Підсумкова робота Гр1 (eating out)

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Завдання розроблені для оцінення учнів 7 класу за 1 групою результатів. Завдання розроблені на основі Podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvFs3I5XmII&ab_channel=ElephantEnglishPodcasts
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Listen to the podcast and fill the empty spaces

Hello, welcome to Elephant English Podcast. Today, we're going to be talking about food, grocery shopping, and eating out.

Question 1: What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is pasta because you can eat it with cheese, tuna, …………….., and you can have it hot or cold.

Question 2: Which foods don't you like?

I don't like…………; it's green and tastes disgusting. However, I do enjoy other green vegetables like peas, beans, and cabbage.

Question 3: Do you prefer eating ……….. or ………….. food? I prefer eating healthy food, but occasionally, I like to indulge in unhealthy options. For example, I might go to McDonald's and have a hamburger with chips or nuggets.

Question 4: What type of food do you normally cook at home? I typically cook pasta or spaghetti with meat, ……….., and salad.

Question 5: Do you like trying new foods? No, I don't enjoy trying new foods. I prefer sticking to the same foods because I know I enjoy them.

Question 6: What foods have you tried recently? Recently, I bought some hot tomato sauce, which I put on my salad. It was very hot and ……….. Normally, I wouldn't eat spicy food, but I wanted to try this ……….., and I enjoyed it.

Question 7: Do you like going grocery shopping? Yes, I do. I enjoy looking at all the fruits and vegetables ………….. and searching for the best prices on that day. How Much Do You Spend?

Question 8: How much do you normally spend when you go shopping? I typically spend about 20 pounds each time I go shopping. I like to go shopping two or three times a week. There are many supermarkets in England, so I might buy my fruit and vegetables in one and prefer the bread and cakes in another

. Question 9: How often do you eat out? I very rarely eat out because I like to cook at home. Eating out can be …………. When I do go out, I prefer fish and chips or sometimes order a ………………...

 Question 10: What are some typical …………… that you have often? We often have potatoes, peas, cabbage, carrots, and a variety of vegetables. Occasionally, we enjoy eating pies, such as chicken pie or cheese and …………. When we go out, we also like to have fish and chips.

Task 2. Read the text above and answer the questions.

  1.     Why does the girl pasta?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.     Which green vegetables does she dislike? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3.     Are the girl afraid of tasting new food?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4.     What is the benefit of shopping at the grocery?  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5.     How much does she spend each time in the supermarket?


  1.     Does she like eating out? Why yes/no&?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Voloshyn Mariana
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