Презентація та розробка уроку по темі:Школа

Про матеріал

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный этап (мотивирование учащихся на урок, постановка учебных задач).

(переключение внимания на ИЯ):

-Good morning. I'm glad to see you. How are you today?

1. Where is your school situated? 2. What kind of a person is your form-mistress? 3. Is your school rather big? 4. How many floors are there? 5. Do you like your school? 6. What school do you study at? 7. What subjects do you study at school? 8. What are your favourite subjects? 9. How many lessons a day have you got? 10. Do you regularly make the home work?

The topic of our lesson isn't new for you. We continue to study …Today we are going to speak about ….(определение целей и задач урока) The lesson is number 6

Составления плану урока.

II. Основной этап (фонетическая и речевая разминка, повторение изученного материала, мотивация на работу по теме, развитие навыков говорения по теме «School», развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста по, иллюстрациям, развитие навыков поискового и изучающего чтения).

Фонетична зарядка (Phonetic exercise.)

Listen and read the poem.

The school.

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry, let's go in,

For soon the lessons will begin.

Books and pencils I will need,

When I start to write and read,

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school, don't you?

Let's repeat English sounds after the me.

[i:] – we, she, read, speak, teacher, meet, please

[ I ] – think, dictionary, Britain, nickname, hurry, silly

[e] – tell, desk, felt-tip pen, letter, welcome, very

[a:] – ask, answer, by heart, sharpener, Barbara

[ju:]- super, computer, new, news

[υ] – good, book, full, look

[ei] – break, nickname, today, it's great

Повторения школьных предметов.

Speaking skills.

Answer the questions

What do you think about your school subjects?


Reviewing of Grammar.

To make 2 groups:

The first group: ”Education”

The second group: “School”

Act out the dialogue

What shouldn`t students do in school?..............

. Write “True” or “False

1)All children start primary school by the age of 5 Primary education lasts for six years

2)They attend the infant school from 5 to 7 and then junior school until they are 11

3) Parents don't pay for their children to attend a private school.

4) All children have the right to go to a state school.

5) State school is not free.

6) Primary education lasts for seven years.

7) Private schools are called public schools.

8) Many British children start school at the age of 3 or 4 if there is a play school near their house.

9)These schools are nursery and they are compulsory

Использование метода «Insert».

+я это знал

-я это не знал

?это меня удивило

! я хотел бы узнать

1.Boys and girls come to school nearly 8 after Saturday and Sunday?

2. Some of the children come on their cars.

3. At 11 boys and girls go out into the dining room to collect their milk.

4. The boys usually play football, and the girls play with a ball.

5. They have lunch at 1 o'clock.

6. All school children in England have their lunch at home.

7. At 3 o'clock lessons start again.

8. The children do different lessons like history, geography and maths.

9.At 3 o'clock it is time for games.

10. Lessons are over at 4 o'clock.

11. The children collect their books and hurry to go home.

Практика говорения : Рассказ о первом дне в школе

Well, I think that you are tired a little bit and I suggest to do exercises.


Практика аудирования. Смысловое чтение и слушание (осмысление цели чтения, выбор вида чтения в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи, извлечение необходимой информации из прослушанного текста, определение основной и второстепенной информации).

Open your books on page 87 and look through the tex. - Now let's listen.

+ True


Ex 2р.85

Well, I think that you are tired a little bit and I suggest relaxing


My left arm is heavy.

My right leg is heavy.

All my muscles are relaxed and resting.

I am quiet.

My right arm is warm.

My body is warm.

Nothing diverts my attention.

I open my eyes.

I have a lot of energy.

I am active and strong.

I can do any work easily.

My body is light.

Are you ready for our next task?


III. Заключительный этап.

Children, our lesson is over. I've enjoyed your work at the lesson today. You are very active and attentive. Now let's analyze our work. What have you learnt at the lesson? Right you are. We've learnt new words and practiced them in making sentences. Your marks are … . Put smile on the desk……Your home task is ------------ Write about your school day.


Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The 27th of February. Theme of the lesson: My school day

Номер слайду 2

The 27th of February. Theme of the lesson: My school day Live and learn. It is never too late to learn. Business before pleasure. Where there is a will there is a way.

Номер слайду 3

1. Where is your school situated? 2. What kind of a person is your form-mistress? 3. Is your school rather big? 4. How many floors are there? 5. Do you like your school? 6. What school do you study at? 7. What subjects do you study at school? 8. What are your favourite subjects? 9. How many lessons a day have you got? 10. Do you regularly make the home work?

Номер слайду 4

 Let’s repeat English sounds after the me.[i:] – we, she, read, speak, teacher, meet, please[ I ] – think, dictionary, Britain, nickname, hurry, silly[e] – tell, desk, felt-tip pen, letter, welcome, very[a:] – ask, answer, by heart, sharpener, Barbara[ju:]- super, computer, new, news[υ] – good, book, full, look[ei] – break, nickname, today, it’s great

Номер слайду 5

Find the words. Schoolrupencilmebolschoolbaglmtbooktryrulerpanrarubberbokspencilcase

Номер слайду 6

Phonetic exercise. Listen and read the poem. The school. The school has doors that open wide. And friendly teachers wait inside. Hurry, hurry, let’s go in,For soon the lessons will begin. Books and pencils I will need,When I start to write and read,Lots to learn and lots to do. I like to go to school, don’t you?

