План-уроку на тему "Music styles" 8 клас

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План-уроку з навчання монологічного мовлення на тему "Music styles" 8 клас
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Клас  8ш

Тема: Music.

Підтема: Music styles.

Сфера спілкування: публічна.

Тематика ситуативного спілкування: музика.

Мовний інвентар:  PresentSimple; I wish I could,  jazz, rap, rock, classical, listening to, album, ,

Намір вчителя:

  • Практикувати учнів в монологічному мовленні;
  • Активізувати уміння аудіювання;
  • активізувати уміння читання;
  • активізувати лексичний матеріал учнів з теми «Музика»;
  • розвивати вміння логічно передавати свою думку.

Очікуваний результат:

  • вміє висловлювати думку;
  • використовує уміння аудіювання;
  • використовує уміння читання;
  • розуміє лексичний матеріал учнів з теми «Музика»;

Обладнання уроку: дошка, роздатковий матеріал, аудіозаписи.



















Схематичний план уроку

І. Початок уроку. Організація класу.

1. Привітання. (1 хв.)

2. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку. (1 хв.)

ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. (5хв.)

Виконання завдання. (5хв.)

Робота із словами. (4 хв.)

Прослуховування аудіозапису та виконання тесту (5 хв.)

Складання монологів ( 10 хв.)

Розігрування та обговорення монологів ( 9 хв.)

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.

1. Підбиття підсумків. (2 хв.)

2. Рефлексія. (1 хв.)

3. Пояснення домашнього завдання. (2 хв.)




















І. Початок уроку. Організація класу.

Good afternoon, students, I am very glad to see everyone and I hope you are ready for the lesson.

Today we will talk with you about music.

To begin with I would like to ask you a few questions :

what genres of music do you know?

 how often do you listen to music ?

how can music affect a person's condition?


ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

Look at the blackboard, please, and read the motto of our lesson: “Without music life would be boring and colorless” And   give me your own definition of the word ‘music’.

T : We’ve already learnt a lot of words and expressions about music. What musical instruments can you remember? Look at the blackboard! Let’s revise them.

 So, your first task is

 “Guess the word”










Children, can you play the  musical instruments?

Express your regret. For example:

As for me I wish I could play the guitar.

 T:  All right. Well done. Thank you. We know some kinds of music. What are they?  

2) Let’s make up a spider-gram.

rap  rock and roll         R@B                                                                            jazz                                                 classical

                   punk                           MUSIC                          techno

                 reggae                                                                     pop

          folk hip hop                     rock   

T : The next task for you is

 “Guess the music style”

I’ll give you cards with the texts. Your task is to read   and understand the   texts and  match the type of music to the definitions.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

Pop music, classical music, reggae, folk music, jazz, punk, country, rap.
1.--------is played by a big orchestra in a concert hall.

2.--------comes originally from black American musicians.

3.--------is played by young people with brightly coloured hair.

4.--------usually offers simple tunes which are popular for a short time.

5.-------- music is usually played on the guitar, banjo and violin.

6.------- is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.

7.------- comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long period .

8.------- is often played freely, not following written music.

9.------- has a strong , loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments.

T : Look at the blackboard, you can see the new words. Try to memorize them. It will help you to enrich your vocabulary.

combination –[ kɒmbɪˈneɪʃn ]- поєднання

reflect – [ rɪˈflekt] - відображати

idea – [aɪˈdɪə ] - думка, ідея, 

emotion –[ ɪˈməʊʃn ] емоція, 

tragedies –[ ˈtrædʒ.ə.di ]- трагедія, трагічна ситуація

urgent –[ ɜːdʒənt ] - нагальний,

poignant –[ ˈpɔɪ.njənt  ]- болісний, гострий

compose – [kəmˈpəʊz ] задумувати

prefer [prɪˈfɜː(r)] віддавати перевагу,

entertain – [entəˈteɪn ] - розважати


Now  be careful, I will read and then will be test

Nicola: So Kate, tell me about your favorite music!

Kate: I'd say my favorite music would have to be the Beatles.

Nicola: Yeah.

Kate: I love the Beatles, cause they always make me happy and I've grown up with the Beatles

Nicola: Uh-huh, so you're parents listen to it?

Kate: Yeah, so we have all these old 45's when I was younger and this record player, and so we had loads of like Simon and Garfunkel and the Beatles and the Stones so that was the music I grew up listening to, and that's what I still really love.

Nicola: Oh, awesome, and so do you like have a favorite song or?

Kate: Yeah, probably it's "Happiness is a warm gun" which is on the White Album.

Nicola: Yeah, right, right, cool.

Kate: I love all their albums. But I haven't been to Liverpool yet. I'dliketogo. Thatwouldbenice.

Nicola: And do you have a favorite Beatle?

Kate: John Lennon, definitely. He's definitely the coolest. I like his songs.

Nicola: Do you like his individual work?

Kate: Yeah.

Nicola: Yeah

Kate: Yeah. Some of them, like "Imagine" is really good. Yeah, he's definitely my favorite. Though, I quite like George as well. That was sad when he died, cause he was, yeah, he was real individual. I like Ringo, but Paul not so much.



1) Why does she like the Beatles?

 a) Their songs make her happy

 b) She likes the beat

 c) She thought they were cute

2) How did she listen to them?

 a) On a record player

 b) On a tape cassette

 c) On the radio

3) What does she want to do?

 a) Buy every album

 b) Go to Liverpool

 c) Meet a Beatle

4) Who was her favorite Beatle?

 a) Ringo

 b) John

 c) Paul

5) Who is her least favorite Beatle?

 a) George

 b) Ringo

 c) Paul

T: And now you need to come up with 6-7 sentences about your favorite musician  using new words from the vocabulary

. While one tells the topic, others fill in the table.






Quantity of replicas











ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.


the lesson is over. I would like to know what was the most difficult, interesting and new? it was a pleasure to work with you. Goodbye.

homework :  write a story about your favorite musician.


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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 лютого 2021
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