Урок "Дозвілля. Спорт та активний відпочинок"

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови для 8 класу (на 8-му році навчання) за темою «Дозвілля. Спорт» має на меті консолідувати знання лексичного матеріалу з теми та навчити учнів розповідати та ділитись особистими побажаннями чи досвідом занять екстремальними видами спорту та активним відпочинком. На кінець уроку учні зможуть дізнатись про спортивні активності туристичного туру та розповісти про них на основі рекламного оголошення та плану побудови діалогу. Активності побудовані на основі групової роботи. Розробка містить необхідний роздатковий матеріал для учнів.

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Lesson Name: Extreme Sports

Class/Level  Form 8, Intermediate Skill, English Conversation  

Materials  Laptop, TV-set, cards, hand-outs, authentic adverts;

Textbook/Course book name Prime Time 3

Unit—title—page number Unit 1e, Adventure Sports, pages 14-15

Practical Aims: to consolidate pupils’ knowledge of the lexical material;

                           to learn how new words are created;

                           to get pupils share their opinions, likes and dislikes about extreme


                           to practise special questions using Power Point Presentation;

                            to develop listening for specific information, note taking, speaking

                            skills; to make pupils comprehend reading and listening material;

                            to teach pupils being able to tell the key facts about extreme sports; 

                            to teach them to be able to ask for and provide necessary

                            information for joining a sport using the authentic texts of adventure 

                            trip adverts and the sports related lexical material they learnt;

Developing Aims: to develop critical reading and thinking, working in a team skills;

                               to hone pupils’  public speaking skills, develop pupils’ skills in information 

                                    and communications technology (ICT), research skills;

Educational Aims: to teach pupils being careful and keeping up to safety rules while doing 

                                      sports; to broaden pupils’ scope; to teach politeness and accuracy in speech;


                                       The Procedure of the Lesson

  1. Lead-in. Lexical and Conversational Warm-Up.

Teacher: On today’s lesson we will talk about extreme sports. Raise your hands those who would like to travel abroad. And who of you likes doing sports? Who knows,  maybe one day you will want to try a sport having a holiday abroad. So, by the end of the lesson you’ll know how to join a sports or outdoor club and you’ll be able to get and provide the necessary information about sports. From the video you will learn how whitewater rafting is done and what safety rules you are to keep up to do it successfully. And as in many sports you’ll be able to experience being part of a team working in groups during the lesson.

  1. In your opinion, why do people do sports? Brainstorm the ideas and share them with us. (1m.)

Suggested answers: they want to try something thrilling;

                                they want adventure;

                                 they want to forget about everyday problems;

                                 they want to test their own abilities;

                                 they enjoy nature and can see amazing scenery;

  1. Why do you think some of them are called extreme ones? Will you explain the word “extreme” in your words?
  2. Look at the pictures of sports. Can you name all of them?

(The pictures are fixed on the board. I point to each one, the pupils are to name  the sports). The words to praise: Good remembering! You are doing really well!

The sports are: speed skiing, white water rafting, mountain biking, free diving, street luge, paragliding, hang-gliding, snow kiting, windsurfing, rock climbing, bungee jumping, wing suit flying, snowboarding, sky diving (2m.)

  1. Power Point Presentation. Let’s add some more to the list and try to guess their names. Most of them consist of two words that describe the equipment and place to do them. Look at the hints and say!

           Slides 1-5.   Keep it up! Right on!


  1. Your hometask was to choose a sport you would like to try and support your choice with some arguments why you want to do it. Will you share your ideas about this?

 Volunteer students take turns to answer using the structures:

I’d choose………..because…………

If I weren’t too scared, I’d give ………….. a chance.

I’d like to try…………….because………………..


  1. To do these sports you need special equipment. Look at the screen again (slide 6) showing various things you need for doing some of the sports. Can you name them?

Equipment: a parachute, a rope, a helmet, a kite, knee/elbow pads,  a board, a swimsuit, goggles, flippers, skis, a wing suit, a helmet, a life jacket, an elastic cord(bungee jumping), carabiners and a rope, paddles)

I point to the pictures asking pupils:

What are flippers for?/ What is a life jacket for? etc. (2m.)

