План-конспект уроку тема: "Health" 7 клас

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Розробка уроку, яка містить усі необхідні матеріали для закріплення вивчених лексичних одиниць з теми "Health". Також містить додаток у вигляді словника, який необхідно засвоїти учням.
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План-конспект залікового уроку з англійської мови

7 клас

Тема: Health

Мета: навчити розповідати про свою хворобу з опорою на ключові слова, навчити вимовляти слова по темі «Здоров’я», формувати навички розпізнавання та розуміння активної лексики з теми у тексті та удосконалювати навички їх вживання; розвивати гнучкість артикуляційного  апарату, вміння логічно викладати свої думки та ефективно співпрацювати під час парної роботи; виховувати почуття ввічливості, чуйності до хворих людей, бажання та здатність використовувати іноземну мову  відповідно до ситуації спілкування.

Тип уроку: урок формування умінь та навичок (тренувальні вправи).

Обладнання: базовий підручник (Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова 7 клас: Підруч. для загальноосвіт. навч. закл. /О.Д. Карп’юк  – Тернопіль: «Лібра Терра», 2015. – 256 с.)), дидактичний матеріал, роздатковий матеріал.

Перебіг уроку

І. Організація  класу ( 1-3 хв.)

Teacher: Good morning! Take your seats, please.

Who is duty today?

Is anybody absent?

What's up? Is she (he) ill?

ІІ. Мотивація навчальної діяльності  (до 5 хв.)

We continue to study the topic about health. I think it’s not a secret that sometimes you don’t want to go to school and you pretend to be ill. Let’s listen a poem attentively. Boy says he’s ill. Put down all his illnesses and symptoms.



«I cannot go to school today,»

Said little boy whose name is Ray.

«I have the measles and the mumps,

And very many little bumps.

My mouth is wet, my throat is dry.

I am going to blind in my right eye.

My leg is cut. My eyes are blue.

I think I have a terrible flu.

I have a cough and a splitting headache

I can’t even eat a good sweet cake.

I think my hair is falling out,

I know I cannot speak aloud.

My temperature is 38,

I think I must go to bed straight.

I am sure I have a cold in the head

It’s better to stay in bed.

I have constipation and stomach upset

I think I’ll not bear all that.

I have a sore throat or, maybe, a quinsy.

Do you think to live with it is easy?

I have insomnia, and I can’t-

What’s that? What’s that you say?

ІІІ.  Повідомлення теми й мети уроку (до 1 хв.).

ІV. Актуалізація опорних знань, умінь та навичок (перевірка домашнього завдання) (до 10 хв).

What was your home task for today? Ok, let`s check it. 

V. Виконання вправ за темою (до 15 хв).

Open your copybooks write date and classwork.  Now group the words into 4 columns.

A dentist, to sneeze, a sore throat, a tongue, to cough, lungs, a surgeon, a nurse, a disease, treatment, a heart, to prescribe, head, tongue, local doctor, high temperature, flu, emergency department.

A symptom

An illness

A part of body

Health service


























Your task is to guess the word from the definition. If you put together the first letters of these words, you will get a phrase.

1. A piece of paper given by the doctor for treatment (Prescription).

2. If you come to doctor, first of all he will…you. (Examine).

3. A person who makes patient’s appointments with a doctor. (Receptionist).

4. A very high temperature.(Fever).

5. If you have pain in the ear, we say we have an….(Earache).

6. A place where the patients come for a check up . (Clinic).

7. We take a temperature with it. (Thermometer).

8. A pain in the head. (Headache).

9. The doctors say if they want to calm down the patients: «Take it… » (Easy)

10. You call it if you need first aid. (Ambulance).

11. You must check them if you often have a cough and pneumonia.(Lungs).

12. Pain in the tooth. (Toothache).

13. What is above wealth? (Health).


So we have got a phrase: PERFECT HEALTH.

What is necessary for perfect health?


Health food


PERFECT HEALTH                        Fresh air

No bad habits

Keeping clean

Work with vocabulary.

  1. Protein – білок
  2. Bones - кістки
  3. Efficiently - ефективно
  4. Fiber - волокна
  5. Digest - переварювати
  6. Digestive system – травна система
  7. Prevents constipation - запобігає закрепам
  8. Against - вказувати
  9. Benefit - користь
  10. Rot - псувати
  11. Overweight – гладший
  12. Additives - добавки
  13. Food dyes – харчові барвники
  14. Sweat - піт
  15. To get rid of - позбуватися
  16. To prevent gems – запобігати мікробам
  17.  Spreading - поширюватися
  18. Cause stomach upsets – викликає розлад шлунку







There are several things you can do to help you stay healthy.

