Конспект уроку по темі: "Подорож" (6 клас)

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Підсумковий урок по темі: "Подорож" (6 клас, за підручником О.Д.Карпюк). У розробці подані завдання для контролю чотирьох видів мовленнєвої діяльності за поданою темою.

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Тема. Подорож.

Мета: систематизувати та узагальнити знання учнів по темі «Подорож»;

            повторити лексику з теми; тренувати учнів у читанні, аудіюванні, письмі

            та усному мовленні;

            навчати учнів виявляти переваги та недоліки подорожі різними видами


            розвивати мислення, пам’ять, увагу, уяву учнів в умовах гри, пізнавальну

            активність, навички самостійної роботи;

            виховувати культуру спілкування та колективної праці, вміння правильно

            використовувати свій робочий час, інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Тип уроку: урок систематизації та узагальнення знань, вмінь та навичок.

Обладнання: презентація по темі «Подорож», картки із текстом, індивідуальні картки із завданнями.


І.Організація учнів до уроку.


    - Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

II.Мовленнєва зарядка. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Бесіда з черговим.

-Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

( Черговий задає запитання кожному з учнів)

- What day is it today?

- What month is it now?

- What season is it now?

- What is your favourite season?

- What is your favourite school subject?

- What do you like to do in your free time?

- What is your hobby?

- What is your favourite means of travelling?

III.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

   Today we’ll have one of the most interesting lessons because it is the lesson when we can sum up all our knowledge about  travelling.  Today we’ll do different tasks, speak about means of transport, reasons of travelling, transport system in Great Britain, advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of transport.

IV. Оперування знаннями та способами діяльності у стандартних та нових ситуаціях.

   1)Гра “ Find the words”

-What means of transport do you know? ( Учні знаходять назву виду транспорту, показують його на малюнку чи фото і складають речення із знайденим словом.)










































































































































 2)  “ Mind map”. Look at the blackboard. What can you see? Tell me what things do you associate with word “ Travelling”? Let’s draw a “ Mind map”. ( «Мозковий штурм»)       



              money                       weather                             free time                                

   new countries                TRAVELLING                       suitcases




      business                             tickets                 means of transport


   Now make up sentences with these words.

( If you have some free time and money, you can visit a new country. If you want to travel by bus you have to buy ticket. People can travel on business. To have a good trip you should choose means of transport, buy tickets, pack your suitcases.)

3) Бесіда «Why do people travel?»

    Many years ago people travelled because they wanted to learn much more about out planet. But why do people travel now? From the books they can learn everything they want. Modern life is impossible without travelling. Tell me, please:  Why do people travel? What makes them travel? Tell your suggestions and make notes on the blackboard.

     (People travel because they want to visit new countries. They often travel on business. We travel to get new impressions. They travel to meet new friends.  Some people travel to earn much money. We travel to visit our relatives. People travel because  they like to do it. )

4) Answer the questions. («Мікрофон»)

   Do you like to travel?

   What means of travelling do you like most of all?

   When did you travel last time?

    Did you enjoy your traveling? Why?

   Have you ever travelled by train? (bus, car, ship, plane…)

   Where did you go?

   Do you like travelling by car?( bus, train, ship, plane…)

   What is your favourite season for travelling?

   Do you like to travel with your parents or with your friends?

   What places would you like to visit?


V. Контроль вмінь та навичок читання.

1) Читання тексту.                 


     There are some things that are unusual in a transport system in London. First,  of course it is that we drive on the left side of the road, not on the right as Europe and America do. You should be very careful and attentive when you cross the road and look first to the right and then to the left, not like in your home country. If  you don’t know how to get around the city, ask the nearest policeman. They are very polite and ready to help. There are no trams or trolleybuses in London, the main transportation is buses and underground, they call it the Tube. London  buses have two floors, they call them “ double-deckers”.  They have a driver and a conductor. You must pay for the ticket and keep it till the end of your trip. If you are in a hurry, the fastest way of travelling is by taxi. Their black colour is famous all over the world. The black cabs have become the symbol of  London.

2)Контроль розуміння прочитаного.

  Choose a), b) or c) to complete the sentences.