Номер слайду 7

Номер слайду 8

What do you think about your school subjects? English interesting History easy Mathematics boring Biology IS Ukrainian exciting difficult Geography

Номер слайду 9

. MATCH THE SCHOOL SUBJECTS AND THE THINGS STUDIED IN THEM Events that happened long ago. Figures and mathematical. You run and jump in the Gym. Foreign words and grammar rules. Plants and animals. Computers . Stories, novels, poems . Mountains, rivers, oceans. You have papers and pencils, a brush and an eraser. History. English. Art. Geography. Maths. Information Technology. Biology. Literature. Physical Education

Номер слайду 10

To make groups The first group: ”Education” The second group: “School”

Номер слайду 11

The test for the first group Choose the right variant. 1. School... at 8 o’clock. a) starts b)start c)to start 2. We ... to school 6 days a week. a) go b)goes c)to go 3. Mathematics... me to think. а) to teach b)teaches c) teach 4. They ... many rules. а) learn b)learns c)to learn 5. English...me to find friends. а) help b) helps c) to help

Номер слайду 12

Find the mistakes I likes to learn. We plays football. He teach Literature. Kate learn the rules. They has 5 main subjects at school. The test for the second group

Номер слайду 13

Act out the dialogue

Номер слайду 14

Номер слайду 15

What shouldn`t students do in school? Don`t sleep in class Don`t be late for class Don`t run in the hall Don`t throw paper Don`t bring bubble gum to school Don`t eat in class

Номер слайду 16

What should students do in school?School rules: Write carefully. Bring all your books to class. Be respectful to your teachers. Work as a team. Raise your hand. Be helpful. Be polite. Wear school uniform. Be ready for class every day. Keep good discipline

Номер слайду 17

1. Read the text.. 2. Write “True” or “False”

Номер слайду 18

CHECK YOURSELFAGE OF PUPILSTYPE OF SCHOOL3 - 5 years. Nursery 5 – 7 years. Infant7 – 11 years. Junior11 – 16 years. Secondary(1-5th form)16 – 18 years. Further education. The 6th form

Номер слайду 19

Are these facts true or false?1)All children start primary school by the age of 5 Primary education lasts for six years2)They attend the infant school from 5 to 7 and then junior school until they are 113) Parents don’t pay for their children to attend a private school. 4) All children have the right to go to a state school.5) State school is not free.6) Primary education lasts for seven years.7) Private schools are called public schools.8) Many British children start school at the age of 3 or 4 if there is a play school near their house.9)These schools are nursery and they are compulsory

Номер слайду 20

Let’s check1 T; 2 T; 3 F; 4 T; 5 F; 6 F; 7 T; 8 T; 9 F

Номер слайду 21

WHICH RULES DO YOU THINK ARE SUITABLE FOR YOU? CODE OF CONDUCT:1. All pupils should wear school uniform;2. Pupils have to keep good discipline:3. Pupils are not allowed to: - have pocket knives at school; - have cigarettes at school; - bring bubble gum to school.4. Pupils should come to school in time;5. Pupils should be ready for class every day;6. Pupils should respect their teachers;7. Pupils should be polite.

Номер слайду 22

“True” or “False”1. Boys and girls come to school nearly 8 after Saturday and Sunday?2. Some of the children come on their cars. 3. At 11 boys and girls go out into the dining room to collect their milk.4. The boys usually play football, and the girls play with a ball. 5. They have lunch at 1 o'clock.6. All school children in England have their lunch at home. 7. At 3 o'clock lessons start again.8. The children do different lessons like history, geography and maths. 9. At 3 o’clock it is time for games. 10. Lessons are over at 4 o'clock.11. The children collect their books and hurry to go home.

Номер слайду 23

Номер слайду 24

Dear friends,I’m Harry Potter. I live in …I go to …. School. My school starts …. We study many interesting subjects. We …. to fly, to speak to animals. We read … books. My favourite subject is English of the future. I want to learn Ukrainian . It …. me to find friend in Ukraine. Bye,Harry Potter.learn. Londonhelpsmagicat 9 o’clock. Howard

Номер слайду 25

Dear friends,I’m Harry Potter. I live in London. I go to Howard School. My school starts at 9 o’clock. We study many interesting subjects. We learn to fly. We speak to animals. We read magic books. My favourite subject is English of the future. I want to learn Ukrainian. It helps me to find friend in Ukraine. Bye,Harry Potter.

Номер слайду 26

Reflection. Today at the lesson we…I liked …I learned that…I didn’t know before that…I didn’t like…

Номер слайду 27

HOMEWORK. Write about your school day

Номер слайду 28

The marks for the lesson are…The lesson is over! Good-bye! ☻- OK!☻- OK?

Номер слайду 29

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