План проведення тижня англійської мови

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План проведення тижня англійської мови. В розробці наданий план проведення заходів, які допоможуть вчителям легко і ненавязливо перевірити знання своїх вихованців, а дітям цікаво та весело повторити все, що вони вивчили.

Перегляд файлу


План проведення тижня англійської мови



Понеділок, -– Організаційний день.

                                       Вікторини для всіх класів.


Вівторок,Конкурс  «Найкращі знавці

                                     англійської мови» (3-5класи)


Середа, - «Слабка ланка» (6-9класи)


Четвер,Конкурс на кращого читача

                                англійських віршиків (2-9класи)


П’ятницяЗвіт гуртка “Еnglish Drama



                                 Конкурс на кращих виконавців

                                 пісень англійською мовою

 (2-9 класи)

















2-3 класи





4-5 класи





Find the town words.

  1. tsrete street
  2. hosue
  3. sohp
  4. gadrne
  5. amrkte



6-7 класи



  1. What is the official name of the country which we call Great Britain?
  2. Name the capitals of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  3. What are the main colours of the Union Flag?
  4. Who lived in Sherwood Forest?
  5. What is the famous airport in London?
  6. Where were "The Beatles" born?
  7. What is the favourite hot drink in Britain?
  8. What is the difference between English and Russian tea?
  9. Name the architectural masterpiece of Christopher Wren.

10. Who was called "An Iron Lady"?




Find these words:

  1. An apparatus used to make photographs.
  2. A cushion for the head, especially in bed.
  3. Dried leaves of a plant, cultivated in China. India.
  4. A metal vessel with a spout and a handle for boiling.
  5. A sweet crystalline vegetable substance.
  6. A compound of alkali and oil used in washing.
  7. Objects of precious metal often worn for personal adornment.
  8. A device for telling time which you wear on your wrist.
  9. Two pieces of special glass sur­rounded by plastic, metal etc which you wear in front of your eyes in order to see better.


                                                            Guess these riddles


  1.       Two brothers we are,
    Greate burdens we bear,
    On which we are bitterly pressed;
    The truth is to say,
    We are full all the day,
    And empty when we go to rest.
  2.       Clean, but not water,
    White, but not snow,
    Sweet, but not ice-cream,
    What is it?
  3.       What is white when it is dirty and black when it is clean?
  4.       It happens once in a minute, twice in a week, and once in a year? What is it?
  5.       Give me food and I will live
    Give me water and I will die
    What am I?
  6.       How can you say rabbit without the letter R?
  7.       If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you do not have it. What is it?
  8.       What starts with T, ends with T and is full of T?
  9.       What is always coming, but never arrives?
  10.   How many 9's between 1 and 100?
  11.   I am not inside a house. But no house is complete without me. What am I?
  12. Take off my skin - I will not cry, but you will! What am I?
  13. Where can you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses?

    Match the full names with their short variants

8-9 класи

Great Britain

               Awareness Quiz on Britain.


  1. What is the official name of Great Britain?
  2. What parts does Great Britain consist of?
  3. What separates this country from Europe?
  4. What is tartan?
  5. How many languages are spoken in Wales?
  6. Where did the Beatles come from?
  7. One Queen of Britain was on the throne for only 9 days. Who was she?
  8. What is the kilt and who invented it?
  9. What is the title of the song Scots usually sing at parties?
  10. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain at present?

Multiple Choice Test on Great Britain.


1. What is the Union Jack?

  1. The national flag of the UK.
  2. Trade union organization.
  3. Monument.

2. What is the name of the present British Queen?

a) Elizabeth I. b) Mary. c) Elizabeth II.

3. What is the capital of  Wales?

a) Glasgow. b) Cardiff. c) Edinburgh.

4. Where did the Beatles come from?

a) Bristol.        b) Manchester. c) Liverpool.

5. What is the song the Scottish people sing at the parties?

  1. "Jingle Bells".
  2. "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot".
  3. "Greensleeves".

