План-конспект уроку на тему "My friend's appearance and traits of character" для учнів 7 класу

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План-конспект уроку на тему " My friend's appearance and traits of character", мета якого – сприяти розвитку в учнів уміння вести розмову про зовнішність товариша і його риси характеру, використовуючи необхідний лексико-граматичний інвентар. Дана робота містить різноманітні вправи для розвитку усіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності. До даного конспекту уроку є розроблена презентація.

Перегляд файлу

The Subject of the Lesson: My Friend’s Appearance and Traits of Character.

Objectives: --to practice vocabulary and structures on the topic;

                     --to develop students’ reading and listening skills using active vocabulary on the topic;

                     --to test their ability to work in groups;

                     --to develop students’ fluency in using the language;

                     --to teach students how to attitude towards others, respect their friends.


I.T:Good morning. I’m glad to meet you. How are you? Today I’ll be your new teacher. My name is… And I want to get acquainted with you. I’ll give you sheets of paper, please, write down your names and stick on your uniforms.

T: Let’s start our lesson. At today’s lesson we’ll talk about friends, their appearance, features of character, their hobbies and interests. I think that everyone has friends. A friend is someone who chats with you on the Internet, for others—he is a person, who knows you all your life, your secrets. And today we’ll speak about such people. At the end of the lesson you’ll try to make up a portrait of your best friend.

II.T: Look at the blackboard and read the proverb about a friend and friendship. It will be the motto of out today’s lesson:

“ A man is known by the company he keeps.” Try to translate it. (Скажи мені хто твій друг, і я скажу тобі, хто ти).

III. T: Do you know other proverbs about friends and friendship. Don’t worry. Can I help you a little? I have prepared some proverbs, read them and try to understand:

  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Товариш пізнається в біді).
  2.  Actions speak louder than words. (Не по словах судять, а по ділах).
  3.  All is not gold that glitters. (Не все золото, що блищить).
  4.  Books and friends should be few but good. (Істинні друзі, як і мудрі книги—рідкість).
  5. Extremes meet. (Протилежності сходяться)
  6. Old friends and old wine are best. ( Старий друг краще двох нових).

IV. T: Let’s pass to the phonetic drill. Here you can see a poem “A friend is the best thing to have”. Listen to the poem and be ready to repeat after me. (читаю сама) Repeat after me (читаю по лінійці).Who wants to read it once more. Did you understand it? Are you lucky? Why? Have you a great friend? Does your friend take care of you?

V. T: Can we describe your best friend just now? I think we can’t because we didn’t revise the vocabulary of your previous lessons. Let’s start from your appearance.

T: Finish the sentences using the parts of the body:-------------

T: But we only named the part of the body. And now tell me the adjectives which describe these parts. For example, what can we say about figure, face, hair, nose, eyes.

Figure: tall, short, delicate, plump, medium-height;

Face: round, beautiful, pretty, oval, ugly, lovely, handsome.

Nose: small, long, straight, snub, turned-up.

Eyes: large, blue, grey, small, brown, bright, shining.

Hair: straight, curly, wavy, dark, grey, fair, long, short, black, golden.    

T: So now, we’ll work in groups. Your task is to describe these people. I’ll give you 1 minute. Who is so brave to represent your group. (кожен говорить по реченню).

VI.T: But a friend is not only the appearance, but also his/her character. Describing personality we can use such words. Repeat after me: polite, rude, hard-working, lazy, generous, mean, cheerful, bad-tempered, shy, confident.

T: Do you know all of them? Complete the sentences using these words.

  1. … people speak to people they don’t know and feel sure about what they can do.
  2. … people are usually happy and never angry.
  3. … people study a lot and always do their homework.
  4. …  people don’t study a lot or do their homework.
  5. … people are often angry and not often happy.
  6.  … people give money to charity and to their friends.
  7. … people never give money to charity or to their friends.
  8. … people don’t usually say a lot to people they don’t know.
  9. ... people think about other people and always say ‘please’.

10…. People don’t think about other people and never say ‘please’.

VII. T: On the blackboard you have the most important qualities in a friend. Write these qualities in order of importance for you. You’ll work in group and write down your answers on these papers. Let’s check up are your points the same? Can you explain your choice. Use such expressions: In my opinion…, I think…, To my mind…


VIII. T: And now let’s read Rick’s composition about his best friend, Adam. Your task is to put the missing headings in the correct spaces.  (1E, 2D, 3C, 4B, 5A). You read the text silently. And now answer the questions after he text:

  1. What colour is Adam’s hair?
  2. What are his good qualities?
  3. What’s his favourite hobby?
  4. How often does Rick see Adam?
  5. What two things do they do together?

