План-конспект уроку на тему "Accidents and Disasters"

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План-конспект уроку на тему "Accidents and Disasters" розроблений з метою вдосконалити і закріпити знання учнів по даній темі;розвинути комунікативні навики, вміння вести дискусію, відстоювати свою точку зору та з повагою ставитись до думки опонентів.

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Terebovlia Educational Complex






A Lesson Plan

“Accidents and Disasters

(Grade 7,  pre-intermediate level)

Made by English teacher  N.B. Stetsko





The subject of the lesson: “Accidents and Disasters”

Teaching Aims:

-to revise lexis on the topic;

-to improve listening comprehension skills;

-to motivate the pupils in sharing their own opinions and views on the topic.

Developing Aims:

-to develop listening skills;

-to develop the pupils’ collective communicative skills;

-to develop pupils’ memory, logical thinking, quick reaction.

Upbringing Aims:

-to develop in pupils culture of being careful as to the accidents in order to avoid them;

-to develop in pupils knowledge of survival techniques in the case of a disaster.

Visual Aids:

-copies for evaluating themselves;

-a set of posters;

-a Power Point Presentation;


















Procedure of the Lesson:

  1.                    Preliminaries of the Lesson.
  2.                    The Main Part  of the Lesson:

Today we are going to talk about a very serious and quite complicated problem-accidents and disasters. We live in the world full of wonders. Unfortunately, tragedies are a frequent phenomenon nowadays. They are everywhere around us. They happen every day all over the world.

The list of tragedies is long but we only have mentioned the best well known.

However, why do these tragedies happen? How can we cope with them or prevent them? Let us discuss it during our lesson. During our lesson we’ll revise lexis on the topic, we’ll talk about the causes of the accidents and disasters, then you will work together and in groups telling your stories, asking and answering questions, dramatizing situations, etc.

But before we start I want you to look at the copies on your desks. You will see three questions and a chart on this copy. At the end of the lesson you should answer the questions about difficulties at the lesson and your impressions of the lesson and fill in the chart to evaluate your work. During our lesson tomorrow we’ll discuss your answers and compare my marks and yours.

So, let’s start.

WARMING UP: There are natural disasters and those caused by man, which we call accidents.  Let us brainstorm and revise the vocabulary-what kinds of disasters and accidents do we know?


The teacher says/shows a word or a picture and the students should say/write the first five things that come to their mind, without thinking or hesitating. This is a pretty good exercise for vocabulary and speaking/defending opinions. It can be a race and there will be a first, second, and third place winner. The students just raise their hands or shout out when they are finished and then the whole class has to stop.

Here is how they might respond: fire-strong, fire-fighter, danger, dangerous, wind, water; broken leg-plaster, hospital, street, bike crash, pain, hurt, etc.


The presentation (4 students present the slides about natural disasters)

Therefore, we see that life is dangerous. Various disasters cause great destruction and cause a lot of personal and economical hardships. Please, look at the board and complete the sentences (after presentation): - What disaster is being described in each of these sentences?

  1. In 2005 New Orleans, a large southern port of the USA was destroyed by the Katrina ___. (hurricane)
  2. In spring, many countries suffer from __ (floods) when the ice on the rivers begins to melt.
  3. It lifted the car about ten feet off the ground and then it disappeared down the street. ___ (tornado)
  4. It was about two meters deep and we watched as our furniture just floated away.__(flood)
  5. The grass turned yellow and most of the crops died.____ (drought)
  6. The walls began to move visibly and large cracks opened up in the ground. __(earthquake)
  7. We could see the lava slowly advancing towards the town ten miles away.___ (volcano eruption)

Thank you very much-you were brilliant. Here is one more task for you.

Survival Techniques

You agree with me that the main point is HOW TO PROTECT PEOPLE’S LIVES during a quake or any other natural disasters. Do you know what to do during a flood or a hurricane?