6. Where does the ceremony of the Keys take place?

  1. In the Tower of London.
  2. At Buckingham Palace.
  3. In Trafalgar Square.

7. Which street in London is called "newspaper  street"?

a) Oxford Street.        b) Fleet Street.        c) Downing Street.

8. Where is the Speaker's Corner?

  1. In Richmond Park.
  2. In Hyde Park.
  3. In Kensington Gardens.

9. Where is the National Shakespeare Theatre?

a) In London. b) In Birmingham.  c) In Stratford-upon-Avon.

10. What is the national musical instrument of Scotland?

a) Bagpipe. b) Trumpet. c) Guitar.



           Awareness Quiz on the USA.


  1. How many states does the USA consist of?
  2. What river is Washington situated on?
  3. What places of interest in Washington are connected with the names of three


  1. In what state is Hollywood situated?
  2. Who are the natives of the USA?
  3. Who of the US Presidents was called "Honest Abe"?
  4. Where does the biggest Christmas Tree of America usually stand?
  5. Where from are the American spaceships launched into orbit?

9.Which holiday is called "the birthday of a nation"?
10. What is the name of the King of rock-n-roll?

           Multiple Choice Test on the USA.


1. Who of the presidents fought for the abolition of slavery in the USA?
               a) Lincoln.    b) Jefferson.   c) Washington.

2. What river is New York situated on?

          a) The Mississippi.    b) The Potomac.       c) The Hudson.

3.  What is the world's tallest stone structure situated in Washington?

        a) Washington Monument.

        b) Lincoln Memorial,
       c)Palace of Justice.

4.  Which kind of sport is a typical American invention?

     a) Tennis.

           b) Baseball.                       c) Golf.

5.Which holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November?

         a) Halloween.  b) Independence day.         c) Thanksgiving Day.

6. Who of the musicians played the trumpet in jazz?

         a) Wellington.   b) Armstrong.   c) Presley.

7. Who of the American scientists invented the telephone?

          a) Alexander Bell.   b) Henry Ford. c) Martin King.

8. Who of the American writers wrote books under the name of Mark Twain?

        a) Jack London. b) Samuel Clemens.  c) John Grisham.

9.Which street in New York is called the home of theatres?

           a) The 5,h Avenue.    b) Broadway. c) Fleet Street.

10. What is the traditional meal on Thanksgiving Day?

          a) Fish. b) Pudding. c) Turkey.



        Awareness Quiz on Australia.


  1. What is the offiicial name of the country?
  2. Who are the natives of Australia?
  3. What is the capital of Australia?
  4. What animals are depicted on the Australian coat of arms?
  5. Which tree-loving animal lives in Australia?
  6. Who discovered Australia?
  7. Who is at the head of the country?
  8. What is the longest river in Australia?
  9. What are the largest deserts in Australia?
  10. What city hosted the 2002 Summer Olympic Games?


Multiple Choice Test on Australian Fauna.


1. What animals eat eucalyptus leaves?
a) Dingo. b) Koala. c) Possums.

2. What flightless bird lives in Australia?
a) Parrot.  b) Emu. c) Eagle.

3. Which representative of Australian fauna doesn't use eyes and ears
under water?

a) Platypus. b) Fish. c) Ducks.

  4. Which Australian animals are born the size of a large bean and
then grow taller than a man?
a) Emu. b) Koala. c) Kangaroo.

5. Which of the Australian kangaroos are the largest?
a) Brown and grey.   b) Red and yellow.  c) Green and red.

  1. What animals often attack sheep and are dangerous for people?

      a) Wild dog dingo.    b) Ostrich. c) Platypus.

  1. Which animal is considered to be the king of Australian animals?

      a) Platypus. b) Dingo. c) Kangaroo.

  1. Which of the Australian animals sleeps during the day?

             a) Emu. b) Koala. c) Wallaroos.

  1. Which Australian bird is famous for its mocking laugh?

           a) Borkaburra.      b) Wombat. c) Parrot.

