Розробка позакласного заходу на тему "English Language Connoisseur"

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Позакласний захід на тему "English Language Connoisseur" сприяє підвищенню мотивації в учнів до вивчення англійської мови; дає можливість в ігровій ситуації перевірити рівень знань іноземної мови, сприяє розвитку духу здорової конкуренції. Захід наповнений різноманітними видами діяльності, які безперечно зацікавлять учнів 8-9-10 класів.

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"English Language Connoisseur" Contest

Level: mid-intermediate Time: 90 minutes

Procedure Teacher: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am very glad to see you here and to welcome you to the "English Language Connoisseur" contest. Today we shall speak about Great Britain, London, famous people of Great Britain, listen to and sing some songs, listen to and play jokes and games. In other words we'll enjoy the English language today. So let's begin. I'll present to you the contestants.

I also want to introduce our honorable jury who will judge today's contest.

Now, teams, please, present your names, emblems and captains. First team, begin, please. The jury will decide whose name and emblem are the best.



Learning English, teaching English,

That’s the hobby that we share

We are fond of learning English

That is spoken everywhere.

Coming together is a beginning,

Keeping together is a process,

Working together is a success.

Teacher: We now give the floor to our honorable jury. And now we move on to the next task.

II Warm-up-6 pictures for each team about Great Britain. The pupils should guess what place or a person is depicted on them.-(2 points for each picture, 12 points)

III. Answer the questions. (16 questions to both teams; 32 points, 2 points for each question)

Teacher: The next task is to answer questions; the team who rings the bell first has the right to answer. If the answer is not correct, the other team has a chance to answer. You may get 2 points for each question, so the total possible score is 24. Let's begin.

Answer the questions:

  1. When and where was B. Stupka born?
  2. What films did he play in?
  3. When was Tom Cruise born?
  4. Why when he was a child he could not make friends?
  5. What film did he get an Oscar for?
  6. He became famous thanks to the film “Top Gun”, did not he?
  7. In which shop can we buy bread?
  8. How do we call a shop with many departments?
  9. When do we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day?
  10. When is Christmas celebrated?
  11. What is the name of the world?
  12. Which is smaller: the Moon or the Stars?
  13. What does the moon look like?
  14. How many parts does London consist of? What are they?
  15. Where can we see the famous clock?
  16. What is the richest part of London?


IV Make up the words with the letters form the word ( 2 points for each word-2 minutes)

Department store

Part, net, ten, tea, eat, pat, pet, more, most, map, mad, rest, east, past, name, deep, sort, one, ear, dear, tent, ant, do, test, sea, open, pen, meet, meat, team, read, speed, dose, see, port, man, storm, deer, tram, opera, start, star, tree, rat, mat, red, art, pear, near, trend, send, spend, step, smart, tear, set, enter, trap, rent, ore, top, nose, pose, toast.


V Restore the text (pupils listen to the text,with the holes in it; 10 words are missing.th eppupils should fill in the gaps with these missing words.-2 points for each word)


VI Make up a poem using given rhymes. (5 points)

....houses             boys               September            book

.. .trees               toys                remember             cook

....rivers              skate               fun                       sweet

…seas                Kate               begun                   Pete


VII. Explain the following dates and figures. (20 points, 2 for each answer)



  1. February, 14
  2. December, 19
  3. May, 22
  4. 3 July, 1962-Cruise was born
  5. 20 million-Cruise gets for a picture
  6. 27 August, 1941-Stupka was born
  7. 1812-Charles Dickens was born
  8. 10- Dickens had 10 children

9)   December, 24

10) January, 7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


VIII. Teacher: Now I'll ask the team captains to come up here.

The captains' competition: Create a story of the given words. (5 points)







































She/he had no money

She/he had no friends

She/he had to go to school

She/he was very fat

She/he had a long nose

It was always raining

She/he could not find her/his glasses

















Bus driver

Shop assistant


A red apple

A big ice-cream

A green sweater

A spaceship

A pencil-box

A pink rose

An elephant

A wolf


“Put it in your pocket.”

“Take it to school with you”

“Eat it for dinner”

“Give it to your mother”

“Throw it in the swimming pool”

“Send it to a school in England”

“Fly over the ocean with it”.



The sun was shining

She/he changed into a dragon

She/he found a box full of gold

She/he did not know where she/he was

She/he had become very thin

She/he saw a car not far away

She/he had a lot of new friends


Went to live in England

Went to bed

Jumped into the swimming pool

Drank a whole bottle of wine

Married the (7)

Never went to school again

Invited all his friends to the party





The (2)

The (7)

They both

They all



FAIRY TALE with holes in it

Once upon a time there was a/an (1) _____(2) ________who lived in a/an   (3) _________(4)_________. He/she was very unhappy, because (5)_______. Then one day he/she met a/an (6) ________ (7) ______ who said to him/her: ”Can I help you?” “Yes, please,” said the (2) ______. The (7) _______ gave him/her (8) ______ and said: (9)_________. The (2) ______ did what the (7)______ said, and the next morning he/she  (11)________.   Now the (2) ______ was very happy/sad and (12) _____lived happily ever after.