Match the incidents with the survival techniques mentioned. Then discuss in pairs as in the example: try not to move, cover nose and mouth with a damp cloth, light a fire, use a mirror to reflect the sun’s rays, let off flares, get rid of heavy clothes, stay close to the floor, keep head covered from the sun, keep warm, jump up and down to improve your blood circulation, go to the highest level of the building, use a whistle to signal your position, turn off electricity to prevent electrocution


cover nose and mouth with a damp cloth

lost in the desert


trapped in debris


lost in snowy mountains




e.g. A. What would you do if you were trapped in a fire?                                                           B. I would cover my nose and mouth with a damp cloth.

Complete the Worksheet (What would you and you friend do in the case of emergency). Write about yourself and about one of your friends; then say it aloud and see whether your friend agrees with you or not. For example: During an earthquake I would go outside; I think Julia would get under the bed.-Julia: you are right/wrong because I would go outside too, etc.




What would you do during an earthquake?



Where would you go during a volcanic eruption?



What wouldn’t you do during a flood?



Would you stay inside during an earthquake?



What would you do during a train crash on a bridge?



Well, you know what to do in different situations. Thank you for your excellent work!

Now we continue our lesson working in groups. Here is one more task for you.


Drawing a map

You are 2 groups of experts who have the task to make up a map of the most dangerous places in the town of Terebovlia (you need to show on a map where different disasters happened). In turn, pick up a sheet of paper and read what is written on it (ex. in my picture there is a hurricane near school #2; in my picture there is a tornado near the railway station”, etc.), then the other members of the group should find the object on the map and very quickly draw the disaster. (10 pictures).

You were quite good at this kind of work.


Fortunately, it is not likely that many of us will actually experience an earthquake or a hurricane. Still, there are many different kinds of emergency situations. And now I propose that you to watch one of them, which is called the Car Accident Police Investigation.

Improving Speaking Skills:

The prompts are on the conversational cards (on the blackboard), the students use them in their answers.

A Car Accident Police Investigation

(a policeman, a doctor, a reporter, 10 witnesses)

Three students (a reporter, a policeman and a doctor) were given scripts about the car accident police investigation to study for their home task. The rest of the students are the witnesses. They have to help the police find the guilty person by asking questions in order to get more information about the accident.  Each of the students has got a short text with a certain role and the prompts on it.  They should use as many words on the topic as they can. The reporter and the policeman start telling the story, stop in the middle and then suggest that other students help in the investigation.

Newspaper reporter:

Good evening—my name is ____. I am speaking to you live from our studios in Kyiv in order to bring you an important news update. Today, at around 5 o’clock, there was a tragic car accident. Three cars ran into each other on their way to a circus, but thankfully there have been no injuries. The police are on their way to the accident as we speak, and they want to find the person responsible. I have just been informed that our camera crew has arrived at the scene—what you are seeing now is live footage of the investigation.

(after investigation) Hello again. As you saw, the investigation has finally been finished. George, the secret driver of the yellow car, was arrested. However, the monkey and the clown are still dangerous—people all over the city are reporting hurt ankles, candy in their ears, and pie in their noses. We urge you to be calm, and not to go outside. What will happen to the crazy clown and monkey? Tune in tomorrow for our exciting update!


Policeman script:

My name is Mr. Green and I’m the policeman in charge of this accident. There were three cars in the accident—the first car was yellow, the second car was green, and the third car was red. I’m looking for the driver of the yellow car, who I think is responsible for the entire car crash. You’re going to help me—you have five minutes to interview each other and find the guilty person (the students are filling in the chart asking each other questions -2 minutes).

All right! Your time is finished—now the doctor has some questions to ask you, so listen up!

Thank you Doctor. I have some questions for you now. A secret witness told me that the guilty person was hurt in the car accident. So, if you are hurt, stand up!

Good—the secret witness also told me that the guilty person was wearing a hat. (If you aren’t wearing a hat, sit down.)

Good—the secret witness also told me that the guilty person said they were in the café. (If you weren’t in the café, sit down.)

