план-конспект уроку 8 клас

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План-конспект уроку для учнів 8 класу за темою ''The World of Mass Media'' 8 клас План-конспект уроку для учнів 8 класу за темою ''The World of Mass Media''
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План-конспект уроку для учнів 8 класу за темою ''The World of Mass Media'' 8 клас

 План-конспект уроку для учнів 8 класу

за темою

''The World of  Mass Media''



Цілі уроку:

      практична: відпрацювати вивчену лексику в новій мовленнєвій ситуації, у діалогічному та монологічному мовленні, розширити лексичний запас учнів з теми ЗМІ; практикувати учнів у читанні текстів про ЗМІ з метою загального та максимально повного розуміння їхнього змісту та формування навичок критичного мислення; вчити учнів знаходити  потрібну інформацію в тексті, висловлювати власні думки у зв’язку з прочитаними текстами;

      освітня: поширити знання учнів з теми "Засоби масової інформації", вчити учнів осмислювати одержану на уроці інформацію та вміти робити самостійні судження;

      розвиваюча: розвивати увагу, пам’ять, уяву, мовну здогадку та швидку мовленнєву реакцію учнів, логічне мислення, розвивати фонематичний слух та комунікативні компетентності учнів;

      виховна: формувати активність, працьовитість, наполегливість, вчити учнів вмінню використовувати засоби масової інформації у житті, виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення іноземної мови, формувати повагу до культури країни, мова якої вивчається.


Тип уроку: урок закріплення та застосування знань, умінь і навичок з використанням інтерактивних методів навчання.


Обладнання: підручники, зошити, комп’ютери, мікрофон, словники, картки для індивідуальних завдань з лексичними вправами (додатки 1-4), мультимедійна дошка, мультимедійна презентація (додаток 5 (20 слайдів)), проектні презентації учнів(додаток 6 (25 слайдів)).


Хід уроку


I.                  Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1.                Привітання. (Greeting).

  T. Good morning, dear children! How are you? I hope you are well and full of energy and enthusiasm, and in a good mood to start our lesson.


2.Повідомлення теми уроку та очікуваних результатів. (Aim).

T.   Today we'll have an unusual lesson. Today we are going to have a lesson devoted to the world of Mass Media. (Слайди 1, 2) People have always wanted to be well-informed in current events. They used to read books, newspapers and magazines.

   Mark Twain said: ''There only two forces that can carry light to all corners of the globe – the sun in the heavens and the Associated Press''. (Слайд 3) So during the lesson we'll talk about the press and Mass Media.

  By the end of the lesson you will be able:

-         to recognize, understand the words, word-combinations when reading the text;

-         to identify the main ideas and details of the text when reading;

-         to develop your discussion skills;

-         to activate your background knowledge of the topic;

-         to improve your confidence as readers;

-        to enjoy our being together.

And at the end of the lesson you are going to get good and excellent marks. (Слайд 4)


3. Мотивація класу.

 T. Pay attention to the pronunciation. Repeat after me:

- I'm a student.

- I'm a smart student.

- I'm a talented student.

- I'm the most enthusiastic student.

- I try to be the best student in the world.

(Слайд 5)


4. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. (Warming up).

Інтерактивна вправа "Мозковий штурм"(Brainstorming). Використання інтерактивного методу навчання – "Мікрофон".

T. Dear children! Do you want to be well-educated people, to study at the universities in Kyiv, Kharkiv or maybe even abroad?

 Do you want to get a good well-paid job?

 In order to be successful you must be able to find necessary information from different Mass Media sources.

  What association does come across to your mind when you hear the words ''Mass Media''? Answer to my question, using the vocabularies and this microphone (Presentation of the material with the help of multimedia device). Take a sheet of paper and pens, choose some words, key-words and write them down.




C:\WINDOWS\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.gifC:\WINDOWS\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image002.gifNewspapers                      The Internet                      TV






C:\WINDOWS\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image004.gifC:\WINDOWS\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image005.gifMobile phones                 The Media                        Radio



















Books                               Magazines                         Web-based          



The examples of the pupils' answers:

P. I associate the Media with the Internet.

P. I associate the Mass Media with the magazines.

(Слайд 6)


I.                  Основна частина уроку

1. Speaking.

1.    Answer the questions.

How often do you read the newspapers or magazines?

What does such kind of the media as radio present? (News, entertainment programs, concerts, music quizzes)

What kind of the magazines do you prefer?

Do you like to watch TV?

What is your favourite program?

(Слайд 7)


2.                Presenting projects.

  Let's listen and watch the presentations on the topic ''Mass Media'' (listening, answering the questions, guessing and completing the crossword).


3.                Пре’явлення тексту для аудіювання "The British Press". (Listening)

1 )Етап підготовки до аудіювання тексту.

