План-конспект уроку з англiйської мови у 8 класі "Визначні місця США" (з використанням програмних засобів навчального призначення)

Про матеріал
План-конспект уроку з англiйської мови у 8 класі "Визначні місця США" (з використанням програмних засобів навчального призначення)
Перегляд файлу

План-конспект уроку з англiйської мови у 8 класі                             

(з використанням програмних засобів навчального призначення)

Тип уроку: комбiнований


Тема: Визначні місця США Мета:  навчально-комунiкативна: повторити вивчену лексику по даній темi та ознайомити учнiв з новими фактами, актуалiзувати наявнi знання по вказанiй темi та надати учням можливiсть надбати нову iнформацiю. виховна: прищепити iнтерес до вивчення англiйської мови, цiкавiсть до традицій та звичаїв країни, мова якої вивчається.

розвиваюча: розвинути зорову та слухову пам'ять, довiльну увагу, фонематичний та iнтонацiйний слух, логiчне мислення, мовну здогадку, тренувати навичку дiалогiчного та монологiчного мовлення, читання, письма.


Обладнання: електронний програмний засіб навчального призначення „Touring the USA” (автор Черненко В.О.): слайд-шоу екскурсій по найбільш відомим визначним місцям Лондону, аудіозапис «дзвінка з Вашингтону», список географічних назв США, різнорівневі тести; тексти екскурсій,  контурні карти для складання програми екскурсій по США.


Хiд уроку:

I.         Органiзацiйний момент. Привiтання. Виявлення чергових та вiдсутнiх.


II.      Повiдомлення мети та теми уроку.

Вчитель повідомляє тему уроку й запрошує „головного директора” компанії

„ПОДОРОЖУЮЧИ США” ознайомити присутніх більш детально з інформацією про визначні місця цієї країни.

III.   Мотивацiя навчальної дiяльностi. 

Pupil 1: So, we’re going to find out little more about some places of interest in the USA. You may ask me why? Today I’ll work as a representative of one of travel agencies “Touring the USA”. We organize excursions around this great country. I have to say that recently I’ve had a call from one of our manager’s brother that made me think about the steps to improve our business. Why? Let’s have a look at the text first. Open the section “Call” in your e-books. Listen carefully and notice which geographical names were mentioned in the call.

(Учень 1: Отже, ми збираємося взнати трохи більше про деякі визначні місця США. Ви можете запитати мене «Чому?». Сьогодні я буду працювати не як вчитель, а як представник однієї з туристичних агенцій, що зветься «ПОДОРОЖУЮЧИ США». Ми організовуємо різні екскурсії по США. Але нещодавно я отримав дзвінок від брата одного з наших менеджерів, яке змусило замислитися над шляхами вдосконалення нашого бізнесу. З якої причини? Давайте, спочатку, прослухаємо запис дзвінка. Відкрийте розділ «Дзвінок» у ваших електронних підручниках.

Слухайте уважно і запам’ятайте, які географічні місця були згадані в дзвінку.)


IV.  Фонетична зарядка. Проводиться з опорою на список географічних місць (HTML-сторінка на моніторах) та аудіозапис дзвінка. Після прослуховування учні називають, які географічні місця були згадані в дзвінку.

“A Call”

How are you? As for me, I’ve been on a business trip to the USA for a week. I’ve visited plants and factories in three states: Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. I’ve had some meetings with our partners in New York and Washington but unfortunately I’ve had no time to visit any sights there. Our partners produce hydro-electric machinery, so I had to have a look at some stations located on the Niagara River and the Colorado River. If I have any free time I’d like to visit some places in Florida and cities on the South Pacific coast, San Francisco or Los Angeles, for example.  

HTML-сторінка на моніторах:




New Mexico


The Colorado

The Snake

Santa Barbara

San Diego








The Columbia

The Niagara

The Mississippi

The Missouri

The Tennessee

The Hudson

The Rio Grande

San Francisco

Los Angeles

Las Vegas




New York


V.     Мовна зарядка. 

Проводиться з опорою на слайд-шоу із фотографіями визначних місць Америки. Вчитель запитує, що саме зображене на фото,  де розташоване це визначне місце, чим воно відоме.


VІ. Актуалізація вивченого матеріалу. Перегляд віртуальних екскурсій по США (слайд-шоу) та аудіювання повідомлень „менеджерів” туристичної компаніЇ.