Good—last, the secret witness told me that the guilty person has a hurt ankle. (If you don’t have a hurt ankle, sit down.)

Hmm…which of these two people do you think was the guilty person?


My name is Mr. Sheen and I’m the doctor. I want to know if everyone is ok.                    Please, will one person tell me who has a hurt ankle?                                                              And will someone else tell me who has a hurt nose?                                                                    And finally, tell me please, who has candy in their ears?                                                                  Thank you very much. You should all be ok, as long as you don’t eat the candy and keep the pie out of your eyes.

What is your name?

Where were you when the accident happened?

Are you ok?

































Who are you? Your name is Sally.                                                                                         Where were you when the accident happened? You were walking to school.                 Are you hurt? Yes-you have candy in your ears.

Who are you? Your name is Jim.                                                                                  Where were you when the accident happened? You were in the red car.                                  Are you hurt? Yes-you have candy in your ears.

Who are you? Your name is George.                                                                                     Where were you when the accident happened? You were with Alex in the cafe.                          Are you hurt? Yes-you hurt your ankle. You slipped on a banana!

Who are you? Your name is Sofia.                                                                                        Where were you when the accident happened? You were walking to school                                Are you hurt? Yes-you hurt your ankle. You slipped on a banana!

Who are you? Your name is Kara.                                                                                         Where were you when the accident happened? You were in the red car with Jim.                  Are you hurt? Yes-you have candy in your ears.

Who are you? Your name is Mark.                                                                                         Where were you when the accident happened? You were in the café with Alex.                      Are you hurt? Yes-you have a hurt nose. You went to see the accident, and a clown hit you in the face with a pie.

Who are you? Your name is Alex.                                                                                         Where were you when the accident happened? You were in the café with Mark.                   Are you hurt? Yes-you hurt your ankle. You went outside to see the accident, and slipped on a banana!

Who are you? Your name is Christina.                                                                                     Where were you when the accident happened? You were walking to school                             Are you hurt? Yes-you have a hurt nose. A clown hit you in the face with a pie.

Who are you? You are a monkey.                                                                                    Where were you when the accident happened? You were in a green car, talking with the Clown.

Are you hurt? Yes-you have a hurt nose. The Clown hit you in the face with a pie. Who are you? You are a clown.                                                                                         Where were you when the accident happened? You were in a green car talking with Monkey.                                                                                                                                  Are you ok? No-Monkey put candy in your ears. You can’t hear very well.


Thanks a lot- that was great! Our next activity is called

Survival of the fittest

The idea is that the students have survived a ship wreck and are stranded on a leaky lifeboat. Unfortunately, there is not enough space for all of them. Every hour one person has to be thrown out. The game is played by having the students sit in a circle. They have with them on the boat anything they may have in their school bag, as well as their own personal skills and qualities. They must go around and say why they should stay in the boat (ex. I know how to navigate using the stars, or I don’t weigh much, so it makes no sense to throw me out). After you have gone around the circle, the students have a chance to vote one person out. Then it begins again, but the catch is that no one can repeat a reason that has been used in a previous round. This makes for some pretty interesting reasons to stay in! Also, students who notice that they are about to be voted out can try and convince the class that the skill they mentioned was really important or try and persuade them that someone else's reason was less valid.

There are people of 5 different professions: the teachers, doctors, clowns, cooks, policemen. They discuss and decide what profession is the most important and the least important and who should be thrown out.

Conversational Cards

Who are you? I am a cook.                                                                                                    Why are you important? I am important because I can prepare tasty and healthy meals. When people are hungry, I know how to cook them all kinds of food.                     Why should you be on the lifeboat? I should be on the lifeboat because I know how to cook—I can help prepare tasty meals that are good for our bodies and keep us all healthy.                                                                                                                                      How old are you? I am only 18 years old—working on this ship was my very first job. I want to live a long life, and my friends, family, and girlfriend will be said if I do not get on this lifeboat. I am so young!