Eating well

Different food do different jobs in your body, so you need to eat a good balance of all different types. Protein foods make you grow and help repair your body. Meat, fish and nuts contain protein. Milk, yogurt and cheese contain calcium. Which makes your bones and teeth strong. They also contain protein. Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals.You need these to keep your body working efficiently. Fiber is a carbohydrate that your body cannot digest. It is good for your digestive system, though. It prevents constipation and may protect against some serious illnesses.

Foods to cut down on

Sugar gives you energy but has no benefits; it rots your teeth and too much of it

make you overweight. Some foods, for example milk shakes, ice cream and

cookies are mostly fat and sugary. Some people are allergic to additives, such as

food dyes which are put into many foods.

Keeping clean

You need to wash every day to get rid of dirt, dead skin, oil, sweat. This helps to

prevent germs from growing and spreading on your skin. Always wash your hands

after going to the bathroom and before eating. This helps to stop many germs from

spreading, especially those that cause stomach upsets.


Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. You can eat whatever you like and as much as you like.
  2. Meat, fish, eggs, nuts contain a lot of Calcium.
  3. Milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in Calcium.
  4. Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals.
  5. Bread, cheese, rice are good energy products.
  6. Sugar rots your teeth but does not make you overweight.
  7. Fiber is good for your digestive system.
  8. Food dyes are good for your health.
  9. If you want to be healthy, keep clean.
  10. Germs may cause stomach upsets.


Now look at the blackboard. This is Sara, and this is Jim. They are ill. Look at their symptoms. Sara has a head ache, high temperature, sore throat and sneeze. What is her illness? (Flue). Jim has stomachache, vomiting and temperature. What is his illness? (Indigestion)

Test   “Are you healthy?”




1. Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?



2. Do you go in for sports?



3. Do you watch TV for more than an hour a day?



4. Do you eat sweets every day?



5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night?



6. Do you think about your health?





Put “one” for each “yes”-answer!

My total score _______________

What does your score tell about?

0-2: Oh, dear! Forget about chips and sweet! You need fruit and vegetables!

3-4: Do more exercises and eat more carefully!

5-6: You keep fit! Well done!


VI. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання (до 5 хв).

Your work was good  today. So you have good marks. Thank you for your good work.

Bring me your pupil`s mark book.

VIII. Домашнє завдання, інструктаж щодо його проведення (до 2 хв.)

Your homework will be the following: to make a list of good habits for your health.









There are several things you can do to help you stay healthy.

Eating well

Different food do different jobs in your body, so you need to eat a good balance of all different types. Protein foods make you grow and help repair your body. Meat, fish and nuts contain protein. Milk, yogurt and cheese contain calcium. Which makes your bones and teeth strong. They also contain protein. Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals.You need these to keep your body working efficiently. Fiber is a carbohydrate that your body cannot digest. It is good for your digestive system, though. It prevents constipation and may protect against some serious illnesses.

Foods to cut down on

Sugar gives you energy but has no benefits; it rots your teeth and too much of it

make you overweight. Some foods, for example milk shakes, ice cream and

cookies are mostly fat and sugary. Some people are allergic to additives, such as

food dyes and preservatives, which are put into many foods.

Keeping clean

You need to wash every day to get rid of dirt, dead skin, oil. This helps to

prevent germs from growing and spreading on your skin. Always wash your hands

after going to the bathroom and before eating. This helps to stop many germs from

spreading, especially those that cause stomach upsets.


Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. You can eat whatever you like and as much as you like.
  2. Meat, fish, eggs, nuts contain a lot of Calcium.
  3. Milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in Calcium.
  4. Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals.
  5. Bread, cheese, rice are good energy products.
  6. Sugar rots your teeth but does not make you overweight.
  7. Fiber is good for your digestive system.
  8. Food dyes are good for your health.
  9. If you want to be healthy, keep clean.





  1. Protein – білок
  2. Bones - кістки
  3. Efficiently - ефективно
  4. Fiber - волокна
  5. Digest - переварювати
  6. Digestive system – травна система
  7. Prevents constipation - запобігає закрепам
  8. Against - вказувати
  9. Benefit - користь
  10. Rot - псувати
  11. Overweight – гладший
  12. Additives - добавки
  13. Food dyes – харчові барвники
  14. Sweat - піт
  15. To get rid of - позбуватися
  16. To prevent gems – запобігати мікробам
  17.  Spreading - поширюватися
  18. Cause stomach upsets – викликає розлад шлунку

























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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 лютого 2022
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