Well done! I can see you know the equipment words well and are ready to talk about the equipment you need to join a sport. You are to work in groups now. So, let’s decide on the roles each of you get. Each group has a set of cards with the roles for each member of the group, discuss in your groups and say how you distributed the roles for this activity. Each of you is to pick up a corresponding card, show it and say what is your role. (The cards: the Presenter, the Writer, the Leader, the Group Member)

  1. Speaking. Using the Topical Vocabulary in Speech Situations.
  1. Group work. “Imagine you are going to join some of the extreme sports. Decide in a group which sport it would be and make up a short talk using the key phrases you’ve got in the hand-outs to say what you would be wearing and what kind of equipment you would be provided with to do the sport you chose. But don’t name the sport itself. The other two groups are to guess what sport you are going to do”.

A: I think we need to take a mosquito repellent and sleeping bags.

B: I agree. And we definitely need to take swimsuits. They provide us with life jackets, paddles, rafts and helmets to protect our heads. Where are we going? (3m) (Whitewater rafting)

  1. The presenter and the writer from each group act out a short talk. The two remaining groups are to guess the sport asking the questions “Are you going to join…?/Are you going to take up…?” (5m)

Maybe one day you’ll decide to take it up. Now you know what you need to do it! (Have luck doing it! But be careful! Keep up to safety rules because it’s quite risky.)

  1. Practising Special Questions to Talk about Extreme Sports Using Power Point Presentation.
  1. Teacher: To take up any sport you need to know more than just the equipment provided or needed. What questions would you ask or what information would you learn before taking up a sport?

Slide 7. Look at the screen again. Let me give you a hint! You can see the question words, try to predict the questions about the sports.

e.g. When…

Pupils: When do we do the sport?/When can it be done?/When is it done?

The pupils first say their variants, then I show the correct one.

  1. Slide 8. What is this sport called?( Surfing.)
  2. Group 1, will you ask Groups 2 and 3 the four questions about the surfing. Take turns to ask them, a question per a pupil, alright? You are also to choose who is to answer your question, call out somebody’s name after asking the question.
  3. Slide 9. What is the sport called? Any ideas? (Suggested answer is “rock climbing”. I show the correct name “free soloing” and ask the pupils about the difference between the two. To do free soloing you need only shoes. They do not climb with any safety equipment whatsoever. If they slip, they will fall and most likely die or be seriously injured. So, it’s the most risky and dangerous among all, probably. If I were you I would never try it!). Group 2, it’s your turn to ask the four questions about free soloing. Again, take turns to ask them.
  1. Watching the Prime Time 3 Video. Listening Comprehension Skills.

Teacher: You are going to watch the video about white water rafting. As any extreme sport whitewater rafting is quite dangerous and accidents might happen. From the video you’ll learn how to do it safely and how holiday makers are prepared to do it safely.

  1. Group 3, will you now ask the four questions about whitewater rafting?

Suggested answers:

When do we do whitewater rafting? (We do it from mid-April through mid-October)

Where do we do it? (on the fast mountain rivers)

What do we need to do it? (rafts, paddles, helmets, life jackets, swimsuits)

How do we do it? (set the boat on water, paddle in a team turning twists and trying not to fall out from the boat) You coped successfully with this task, you see how well you can give the key information about sports!

  1. Before you start watching the video for the second time, you need to  scan the sentences you have in the hand-out papers. Do it silently, will you?
  2. Watch the video for the second time and complete it with the given words while watching: (2 m)

Looks      techniques       safety      experience      drills     cool    priority

  1. White-water rafting can be dangerous, so……………….is taken very seriously.
  2. Before any of the boats get going, safety ………….. are practised on dry land.
  3. Team work is a top……………….., even when to getting the boat down to the water for the first time.
  4. The first few miles down the river are straightforward, as the crew learn boat control and paddling……………….
  5. The team have to negotiate some tricky twists and turns before they get their first……………………of fast flowing water.
  6. White-water rafting is as dangerous as it ………………
  7. You need a ……………………..head to do white-water rafting.
    1. Group work again. Change the roles now. The presenters are to read and translate the seven  sentences. “Let’s see if you coped with the task successfully. Group 1, read sentences 1,2. Group 2- 3,4 are for you, Group 3 – 5,6,7 go to you.” (5m) The words to praise: You haven't missed a thing!
  1. Consolidating Information from the Video into an Advertisement of the Whitewater Rafting Trip.

