План-конспект уроку для учнів 7 класу за темою “The best place for holidays”

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План-конспект уроку для учнів 7 класу за темою “The best place for holidays”
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             План-конспект уроку для учнів 7 класу за темою “The best place for holidays”                                         


  • to activate students’ vocabulary;
  • to develop students’ reading skills based on a given text;
  • to practice speaking in dialogues and monologues;
  • to extend listening skills;
  • to deepen students’ knowledge of different cities;
  • to practice using the Present Perfect Tense

Equipment: Blockbuster, J.Dooley – V. Evans (Student’s book); sheets of paper with the texts and tasks; cards; multimedia application


T: Good morning, dear children! How are you? I hope you are well, full of energy and in a good mood to start our lesson.

I. Presenting the topic

T:  Today we are going to speak about the best places for holidays. You will get to know more about different cities and their places of interest. Let’s start our lesson with the poem.

My uncle was a sailor,

He sailed across the sea

And when his ship came home at last

He brought these gifts for me:


A Mexican hat,

A Turkish mat,

Two Dutch clogs,

Three German dogs,

A Spanish fan,

A Chinese pan,

A Japanese house,

A little French mouse,

A Peruvian llama

And a pair of pyjamas


II. Warming-up

T: Now, please answer my questions:

1. Do you like your holidays?

2. Where do you like to go for your holidays?

3. Have you ever visited any big city?

4. Why do you like to travel?


III. Main part

1. Vocabulary revision

1) T: Let’s revise words connected with holidays. Listen to me and try to find the odd word out.

1.British, Spanish, Egypt, Japanese;

2. car, bus, train, ticket;

3.fantastic, expensive, terrific, great ;

4.cathedral, petrol station, museum, art gallery;

5. The Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, Trafalgar Square, Madrid.


2) T: I have some proverbs connected with our topic. Your task is to match the parts of the proverbs.

(work in groups)


1. East or West –

do as the Romans do.


2. So many countries,

knows much.

3. When in Rome,

so many customs.

4. Dry bread at home is better

even a straw weighs heavy.


5. He that travels far,


home is best.

6. On a long journey

than roast meat abroad.


2. Speaking

T: Your homework was to find out information and prepare a presentation about the city you would like to visit one day.

I’d like to invite our first group with their presentations. (Presentation 1 - Chicago)


3. Listening


T: Before listening, please, answer my question. What can you do on holiday in Paris?

(visit the Eiffel tower, go on the river in a boat, eat French food, …)

T: Next, let's listen to a girl talking about a trip to Paris and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F).

But before listening let’s read some words

Calais  ['kæleɪ] – Кале (місто-порт на півночі Франції)

coach [kəuʧ] – (туристичний) міжміський автобус

the River Seine [seɪn] –   Сена (річка у Франции)


1. Katie went to Paris with her family.                                              T / F

2. They went by coach from Calais to Paris.                                     T / F

3. Katie couldn’t speak a word of French the first time she went.    T / F

4. Katie bought some French comics.                                                T / F

5. Katie’s friend wasn’t happy eating fast food.                                T / F

6. Katie saw a comedy film on her trip.                                             T / F


Audio script

Jake: Katie. What was your first trip abroad?

Katie: It was with my primary school, four or five years ago. We went to Paris. I remember, we caught a train all the way down to the English coast and then we took a boat to Calais. Then we went by coach from Calais to Paris. It was a long trip.

Jake: What was Paris like?

 Katie: Oh. I loved it. We stayed in a really nice hotel near the centre and we saw all the famous sights - the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame. And we went on one of those boats on the River Seine.

Jake: Could you speak French at the time?

Katie: Not much. I could say some simple things, but that was all. But it made me want to learn to speak well. When I went into shops, I spoke to people. I remember I bought some French CDs when I was there. Oh, and I bought some French comics too. I read them again and again when I got back home. I've still got the CDs and comics now.

Jake: What was the food like?

Katie: It was great! I ate typical French food and I really liked it. My friend hated it. She just wanted to eat in fast-food restaurants.

Jake: Really? What was your favorite moment on the trip?

Katie: One evening we went to the cinema and watched a French comedy film. I couldn’t understand everything. But when I listened carefully, I understood some things, and I remember feeling really good about that.

Answers: l F,  2 T,  3 F,  4 T,  5 T,  6 T.