To make the list of places of interest you should have some information. That’s why the managers of our company will show you some virtual excursions around the USA. Click the part of your e-book called “Excursions”. Let’s start with …  The Statue of Liberty Pupil 2

1.                 The Statue of Liberty National Monument officially celebrated her 100th birthday on October 28, 1986. The people of France gave the Statue to the people of the United States as the symbol of the friendship between the two nations.

2.                 Liberty Enlightening the World (the correct name of the statue) stands at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor.

3.                 Originally the sculpture was planned to be built in the year 1876 to commemorate the centennial of the American Declaration of Independence.

4.                 Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was to design the statue while Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (designer of the Eiffel Tower) was chosen to be the engineer of the construction.

5.                 It was agreed upon that the American people were to build the pedestal, and the French people were responsible for the Statue. However, lack of funds was a problem on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. 

6.                 In France, public fees, various forms of entertainment, and a lottery were among the methods used to raise the 2,250,000 francs. In the United States, benefit theatrical events, art exhibitions and prize fights assisted in collecting needed funds.


Pupil 3

7.                 Financing for the pedestal was completed in August 1885, and pedestal construction was finished in April of 1886. The Statue was completed in France in July, 1884 and arrived in New York Harbor in June of 1885.

8.                 It was brought on board the French frigate "Isere" which transported the Statue of Liberty from France to the United States. In transit, the Statue was reduced to 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates. 

9.                 The Statue was re-assembled on her new pedestal in four months time. On October 28th 1886, the dedication of the Statue of Liberty took place in front of thousands of people.

10.             Lady Liberty holds a burning torch in her right hand and a tablet in her left. The tablet shows the date "July 4, 1776" (in Roman numerals), the day the United States declared its independence from England.

11.             She is wearing flowing robes. One of her feet stands on chains. The seven spikes in the crown symbolize the seven seas or seven continents.

12.             The statue was built from thin copper plates with the help of wooden forms. The formed plates were then mounted onto a steel skeleton.

13.             The height from ground to the tip of the torch is 93 m; this includes the foundation and the pedestal. The height of the statue itself, from the top of the base to the torch, is 46 m.

14.             Until September 11, 2001, the statue was open to visitors, who could climb stairs into her crown and have a view of New York Harbor. These days only the museum in the base and ten-story pedestal are opened for visitors.

15.             Nowadays the Statue of Liberty is more than a monument. She is a beloved friend, a living symbol of freedom to millions around the world.


The Golden Gate Bridge Pupil 4

1.                 The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge across the Golden Gate, the opening into the San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean. 

2.                 The bridge was the brainchild of Joseph Strauss, an engineer who had designed more than 400 smaller bridges. Strauss spent over ten years drumming up support in Northern California.

3.                 Other key figures in the bridge's construction were architect Irving Morrow, responsible for the Art Decoration (that included the choice of color), engineer Charles Alton Ellis and bridge designer Leon Moisseiff who made mathematics calculations.

4.                 The Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District was organized in 1928 as the official corporation to design, construct, and finance the Golden Gate Bridge. The District includes 6 counties: San Francisco itself and Marin, Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino and Del Norte counties. 

5.                 The inhabitants of the District started funding for the project in 1930 through a special bond issue that put their homes, farms and business properties up as collateral. This helped to collect $35 million to finance the building of the Bridge. 

6.                 Construction began on January 5, 1933. The bridge was completed in April 1937 and opened to pedestrians on May 27 of that year. The next day, President Roosevelt pushed a button in Washington, DC signaling the start of vehicle traffic over the Bridge. 

7.                 A unique aspect of the bridge's construction was the safety net set up beneath it, which greatly reduced the number of deaths for such a project. During the construction 19 men were saved from falls by the safety net. They became proud members of the (informal) Halfway to Hell Club.


Pupil 5

8.                 On September 1, 2002, the toll for motor vehicles was raised from US$3.00 to $5.00. 

9.                 The Golden Gate Bridge has always been painted orange vermilion, called

"International Orange”. Morrow selected the color because it blends well with the bridge's natural setting and can be easily seen by passing ships.

10.             Painting the Bridge is an ongoing task and a very important work.  The Bridge paint protects it from the high salt content in the air, which may results in the corrosion of the steel components.  

11.             Actually, the Bridge was painted when it was originally built.  For the next 27 years, only touch up was done.  By 1968, advancing corrosion provoked a program to remove the original paint and replace it with a modern one.  