IX Make up a story. The sheet of paper is cut into pieces. The pupils should put these pieces into the right order to make up a story. (5 points)


X Musical pause; the scene “Tom Sawyer”.

“Tom doesn’t want to go to school”

Tom and Sid are in their beds. It is morning and time to get up. Tom doesn’t want to go to school. He wants to be ill. Then he could stay at home.

Tom (sitting) I don’t want to go to school. What can I do to stay at home? Oh! My tooth is loose. That’s wonderful1…No, it won’t do. Aunt Polly will put it out. Oh, what a wonderful idea came to me! (He lies back and begins to cry. But Sid is sleeping. Tom cries louder.) Sid! Sid!

Sid (opens his eyes). What has happened Tom?

(Tom does not answer, he continues to cry.

Sid looks at Tom.)

Sid: Tom1 say, Tom! Tom! What has happened to you?

(He gets up and comes to Tom. Tom continues crying.)

Tom: Oh, Sid. I am dying. I am not angry with you.

Sid: Oh, Tom. You are not dying. Don’t!

Tom: I am not angry with Aunt Polly. Tell her so. And, Sid, give my cat with one eye to the new girl at school and tell her…

(Sid takes his clothes and runs out of the room.)

Sid (shouting) Oh, Aunt Polly, come! Tom is dying.

Aunt : Dying, Oh my God. What has happened to him?

Sid: yes, come quickly!

Aunt: Don’t say so! (She runs in and comes quickly up to Tom) you, Tom! Tom, what has happened to you, my boy?

Tom: Oh, Auntie, look at my right hand! It is red and hot.

Aunt: (sees that his hand is not red) Oh, Tom, stop that nonsense and get up!

Tom: but, auntie, it is so hot, that I have forgotten about my tooth.

Aunt: your tooth? And what has happened to your tooth?

Tom: it’s loose.

Aunt: open your mouth. Well, you are right. Your tooth is loose. Sid, bring me some thread.

Tom: Oh, please, dear Auntie, don’t pull it out. It’s all right now.

(Sid brings the thread.)

Tom: Oh. Oh! (he covers his mouth with his hands.) Oh, my tooth was all right. But I didn’t want to go to school.

Aunt: Oh, Tom. So all this is because you don’t want to go to school. You want to go fishing. Tom, Tom, I love you so dearly, and you… now get up quickly and get ready to go to school!


Part II

Story-teller: Tom Sawyer was not the model boy of the village. He did not obey his aunt. He was fond of fighting and running away from school. One day he was late for school as usual.

Teacher: Thomas Sawyer!

Tom: sir.

T.: come up here. Now, sir, why are you late again as usually?

Tom: I stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn!

T.: you-you did what?

Tom: stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn.

Teacher: Thomas Sawyer, this is the most surprising excuse I have ever listened to. The usual punishment for coming late isn’t enough. Take off your jacket. (Tom takes off his jacket, goes up to the teacher, whose arm goes up and down until it is tired!) Now, sir, go and sit with girls. Let this be a lesson to you not to be late for school.

(Tom sits near Becky. He begins to look at her, but she turns away from him. When she turns again she sees an apple in front of her. She pushes it away. Tom puts it back.)

Tom: please, take it-I have got more (then he begins to draw).

Becky: let me see it. It’s nice. Now make a man. It’s a beautiful man. Now draw me coming along. It’s even so nice. I wish I could draw.

Tom: it’s easy I‘ll teach you.

Becky: Oh, will you? When?

Tom: at noon. Do you go home to dinner?

Becky: I’ll stay if you will.

Tom: good, what is your name?

Becky: Becky Thatcher. What’s yours? Oh, I know. It’s Thomas Sawyer.

Tom: that’s the name they punish me by. I am Tom, when I am good. You will call me Tom, will you?

Becky: Yes. (Tom writes something on the paper) Let me see it.

Tom: Oh, it isn’t anything.

Becky: yes, it is.

Tom: no, it isn’t, you don’t want to see it.

Becky: yes, I do, indeed I do. Please let me.

Tom: you’ll tell.

Becky: no, I won’t.

Tom: you won’t tell anybody at all. Ever, as long, as you live?

Becky: No, I won’t ever tell anybody. Now let me. (Tom, shows her a paper with the words “I love you”)

Becky: Oh, you bad thing!



































28 серпня 2018
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