Who are you? I am a policeman.                                                                                             Why are you important? I am important because I am strong and fit, and I know how to protect people. When someone is in danger, I am trained to help them. I also have a gun.                                                                                                                                          Why should you be on the lifeboat? I should be on the lifeboat because I am fit, and because I can tell people what they should and should not do. Because I know a lot about the law, if people become unhappy with each other, I can solve their problems fairly. I am strong and courageous, and will help everyone to survive.                                  How old are you? I am 50 years old.

Who are you? I am a teacher.                                                                                                   Why are you important? I am important because I can teach every subject, and people can learn about important topics from me.                                                                                  Why should you be on the lifeboat? I should be on the lifeboat because only I know all the information about different subjects—without me, the people on the lifeboat will forget their studies and become fools. Also, I am the head teacher at my school and teach over 300 students a week. The students love me, and if I don’t get back to the school, there is no one else who can teach my lessons.                                                                  How old are you? I am 33 years old.

Who are you? I am a doctor.                                                                                                   Why are you important? I am important because I have lots of pills in my bag, and I know how to help sick people. I have been a doctor for 25 years, and know how to cure almost every type of illness.                                                                                                    Why should you be on the lifeboat? I should be on the lifeboat because I am intelligent and if anyone gets sick I can help them to become healthy. Also, I have a wife and 10 children waiting for me at home. If I don’t get on the lifeboat, then I will never see my family again, and it will be difficult for them to live without me.                     How old are you? I am 65 years old

Who are you? I am a clown.                                                                                                      Why are you important? I am important because I can make people laugh when they are sad, and help them to be happy and not worry. I am also the most famous clown the whole world—on the ship, it was my job to entertain Presidents, Kings, and Queens.  Why should you be on the lifeboat? I should be on the lifeboat because I am friendly and funny, and people will be happier and less worried if I am with them. Also, I know a little at navigation—before I became a clown, I was in the military.                                   How old are you? I am 33 years old.


You were quite good at this kind of work. Thank you a lot. Our next activity is called

An Emergency Kit

Do you know what things do we need to be prepared in a case of emergency?  Imagine you are experts. Your task is to complete the First Aid Kit. In front of you, there are different things. Choose among them those which are necessary for a First Aid Kit (bandage, pills, cotton balls, iodine, drops…), and one by one say why it is important and drop it into the Kit.

But to be the real rescuers, I think we need more things in case of different accidents.  Now I will give you the stripes of paper with some more items which might be necessary in a case of emergency. What do we have here? I think we need these things: 

Whistle: can be used to attract attention, to make noise, to scare off animals/scary people, to play music, etc…                                                                                               Axe: can be used to cut ropes, to cut trees, to scare off animals/scary people, to throw at something, etc…                                                                                                                Flashlight (Torch): can be used to make light, to hit scary animals/people, to signal to someone, to scare someone, etc.                                                                                            Knife: can be used to cut food, to cut rope, to cut clothes, to cut trees, to scare off animals/scary people, etc…                                                                                                     Tent: can be used to sleep in, to put your things in, to hide in, to sit on, etc…            

Fire extinguisher: can be used to put out fires, to spray at scary animals/scary people, to signal to someone, etc…                                                                                                    Mobile Phone: can be used to call for help, to throw at scary people, as a flashlight, to make funny noises, etc…                                                                                                            Compass: can be used to find your direction, to find someone else, etc…            Binoculars: can be used to see far away things, to look for people/animals, to examine something, etc…                                                                                                                     First aid kit: can be used to treat sickness, to help other people, as a raft in a river,etc…                                                                                                                                           

Now, working in groups of 4, you should decide which five things are the most important (15 seconds). – Let’s see what you have chosen (the Tree of Ideas)

Thank you a lot. Tragedies happen every day. Therefore, there are different Rescue Services in every city. Many people want to be rescuers. Our town Rescue Service is looking for strong, brave and clever rescuers. I know that all of you would like to help people. So, the Rescue Service has prepared a task for you. If you cope with it, you can work as rescuers. You must use the objects you have chosen to save people who survived a plane crash. So, how can a whistle be used to help people in a plane crash, a knife, a tent, etc.