  10. Which marsupial looks like an enormours rat?

        a) Bat. b) Ostrich. c) Wombat.


New Zealand

           Awareness Quiz on New Zealand.


  1. Who is at the head of the country?
  2. What is the capital of New Zealand?
  3. Who are the natives of New Zealand?
  4. What is the symbol of New Zealand?
  5. Who discovered New Zealand?
  6. What is the pride of every New Zealander?
  7. Which city in New Zealand is called "garden city"?
  8. How do New Zealanders call themselves?
  9. What 2 big islands does New Zealand consist of?

 10. What fruit is New Zealand the world's largest producer of?


              Multiple Choice Test on New Zealand.


  1. Which of the islands in New Zealand is the most popular?

 a) North Island.  b) Stuart Island.       c) South Island.

  1. What reptiles do not live in New Zealand?

a) Bears. b) Snakes. c) Waives.

3. Which bird is apteryx in New Zealand?

a) Kiwi.  b) Kakado parrot.     c) Weka.

4. What is the nickname of New Zealanders?

a) Maori. b) Kiwi. c) Islanders.

5. What was the first capital of New Zealand?

a) Wellington. b) Dunedin. c) Auckland.

6. What are the two official languages in New Zealand?

a) English and    b) English and        c) English and

French.   Maori.         German.

7. How are Maori people characterized?

a) Warlike. b) Peaceful. c) Indifferent.

  1. Whom is the Queen of England represented by in New Zealand?

a) Prince. b) Her Minister.       c) Governor General.

  1. What is the political structure of New Zealand?
  1. Constitutional Monarchy.
  2. Parliamentary Republic.
  3. Socialist State.

10. When do children begin to go to school in New Zealand?

a) At the age of 7.        b) At the age of 6.    c) At the age of 5.


         Awareness Quiz on Canada.


  1. How many provinces are there in Canada?
  2. What is the capital of Canada?
  3. What is the symbol of Canada?
  4. Who are the natives of Canada?
  5. What languages do people speak in Canada?
  6. What world's wonder is situated in Canada?
  7. In what Canadian city did the Winter Olympic Games take place once?
  8. What sport is extremely popular in Canada?
  9. Who is at the head of the country?

10. What province is called "the Seat of French Culture"?


             Multiple Choice Test on Canada.


1. What country does Canada border on in the North?

a) The USA. b) Russia. c) Finland.

2. Which is the largest province in Canada?

a) Quebec.    b) Prince Edward.       c) Ontario.

  1. Which agricultural product grown in Canada is world famous?

        a) Flax.   b) Wheat.   c) Potato.

  1. Which tower rises above the Parliament Building in Ottawa?

a) Green Tower.  b) Victoria Tower.        c) Peace Tower.

5. Which museum in Ottawa illustrates the cultures of Eskimos and Indians?

  1. The Museum of Nature.
  2. Laurier House.
  3. The Museum of Civilization.

6. Which May Festival is Ottawa world famous for?

a) Tulip Festival. b) Art Festival. c) Music Festival.

  1. The Queen of what country presents Ottawa with flowers?

 a) Great Britain. b) The Netherlands,    c) Nepal.

  1. In what town does 9-day winter festival  Winderhide take place?

a) Ottawa. b) Toronto. c) Montreal.

  1. In what province is the Niagara Falls situated?

a) Newfoundland.    b) Ontario. c) Nova Scotia.

10. Which syrup is Canada famous for?

a) Maple.       b) Cranberry. c) Lemon.


Слід відзначити переможців вікторини:

2 клас- Хайло Альона

3 клас- Бубликова Марина, Лазаренко Ганна

5 клас- Вєзіров Гай, Смоленко Галя

9 клас – Перегуда Ганна, Калюжна Вікторія



Конкурс «Найкращі знавці англійської мови»

(для учнів 3-5 класів)


У конкурсі беруть участь 3 команди з 4 чоловік.


