Пізнаємо світ через книжки

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Відкритий урок з англійської мови, власна розробка, для учнів 9-х класів, на тему "пізнаємо світ через книжки"
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Lesson plan 


Teacher: Oksana Omelchuk, Volyn region, Lutsk, Knyagynynok Lyceum

Grade: 9

Time: 45 min

Topic: “Discovering world through books”

Aim (of a teacher): to improve students’ speaking, reading and listening skills on topic 

Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to 1) use new lexical material on topic in their speech, 2) identify different kinds of books, 3) give their opinion on different kinds of books.

Equipment and Resources: handouts, pictures, PPT presentation.


Lesson Procedure



Stage of the Lesson

Interaction Pattern

Time / Duration


Beginning of the Lesson


5-7 minutes



Good morning, dear pupils! Sit down, please. Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world.


1 minute



Nowadays it’s almost impossible to imagine our life without books. Perhaps, there are more books on our planet than men alive. The epigraph of our lesson is “Tell me what you read and I will tell you what you are”. Do you agree with this saying?


2 minutes


Topic, Objective and Learning Outcome Announcement

The topic of our today’s lesson is “Discovering world through books”. You’ll get to know the kinds of books and their definitions. You’ll learn about the role of reading books in our life.




1 minute


Review of the Previous Material

No doubt, that books play a very and very important role in our life. Choose a question from my box and ask your groupmates. 

  • How much time do you spend on reading?
  • What kind of reading do you prefer: do you like reading books? newspapers? magazines?
  • Do you read books only for your Ukrainian Literature classes or do you do any extra reading?
  • How old were you when you began reading? Do you remember what book was the first that you read?
  • Do you collect books? How many books do you have at home?
  • What does reading do for you? Is it important part of your life? In what way can reading be useful to people?
  • How many books do you read a month?
  • Have your read any books in English?



3-4 minutes


The Main Part of the Lesson


30-35 minutes


PPP Model


A wise man said, “Life without books is as tree without leaves”. Now let us grow our “book tree” and put on clothes on it. You know that there is a great variety of book types. For example, romance, detective story, adventure story, and so on. Who can tell me some other types of books? This wordsearch will help you. You have to find words (types of books) there and to write them on the blackboard. (“book tree”)



Romance; detective story; history book; adventure story; fantasy; fairytale; horror story; biography (autobiography); poetry.




Book clipart tree, Book tree Transparent FREE for download on  WebStockReview 2020
And now let’s learn some new words. I’ll write new words – kinds of books – on the blackboard, I’ll spell them and you have to repeat them after me. Try to guess the meaning of these words.   

encyclopedia [enˌsaɪklə(ʊ)ˈpiːdɪə]

reference book [ˈref(ə)r(ə)ns]

science fiction [ˈsaɪənsfɪkʃn]

western [ˈwestən]

mystery [ˈmɪstərɪ]

thriller [ˈθrɪlə]

graphic novel [ˈɡræfɪk ˈnɒv(ə)l]


And now I’ll show you some pictures on computers. There you can find covers of the books. Look at these pictures and try to guess the type of the book. Use your new topical vocabulary.


Model: On this picture we can see the cover of an encyclopedia. This book is very big and due to the title “Pocket encyclopedia. All about pets” we know that it is an encyclopedia.


Picture 1: encyclopedia

Picture 2: reference book

Picture 3: science fiction

Picture 4: western

Picture 5: mystery

Picture 6: thriller

Picture 7: graphic novel 

Picture 8: fairytale

Picture 9: romance

Picture 10: detective story





TTT Model


And now be attentive. I’ll give you some cards. Each of you has to read short information about certain type of book. Class has to guess the kind of a book.


  • a book which we use to get information on some specific matters (reference book)
  • a book or set of books giving information on many subjects (encyclopedia)
  • a novel about cowboys in western North America (western)
  • a book or magazine with funny pictures and some text under them ( graphic novel)
  • you has a feeling of fear and shock while reading this type of a book (thriller)
  • impossible or improbable things are described in this book (mystery)
  • fiction about our future, space and time travelling, about life on the other planets (science fiction)


So it was great! And now let’s repeat these words one more time for you to remember. First I say, then you.

encyclopedia [enˌsaɪklə(ʊ)ˈpiːdɪə]

reference book [ˈref(ə)r(ə)ns]

science fiction [ˈsaɪənsfɪkʃn]

western [ˈwestən]

mystery [ˈmɪstərɪ]

thriller [ˈθrɪlə]

graphic novel [ˈɡræfɪk ˈnɒv(ə)l]


Now let’s have a guessing game. We have to divide our class into two groups: group 1 – those who read more than one book per month and group 2 – those who don’t like reading too much. One group of students reads the beginnings of different kinds of stories and the other group tries to guess what story it is.



1) mystery

A man and his wife were unhappy because they were childless. But it happened that once when the woman was bathing, a frog crept out of the water on to the land, and said to her, "Your wish shall be fulfilled, before a year has gone by, you shall have a daughter."


Suggested answer:

S1: I think that it is a mystery.

S2: I fully agree with S1. We can say that it is a mystery, because here we can find unreal talkative frog. Frogs can not talk!


2) encyclopedia

Common traditional Ukrainian instruments include: the kobza, bandura, torban, violin, lira and the tsymbaly; the sopilka (duct flute), trembita, volynka (bagpipes); and the buben (frame drum), resheto . When performing dance melodies instrumental performance usually includes improvisation.