 Problem solving

Answer the questions:

1) What is your favourite newspaper?

2) Have you ever read to the British press?

3) What kind of the British newspapers do you know?


 2) Етап власне слухання тексту.

Please, listen to the text and pay attention to the meanings of some words:


                                                  Key Words:

-         ''quality'' newspaper – a newspaper of a high standard;

-         ''tabloid'' newspaper – a newspaper on smaller pieces of paper, usually with many pictures and without much serious news. (Слайд 8)


  Tick, please, the statements ''True'' or ''False'' after the listening of the text. You can check these statements during my reading. If you need I can read it twice.



                                    The British Press

  The British people are great readers of newspapers. There are few homes to which one newspaper is not delivered every morning. Many households have two or even three newspapers every day. One newspaper may be delivered to the house, a member of the family may buy one at the station bookstall to read in the train, and someone else in the family may buy an evening newspaper later in the day. Daily newspapers are those that are published daily from Monday to Saturday. There are morning and evening papers.

  Newspapers are the oldest of the mass media. They started in the seventeenth century. The daily press in Britain is divided into two groups: the quality papers and the popular papers. Quality newspapers are thick and serious and intended for few well-informed readers. They are well-printed, and speak about politics and current affairs. The most important quality papers are The Times,Britain's oldest newspaper, The Guardian, The Independent and The Telegraph.

  Popular papers have millions of readers. They address the lower classes, have fewer pages and shorter articles with big headlines and lots of illustrations. They speak about sports, fashion, crimes. They are also  called ''tabloids'' (small size papers). The most important popular papers are The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror.

  Some papers come out on Mondays and are known as Sunday papers.

  The most important are The Observer and The Sunday Times. These papers usually give information about national events and international events. They have special sections with reviews of books, plays, films, arts events, business and sports news.

  Many weekly, monthly and quarterly magazines are also published in Great Britain; they cover many different interests, activities and hobbies such as astrology, finance, computer science, sports and so on.


 3)Робота з картками. (Додаток 1 (Card 1))

 State whether the statements are True (T) or False (F):


1.    Quality papers are more difficult to read than popular papers. (T)

2.    The Brazilian people are great readers of newspapers. (F)

3.    There are morning and afternoon papers. (F)

4.    Popular papers are thicker than quality papers. (F)

5.    Another name of the quality papers is tabloids. (T)

6.    The Observer comes out only once a week. (T)

7.    If you want to know the latest news about the theatres, read the Sunday paper. (T)

8.    Some papers are known as Monday papers. (F)

9.    British magazines cover many different activities. (T)

(Слайд 9)


4) Етап перевірки розуміння прослуханого тексту.

Використання інтерактивного методу навчання – "Робота в парах".



weekly – once a week

monthly – once a month

quarterly – four times a year (or once every three months) (Слайд 10)

  Answer the questions:

-         What was interesting for you?

-         What kind of information was familiar to you?

-         What information contradicts what you already know?      


3. Relaxation.

Guess the riddle: What is it that is black and white, and yet red all over? (Слайд 11)

The answer: A newspaper. (The paper is white and the words are black and it is read all over.)


4.    Reading.

Work in groups.

  The pupils of the first group read the text about newspapers, choose the right answer, match the words with their translations and answer the questions to the text. The pupils of the second group read the text about magazines, do the same tasks and answer the questions about the magazines.

   After this the pupils of different groups exchange their representatives and they tell the pupils of the other group all the information they know about newspapers and magazines.


Task 1 (Додаток 2 (Card 1))

1)   Read the text.



  Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on the news. Newspapers play an important role in shaping public opinion and informing people of current events.

  The first newspapers were probably handwritten newssheets posted in public places. The earliest daily newssheets was ''Acta Diurna'' (''Daily Events'') which started in Rome in 59 B. C. The first printed newspaper was Chinese publication called ''Dibao'' (''Ti-pao'') started in A. D. 700's. It was printed from carven wooden blocks. The first regularly published newspaper in Europe was ''Avisa Relation'' or ''Zeitung'', started in Germany in 1609.

   Newspapers have certain advantages over other mass media – magazines, TV and radio. Newspaper can cover more news and in much detail than TV and radio newscasts can do. Magazines focus on major national and international of the preceding week. But newspaper focuses on local news as well and provides information and comments faster than magazine can do.

  There are about 1.700 daily and 7.500 weekly newspapers in the US. The circulation of some weeklies is no more than a few hundred of copies per issue and the circulation of some dailies is over a million of copies.

  There are daily newspapers and weekly newspapers. Daily newspapers print world, national and local news. Many dailies are morning papers, others are afternoon papers. Sunday issues of the dailies are usually larger than the weekday ones. They may include special sections on such topics as entertainment, finance and travel or Sunday magazine, a guide to TV programs, colored comics. The major dailies in the USA are ''Christian Science Monitor'', ''New York Times'', '' USA Today'', ''Wall Street Journal'', ''Washington Post''.