Завдання 1.

 Кожній команді роздаються картки з англійськими буквами. Членам команд їх треба розташувати в алфавітному порядку.

Завдання 2.

Розфарбувати малюнок відповідно до завдання.


Завдання 3.

Скласти слова з перших букв.                           3 клас


                                                                                    4 клас


                                                                                    5 клас


Завдання 4.

Кожній команді даються картки з буквами. Діти повинні розгадати, яке слово з цих карток можна утворити.

                                                              3 клас







                                                              4 клас








                                                               5 клас









Завдання 5.

Кожній команді даються картки зі словами. Їх треба поставити у правильному порядку, щоб отримати повноцінне речення.

                                                               3 клас









                                                               4 клас









                                                                 5 клас











Завдання 6.

Знайти помилку в кожному реченні та пояснити, як повинно  бути правильно.

                   3 клас

  1. My sister is cook cereal.
  2. I wash always my face in the morning.
  3. I is watching cartoons in the evening.

 4 клас

  1. Did you made coffee yesterday?
  2. I haved a party at home yesterday.
  3. My Dad can run fast when he was a boy.

 5 клас

  1. Nataly is interested of reading fantastic stories.
  2. She is going watch her favourite TV-programme.
  3. The boys of our class like to play the football.


Завдання 7.

Підготувати колективне виконання пісні та вірша англійською мовою.

У цьому конкурсі здобула перемогу команда учениць 3 класу:

Бубликова Марина

Бойко Вікторія

Долгарьова Тетяна

Лазаренко Ганна


2 місце посіла команда 4 класу:

Сідунов Віталій

Горозій Вадим

Ткаченко Олексій

Трохимченко Артем


3 місце посіла команда 5 класу:

Смоленко Галя

Грабар Сергій

Головячов Дмитро

Могилко Каріна

Weak stick («Слабка ланка»)

           для учнів 6-9 класів

Game 1

English sounds and letters

  1. How many letters are there in the word "English"?
  2. How many letters are there in English Alphabet?
  3. What is the first letter in English Alphabet?
  4. What is the last letter in English Alphabet?
  5. How many letters are there in the word "Alphabet"?
  6. What is the sixth letter in English Alphabet?
  7. What letter stands after letter H?
  8. What letter stands after letter X?
  9. What letter gives two sounds (k) and (s)?


  1. What letter gives two sounds (g) and (dz)?
  2. What letter stands between P and R?
  3. What letter stands between К and M?
  4. What sound does letter-combination ar give?
  5. What sound does letter-combination oo give?
  6. What sound does letter-combination ck give?
  7. What is the tenth letter of English Alphabet?
  8. What letter stands before O?
  9. What letter is before L?
  10. What sound does letter-combination sh give?
  11. What sound does letter-combination ch give?
  12. What letter stands between В and D?
  13. What sound does letter-combination ее give?
  14. What letter always stands after letter Q in English words? 24.What letter stands after letter N in word "English"?

Game 2






















  1.            120-15=
  1.                  13*3=
  2.                  75:5=
  3.                  44-13=
  4.                  28*2=
  5.                  55+45=
  6.                  15*3=
  7.                  36:12=
  8.                  99+4=
  9.                  13+48=
  10.                  42:2= 21.100:25=


Game 3


  1. When do we celebrate St.Valentine Day?
  2. What holiday do Ukrainian people celebrate on the 9th of May?
  3. When do Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas Day?
  4. When do English people celebrate Christmas Day?
  5. When do pupils begin to go to school after their long summer holidays?
  6. When do we celebrate Women's Day?
  7. What holiday do we celebrate on the 24th of August?
  8. What holiday do we celebrate on the 28th of June?
  9. What religious holiday do we celebrate in April or May?