12.             The Bridge has special fog horns that operate more than five hours a day during the foggiest season (from July till October). Their deep, baritone sounds help ships find their way through the Golden Gate.

13.             The Bridge also has special navigational and warning lights for travelers by sea and by air. 360 degree flashing red beacons are placed on the top of each tower, main cables of the bridge are also marked with red lights.  

14.             The total length of the Golden Gate Bridge 2.7 km was a world record that stood for 27 years. The bridge's two towers rise 230 m and the bridge itself 67 m above the water.


Teacher: What sights, places, events and other facts mentioned in the virtual excursions impressed you mos? 

Учні класу про факти щодо описаних визначних місць, які вразили чи здивували їх найбільше.


VII.     Вивчення нового матеріалу. 

Перегляд слайд-шоу разом із аудіо-екскурсією „Гаваї”.


1.                  Hawaii is the archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Admitted on August 21, 1959, Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States and is situated 2500 miles from the mainland. 

2.                  It is the most southern part of that country. The population of this state is more than 1,200,000 people. Honolulu is the largest city and the state capital.

3.                  Hawaii is the most recently admitted state of the United States. It is the only state that lies completely in the tropics. It is also the only state without territory on the mainland of any continent and it is the only state that continues to grow due to active lava flows.

4.                  The state constitution established official symbols meant to show the outstanding culture and heritage of Hawaii. These include a state bird, state fish, state flower, state tree and some other symbols.

5.                  The primary symbol is the state flag, Ka Hae Hawaii, influenced by the British Union Flag and displays eight horizontal stripes representing the eight major Hawaiian Islands. The official languages are Hawaiian and Hawaiian English. Hawaiian Pidgin is an unofficial language. 

6.                  Nineteen islands and atolls extending across a distance of 2,400 km (1,500 miles) comprise the Hawaiian Archipelago. All of the Hawaiian Islands were formed by volcanoes arising from the sea floor. 

7.                  The Climate of Hawaii is typical of tropical areas. It is famous for being warm throughout the whole year; during the summer, the temperature may reach to around 33 degrees. Tourists generally enjoy the warm weather, as many of them come from locations of colder climates. 

8.                  Thus, Hawaii has become a popular tourist destination in the wintertime, when the Hawaiian weather would be above 22 degrees. Hawaii is also popular with tourists in the summer because it does not suffer from the same heat waves that occur in the continental North America.

9.                  Anthropologists believe that Polynesians from the Marquesas and Society Islands first populated the Hawaiian Islands in about 300AD, followed by Tahitian settlers in about 1300AD. 

10.             The reports by different European explorers suggest that Hawaii was visited by foreigners well before the 1778 arrival of British explorer Captain James Cook. Historians credited Cook with the discovery after he was the first to plot and publish the geographical coordinates of the Hawaiian Islands. 

11.             Cook named his discovery the Sandwich Islands in honor of one of his sponsors, John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. At the beginning of the XIX century the Hawaiian Islands were united for the first time under a single ruler who would become known as King Kamehameha the Great. 

12.             He established the House of Kamehameha, a dynasty that ruled over the kingdom until 1872. In 1893 the kingdom era ended and the independent Republic of Hawaii was proclaimed.

13.             Since Hawaii became the 50th state in tourism continues to be the largest industry in Hawaii, contributing 24.3% of the Gross State Product.

14.             Industrial exports from Hawaii include food processing and apparel. However, because of the large shipping distance to markets on the west coast of the United States and ports of Japan, these industries play a small role in the Hawaii economy. The main agricultural exports are flowers, coffee, macadamia nuts, pineapple and sugar cane.           15. Hawaii has a growing film industry administered by the state through the Hawaii Film Office. Several television shows, movies and various other media projects were produced in the Hawaiian Islands taking advantage of the natural scenic landscapes as backdrops.


VIII.  Закріплення вивченого матеріалу.

А) Перевірка розуміння почутого. Проходження диференційованих комп’ютерних тестів (різних за обраним рівнем компетенції учнів). Тести зроблені за допомогою програми «Macromedia Flash».