Teacher: “Imagine you’d like to join a sports club and go on an adventure trip. Where can you learn about outdoor activities, sports trips, tours from? Yes, exactly – from adverts.”

  1. Each group gets an advertising poster of a whitewater rafting trip with the missing information about the time to do it, things to learn and do on a whitewater rafting trip and equipment for the trip. Each group has a different advert from different outdoor clubs but all of them offer whitewater trips.

Teacher: Change the roles again. Decide who is the writer, the leader and the presenter for this activity. You are to fill in the missing information with the key words about white-water rafting, summing-up the information you’ve learnt during the lesson and from the video. (3 m.)

  1. Teacher: “Group 1, who is the presenter in your group? Will you tell us what will the holiday makers do on a trip?

Group 2, who is the speaker in your group? Tell us, please, when can we do rafting?”

Group 3, what kind of equipment are the volunteers to go on a whitewater rafting trip are provided with according to the advert?” (1m.)


  1.  Role-Playing a Short Talk between Tour Agents and Volunteers to Go on a Whitewater Rafting Trip.

The Teacher: Imagine you are on holiday in the USA, you read the advert and decided to go on a whitewater trip. Let’s role-play the conversation between the holiday-makers and the tour agents. Two of you want to join a whitewater rafting trip and you need to know the necessary information about the time to go, the activities offered and the equipment you’ll be provided with. Other two or three of the group are the travel agents working in an Outdoor Club and organizing the sports trips.

  • Discuss and say who are the two volunteers to go on a trip and who are the two agents.
  • Use the information from the advert to ask and answer the four key questions you practiced during the lesson and the rest of the information you are interested in. Use the plan to help you make-up the dialogue.

The Plan:

  1. Greet each other;
  2. Travellers: say why you are in the USA

Travel agents: welcome the guests to your country;

  1. Travellers: say why you are at………Club and mention you’d like to try the easiest or a family level;

Travel agents: say some words about your club and levels of activities provided. Use the information from the advert;

  1. Travellers: ask about things to do while whitewater rafting trip;

Travel agents: answer using the information from “Things to Do” section;

  1. Travellers: ask about the time to do it;

Travel agents: answer using the information in “Time to Do” section;

  1. Travellers: ask about the equipment the club provides you with;

Travel agents: answer using the “Equipment Provided” section;

  1. Travellers: thank the agents for the time and information and agree to join the trip;

Travel agents: thank the customers for their choice and promise they’ll have a good time using the words from the advert.




  • You have 3 minutes to do it. You can make notes if you wish. And you can use the text of the adverts while acting out the short talk.
  1. Acting out the dialogues. Each group has 2 minutes to do it. Words to praise pupils: Excellent! What good work! Wonderful! Super work! I’m blown away! Way to go! (6 m)


  1. Summing-Up. Assigning Homework. (2m)

Thank you for your great effort during the lesson! All of you participated actively – you were helping each other, taking turns to do the tasks and you were cooperative, so you’ve made wonderful teams!

Which part of the lesson did you like most?

Can you find out the necessary information about any sport you’d like to try now?

If you travel abroad, will you be able join an outdoor club without the interpreter’s help to enjoy your holiday to the full? Good luck! I hope your wishes will come true one day!

Evaluating pupils’ work during the lesson.

Your homework is going to be the following: each of you is to write up to 10 sentences about one of the extreme sports on your choice. You can use the Internet to find the necessary information. Be ready to tell the key facts about it to the class.
























Task 1. Imagine you are going to join some of the extreme sports. Decide in a group which sport it would be and make up a short talk using the key phrases you’ve got in the hand-outs to say what you would be wearing and what kind of equipment you would be provided with to do the sport you chose. But don’t name the sport itself. The other two groups are to guess what sport you are going to do.

A: I think we need to take……………………………………………

B: I agree. And we definitely need to take…………... They provide us with ………,………,…….

Where are we going?