  1. What is the main character of New Year in our country?
  2. What is the main decoration in every house on New Year?
  3. When do we celebrate the birthday of Shevchenko?
  4. What season is Halloween celebrated in?
  5. When do the girls congratulate the boys and give them the presents?
  6. When do Ukrainian people celebrate Old New Year?
  7. When do English people celebrate Fool Day?
  8. What professional holiday do we celebrate on the first Sunday of October?
  9. When do Ukrainian pupils have the last bell at school?

Game 4

Other Countries

  1.   What is the capital of Great Britain?
  2.   What is the capital of the USA?
  3.   What is the capital of Russia?
  4.   What is the capital of  Belorus?
  5.   What is the capital of Moldova?
  6.   What river does London stand?
  7.   How many states does the USA have?
  8.   Who was elected the President of Russia on the 2nd of March?

9. Who is the President of  Belorus?

10.What country is Mogilyov situated in?

11.What country is New York situated in?

12.Where are Oxford and Cambridge universities situated?

13.What country is Ben Nevis in?

14.What is the biggest country in Europe?

15.What continent is the USA situated on?

Game 5

Days. Months. Years

  1.   What month has 28 or 29 days?
  2.   How many days has September?
  3.   What month goes after May?
  4.   How many days has March?
  5.   What year is the Second World War finished in?
  6.   What year did Ukraine become an independent state?
  7.   What month is the fourth in year?
  8.   What month is between October and December?
  9.   What is the first month of spring?

10. What is the second month of summer?
ll. What is the fourth day of the week in Ukraine?
12. What day of the week goes after Tuesday?

Game 6


  1. The oldest city in Ukraine.
  2. What region is Vovchansk situated in?
  3. What seas is Ukraine washed by?
  4. What mountains are situated in Ukraine?
  5. What is the longest river in Ukraine?
  6. What city is the second capital of Ukraine?
  7. What colours does flag of Ukraine have?
  8. What is the main street of our capital?

9.Who was the first President of Ukraine?

Game 7 Final

  1. What is the 5th letter in the word "architecture"?
  2. What is the 6th letter in the word "sculpture"?
  3. How many letters are there in the word "competition"?
  4. How many letters are there in the word "comfortable"?
  5. What auxiliary verbs are there in Present Perfect?
  6. What auxiliary verbs are there in Future Simple?


Переможницею цього конкурсу стала учениця 8 класу Жулій Каріна


Конкурс на кращого виконавця англійських віршів


У цьому конкурсі взяли участь:

  1. Калашнікова Ангеліна (2 клас)
  2. Ситнікова Аліна(2клас)
  3. Мягкий Кирило (3 клас)
  4. Долгарьова Тетяна (3 клас)
  5. Лазаренко Ганна (3 клас)
  6. Єфіменко Вероніка (4 клас)
  7. Кузіна Наталя (4 клас)
  8. Могилко Каріна (5 клас)
  9. Смоленко Галина (5 клас)
  10.        Головач Лілія (5 клас)
  11.        Вєзіров Гай (5 клас)
  12.        Лошак Галина (6 клас)
  13.        Горозій Ганна (6 клас)
  14.        Гога Роман ( 6 клас)
  15.        Завізіон Дар’я (7 клас)
  16.        Крутько Ірина (7 клас)
  17.        Свергунов Денис (7 клас)
  18.        Жулій Каріна (8 клас)
  19.        Дудник Наталя (8 клас)
  20.        Горозій Ігор  (9 клас)
  21.        Трунов Сергій (9 клас)


Найкращими серед читачів було визначено:

Долгарьову Тетяну

Вєзірова Гая

Гогу Романа

Жулій Каріну

Дудник Наталю,

а учнівський колектив 5 класу виборов перемогу у цьому конкурсі.


Звіт гурткаEnglish Drama Club


15 квітня у школі був проведений звіт гуртка ENGLISH DRAMA CLUB.