3) reference book

Maya  - is a word of Spanish origin. Nowadays we call “Maya” the most beautiful, pretty, amazing, lovely, lovable, and wonderful girl anyone could ever met. The girl any guy would dream about spending their life with.


4) science fiction

The war of the worlds began two years ago. A lot of fighting-machines killed a great variety of people. It was a real conflict between mankind and an alien race. Martians created a new planet called “New Earth”   


5) western

A modern day cowboy has spent many days crossing the desert without water.  His horse has already died of thirst. He’s lost his gun. He's crawling through the sand, certain that he has nearly breathed his last breath, when he sees an object sticking out of the sand several meters ahead of him. He crawls to the object, pulls it out of the sand, and discovers what looks to be an old brief case.


6) mystery

It was a dark night. They were sitting near the camp fire when the ghost appeared. They were scared, but it was a good ghost. The ghost simply shook hands with boys and flew away. In the morning it was appeared that the ghost has lost his pocket. Guess what? There was one million dollars.

7) thriller

 I’ve been lying in bed for hours. It’s 5:30 am now and there’s nothing I can do. Aliens are staring at me but I can’t bear to look at them. I’m trying not to scream. Their eyes are staring straight at me and their mouths are hanging open. I feel paralyzed by fear. I can’t let it know that I’m not asleep and there’s nobody left to save me. I’ve been trying to think of a way to escape, because if I stay here, I’m going to die.


8) thriller

- "Be careful when you walk past the hall closet," Mikey warned his friend Brady when he came to spend the night.

- "Whenever it gets dark, a dragon lives there. I know! I heard him huff and puff and get ready to roar just last night. When he does, he is sure to set our house on fire."- Brady looked at Mikey.  "I thought dragons only lived in books."

- "I think one of them escaped from the library book I checked out last week," Mikey told him.
































Group work



TBL Model


And now read the text and be ready to tell me your opinion and to answer some questions. How much time do you need to do this task?


        Nowadays reading is an integral part of our society. When I was a child my parents read a lot of book to me, I was pleased to listen to the stories and tales. I have learned a lot of interesting things from books since then.

        Now I like to read books on science, especially on science-fiction, that tell us about the future about our planet. I am keen on reading the great variety of encyclopedias and reference books, where we can find any information we like. My father is fond of reading westerns, novels about cowboys in western North America.

        People are fond of reading different kinds of books. Some people enjoy reading detective stories, adventure stories, novels, biographies, other prefer classics. Fairytales are enjoyed and read by children, books about adventures and journeys are enjoyed by those who are fond of traveling. Legends and myths are read by those who are fond of history. Sometimes we read the same book again and again. It’s a wonderful way of spending spare time.

        The book is faithful and understanding friend. It can be put aside and taken up again at any moment. You can gain knowledge on many things from books. They teach the readers to be truthful, friendly, honest, careful, fair and serious. Books must be our friends during all our life.


Answer the questions:

  1. Who is the story teller?
  2. What is this text about? 
  3. What information can we find in an encyclopedia?
  4. What are the story teller’s favorite kinds of books?
  5. Can we say that fairytales are enjoyed and read only by children?
  6. Who is fond of reading books about adventures and journeys?
  7. Can books teach us anything?
  8. Who can prove that books are the best friends in our life?




PBL Model


I’ll give you some cards with the tasks on them. There you can find some words. You have to collect them in a sentence and you’ll get a famous quotation. Read it and write in your copybooks, please.


A room   without books  is like a body without a soul.

Tell me  what you read and I will tell you what you are

There is no friends so faithful as a good book

I cannot live without reading 

Words are the voice  of the heart

Reading is to the mind  what exercise is to the body

A library is a hospital for the mind

Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life


And now tell me please your opinion on these proverbs.


And now work in pairs. Tell your partner about your favorite kind of book. And then ask him/her the same question. While speaking, use your new active vocabulary and proverbs and sayings that you wrote in your copybooks.



S1: Do you like reading? Are you fond of science-fiction or maybe romances?

S2: Yes. I like reading. I’m fond of reading adventure stories. After a hard working day I usually spent an hour or two on reading. Reading is to the mind that exercise is to the body. And what about you?

S1: I cannot live without reading. I prefer to read love poetry. It’s a good way to relax. And I’m completely agree with the saying “A library is a hospital for the mind”

S2: What is your opinion of the mysteries?

S1: From my point of view mysteries are not so interesting. I’d better go for a walk than read fantasy.

S2: Really? That’s a surprise.




Individual Work

















Pair Work





So, you were very clever today! All of you were very attentive and active! I’m very pleased with you. Good job! So, you’ll receive good marks. They are …….




The End of the Lesson


5-7 minutes



We have learned a lot about books today. Do you agree that books educate people in different spheres of life?

S1: Books develop our imagination, make us think and analyse.

S2: They help to form our character and the world outlook.

S3: Books help us in self education and in deciding problems of life. They make our life more interesting.


Why do people read books?

S1: People read both for knowledge and for pleasure. Different people read different books.

S2: They help us with our lessons and work. We read serious books which help us understand the life, give us answers to questions which worry us, they make us think.

Class Work



Home Assignment


Please, put your hometask for the next time. Write a story about your favorite book type, your favorite author and book. Describe the events in the book in details.




Coming Soon

Next time we are going to talk about our favorite books and we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of paper books, electronic books and audio books.




16 березня 2021
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