Контрольная работа по чтению для 8 класса. Дифференцированный контроль

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Контрольная работа по чтению для 8 класса.

Дифференцированный контроль

Постоянное использование разных традиционных и не традиционных приемов обучения позволяет осуществлять дифференцированный подход одновременно к нескольким учащимся, что позволяет сократить разрыв между отстающим учеником и учеником со средней успеваемостью. Еще большее значение практические приемы играют в развитии творческого потенциала учащихся, раскрытии и проявлении их индивидуальных способностей в процессе продуктивной деятельности на уроке (кто-то красиво рисует, кто-то красиво пишет, у кого-то хорошо получается оформлять работы одноклассников). Значит, возможен дифференцированный подход не только к обучению, но и к объективной оценке знаний, умений и навыков (ЗУН) учащихся с разными учебными возможностями.

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контрольная работа по чтению для 8 класса

Дифференцированный контроль




Liam Killeen.

Liam Killeen is a rising star in cross-country mountain biking. He has raced since he was 12 and has had both successes and a)………. His worst moment so far was during a recent World Championship. His front tyre started to lose air in the last part of the race and he finished fourth. This was not the first time he'd been unlucky. In a previous race, it was raining heavily and he crashed his bike just minutes after the start.


He often gets nervous before a race but thinks that this is a good thing. ‘Nervous energy makes you go faster and on the day, b) ……. The important thing is to stay positive.’


Liam likes a hard race with steep climbs. ‘They make all the difference. You have to be really c) …….’ He also enjoys entering competitions at top levels as there are fewer riders in the race and this makes the start easier. ‘You can get into the front group more quickly.’


Liam has been chosen to go to the Olympic Games and one day he would like to win a medal. ‘I'm still quite young and expect to be riding until my mid-thirties so d) ……. I know the Olympics are hard and I'll have to produce my best performance yet. But I feel confident.’


Liam trains for 30 hours a week - always outside - and he reaches speeds of 65 kph. He thinks that cycling professionally is the best job in the world and e) ……. His advice to people starting to race is, ‘Be prepared for some hard work. If the training was easy, it wouldn't make you faster.’


Level A


I Choose the right word for each sentence.


1) His ….. moment was during the world Championship.


a) best   b) least   c) further    d) worst


2) There is a good thing in getting ……. .


a) important   b) nervous   c) quite   d) heavily


3) Fewer ….. make the start easier.


a) climbs     b) difference     c) riders     d) competitions


4) Liam  ……. to be the Olimpic games.


a) has gone   b) has won   c) has been choosen   d) has ridden 


5) Liam reaches speeds of 65 kph because he trains only ……  .


a) in the street  b) outside   c) inside   b) in the field













Level B


I Read the text and answer the questions.


1) Why was Liam Killeen unlucky?

2) Why is it a good thing to be nervous?

3) What makes all the difference?

4) Why does he feel confident himself?

5) Why is cycling the best job for Liam Killeen?


Level C


I Complete the sentences.


  1. … it's all about winning.
  2. … would recommend it to anyone.
  3. … disappointments in that time .
  4. … I know it’s not possible to win.
  5. … I've got enough time to achieve my dream.
  6. … fit to get ahead.














Summer jobs in children's camps.


Camp America is an organisation that runs over 12,000 children's summer camps in the USA. All the camps are in the countryside and some are in areas of outstanding natural beauty. Different types of camps are available. While some are designed mainly for sports activities, others are suitable for children with different interests. Accommodation is provided at the majority of camps but some children attend during the day and return home in the evening.

1 ___________________________

Camp America offers a variety of summer jobs for young people. Some allow you to work directly with children teaching sport, dancing or arts and require relevant qualifications. There are other jobs working with children, however, that do not require special skills or qualifications. In these roles you help to run activities and take care of children after organised events have finished.

If you do not want to work with children, there are other jobs available such as office work, laundry work and food preparation. You do not have responsibility for any children in these roles, so you often have more free time in the evenings.

2 ___________________________

You can make paper or online applications for summer camp jobs. To complete a paper application you need to write to us requesting a form, which you then need to complete and return. We will send you a list of interviewers located in your area and you need to select one to arrange a convenient time for an interview. You can apply online by visiting our 'How to Apply Section' on our main website. Here you can fill out your application form and select an interviewer.

3 ___________________________

There are certain general requirements that all applicants must meet: you must be 18 years of age or older, speak fluent English, and be able to provide two references. It is also essential that you are available for work for a minimum of nine weeks, and be able to leave for the USA no later than June 28 and return no earlier than August 24.

4 ___________________________

If you are successful at interview, we will inform you immediately where you will be working in the USA. We will also help you with your visa application. This involves attending an interview at the US embassy in your home country. You will also have to pay the embassy fee for visa applications. The fee is currently $100 but can increase without notice.