Гуртківцями було підготовлено 3 невеличких казочки і 1 уривок казки англійською мовою. Першою постановою був уривок казки “The Mouse And Its Tail”. У постанові цієї казки взяли участь учні п‘ятого класу:

  • Mouse – Смоленко Галя
  • Cat – Ілюхіна Крістіна
  • Cow- Головач Лілія
  • Farmer – Головячов Дмитро
  • Butcher – Вєзіров Гай

D:\Helen\english drama club2011\SAM_2043.JPG                  D:\Helen\english drama club2011\SAM_2045.JPG

            “Please give me some milk.”            “Please give me some meat.”


Друга казка The Three Little Pigs”, вона добре відома для всіх дітей з самого малку.

Її підготували учні 6 класу.

Дійові особи:

  • Pink Pig – Смоленко Галя
  • Black Pig – Трунова Таня
  • Black Pig – Сипко Марина
  • Big Вad Wolf – Гога Роман                             

   D:\Helen\english drama club2011\SAM_2056.JPG             D:\Helen\english drama club2011\SAM_2058.JPG

“ Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf?”   “ I have made my house of

                                               sticks, house of sticks…”

D:\Helen\english drama club2011\SAM_2060.JPG


“I’ll puff, I’ll huff and I’ll blow your house down”


Третя казка – “Golden Fish .  Її підготували учні 8-9 класів. Щодо цієї казки, вона дійсно є однією з улюблених казок всіх дітей.

Дійові особи:

  • Old  Man – Сивожелєзов Кирило
  • Old Woman – Перегуда Ганна
  • Golden Fish – Жулій Каріна


D:\Helen\english drama club2011\SAM_2063.JPG


“Oh, you old devil!”

D:\Helen\english drama club2011\SAM_2064.JPG

"Fish, oh fish! Stand with your tail on the sea and your head facing me."


Четвертою за порядком була постанова відомої казки Masha And the Bear.


Дійові особи:

  • Bear- Трунов Сергій
  • Masha – Горозій Ганна
  • Grandmother – Дудник Наталя
  • Grandfather – Сивожелєзов Кирило

D:\Helen\english drama club2011\SAM_2072.JPG

“May I go to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries with my friends?”


              D:\Helen\english drama club2011\SAM_2077.JPG                              

“What is in the basket?”


Перед глядачами також виступили переможці конкурсу на краще читання віршів англійською мовою.


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Учень 5 класу Гай Вєзіров.           Учениця 3 класу Долгарьова


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Учень 6 класу Гога Роман.

Цього ж дня відбувся конкурс на краще виконання пісень англійською мовою . Учні всіх класів підготували виступи.


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Учні 2 класу виконали 2 пісні: “Happy Birthday!” та “Good Night, Father!”


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Учні п’ятого класу теж підготували 2 пісні: “If You Are Happy” та “This is The Way…”

Учні 3 класу не тільки проспівали, а й підготували інсценізацію трьох пісень.

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Пісня “Head and Shoulders”

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Пісня“Teddy Bear”

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Пісня “Mulberry Bush”

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Учениця цього ж класу Бубликова Марина спробувала й сама проспівати англійською мовою. Вона підготувала пісню “ABC”.

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Учні 6 класу підготували пісню “Jingle Bells”.

Соліст Зозуля Данило.

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Дівчата 7 класу співали жартівливу пісню “Five Little monkeys”.

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Дівчата 8 класу підготували ритмічну пісню “Hockey-Pockey”.


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Дівчата 9 класу Перегуда Ганна та Калюжна Віка спробували себе у ролі популярних співачок. Вони підготували сучасну популярну пісню “What Do You want?’’


   По закінченню пісенного конкурсу та звіту “English Drama Club”-   було визначено клас-переможець у конкурсі пісень – 3 клас, визначено найкращого актора - ученицю 9 класу Перегуду Ганну, а також було підведено підсумки всього тижня англійської мови. Всі переможці та активні учасники заходів були нагороджені грамотами та солодкими подарунками.  Найкращі знавці англійської мови у кожному класі отримали спеціальні призи – календарики зі своїм власним зображенням.






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Англійська мова, Сценарії
14 січня 2019
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