Task 2. Watch the video for the second time and complete it with the given words while watching:

Looks      techniques       safety      experience      drills     cool    priority

  1. White-water rafting can be dangerous, so……………….is taken very seriously.
  2. Before any of the boats get going, safety ………….. are practised on dry land.
  3. Team work is a top……………….., even when to getting the boat down to the water for the first time.
  4. The first few miles down the river are straightforward, as the crew learn boat control and paddling……………….
  5. The team have to negotiate some tricky twists and turns before they get their first……………………of fast flowing water.
  6. White-water rafting is as dangerous as it ………………
  7. You need a ……………………..head to do white-water rafting.

Task 3. Use the information from the advert to ask and answer the four key questions you practiced during the lesson and the rest of the information you are interested in. Use the plan to help you make-up the dialogue.

The Plan:

  1. Greet each other;
  2. Travellers: say why you are in the USA

Travel agents: welcome the guests to your country;

  1. Travellers: say why you are at………Club and mention you’d like to try the easiest or a family level;

Travel agents: say some words about your club and levels of activities provided. Use the information from the advert;

  1. Travellers: ask about things to do while whitewater rafting trip;

Travel agents: answer using the information from “Things to Do” section;

  1. Travellers: ask about the time to do it;

Travel agents: answer using the information in “Time to Do” section;

  1. Travellers: ask about the equipment the club provides you with;

Travel agents: answer using the “Equipment Provided” section;

  1. Travellers: thank the agents for the time and information and agree to join the trip;

Travel agents: thank the customers for their choice and promise they’ll have a good time using the words from the advert.

Welcome to Pocono Whitewater

homepage-jump-image  http://www.raftecho.com/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/Browns%20Canyon_2.jpg

There’s something fun here at Pocono Whitewater for every level of adventurer!

Choose your own pace…we have mild to wild 

Things to do:

Our experienced guides will teach you to:

  • …………………………………………………………………..
  • ……………………………………………………………………
  • …………………………………………………………………..

Time to do:

Our trips are available from…………………………to…………………………..

      Equipment provided:



Our staff will cook and serve you a picnic lunch – hotdogs, potato salad, chips, fruit, etc…The classic family picnic!   


 So just give us a call,  1.800.WHITEWATER (1-800-944-8392)

Welcome to Colorado Whitewater 

Our Rafting trips aren't just about fun, excitement and the adventure of white water rafting. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-y6S1XNl4C20/UPbWhVgCFeI/AAAAAAAAA7A/g6jHjt54tU0/s912/DSC_5810.JPG

You will experience the best white water rivers in the world (most scenic, most exciting, or both)

as well as "5 star" campsites (or we prefer to say "one million stars") https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-vfa1vXgC6qg/UPbWdRLtzII/AAAAAAAAA6o/C2KBG12f5d4/s912/IMG_4223.jpghttps://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-LHTnpOxHeKw/UPbWgM7188I/AAAAAAAAA64/ANAjJIcIU8U/s912/IMG_6459%25281%2529.jpg

delicious food,

and entertaining professional raft guides.

Things to do:

Our experienced guides will teach you to:

  • …………………………………………………………………..
  • ……………………………………………………………………
  • …………………………………………………………………..

Time to do:

Our trips are available from…………………………………to……………………………………………

      Equipment provided:



Call and have the time of your life! COLORADO WHITEWATER (1-800-677-5492)

Maine White Water Rafting Trips

Our whitewater rafting trips in Maine are set in the beautiful Berkshire Mountains. This is a great place to enjoy a day on the river! http://im6-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=432940065-63-72&n=21

We take you on a different kind of rafting journey... there are no cars here, no stress and no cell phones. There is just the rhythm of the river and the warm sun to kiss you awake in the morning.

We offer you a trip paired with a horseback ride http://im1-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=235010672-55-72&n=21or

a zip line tour http://im6-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=343396694-35-72&n=21

Things to do:

Our experienced guides will teach you to:

  • …………………………………………………………………..
  • ……………………………………………………………………
  • …………………………………………………………………..

Time to do:

Our trips are available from……………………………to…………………………

      Equipment provided:


Be warned: Rafting with us may even change your life.

Please give us a call 7 days a week at 1-800-553-7238 or send us an e-mail .



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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 8 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
30 червня 2018
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