  Weekly newspapers serve usually for smaller areas. They are printed in small communities where people know each other and are interested in activities of their friends and neighbours. Weeklies report of weddings, births, deaths and news of local business and politics. Most weeklies do not print world or national news.


2)  Choose the right answer. (Додаток 2 (Card 2))

1. Newspaper is a publication that presents
and comments on_      .

a)    the news;

b)   the adventures;

c)    the political events;


2. The first newspapers were probably hand-
written newssheets posted in_      .

a)    shops;

b)   streets;

c)    public places;


3. The first regularly published newspaper in
Europe started in_      in 1609.

a)    Germany;

b)   Great Britain;

c)    France;

4. There are about_     newspapers in the US.

a)    1.600 daily and 7.400 weekly;

b)   1.800 daily and 8.500 weekly;

c)    1.700daily and 7.500 weekly;


5. _   of the dailies are usually larger than the

weekday ones.

a)    Saturday issues;

b)   Sunday issues;

c)    Monday issues;


6. _   serve usually for smaller areas.

a)    Monthly newspapers;

b)   Weekly newspapers;

c)    Daily newspapers;


7. Most weeklies do not print_    .

a)    news of local business and politics;

b)   world or national news;

c)    news of weddings, births, deaths.


3) Match the words with their translations.  (Додаток 2(Card 3))



important role


випуски (газет)


public opinion










місцеві новини


local news










важлива роль








суспільна думка

10.    weddings



(Слайд 12)


4) Answer the questions.

1.   What are the names of the first newspapers?

2.   How many newspapers are there in the USA?

3.   What is printed in daily newspapers?

4.   What are the major newspapers in the USA?

5.   What do weekly newspapers focus on? (Слайд 13)



Task 2 (Додаток 3 (Card 1))

1)                               Read the text.



Magazine is one of the major mass media. Ma­gazine is a collection of articles and stories. Magazines usually contain illustrations.

Magazines provide information on a wide range of topics such as business, culture, hobbies, medicine, religion, science and sports. Some magazines entertain their readers with fiction, poetry, photography or articles about TV or movie stars.

Magazines are designed to be kept for a longer time in comparison to newspapers and that is why they are printed on a better paper and have covers and binding. Magazines, unlike newspa­pers, do not focus on daily, rapidly changing events.

There are specialized magazines intended for special business, industrial and professional groups, and consumer magazines intended for general public. There are several kinds of con­sumer magazines.

Children's magazines contain stories, jokes, and articles on subjects especially interesting for children and instructions for making games or useful items.

Hobby magazines are intended for collectors of coins, stamps, and other items; people interest­ed in certain sports or games; photography en­thusiasts.

Intellectual magazines provide analysis of cur­rent cultural and political events. Many of that publish fiction and poetry as well.

Man's magazines focus on such topics as adventure, entertainment, man's fashion and sports.

"Women's magazines deal with child-raising fashion trends, romance. They offer ideas am cooking and home decorating. Many of the monthlies with big circulations are women'smagazines.




2) Choose the right answer. (Додаток 3 (Card 2))

1. Magazine is a collection of_    .

a)    articles and stories;

b)   cooking recipes;

c)    useful advices.


2. Magazines usually contain_     .

a)    pictures;

b)   photos;

c)    illustrations.


3. There are_      consumer magazines.

a)    a lot of;

b)   several kinds of;

c)    hundreds of.


4.      Magazines, unlike newspapers, do not focus

a)  daily, rapidly changing;

b)   monthly;

c)    political.


5. Children's magazines contain_ .

a)   adventure stories;

b)   jokes, articles on subjects especially in­teresting for children.

c)   child-raising articles.


6. Hobby magazines are intended_       .

     a) for old ladies;

b)  for little children;

c)   for collectors of coins, stamps, and other items.


7. Intellectual magazines provide_        .

a)   information about school life;

b)  information about cultural life;

c)   analysis of current cultural and political events.


8. Man's magazines focus on such topics as_         .

a)    the  instructions for making games or useful items;

b)   adventure, entertainment, man's fa­shion and sports;

c)    fashion trends, romance.


9. Women's magazines deal with_.      

a)   fashion trends, romance;

b)  the instructions for making games or useful items;    \

c)   adventure, entertainment, man's fa­shion and sports.


3) Match the words with their translations. (Додаток 3 (Card 3))





містити в собі


























movie stars


виховання дітей









(Слайд 14)


4) Answer the questions.


1.   What kinds of information do magazines provide?

2. What is the difference in contents between a magazine and a newspaper?
3.  What kinds of magazines are there?

4.  What do they deal with?      

5.  What is your favourite magazine?

(Слайд 15)


II.   Заключна частина уроку


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