T: Read the sentences from the text to prove your thoughts.

IX. T: Another piece of work is to listen to Hannah’s talking about her friend. Listen for the first time and complete the notes:

  1. Lucy is----------------------.
  2. Lucy is quite short and quite--------------.
  3. She’s got-------------hair and eyes.
  4. She’s very kind and very------------------.
  5. She’s quite bad-tempered, but she never gets angry with--.
  6. She plays--------- for the school team.
  7. Hannah and Lucy often go rollerblading and go------------together .

T: And now exchange your cards and let’s check up your answers. Listen to the text once more and be ready to retell it. Describe Lucy. Who wants?

X.T: We have read the text about Adam, listened to the text about Lucy, so let’s choose in your group one of the person. He/she will be your best friend.  Describe them according to this writing guide.

                                    MY BEST FRIEND

My best friend’s name is………………..

He/she is………………..years old.

He/she is……...tall with……..hair and……..eyes.

He/she has several good qualities……….

He/she has some bad qualities……….

His/her hobbies and interests are…..

I see him/her………

We …………together……..

XI.T: Now let’s make up a portrait of the best friend. I have prepared sheets of paper with some qualities: positive and negative. What qualities must your best friend have? Choose the most important to your mind and stick them on the blackboard. I also gave you empty cards and you can write other qualities which are not mentioned here.

XII. T: Just now I want to sum up the results of our work. As I see the most important qualities in your friends is not the appearance but their positive features of character. I hope    that you have a real friend and you are a real friend for somebody.

I’m satisfied with your answers today. I’ll put you only excellent marks. Your task will be to make up a project work about your friend.





       A friend is the best thing to have.


A friend is the best thing to have,

A friend is a great thing to be,

If you have a great friend

From beginning to end,

You can be as lucky as me!


     A friend is the best thing to know,

     A friend will always be there,

     If you have a great friend

     From beginning to end,

   You’ll always have someone who cares!





  1.                   A hand has five---------------------
  2.                   You smell with your---------------
  3.                   You hear with your ----------------
  4.                   The-----------is a symbol of love
  5.                   You have 32-----------------
  6.                   You have two---------------
  7.                   A foot has five---------------
  8.                   You wear hat on your ------------
  9.                   You taste with your --------

10)You carry your schoolbag on your----------



                            My best friend


  1.  Activities together;        B) Hobbies and sports;

C)Personality;                       D)Appearance;




   My best friend is called Adam, and he’s twelve years old.

   Adam is tall, about 1 metre 75, and he’s got short blue and red hair—the colours of his favourite football team! His eyes are blue.

   Adam has got a lot of good qualities. He’s very friendly and loyal, and he’s got a great sense of humour. He only has two bad qualities. He is quite lazy, and he’s always late!

    Adam loves football, and he supports the local team, Longfield United. I don’t know why-they always lose! He’s got pictures of all their players on his bedroom walls and hundreds of match programmes under his bed. Adam doesn’t have time for any other hobbies!

    I see Adam every day at school. And I sometimes go to the amusement arcade with him on weekday evenings. I never see him on Saturdays because he’s always at a football match. But we often go to the cinema together on Sunday evening.

Interviewer: Who’s your best friend, Hannah?

Hannah: Her name’s Lucy. She’s in my class at school. So she’s the same age as me—ten.

I: Can you describe her appearance? How tall is she?

H: She’s quite short, about 1m 25. And she’s quite thin.

I: What colour is her hair?

H: Brown. Dark brown.

I: Uh, huh. And what about her eyes?

H: They’re brown too.

I: Can you describe her personality? What are her good qualities?

H: Well, she’s very kind. She always remembers my birthday and gives me presents. And she’s very confident.

I: What about her bad qualities? Has she got any bad qualities?

H: Yes, she’s quite bad-tempered. She sometimes gets angry and shouts. But she never gets angry with me!

I: Oh, that’s good! Now, tell me about her favourite sports and hobbies. What sports does she do?

H: She’s very good at volleyball. She plays in the school team. And hobbies? Um… Well, she likes rollerblading.

I: And do you go rollerblading together?

H: Yes, we do. We often go to the skate park and go swimming together at the swimming pool, too.

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Всього відгуків: 2
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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 липня 2018
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