4. Speaking

(work in pairs)

a) T: Now let’s listen to your dialogues about your holidays. Work in pairs and get ready to talk.


b) T: It’s high time to invite our second group with their presentation. (Presentation 2 – New York)


5. Reading

T: Let’s read the text about the holiday and then we are going to do some exercises. But before reading        the text we’ll read some active words and word combinations:


go snorkeling ['snɔːk(ə)lɪŋ] плавати під водою з маскою і трубкою

discover [dɪs'kevə] відкривати, виявляти

distant ['dɪst(ə)nt] віддалений, дальній

arrange [ə'reɪndʒ] домовлятися

jewellery ['dʒu:əlrɪ] коштовності


         Dear Jane,

         Here I am in Greece and I think this is the holiday of my life. The flight was great.  The weather in Chalkidiki is fantastic and the water in the sea is really hot. I am staying in a small hotel by the sea.

         Every day I go snorkeling and I sit in the sun. I want to look terrific when I come home. In the afternoons I go sightseeing. I discovered that is best to rent a car if you want to see all the distant places of interest. I often travel with some nice Spanish people I met at my hotel. They are very friendly. Every night I go to the different restaurants and clubs with them. That way I can practice my Spanish a bit. Guess who I met at the disco last night? My best friend Gina! I was so surprised. I didn’t know about her plans for going to Greece at all. We arrange to meet tomorrow morning. We want to look for some souvenirs in the local shops.

          One more thing. Two days ago I went to watch the sun go down and I found something on the beach. It’s the most beautiful piece of ancient jewellery.

I can’t wait to see you. I want to tell you all about Greece when I come back.




 Task 1

Read the letter and decide which answer is correct, a, b or c.

1. What does Sophie need to visit the far away attractions?

    a  some friends

    b  a car

    c  hot weather

2. What does Sophie do every night?

    a  She buys souvenirs in the local shops.

    b  She practices snorkelling

    c  She goes to clubs.

3. Who did Sophie meet at a disco? 

    a  her best friend

    b  people from Spain

    c  her sister

4.  When did Sophie go to watch the sunset?

    a  yesterday

    b  the day before yesterday

    c  three days ago

Answers: 1 b ,  2 c ,  3 a , 4  b    


Task 2

Read the letter again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

1. The hotel is far from the beach.

2. Sophie visits tourist attractions in the afternoon.

3. Sophie can practice Spanish because she is studying in Greece.

4. Sophie met Spanish people at the hotel.

5. Gina told Sophie about her trip to Greece.

6. Sophie wants to show Jane something special after she comes home.

Answers: 1 F,  2 T,  3 F,  4 T,  5 F,  6 F



T: Are you tired, children?  I’d like to suggest you relaxation with a pleasant task.

You are to listen to a song “Holiday time” and name three places one can go on holiday. (1 min 10 sec)


6. Speaking

T: Let’s listen to our next presentation (Presentation 3 – Madrid)



T: Would you like to visit London? Let’s make an imaginary trip to London and take a quiz!


8. Speaking

T: Let’s listen to our next presentation (Presentation 4 - Tokyo)


9. Grammar practice

(work in groups)

T: I’m glad you know a lot about different cities and now it’s time for us to revise our grammar material. We learnt Present Perfect Simple at our previous lessons. Remember it. Five of the sentences below are grammatically incorrect. In groups, you have to find and correct sentences.


1. Have you ever ridden a camel? +

2. I’ve just meet a famous actor. -

3. The restaurant hasn’t open yet. -

4. We have already seen the film. +

5. Has he feed his cat? -

6. I haven’t never slept in a tent. -

7. We have just played the most important game of the year. +

8. Tom has already woken up. +

9. Have you ever buy a puppy? -

10. She has already finished her homework. +


10. The game

a) T: I’d like you to play a game. It’s Bingo. Here you can see a list of words and a grid. Your task is to write one word in every square. I’ll read the words and you have to cross them out. When you cross out   three words down, across or on the diagonal, you’ll say “Bingo”.

b) T: One more game is a message in a bottle. You should find out what the message is. Use the clue.


11. Writing a letter

 T: Now you should write the letter about some places you were in on holidays. Be attentive, while writing the letter describing your stay at a holiday resort, you should talk about the place,

accommodation, the weather, sights you have visited, activities you have been doing. Organize your thoughts in paragraphs.  Use the plan.



Hi ___________ ,

( greetings)


( asking about the person)


( say where you are / weather) _____________________________________________________________________________

( say where you are staying)


( what you have seen / visited )




(end the postcard)



IV. Summing-up

T: Our lesson is coming to the end. You were active and I’d like to thank you for your cooperation. I hope our lesson will help you in the future and you will visit your dream cities. Maybe, your dream will come true one day.

XII. Home assignment

T: And at home you’ll have an opportunity to read about one more city. It’s ex. 2, p. 39, WB.

Thank you for your work, pupils. You were bright! The lesson is over. Good-buy!



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