Hawaii tests


Level IV 

Complete the sentences:

1.       The Hawaiian Islands are situated in the … Ocean.

2.       The … city of the Hawaiian archipelago is Honolulu.

3.       We can see 8 horizontal stripes on the state flag of Hawaii because there are 8 major … 

4.       The climate on all Hawaiian Islands is … .

5.       As for temperature it is … all year long.

6.       The first inhabitants came to the Hawaiian Islands in … AD.

7.       Captain James Cook was the first among the Europeans who publish … coordinates of Hawaii.

8.       At first newly discovered archipelago was called the … Islands to honour John Montague.

9.       The House of Kamehameha was the … that ruled the Kingdom of Hawaii.

10.   Export doesn’t play a very important role in the economy of Hawaii because of large shipping … .

11.   Beautiful nature of the islands creates excellent scenery for … industry.

12.   As for geographical location Hawaii is the most … state of the USA.


Level III 

Choose the right answer.

1. Hawaii became the part of the USA in the middle of the … century. a) XVI

b)  XVII

c)   XVIII

d)  XIX

e)   XX 2. Hawaii was proclaimed the … state of the USA. a) 48th

b)  49th

c)   50th

d)  51st

e)   52nd 3. Among the national symbols of Hawaii you can find a state … . a) bird

b)  stone

c)   flower

d)  reptile

e)   fish

4. The official languages of the state are …. 

a)   Hawaiian

b)  Hawaiian English

c)   American English

d)  Hawaiian French

e)   Hawaiian Pidgin

5. All the Hawaiian Island are the result of … activity.

a)   earthquakes

b)  volcanoes

c)   hurricanes

d)  tornadoes

e)   tsunamis

6. It is never too … on the territory of the Hawaiian Islands in summer. a) misty

b)  hot

c)   rainy

d)  wet

e)   windy

7. The first people who came to live on the Hawaiian Islands were from … islands. a) Marquises

b)  Society

c)   Sandwich

d)  Maldivian

e)   Seashell

8. The Tahitian settles arrived to the islands in … .

a)   1300 BC

b)  300 BC

c)   300 AD

d)  1300 AD

e)   1778 AD

9. Captain Cook was the explorer from … .

a)   the USA

b)  Great Britain

c)   France

d)  Spain

e)   Russia

10. Till the end of the XIX century the Hawaiian state was ruled by … . a) dukes

b)  earls

c)   queens

d)  kings

e)   governors

11. Nowadays the most important branch of Hawaiian economy is … . a) trade

b)  ship-building

c)   fishing

d)  agriculture

e)   tourism

12. The main products which are exported from Hawaii are … .

a)   bananas

b)  pineapples

c)   coffee

d)  tea

e)   macadamia nuts


Level II

Agree or disagree.

1.       Hawaiian archipelago is located not far from the main territory of the USA.

2.       Hawaii has no territory on the continent.

3.       The territory of the Hawaiian Islands is still growing because of active volcanoes eruptions.

4.       The state symbols of Hawaii are established by the Constitution of the state.

5.       Hawaiian Pidgin is an unofficial language on the Hawaiian Islands.

6.       There are eight islands in the archipelago.

7.       The highest summer temperatures on the islands reach only 33 degrees.

8.       The islands of Hawaii were inhabited long before Christ.

9.       James Cook was the first to make the map of the islands.

10.   In 1893 Hawaii became a monarchy.

11.   Hawaii exports mostly food.

12.   Hawaii Film Office administers the system of cinemas on the territory of islands.


Б) Робота в групах. Складання проекту екскурсійного туру по США з опорою на контурні карти та захист його.

If you are ready, come up to this table, take a picture and join one of the groups for discussing the best possible tour around the USA. At the end of this lesson you’ll have to make the presentation of your list of sights and explain the reasons for choosing them. 


IX. Пояснення домашнього завдання.

Скласти проспект, що рекламує туристичний відпочинок на Гаваях з опорою на тексти екскурсії. Підготувати усне повідомлення по цій темі.

* Зібрати матеріал й підготувати аналогічний проспект та повідомлення про будьяке визначне місце США.


X.        Визначення досягнутого рiвня компетентності учнiв та мотивацiя оцiнювання.


XI.     Пiдведення пiдсумку уроку.





Список використаних джерел:

1.     http://www.nps.gov/stli/

2.     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Liberty

3.     http://www.endex.com/gf/buildings/liberty/libertyfacts.htm

4.     http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/Statue_of_Liberty.html

5.     http://www.americanparknetwork.com/parkinfo/sl/history/liberty.html

6.     http://www.whitehouse.gov/kids/timeline/statue.html

7.     http://www.statueofliberty.org/Statue_of_Liberty.html

8.     http://www.statueoflibertyclub.com/

9.     http://www.inetours.com/New_York/Pages/Stu_Lbty.html






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