You have coped with this task very well. I am sure that you can now work as rescuers and, with such clever rescuers working for the Rescue Service, people will definitely feel safe. 

A game “What is going on?”

Listening Comprehension (Make up a story according to the sounds) - the students listen to two girls talking on the phone about an accident which happened yesterday evening; the beginning of the story is provided, but the end is missing:


Sally: Julia! You will never believe what happened! I just got out of the hospital and had to call and tell you.                                                                                                        Julia: Why were you in the hospital!? Are you ok?                                                                 Sally: Yes, yes I’m fine. Yesterday, when I was walking home from school, I saw two cars driving by. One of the cars was a Rolls-Royce and the driver was driving slowly and carefully.                                                                                                                                  Julia: What about the second car?

Sally: The second car was a Ford and a really cute boy was driving it. He was looking at me, and he wasn’t driving very carefully.                                                                             Julia: I guess you were wearing a short skirt as usual.                                                                        Sally: Of course, I was wearing a short skirt.                                                                              Julia: And what happened then?                                                                                                  Sally: He didn’t see the Rolls-Royce, and then something crazy happened...I don’t remember exactly what, but the next thing I know, I’m in the hospital.                                             Julia: But don’t you remember anything?                                                                                 Sally: I remember there was a dog…and a cat! And maybe traffic lights…oh I don’t know. Can you help me? Listen to the sounds my phone recorded during the accident—maybe you can figure out what really happened!

Now, please, listen to the sounds the girl’s telephone recorded (The students listen to the sounds: the meowing of the cat, the barking of the dog, the scratching of the brakes, the woman’s scream, the bang of the heels, and the siren of the police car). The students should understand what might have happened, and make up an ending to the story (the teacher can cut the printed story into the stripes and students choose the stripes and put them in order). 3-4 min

A possible variant of A sound story

Use the following words: car crash; to slam the brakes; to injure; to cream; to collide; to arrest.

  1.                The dog saw a cat who was sitting on the opposite corner.
  2.                The dog didn’t like the cat so he began to bark, and ran after the cat.
  3.                The cat began to run away from the dog across the street.
  4.                A young man was driving in a car but he didn’t see the cat in time, because he was looking at the girl.
  5.                He slammed on the brakes at last moment and the cat stopped just 2 inches from the cat.
  6.                The Englishman who was behind him in a Rolls-Royce slowed down but it was too late.
  7.                He crashed into the first car with the young man.
  8.                The girl started to scream.
  9.                She ran away to call a doctor, someone called the police.
  10.            The police arrived in a few minutes.
  11.            The cars were damaged, the glass was broken.
  12.            The Englishman was injured and taken to the hospital.
  13.            The young man was arrested but the cat was happy he wasn’t killed even though he has nine lives.


A computer quiz

(There are 2 teams. The computer chooses the team who begins; the first team chooses the number. There are 15 numbers-15questions and 3 answers to each question. The team should choose one answer; if it is correct, the team can choose another question; if it is incorrect, the opposite team can choose a question.)


Summary of the Lesson:

So, our lesson is going to be over in a few minutes. You have some time to answer the questions on the copies and fill in the chart.

You’ve worked hard today. You’ve revised the lexis; you were quite good at telling the stories, asking and answering the questions, and at working in groups as a whole.

I’m satisfied with your work and answers during the lesson. All of you have received excellent marks.

Your home task: to continue working in groups and make up dialogues to the stories.


At the end of the lesson students are asked to answer the following questions:

1) Have you completed all of the tasks which were mentioned at the beginning of the lesson?

2) What did you like when you were doing the activity?

3) What difficulties did you have?

Then the students are offered to evaluate their work and to fill in the chart:



Points (0-3)


I worked hard in the group -



I suggested good ideas, and they were accepted -



I helped other members of the group -



I generalized ideas of other members of the group and encouraged my classmates-






28 серпня 2018
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