5 ___________________________

We arrange your free return flights and your transfer by bus from the airport to your summer camp. While you are working at the camp you receive pocket money and free accommodation and food. You may choose to travel around the USA once your work has finished. If you inform us, we can arrange a later return flight.


Level A


II Read the text and circle the right word for each idea.


1) This paragraph is about ….. .


a) a camp in America              b) a variety of summer jobs

c) work with children           d) free time in the evening


2) This paragraph is about …..


a) summer camp jobs             b) a list of interviewers

c) making applications           d) convenient time for interview


3) This paragraph is about …..


a) general requirements            b) fluent English

c) available work                      d) leaving for the USA


4) This paragraph is about …..


a) successful interview              b) work in the USA

c) a visa application                  d) the embassy fee


5) This paragraph is about …..


a) a return flight                b) your transfer

c) pocket money               d ) profit of working in a summer camp













Level B


Read the text and find the main idea for each paragraph.


a) It’s about general requirements for working in the camp.

b) It’s about different kinds of jobs during summer vocation.

c) It’s about the opportunities during the flight.

d) It’s about your work in the USA after the interview.

e) It’s about a proper way of applying for a job.

f) It’s about advantages of working in a summer camp.













Level C


II Read the text and find the best title for each paragraph.


  1. Bonuses
  2. Available jobs
  3. After a successful interview
  4. Extra activities
  5. How to make an application
  6. Important criteria















Teenagers have their own TV channels, websites and magazines. So what about books?

Last year one publisher, Martins, started publishing a series called Waves. We spoke to the director Julia Smith. She explained, ‘Teenage fiction has been published since the 1970s but publishers have never been particularly successful in getting teenagers to buy and read books. Now they're realising that teenagers aren't just older children but they're not adults either and often aren't interested in adult fiction. For this series we're looking for new writers who write especially for teenagers.'

Athene Gorr's novel was published in the series last year and is selling well. Its title is The Purple Ring. She says, ‘The important thing is to persuade teenagers to pick up your book. I'm a new writer so, although I've got an unusual name which people might remember, nobody knows it yet! But my book has a fantastic cover which makes people want to look inside. Then they realise what a brilliant story it is!'

And what do teenagers themselves think about the series? We talked to Sophie Clarke, aged 15. She said, ‘I've read a few books in the Waves series. They say they're for 14-19 year olds and I agree with that. We're not interested in the same things as people in their twenties and thirties. I like them and I think they look really good too. The only thing is that because bookshops put them in the children's section, lots of teenagers won't find them so they may not do very well. And it's a shame there's no non-fiction in the series as I think lots of teenagers, especially boys, might buy that.’


Level A


III Read the text and find the right variant to complete the sentence.


1) The director Julia Smith explained that publishers …….


                                         a) don’t think about teenagers.

                                         b) are successful book sales.

  c) aren’t successful at book sales.

                  d) have never been successful at book sales.


2) The publishers are looking for ….. to creare a new book for teenagers.


a) poets    b) musicians      c) writers      d) editors


3) The important thing is  …… to persuade teenagers to buy the book.

a) an interesting title  b) a fantastic cover  c) a new writer  d) an unusual name


4) Sophie Clarke is …… .

a) a girl                 b) a boy                  c) a child              d) a writer


5) Teenagers are not interested in …… .


a) the series of interesting books        b) the same things as other people

c) the fantastic title and cover             d) the reading nowadays


6)Teenagers won't find the books in the bookshops because they are in ….. .


a) the same things                  b) 14-19 year olds

c) children’s section              d) the series of non-fiction















Level B


III Read the text and answer the questions.


1) Why did Martins started publishing a series called “Waves”?

2) Are teenagers like chidren or adults?

3) What makes people to look inside any book?

4) What should bookshops do to attract teenager’s attention to “Wave’s series”?

5) What do boys-teenagers prefer in reading?


Level C


III Read the text and find the right variant to complete the sentence.


  1. The writer is trying to

A  persuade authors to write more teenage fiction

В  explain why teenage fiction is easier to write than adult fiction

С  give information about a new series of books

D  compare different series of teenage fiction


  1. Julia Smith says publishers now recognise that teenagers

A  can enjoy the same kind of stories as adults.

В  are neither children nor adults.

С  grow up more quickly nowadays.

D  are more interested in reading nowadays.




  1. Athene Gorr thinks teenagers were attracted to her book because of

A  her name.

В  the story.

С  its title.

D  its cover.


  1. According to Sophie Clarke’s opinion about the books in the Waves series

A  they shouldn’t be kept with children’s books.

В  she would prefer to read adult fiction.

С  A lot of teenagers will buy them.

D  She is keen on the design.


  1. Sophie Clarke believes that

A  teenagers are not keen on non-fiction.

В  boys might buy non-fiction more often than girls.

С  non-fiction won’t be very popular.

D  she will write non-fiction for the Waves series.


  1. The best title of the article is

A “Teenage fаiction”

B “How to choose a book”

C “Reading skills”

D “Young writers”















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