  1. There are some things that are ….. in a transport system in London.
  1. interesting                     b) unusual                       c) usual
  1. You  should  first look …..when you cross the street in London.
  1. right                             b) left
  1. There are no ….. in London.

a) buses                             b) cars                             c) trams

     4) London buses are called …..

          a) big buses                       b) red buses                     c) double-deckers

     5) If you are in a hurry, the fastest way of travelling is by…..

          a) bus                          b) taxi                       c) train

     6) The ….. have become the symbol of  London.

          a) red cars                  b) underground          c) black cabs

VI. Контроль вмінь та навичок аудіювання.

1)Listen to the story. Say if the sentences are true or false. ( Прослуховування тексту у записі)

  1. Family have decided to visit their friends.
  2. Aunt Emily lives in Liverpool.
  3. When we travel by train we’ll get speed and comfort.
  4. It is hot on a train in summer.
  5. The fastest way of travelling is by plane.
  6. Planes fly in any weather.
  7. They’ll go to the Liverpool by train.

VII. Фізкультхвилинка.

VIII. Контроль вмінь та навичок усного мовлення.

1) Дискусія «For/Against».

    Учні поділяються на дві команди. Одна команда називає всі позитивні сторони подорожі літаком, поїздом..., інша – негативні сторони. В результаті дискусії учні роблять висновки який вид транспорту найбільш комфортний, небезпечний, швидкий...

( Доповідь учня по результатах опитування учнів у класі)

    Travelling is very interesting. People travel because they want to visit new countries. They often travel on business and for pleasure. They travel to meet new friends or to visit  relatives.  People travel because  they like to do it. You can travel by car, by bus, by train, by plane , by ship, by bike and on foot. But different means of transport have different advantages and disadvantages.

    I interviewed 12 pupils of our class. Most pupils think that the most comfortable means of travelling is travelling by car. And 40%  said that travelling by plane is also comfortable. The most interesting is travelling: by bus, by train, by car, by bike and  by plane. Our pupils think that travelling by plane is the most dangerous.  Our pupils like to travel by car, by bus, by train and by bike.

2)Захист проектних робіт.

  I know that you prepared some information about transport system of London. 

( Доповіді учнів)

     There are some things that are unusual in a transport system in Great Britain. You should be very careful and attentive when you cross the road and look first to the right and then to the left, not like in your home country.  There are no trams or trolleybuses in London, the main transportation is buses and underground, they call it the Tube.

    If you don't know London very well, the easiest way to travel is by Underground.  They call it the Tube. There are  279 tube stations in London. You must study a map of the tube.  There are eight lines. Each line is a different colour on the map. Then you have to  buy your ticket at the ticket-office.

     London Bus is one of Britain's  national symbols, the red  buses are famous all  over the world. London  buses have two floors, they call them “ double- deckers”.  There are many buses London. Buses have been used on the streets of  London since 1829. They have a driver and a conductor. You must pay for the ticket and keep it till the end of your trip.

     The fastest way of travelling is by taxi. Their black colour is famous all over the world. The black cabs have become the symbol of  London. In London, the taxis are black but in the rest of the country they are different colours.

IX. Контроль вмінь та навичок письма.

1)Broken sentences.

1.by car / people /to travel /Many/like .

   ( Many people like to travel by car.)

2.by bus /more comfortable /Travelling/ than / is /by  plane/traveling.

   (Travelling by  plane is more comfortable than traveling by bus.)

3.People /  new countries/ travel /want to visit/because/they .

   (People travel because they want to visit new countries.)

4.a camera/ Don’t forget/ to take photos.

   ( Don’t  forget a camera to take photos.)

X.Підведення підсумків уроку.

 «Незакінчені речення»

The most interesting task for me was…

I like/ don’t like  out lesson because…

-Thank you for your hard work at the lesson. You  worked well and were very active. Your marks are…

XI. Домашнє завдання.

  Завдання учні отримують відповідно до свого рівня знань. Перша група  -  вправа 10, с.185 ( дати відповіді на запитання); друга група – вправа 11, с.185

(скласти речення за таблицею)




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