B: That's true. They promise anything just so they get elected.

A: And when elected, they go their own way.

B: They forget who put them in power.

A: They forget where they came from.

B: Maybe you should run for office.


Dialogue №3 A: Did you get your Official Sample Ballot?

B: Yes, with the Voter Instructions.

A: How are you going to vote?

B: Same as ever, by mail. All it costs me is a 42-cent stamp.

A: I meant, are you going to vote for or against the new taxes?

B: Against all of them, of course.

A: But we need new taxes to pay for highways, schools, and prisons.

B: We've already voted for new taxes to pay for all that stuff!

A: That's true. Where did that money go?

B: Our legislators spent it on first-class travel all over the world.

A: They are having a good time with our money.

B: So when are we going to stop giving them more?


Dialogue №4 A: I see that former President Bush is at a conference.

B: Yes. He's telling jokes about his eight years as president.

A: Yes, those eight years were a lot of fun for everyone.

B: Only 4,000 American soldiers were killed overseas. A: Not to mention 40,000 wounded soldiers.

B: But Bush visited some of them in the hospital once.

A: That's nice that he found the time to make a visit.

B: He spoke to them and made them feel better.

A: Did he speak to every family that lost a soldier?

B: No, he didn't have time to do that.

A: Well, he's got plenty of time now!

B: No, he's too busy writing a book about how hard it was to be president.


Dialogue №5 A: Have you decided how you are going to vote?

B: Do you mean on Measures 1, 2, and 3?

A: Yes. The ones that will improve our schools, roads, and hospitals.

B: You mean the measures that will raise our taxes.

A: But the TV ads say that our taxes will not increase.

B: Do you believe the TV ads?

A: I like the one where the fireman tells us why we should vote Yes.

B: Don't believe him! Whatever the TV ads tell you, the opposite is true.

A: But the title of Measure 1 is "Better Schools at No Cost." B: The title should be "Better Schools at Huge Cost." A: I can't believe that they would lie to us.

B: Of course they lie—that's what politicians do!


Dialogue №6 Patricia: Hi Jeff! How are you? What's new?       

Jeff: Hi, Patricia. All is well, how about you? Not many changes. I've just moved to a new appartment and changed faculties.         

Patricia: You mean you transferred to Economics' branch as you planned?            

Jeff: Yes, it was exactly what I wanted to study.       

Patricia: I'm really far from understanding this topic. What is economics as a term?            Jeff: It's a social science that studies money and goods' distribution around the world. A lot depends on it, if not to say everything.              

Patricia: I see, but I thought there were different types of economics.

Jeff: You're right, of course. There is a global notion of economics, which influences stock markets, exchange rates, etc. There is a country-based economics, which tells us about the level of development. If the country is poor it's called a developing country. It happens mainly because of the low level of economics.     

Patricia: What about home-based distribution of finances, when families calculate their income and outcome. Can it also be called economics? 

Jeff: Yes, definitely. It's a different branch of this science.  

Patricia: Can you tell me a little bit about the history of economics? I know nothing about it. Jeff: With pleasure. That's what we're studying right now. To start with you should know that the father of modern economics was Adam Smith. He lived and introduced his works in the 18th century. However, the notion of basic economics existed since ancient times.               

Patricia: Was this study developped well then? 

Jeff: Yes, it simply prospered, but the great minds of Ancient Greece admitted that the society based on trade was ill-fated.    

Patricia: Who were these great people? And what did they mean by that? 

Jeff: I'm sure you've heard of them - Aristotle and Plato.They wanted to say that such societies will fail after all and that's what happened with Ancient Greece, then with Ancient Rome and other trade-based civilizations.      Patricia: I see. That's good to know.  

Jeff: Why do you need to know the history of economics anyway?

Patricia: I'm interested not only in its history, but in all sides of the subject. It might sound unusual, but we're having a term exam in Economics.     

Jeff: It is unusual for your faculty. But you should know that I'm always there to help you with the answers. 

Patricia: Thanks, Jeff. That's really nice of you.         

Jeff: Do you need to know anything else?

Patricia: I wanted to know how many other subjects are connected with Economics?           Jeff: A lot. It includes politics, geography, psychology, maths, statistics and even physical sciences.       

Patricia: And my last question is about the stock markets. How are they linked to the economy of the country? 

Jeff: These notions are somehow interlinked. The stock market can be the reflection of country's economy and vice versa the economic atmosphere can determine the trend of a market. 

Patricia: Sounds logical. Once again thanks for your help. . Jeff: You're always welcome.









Діалогічне мовлення відіграє провідну роль в процесі навчання англійської мови. На підставі аналізу та узагальнення наукових підходів було проаналізовано зміст, комунікативні та мовні особливості діалогічного мовлення. Встановлено, що діалогічне мовлення – це процес мовленнєвої взаємодії двох або більше учасників спілкування. Розглянуто особливості діалогічного мовлення, а саме: наявність співрозмовників; швидкий обмін репліками майже без попереднього обмірковування; смислова взаємозалежність реплік; ситуативна залежність реплік; лаконічність, чіткість реплік; широке  використання мовних штампів; слухове сприйняття учасників діалогу; зорове сприйняття учасників діалогу. З’ясовано, що діалогічне мовлення характеризується зверненістю, спонтанністю та має двосторонній характер. Характерними мовними особливостями діалогічного мовлення є його еліптичність, наявність “готових” мовленнєвих одиниць та стягнених форм. 

У процесі дослідження встановлено, що ядром діалогічного мовлення є діалог. Під поняттям “діалог” розуміють процес двостороннього спілкування в конкретній ситуації буття, у якій кожен з учасників поперемінно виконує роль мовця й слухача. Проаналізовано основні функції діалогу, а саме: інформаційну; регулювально-комунікативну; рефлексивну; розвивальну. Встановлено, що репліка є першоелементом діалогу.

Навчання реплікування можна вважати підготовчим або нульовим етапом формування навичок та вмінь діалогічного мовлення курсантів. На цьому етапі виконуються рецептивно-репродуктивні та репродуктивні умовнокомунікативні вправи на імітацію, підстановку, відповіді на запитання, на запит певної інформації (за зразком), повідомлення інформації тощо. Під час навчання реплікуванню важливо поступово збільшувати обсяг репліки студента ‒ від однієї до двох ‒ трьох фраз.

Коли студенти засвоять репліку-реакцію та ініціативну репліку певної діалогічної єдності, можна переходити до першого етапу формування навичок і вмінь діалогічного мовлення ‒ оволодіння певними діалогічними єдностями. На цьому етапі використовуються рецептивно-продуктивні умовнокомунікативні вправи з обміну репліками. Учасниками спілкування є вони самі, а викладач лише дає їм певне комунікативне завдання, де окреслюється комунікативна ситуація і вказуються ролі, що їх виконуватимуть студенти.

Даний робочий зошит містить завдання для навчання аудіювання за допомогою діалогічного мовлення. Завдання розроблені на основі підручника для 10 та 11 класу з англійської мови (О. Карп’юк) та відповідно до навчальної програми для використання на практичних заняттях з іноземної мови студентами І та ІІ курсу. У даному зошиті є такі вправи:введення нових ЛО, відповідно до тематики, вправи на створення діалогів (доповни репліку), вправи на заповнення пропусків (слів та словосполучень). Доповненням до зошита є диск та QR, записи яких були зроблені за допомогою студентів коледжу та викладача іноземної мови.



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